Monday, May 20, 2013

U-Turns into a Cake.

Is anybody else disturbed at tha fact that we have so many people walking around with baby strollers here in Miami, but with no actual baby inside?!  I mean, is this tha new 'fade' of 2013?  Down here in tha M.I.A. we see so many things that just bump our head, and recently I'm seeing all these people walking around South Beach and in tha mainland of Miami, and right before I'm about to bend down and utter, "La-dy Ga-ga...Goo-Goo" to these shorties, I pause and am like, "This is a roll up bag of laundry?!"  I don't get it, and I promise you, I saw a baby doll in a baby stroller pushed by a grown person.  Now, I used to flip through and see those old horror movies starring Chucky, but with all that money made off of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video, u tell me homeboy doesn't have any dinero saved up to at least ride in a Hummer stroller?!!  Miami is wild dude...

And that's tha lead off paragraph into another post with yours truly.  It's getting wild ain't it?!...Alright, I'm about to go off.  I CANNOT stand it when u purchase a frozen food, get back home, and they "jipped" u out on a chicken breast or tenderloin.  Like, just now, I opened up my, what do u call these things made by Perdue, ah yes, a bag of Chicken Cutlets (I get tickled when I write that!) from Purdue's...Sorry, I forgot I'm not writing this from Indiana and Boilermaker country...Perdue's Simply Smart series and the ganked me out of 1 cutlet.  That package specifically told me, "Serving Size:  7 per Package" and they only given me 6.  That's like me going out with a girl, and she texting me all week, "Saturday Night is gonna be fun."  And then when tha weekend hits, ur sitting in this old basement playing the game Battleship, eating nothing but Bugles and Gummie Bears, all the while in tha background all u can hear is the classic 2008 Wimbledon tennis match from a few years ago between Federer and Nadal, which is cool, except that homegirl says she's not gonna do anything until that match is over, which just happens to last like 5 hours.  So basically ur serving Love-Zero for the entire night!  Ha Ha!  I can't stand when that happens cuz u feel like u get...shorted.

Tonight is gonna be filled with weird stuff only found in Miami, so get urself prepared!

Ok, so early this morning I was over in tha South Miami section of town, and as I turned off of US-1 onto Sunset, I noticed, well first I noticed this police officer on a motorcycle do like a U-turn of sorts, which I'll get into in a bit, but he turned over to this side street in front of SM's City Hall, and there were like 3 or 4 cop cars over there.  First off, I was looking to see if it was anybody I recognized, cuz if it was, I for dag gone sure was gonna be on it next Monday when the city releases everybody's mug shot who got arrested within tha last several days online for tha world to see.  That's an "Only in Miami" thing right there.  U got folks at home yelling, "Hey, Bookie, come here...Chauncey's picture is online, right now.  He famous!"  Didn't recognize tha face but what I did see was that the subject that was apprehended (That sounds so Dragnet!), was wearing, and I'm not kidding you, he was actually wearing a hospital gown!  Like he just ran away from from his hospital bed, with nothing but his gown on, with the slit going down from his neck...his back...Lick my pu...I better not get wound up.  But I had never, ever seen anything like that before.  Cops are not getting folks if they run out of the hospital.  Can't u see like a hospital manager like screaming from the window as he was running away.  "Hey You!  Bring me back my robe, I got a budget to keep!!"  And we all know living in Miami, it's always about saving up them dollars!

Getting back to this U-turn thang.  It's becoming an epidemic here in Tha Magic City.  People are U-turning in tha wildest places, and over tha craziest things and positions.  U can just be driving along on any giving street and a SUV will just pull a U'ey on tha humbug.  Recently in a string of like 5 NY blocks, I almost got hit by 3 cars trying to get there runaway on.  I didn't know if people were trying to put a hit out on me or what.  For real...Huh...that brings up another story matter of fact.  I have had a wild life....

So I was in college right, and I remember one of my best homeboys was I guess "messing with" this one girl. Doing his thang with her or what not, and evidently she began to get to feening for him.  Like in a possessive way.  I"m gonna try to make this short...So he didn't really want anything to do with her, but she wouldn't get tha message.  My clan of friends would even and still when we talk about her call her by "Crazy Such and Such" if u catch our drift.  What's messed up about her was that she was attractive, wore those geeky glasses to hide her freakness, with red-hair, and she took care of her body, she was right.  Little did we know...

One afternoon, I'm walking back to my dorm with my guy JB and this other cool homegirl.  And as we were crossing tha road in tha middle of school, her's this Chick-Fil-A comes speeding down in her SUV and tries to take all three, but mainly me and JB out!  Like she ran us into the gravel pit of rocks on tha side.  Then she just continued to speed off like it was nuthin'!  Telling u, I've had knives pulled out on me by girls, been almost taken out by ladies via vehicle, wrestled girls in tha golden sand of beaches...oh wait, that wasn't a bad thing I guess!  But we've...

I shake our head.  Last night, I was just thinking and basically laughing about ALL the episodes and some of the people who've come in and out of our life...just since we've been down here in Miami.  I can get kind of upset, and let me just be open about it, I can get really upset about all the steps that I've had to endure and go through.  Don't think I've uttered Fornication Under the Consent of the King so much in my life, as I have recently.  Just because of the fire that's within us, and the wondering of why did this happen or why did that person make a cameo or how come it has to take me so long, when for others it doesn't?  All these questions go through our mind.  We can be a trip...either to Disney World or to tha Asylum!

The other day I heard somebody talking about how having "a sense of urgency shouldn't choke the process."  That's a quote.  Cuz as I look at our life...I'm being too personal tonight, I know, but hey if u've read our stuff previously u know what's up.  Our life has been a huge process.  And I didn't understand that.  Seems like we were born and embedded by my parents and family and friends that "anything is possible."  I've always just imagined our life being something special or I guess "galactic".  I mean, I sign my name with "stars" dotting the 'I's' of my name.  So that should tell you something about us  right there....These Cutlets are good has hecky doo right now!  Now I'm really salty they didn't give me that other one...It's just that we've been surrounded by so much, it's tough to explain...

Like so many who come down here to Miami, u have this 'sense' about you.  Let's just be honest, if u just move down here, and are not like relocated by a job, u have to have so kind of ego to even come down here.  For real...Not only the city, but if u live here in South Beach, u really got to have some kind of  "self-assureness" about urself.  Cuz SoBe don't play.  It kind of describes us in a way.  U either "Love it or hate it".  There isn't any in between.  What I didn't realize though as we were advancing through the episodes like the TV Lost, is there are necessities in order for you to be who u wanna be in life.  You can read all the books in tha world, or talk to ur homeys or girlfriends and they can tell you, "Child, tha same thang happened to me, all u gotta do is this", but u got to experience it for yourself.

We're a HUGE, and I do mean HUGE fan of autobiographies and people telling their stories.  In many ways I think we've been studying up on a lot of things from other people unaware.  When u become famous or when u become a big boss, u see things and think its easy.  Like...Ok, I know how to handle it when I get a lot of money, how to spend it, how to save it....But u don't realize how u spend $100 can reflect how ur gonna spend $1000 or $1 million.  Or if u have some fame, and have a lot of women after you, u think that's not that hard to handle, I've seen a lot of beauties, seen it all, done them all.  What u don't realize is that perhaps u have go through certain situations to prepare you for that lifestyle.  So Austin, u may have to be tested with how are u gonna spend ur next check at the Weekend Only sale at Urban Outfitters  (Which was this past weekend and u talking about a recovering shop-a-holic's nightmare!) or save up cash for later in the week when u know going to be out and about.  Or with the Girl thing (Or guy thing if ur a girl), if u want this lifestyle or even want tha ultimate soulmate or love, u may have to endure through all the bad apples to really experience good apple pie!  That's why...

My Moms told me, "You're not made for everybody."  I kind of scoffed at that, but now I believe that's ultra-true.  Just because u're made for 'anybody' doesn't mean ur made for 'everybody'.  Yao Ming! And there are certain situations and people u just have to go through to get to tha one or lifestyle u want or dreamed about.  People may think it's conceited to say this, but I really keep on saying that tha doll I end up, is gonna  be someone who's been heartbroken and has gone through tha game, and has simply put...LIVED. And that's not age discriminatory either.  This type of gal will appreciate how I treat her, what I have, tha fun I possess, and yada, yada, yada, more than somebody who just is getting their feet wet.  Somebody may need to hear this so I'm writing a little extra tonight. Forgive me if its boring or what not... If ur just coming into dating or getting to know urself sort of, and date a guy like me, I think u can get spoiled and think that life is "Supposed" to be this way, and it's not a luxury, u know.  It's like a rookie coming into the NBA and wins tha championship without tha struggle.  That's great, but a sense of entitlement or "it's always gonna be like this" can creep in.  As well as complacency....

I used to get pretty upset at how many of my experiences with girls ended.  Most of which without any closure.  Which is the most difficult.  Cuz with "closure" u can at least get a 'if we see each other at tha mall, we'll speak' or a hug in public, or even a kiss good-bye.  But when u have that open endedness to a friendship or coolness between two people that can be tough.  Cuz now u have to decide how to handle this.  Should I be cool...Should I just cuss this person out when they told me they were busy but are out on tha town...Or should u take tha high road, even though inside it hurts to see that person's face.  Like I said that's a situational step that's necessary to advance and grow.

Then another facet of I guess Love, that I couldn't understand is how everybody's different.  Like just because ur attractive to 10 people straight that 11 person may not be into you.  I guess I think of myself as a super car like a Lambo or Ferrari.  A pristine one by tha way! (Wink!)  Everybody wants to drive me, right???  Like ah...No!  And then once a possible relationship would end, I get into that old SNL mirror scene, this time South Beach style.  U know, when u look in tha mirror and begin to talk to urself, naked or not..." can they not want this?!"  U go through all ur positive characteristics u think u have or did..."I'm nice...I got some ducketts...I drive...I live in...I have the body of...I approached her professionally...and she's likes somebody who doesn't work out, doesn't give a hoot about her feelings...who doesn't call her, even tho' he says he is...doesn't dress like..."  U go through all those things. I may be tha only one who's done that and if so "bunk it" I just have to be tha only one.  But what I'm learning is that sometimes people want to be part of tha...ah...process.

Meaning, like if I say, "I want to meet a girl who's educated school wise, and has dreams."  Then I meet a girl who has a Master's degree and is pursuing some kind of Entrepreneurship training.  I could be like, "She ain't tha one for me", even though that's tha girl u want. Simply because u want that long-term characteristic yet short term u think that's too much for you, and that u can't bring nothing to tha table which is total bull.  Huh.  This just hit us...

"Some people want tha cake catered in...while others want to be in tha kitchen to help bake tha cake."

Thus, I would get upset when a gal would appreciate tha cake, but wanted to have a hand in making it.  I could run off of that...Cuz it's true for guys and girls.  What's going on is a shift, I think.  I believe now, more people are realizing that dealing with tha drama trying out all these different recipes, and flour flying everywhere, and all the times running through the house while the cake is in the oven making it flat, just ain't worth it.  The type of girls I'm attracted to, I know feel like they want somebody who has it together.  Yeah, it's exciting to go through the afternoon, but sometimes at the end u figure u might as well go out to Publix or Misha's and we could have saved a lot of time in tha first place.

It's all personal.  And I'm closing cuz I've already exposed how we think about things, which sometimes I still feel is embarrassing but...

Our whole thing when it comes to this gospel of Fun and Love, is to have an open mind.  U know what just hit us, about that cake thing, sometimes it's good to know how to make a cake urself!  And to know tha recipe and steps needed urself!  Oh God!!  NO WONDER I'M SO CONFUSED!!  Just joking, but u have to have an open mind.  And that can only be gotten through experiences...Which can be difficult, and if u want to reach ur ultimate dreams, many times they are unwanted.

That's it.  I'm covering my eyes cuz even though we've written over 300 posts plus, I can still get a little weird when we talk from our heart.  This stuff is like private gems that only special people will ever read.  Those who want to reach tha top.  It's an exclusive club.  I'm just a kid who wants to love and have fun.  That's it.  Hopefully that illuminates from us.  For some reason we feel like it's about to shine a little brighter...

Until it Glows in Tha Dark.

Sorry for tha length.
Bye, and two fingers kiss on ur lips.
Austin Lamont Williams aka Sir Galaxia.

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