Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Rites of Fun?

This is hands down the most anticipated diary entries we've ever had...Ever.

I say that for numerous reasons...One.  Over tha last 24 hours we've contemplated this being our absolutely, and positively final diary post we'll ever write.  In some ways we've felt like u got more than enough of us, over these last 2 years, and I've said too much, and revealed too much about ourself, and I don't think nobody would ever figure us out anyway, so what's tha use.

Two.  This is really, and I do mean really an intriguing one to write because I'm deciding if I should write if I'm writing to tha the rest of The Galaxy.  Or if I should write like its just me and this diary.

Three.  I'm borderline enthusiastic...yet borderline teed off about some stuff that has happened recently.  I feel like somebody wants to read about our feelings over some things.  And our ego of "us being tha best" is starting to kick in some.

So who knows what may happen here tonight, or over the weekend or what have you.  But if this is our last diary entry of all-time, which it may be...This is gonna be that best thing u've ever read.

We're gonna fight through this one, and tonight is dedicated to all those who have checked us out on their phone, on their computer, as they were lying in bed, or on a break from their j-o-b.  I appreciate ur energy which I have felt tremendously, there has been a need somewhere for our life to be put out there like never before.  And tonight's special edition is dedicated to you...and only you.

I hope u get ur camera out, cuz I feel it y'all.  This is gonna be our defining post.


As I sit down in front of our computer,
For what may be our last time.
Thoughts of today are running rapid,
Voices everywhere wanting to in chime.

Write about this or write about that,
So much has been written already bout me.
Just a kid who wants to have fun, and simply love,
And one day everybody will all see.

Let's scrap this thang as put right now,
Just like Copperfield, put on a show.
The heart is the best mirror for the soul,
By reading our diary, u should already know.

Austino Galaxia is our name,
Although some call us, "O", "Flash" or "Pooh".
Doesn't matter what u call me, just pronounce it right,
Ga-lax-cee-ya...Correction on vowels is no longer due.

Who are we?  A good question, right,
For this Thursday night discussion of choice.
Tha words have been written, a million times,
Yet what's behind this optimistic voice.

Tonight, I want to open and close tha door,
Grab ur friends, and call up ur girls.
Tell 'em, he's writing possibly for final go,
Yank out a drink that won't afterwards have u hurl.

Are you ready? I know I am,
And I'm writing this with a certain girl in mind.
I should call out her name, just because,
Gonna take tha high road and just be kind.

Nothing in tha world can compare to us,
When we are motivated more than ever.
Like watching Pitt or De Niro, after tabloid hype,
Or seeing a Spielberg flick and walking out thinking...How cleaver.

There's this misconception about us, I believe,
An intimidation or aura of something weird.
Don't understand it, but it's there, I feel it,
Is it our diary, or our Beckham 5 o'clock beard.

To be tha best, and to have the most fun,
Phrases that conquer our mind at ever turn.
Step by step by step, has been our destined route,
Freakin' hate going through all this, but I guess we must learn.

Today was even trying, in many ways,
Our mind was boggled partially, but not all.
Wondering, how much real can we be, yet be humble,
Should Pride really pretense before a fall?

Cuz I feel like I have tha ultimate life,
Yet I'm caught like a Catch 22.
I should be the most snobbish person in tha world,
I'm not, people still don't accept u, so what should u do?

Shouldn't say that, cuz I got family and friends a many,
Who will always have my back.
Sometimes though I glance over to my names of "might-have been's",
Running out of room, for tha pile right there is so stacked.

Let me just run a few things through ur mind,
I want all confusion and whatever to be crushed.
This is a landmark day in our life totally,
Like the first time tha Pilgrims served Puppies that Hushed.

Here we go, one more time,
Tearing down all this mystique that can surround our life.
Maybe that's the problem right there, that I even care,
"Screw It" seems to be tha way to money, jobs, and even a new wife.

Do I feel like I'm special?  Yes, I do,
But I don't say that in a bad kind of way.
All of us are unique and wonderfully made individually,
The only difference is u say it once a year, while I say it everyday.

What makes us who we have become is
How u can not make us feel bad in any shape, fashion or form.
I've been through all the pain, rejection letters, and crazy episodes,
While attending tha school of Hard Knocks I was RA of all the dorms.

I gotta get this off my chest as well,
And my swag doesn't give a hoot about who reads it.
Always remember...A "No" is better than saying nothing at all,
Replies show respect and maturity, while silence illustrates Bull----.

If I have kids, or even as a future boss,
This is one of the lessons I will always preach.
I can say this with all my might and strength,
Having infinite number of life lessons, gives u tha right to teach.

We could go on, and on, about our ego,
Which has been turned from self to bringing others in.
Who thought being urself could be such an hassle,
Think Adam had it easier when he committed tha first sin.

See u have to throw all that old reteroic out with us,
Cuz we're truly of an entirely different breed.
Our life isn't based on just having money and living selfishly,
No, this life is about love, sharing our fun times, and helping emotional needs.

U may say that all guys only want one thing,
No doubt we think about pootie tang a whole lot.
Sex isn't tha only thing on our plate though,
Also, there's 'Help' mixed with 'Listen'...
Topped with a side order of, "Erase all Doubt".

People may not be on that tip, which is cool,
Inside us, whether I want to or not, I feel like somebody must.
Somebody must be willing to really show what "fun" is all about,
Not just concerned if Madame The Wax Museum gets tha right angle on ur bust.

A firm believer that sharing what u have,
Will allow other things to come back to thee.
Be positive, Remain grateful,
Starts in tha closet, yet soon everybody will see.

That's why I cringe when things concern our life,
Like, "Are u sure u don't wanna take this chance of a night?"
I ALREADY know one day we're gonna be a major star,
Right now u have us on tha ground, but soon u'll only see our starry flight.

Try to bring as many people as u think worthy in,
Time is getting short to when it won't be so.
One day u'll see us on TV or on a Magazine Cover,
Then u'll be shaking u head like Homer Simpson and yelling..."D'oh!"

May sound conceited or what have u,
But I gotta lay tha ground work on who we really are.
Crazy stares, side comments, we can sense it,
I just wanna bring near those dreams that once were far.

Dreams of just living life, and enjoying it to tha max,
Seems like nobody does that anymore just because.
Fun can mean a simple convo, a shopping spree of credit,
Or even a sexy party that has u close to a buzz.

All those things can be in our dictionary of fun,
Which to us is just living to tha max being in that momento.
I can do things up in a Benz, or riding on my Vespa,
It's 2013 Peeps, I mean u can joy ride simply in a new Kia Sorento.

I'm learning its not necessarily what u have, but tha memories u make,
That's what's gonna last in tha end.
If u expect us to be cookie cut material, think once more,
Now u have to join "our" fun...It's not me, but u who have to bend.

Cockiness, I think not at all.
Experience has just taught us, that our life is special by all means.
Averages, and Medians are included in that statement as well,
When the College of Fun opened up, guess who they asked to be their first Dean?!

When u know...that u know...that u know...
It becomes ur duty to share with others, at least give a chance.
Feel like some are breaking their necks to get in tha club called "tha game",
While we're already in it, and sitting VIP doing our table dance.

Popping bottle after bottle,
And pouring out that thang like "u gotta get just a taste".
We can show u tha way, and u'll never be tha same,
Messing around with those others is truly a time waste.

Knocking other folk, please, are u kidding me?
Everyone of us has to go through something in our daily grind.
Through the week it's our soul, on the weekend nights it's our body,
And when things don't go our way after perfect's our mind.

Which brings us to our diary, I guess,
How it's been a part of us, for almost 2 years.
Keeping a hard copy of a diary for a decade is one thing,
But telling stories so generations can read it, can bubble up some fear.

I told somebody just today that I have a diary online,
She just chuckled like, that ain't nuthing everybody has a tumbler.
Nahh...Nahh...Angel face, we aren't just like anybody, I promise,
Ur running without tha ball, homegirl...I should nickname u "The Fumbler".

Cuz there's no doubt in our mind, that this diary is unique,
One that won't ever be duplicated in any way.
I have two reasons for saying that, and here we go,
Tell you why this will last through any era, year or day.

For one, the stories are tailored just for us,
The "New Normal" in our life, can be to others like a shock.
The episodes about sports, love, and just being this kid are wild,
If somebody's life was auditioning to entertain God...Ours would be a first place lock.

Secondly, our lessons of victory and defeat, are too much to tell,
It's gonna be long time til somebody will reveal or admit.
Others have lessons as well, which are awesome,
My most painful, I should never tell anyone, yet here it's a perfect fit.

Things happen, and we wonder, why did I go through,
Or how come me and her didn't try it for at least one weeknight thrill.
Broke us down many times, especially when we didn't do nothing wrong,
I guess it was so  tha carton to our soul, on this literacy table, could slowly spill.

Me having going through something once, may help somebody,
Just knowing that if I could survive, u can too.
U have to major league open to tell our life, with personal episodes included,
Preaching by talking without a scene just won't do.

The funny thing about it, is that still have some,
Stories, and lesson to share tha even more.
Endless.  Is tha best way to describe our vault,
What's even wilder is that I don't even have the key to that door!

Making a fool of's tough, but in our personality, sort of,
That' doesn't mean it's any easier telling when I've come up short.
Who wants to talk about nights crying, or hearts being broken,
From everybody's computer brain, they want to hit tha button, 'abort.'

Yet, that was tha goal of this whole thang,
To capture real-time thoughts as one grows and reaches "tha top".
Quotes are needed for sure, cuz there's never a limit on success,
Knowing our "Anything is Possible" mindset...I'll never stop.

But delicate as it was to open ourselves up,
That mission was meant for us, and boy have we gotten loose.
I know too well about feeling like tha only "Cat In Tha Hat",
My style of writing is Shakespeare with Iceberg Slim...Oh, and a little Dr. Seuss!

How we write is who we are as a person though,
Nothing short of being authentic will I allow.
When it comes to getting our point across for tha cause,
Through tha storms of "It's not worth it" will I plow.

Before I forget, let me get another thing out here,
As this is turning into another classic post.
The Love Life of ours is all too well documented,
So tonight I shouldn't have to give u another dose.

Gonna make it clear, and hopefully now u see,
I'm serious when I believe we've been around the most sexy dames.
Hugh Hefner, Prince, and The Backstreet Boys in their hey possibly,
But I know though, and with a straight face can truly say, ours is insane!

Not bragging or boasting, but somehow it was bestowed on us,
We are gonna be around a lot of beautiful girls everywhere we walk.
Our lifestyle of love and fun attract sexy girls,
And if u're a girl who's reading this...U now see that I'm more than just talk.

Romantic at heart certainly, u just wouldn't believe,
What we would do to make a pretty gal smile.
Been blessed to have means and a listening ear to do some wild things,
I remember ordering flowers for this one girl...and she lived away over 2000 miles!

It was worth it though in tha end,
Cuz u never know what to expect when I want to make somebody's day.
Being creative, touching one's soul, isn't fake, just who we are,
Want every person, and definitely baby girl to be stress less...I still believe we'll hav our way.

We're not a playa...but definitely a Playboy.
One of an ever depleting and old school breed.
Appreciating what True Love, and more importantly True Beauty is,
Every episode in our love life was just a plant of a wisdom seed.

Just wanted to make that clear, cuz we have told some private tales,
Ones nobody should have heard.
But...U gotta do what u gotta do.
Have to admit about ur days walking, now that u soar high like a bird.

Something is telling me to stop right now,
A voice is telling me that "tonight is not tha end."
I get a little weary y'all, but I'm writing for tha one who loves fun,
Or perhaps for that one who's heart needs a little mend.

If u take nothing else from me just take this,
And we do mean take it wherever you go.
Sometimes in life rare people do appear,
Many are hidden, but others by sight u know.

For us to call ourself "rare" I'll leave that up to others,
Tonight is not for us to keep on tooting our own horn.
Just want to tell you that sometimes a Rose is just that...a Rose,
Enjoy that beauty, instead of missing out searching for a thorn.

Also be confident within urself,
You have a lot to give if u stop thinking and just move.
U can think urself out of a job, or a date, or an opportunity,
Success can come from practice, or sometimes how ur heart behooves.

Don't ever think "I'm not good enough."
This sounds like something I know from the neighborhood of Mr. Rogers place.
Well by golly, give me a train set, and a pastel cardigan then,
Cuz I struggle with it as well sometimes...yet I always continue on in tha race.

Your time is coming.  I promise...
Just hang on in there, at least give it one more try.
The hardest part of the race is as u get closer to tha end,
Cramps pop up, back hurts, and even u begin to cry.

But when u cross that finish line...
I'm becoming speechless cuz that's all I want to do.
Not talking about dying...I'm ageless remember,
Just talking about holding up that 1st place ribbon that is blue.

Knowing that everything is a process,
That becoming and having tha best comes with tha ultimate price.
If u think u don't have to sacrifice or have trials innumerable,
Homeboy or Homegirl...u better think twice.

That's it for tonight,
Just Love and Have Fun,
Put that in the pocket of ur mind.

As for us, it's been a ride,
Now, the next chapter...
Thought I was wild before, now I hear only two words...

"It's Showtime."

Thanks for tha energy!
U'll get nothing but our best from hear on out...I promise!

Air Smooches and Hugs!

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