Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Excuse Me Miss.

And....we're back.

Alright.  I'm anticipating this post, just as much as you are, because we feel something "special" is in the air.  Just have to be patient here, and let our Editor in The Sky lead us how He sees fit.  I'm just a simply yet very complexed kid who just wants to have fun and love.  That's all.  Its repetitive, I know, but that basically sums us all up.  Its not about the money or looks or fame, that really gets us going, it's all about learning and creating the best version of us possible.  Hopefully share a few stories, no matter how embarrassing they may get, but that's who we are.  As we've said before, I have yet to have anyone write about their ascension to the top yet.  It's all after-tha-fact.  But we feel like, and felt like why not put ourself out there and keep this thang as real as possible.  Right now, we feel like we're in that "uh-huh" stage of our life.  When all that u've been through, and all the difficult lessons that...

Well, I guess that's tha spill on today, and for me, myself and I.  Here we go...again....

Nuthin' good comes easy.  Huh.

This is a diary, right?!!  So I can write this thang like it's just me and a piece of paper since if this wasn't plastered in Cyberspace, this is what I'll be writing about anyway.  Might as well, talk real on 2nite...

Recently we've been talking a lot about our "fire", I guess so to speak.  We don't talk about this to brag, or even to get symphony letters or anything.  We just talk about this thang because it's what's developed inside of us...and not by choice either.

We've always been an emotional guy.  Whether playing hoops through high school and through college.  I was fortunate to be captain of our teams some years.  Huh.  We thought the other day how there may not be too many, if any, who can honestly say that they arguably played on the best teams in their school's history.  We're blessed to say that in regards to 8th grade (Undefeated team)...Freshman...JV...High School...and even college (Actually top 2 teams in our college's history).  That's kind of cool, and a blessing at tha same time.  On tha court, and in many ways we were that emotional leader for tha squad.  Whether in tha huddle, or trying to keep teammates motivated, that's just who we were.  And while playing, we'd be diving on tha court, trying to put on a show with no-look passes, do anything to get people involve and to feel the emotion of tha game.  I don't know where this is heading, but let's tough it out.

But life is krazy.  Over tha last "cough, cough" years, it seems like tha things that mean and have meant tha most to me, have giving me the toughest, how shall I say this...I guess challenges, or lessons, or to be honest pain.  Those two things were...

Love and Basketball.

That was a great movie back in tha day two...Those two areas, that I loved and appreciated since seemingly birth, were tha areas that God allowed to test me...HARD!  Sometimes they even intertwined, I mean, I can recall my Senior day game, which is tha last home game of the season in college.  With my Moms and Pops in tha hizzle.  For that game, some students wore jerseys of some of the seniors on tha squad.  Everybody was represented, even some dudes who weren't seniors, except...yeah...Now many of those who represented tha senior boys, who were my boys, were girlfriends or what have you, some weren't.  But when u think about how when I first came on tha squad with my guys we were a team winning five games a season til our final season being in tha NCAA tourney, and us having an impact on that turnaround (That can't be argued , and for us not to see anybody, yet we knew just about most of tha school??? Humm...After tha game, even my folks said, "Who was wearing your jersey?"  I kind of smiled and thought "if u only knew all the stuff I had to go through with girls and yet things still haven't worked out."  Outside I was joking but inside I was burning and thinking, "It's like that, huh?"

So when I'm doing something, or when I think that "I'm all that and a bag of Cheetos", I think back to that bull and say, "I'm gonna show 'em...I'm gonna show 'em."


This is about to get good, I can feel it.  Let's continue....

Ain't it amazing how if you think u're tha best in something, u're gonna get tried so hard that u are gonna have to even consider who u think u are, and what u represent?  If u a gangsta, like u say u are, then a fight breaks out at tha club or something, let's see how tough u are...U're an aspiring model, and think ur tha sexiest thang in like Iowa, move down to Miami, where tha competition on 'looks' is mega-strong, how do u react?  U better use some of ur other skills...U've always dreamed about owning ur own clothing store, just as u open up ur doors, the retail market drops, how do u react?  It's like life takes a giggle, and puts things in ur life to see if ur who u say u are.  But that's true, Austino, how tough and bad do u want it.

I talk about this love thang so much throughout our diary, but I hope people don't think that I asked for these crazy experiences to enter our life.  Then again...maybe I did.  Maybe when we asked for the most beautiful girl in tha world, there was a B-side to tha package.  Somebody feels me I just know it!  Let's get real...

Today, a question popped into our head, and I decided to ask some people's opinion on it.  The question was tha following..."What would a girl think if a guy approached her even though he knew the she had a man?"  Now before u say, "Eww!" or "Please" (With a neck twist, and a snap in tha air!) Let me set tha scene a little bit...Man, I hope I don't get myself into trouble for being too real and up front, but "This is my party, get fly if u want to, get...." I better stop.  But I love tha song from Mr. F-a-b-o-lous!  Now, back to tha scene...

A lot of girls, who happen to have boyfriends have given us tha greatest hits in our...that's a bad phrase cuz u might get tha wrong idea...they have made tha best cameos in our amor novela.  And it's been super tough, cuz these girls are mad beautiful, all colors and shapes, and when they've been around us, u wouldn't even know they were wife'd up.  Heck, living together with cats and stuff...That put us in tough situations, like what do we do?  Should we tame things down like, "this girl is really digging us, and it's getting scary..." or do we just be like, "Shorty, ur man ain't doing u right, I can feel tha electricity when ur even within arm reach of us, u need to leave that chicken dinner."  It's a sticky situation.  Hold back...or go as LL says, "If his love is real / he's gotta handle competition" route.

So right now, on this Tuesday morning, I was thinking about this one girl who I think is really fine.  I should call out her name, but ish will hit tha fan, and I don't have a "Manure Only" jacket on right now!  That'll make a great joke at a 80s fashion comedy show...See in tha 80's Member's Only jackets were popular, but I said ish instead of #$%! , but still Manure means...Aw...forget it!...I saw her tha other day, and its rare that I can't even look at somebody, but...has anyone else been in a situation where u know that if u and this other person catch eyes, u don't know what's gonna go down.  From making out with people watching to eskimo kissing from fondaling body parts to as Iron Mike Tyson would say, even to "sodomizing" folks, c'mon y'all, I know I ain't tha only one who's caught feelings?!!

She was around us, and I was like, and I kind of felt it from her cuz I walked by her, and she like "ignored" us in a way that u can feel that she knew u were around. That's another thang I've learned about females...

Silence can sometimes positively speak louder than words.

That thought is for another day.  But I felt this girl, and not too long ago we were just talking, and I felt like...how shall I put this.  She has this attitude, that I don't even think she has, where's she's super cool, she really doesn't give a hoot, and the ultimate in our book, she's somebody who can keep it real with us, joke with us, and look at us in a way in which she's not intimidated by me personally and/or our lifestyle.  Wow!  U just got secret insight to what I look for in a girl!  Shhh..that's top secret!  But...she has a boyfriend.

I was thinking about this girl today, and off and on some the last few days or so...When am I not thinking about a girl right?!!  It's somebody new every day and week it seems, but our life is exposed to some cool beauties...so what can I say.  Now, many people would just be like that's so disrespectful to approach a girl who's taken, but..and I've never done this...yet...

But what if this girl ain't happy in her relationship.  Which happens a lot. There's a lot of people who are with somebody just because u know...either they don't wanna go solo on the rent, or they like telling people that the have "someone" or they can't live alone and are willing to put up with any and everything just to have that drama in their life.  What I was pondering is that, "I'm tired of interacting with all these dames who show feelings towards us, or flirt excessively with us" and me being tha one who's left holding tha bags.  Which are Gucci by tha way...Maybe she's not happy with her man, or not happy with herself, and by having somebody just tell her that she's special, and smart and sexy can be tha boost if not for her to make a decision to leave this chump, it might actually make her re-la...tion...watch urself Galaxia...ship stronger cuz now she knows she's wanted by others, and that she's a catch.

Everybody, at least I know I do, want to every once in awhile be acknowledge that ur special or sexy or something by somebody besides someone who kind of has to show love or inspiration.  U may not get it all tha time, but it sure will be nice.  I always say...

Just because a girl's a beauty queen, doesn't mean she still doesn't want to hear, "You're beautiful" every once in a while.

That was on our mind today, and it's especially intriguing for us, cuz like we say, we come in contact daily it seems with so many girls and people in general, and it's easy to assume that somebody is being treated right. Oh, that guy has a girlfriend, heck that girl may be one of those party girls who doesn't even call to say, 'Hi' unless she wants something, or somebody has a boyfriend, but that guy treats tha girl like dirt, and she's just waiting for somebody to give her that one spark of confidence to move on.  She thinks this jerk is tha only one who thinks she's attractive so that's why she stays.

We associate so many things or titles in life with the meaning of, "Everything's hunky dory" when that ain't tha case.  See somebody playing hoops in some Jordan's and cats automatically think he got game...or somebody's a doctor, and they miss a day or work due to illness, heck doctor's get sick too dude!  So just because somebody's married, or dating somebody or living with somebody, doesn't automatically mean that they're happy or what not.

And just because somebody's physically attractive doesn't mean they got it made either.  People don't wanna give compliments because they're thinking, "They hear it all tha time, I'm not pumping up their ego."  But they may not...Just like tha girl who's mad pretty and has it all from looks to brains, and fashion sense, and love of life, people think she's tha one throwing men in and out her life like a revolving door, when she's at home chillin' night after night after night...cuz dude's have that fear of rejection in their mind...cuz dude's don't feel like they are worthy of her presence...and because dudes automatically think she's dating somebody just because she's pretty...inside and out.

There's no doubt in my mind, that whoever I end up with, in many ways is gonna have gone through this stage stated above.  I even told my Moms this...she's gonna be a girl, who's so pretty that guys are intimidated by her, yet in reality she's tha coolest girl in tha world...and Galaxy....

Before I go, I guess, let me just say this...to myself especially.  We claim ourself to be like the ultimate destination, meaning u have to go through a lot of trials, and tribulations, and heartbreaks, and then ur reward is...us.  Only then can u appreciate what we bring to tha table.  I keep that in our heart, as we all should feel the exact same way, that hey, I've surivived stuff and people that no one thought I could...or I made it through a job position where I began groping tha night before I even had to go in, but now I made it through, and appreciate the lessons, which make me special, and give me that fire I need.

Real talk.

Here's a quote that's now on my fridge, and I guess it describes the egotiscal value we all should put on ourself...

"If we value our uniqueness, We value everything about us.  We don't need 2 look for a model of perfect beauty when we realize that our beauty can't be duplicated."

So to answer my question, I'm gonna let tha moment speak not only for this girl or that girl, but for life itself, and if I feel like telling somebody that they are special...I will. U may think that somebody else does or will, but u never know...they may only have one somebody to do that....

And that somebody just....may...be...you.

Rock on and have fun!  Oh...

And here's another quote from my Grandpa Roy C. Martin, that didn't make tha cut tha other day...

"It's no use in being nice, if nobody knows you are."

Bye and  Air Smooches!
Austino Galaxia.

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