Friday, May 17, 2013

Seis De Papi Grande.

Sit down guys and girls,
For I have a story to tell.
Danny stop playing with Jamie's hair,
It's alright, Jamie pick up ur barrette it just fell.

For tha last time be quiet, and hush,
I have a tale that none of you've ever heard.
Be patient while I speak about this fairy tale life,
Next week we can talk about tha bees and tha birds.

"Are you gonna talk about Ironman or Superman?"
No, but that doesn't mean it isn't good.
This is something more real, and with more suspense,
One day it's gonna win an really and truly should.

Hush.  Is everybody ready? "Yes...",
Good.  Now story time is now hear.
First I want you to close your eyes for a moment,
Breathe slowly..Just relax...And have no fear.

Does your mind now feel at total peace?
Where all of your dreams and fantasies come true,
This is where all of your doubts cease.

Ok, here we go kids, Buckle up,
Cuz I'm gonna take you on a journey of a ride.
Through history and tha future at tha same moment,
Using colorful words like a shirt just tie-dyed.

I'm gonna close my eyes for this as well,
For we all are now feeling the same.
No more delay, just be quiet and listen,
This is a story titled...Galaxia's Game.

Throughout the time of history,
Many have come to Earth, so many to name by far.
Everybody has contributed in some way to its axis,
From the Garbage Man to the Hollywood Star.

Dreams reached, Dreams unfulfilled,
Yet there has to be something more than this.
It's good to get a Happy Meal everyday right,
Yet how come one doesn't come with a Filet-O-Fish.

The desire to want more and more,
This is something that we all crave at one time.
Two Gucci watches, Ten pairs of Air Jordans,
The whole discography of the group Sublime.

How do you cave into this desire to have the best,
With anything less being nothing but second prize?
Can u tell who lives by this notion by what he wears...
Or is it simply tha fire that's in his eyes.

This story I'm getting into right now,
Was told to me when I was a kid.
My Pops told me to sit down, "I've got something to say",
Back then whatever ur folks said...U simply did.

So I grabbed one of those old steel mill stools,
Tha kind that my father help make day and night.
I sat dead in front of him like criminal at tha 5-0 station,
He even had a light shine in my face...Oh, what fright.

But he told me, no matter what, just listen,
And promise to tell your kids when u grow up about...him.
Since I'm not married and have no kids of your own,
Pops' story is now mine, and my kids, I consider you them.

He began by saying that there once was a guy very unique,
Legend has it that he shot from the Galaxy above.
Nobody knew when he was born, he was ageless,
Yet he told everybody he was made out of love.

As he shot through tha stars coming down to the Earth,
He had such swagger like never ever seen.
A youngster was he when he finally landed,
Word had it he was ignored, even though his walk was mean.

He never been in this place before,
Just heard the gods talk about it in the skies.
Talk of having super cars, and computers that talk,
As well as large air crafts that help u fly.

Being a stranger he didn't know where he was gonna live,
Somehow, and someway he found this place near tha H2O.
Nice place, that reminded him of where he came from,
Even though he was wealthy, tha home didn't elicit mad dough.

So he opened up tha door with a wonder,
"Now that I'm here, what am I to do?"
Not one being bored, he hit tha streets,
When u have fun, he found just how much time flew.

The scene was amazing, like beyond tha hype,
Exceeding everything that he's seen looking down below.
He just laughed and laughed all the time,
Just to be in his company was like being with Larry, Curly and Moe.

One thing nagged at him though,
Even though he was like tha toast of tha town.
He would be giggling, and partying and living it up,
Yet when those close doors shut, he had nothing but a frown.

After nights of this continual feeling,
He had no choice to call the one who could make it all stop.
Somehow, and I don't know how, he phone up to tha sky,
This is a situation where only one person could help...His Pops.

To his amazement though, there was no answer,
And more crazy, it sounded like a busy tone.
He called again, and again, and again,
"What is up, why won't he pick up tha phone?"

Now tha kid feels like it's time to show who he really is,
Tell some people and hope they accept his truth.
"I'm from tha stars, and I'm gonna be famous one day,"
All they would say is, "Aw, who cares u'll never be a Babe Ruth".

He then sat on a tha curb of the neighborhood street,
With nothing but tears strolling down his face's side.
It was like everybody's eyes were closed to who he was,
He then pulled out all too familiar hanky, extended it extra wide.

Shaking his head, and questioning himself,
"Will they ever know what's in front of them?...
I wish I never came from my home I shot from,
At least up there I was consider a unique gem."

He then got up, and began to walk his way home,
To this place which turned from party room to tha room of pain.
The steps on the sidewalk, dragged ever so slowly,
It was like he was leaving the mark of rejection's stain.

The journey home was the longest one he's ever taken,
A 10 minute journey turned into a 3 hour escapade.
It was steaming hot, inside and outside with the heat,
A signal of his life, feeling burnt out, with no look of any shade.

He got back inside, and laid down on his bed,
Looking up he said, "This right here just ain't at all fair.,
I was sent down here for something, but no one hears me,
We told this one girl 'Hello', and she just gave a 'whatever' type sneer."

"When would this all end, and I can show what I got,
Just like what I heard on that Plasma TV.
If life can only be like an episode of MTV Cribs daily,
Is it like magic...One...Two...Three?"

After he uttered those words, he heard a beep,
On his Galaxy phone which indicated a text.
He's been hoping for anything to go his way,
Life has been so tough though...What could be next?

He sat up in his bed, and wondered should he even look,
Thinking it's just another girl who's telling him, she's busy.
The thoughts and anger run through him quickly,
On the scale of 1 to 10, I'm an eleven...Why hasn't this been easy?

A look at his background, which is a drawn picture of his face,
Brings a slight bit of hope to his soul.
"One day this face is gonna be on the cover of every single magazine,
And our name is gonna be on tha lips of every conversation that is told."

He swipes with an attitude to unlock his phone,
Because he feels like that "someday" is so far in tha distant.
Been there...Done that...
Fun is there, but just nothing ultra-consistent.

Tha Kid looks at tha message icon, which shows "1" with a circle,
Who could this be since it's getting late on his watch.
Nighttime is creeping in where he was sent,
Sometimes he wishes he was thrown to tha land of tha Kangaroo pouch.

The text his from His Pops, which is weird,
Cuz he never ever uses text as a medium to talk.
He would usually call, or send something for him through tha Eagle in tha sky,
Maybe even a small quote, like..."Take a walk."

The text is opened, and its read with high interest,
Knowing that this could be a matter of life and the end.
He's held his cool for so long, but now it's weighing on him,
Those past memories are now gaining strength and are tougher to fend.

He reads the text, and tosses his phone on tha bed,
Glazing out through his half way closed window peak.
The glare of tha moon is now apparent,
Now or never is as well...for this is his only feat.

It's late, but he gets up and gives a small hop,
And now is walking around his place.
He looks into tha mirror in his room,
For the first time in a while, he is now staring face to face.

Now the closet door cringes open, with a purpose,
He slices and dices for his finest threads.
A natural high is coming upon him like never before,
Just to think moments before he wanted to overdose on some Meds.

Memories of watching others get what he wanted,
But having to be reserved first as a spectator.
Knowing in his heart that his influence will be felt hard,
Destiny will now be his country, with is role being Final Dictator.

A shirt he's been saving, is pulled out his stash,
For tonight is tha night of new beginnings.
The motivation is like never before,
Realizing that its time to start Happiness Never Endings.

He pulls out his belt, Dolce and Gabbana,
Sent from a friend of His Pops.
This is gonna be worn in his honor,
Cuz that friend always believe in reaching mountaintops.

The jeans are super tough,
Should he go with D Wade color or a James Dean look.
Color is calling his name ever loudly,
He chooses Purple...straight out of tha Barney book.

Music is now put on, louder than ever,
With tha rhythm being felt all throughout tha air.
Dances from Soul Train, and So U Think U Can Dance,
Are being performed...All without a single care.

He says, "Come on David Guetta get me hype!",
For even his neighbors know this is a new night.
A bump hits his door, and he looks and sees an ear,
Pressed deeply to his door, wanting to hear a star's first takeoff flight.

Tha kid is now bouncing around, his place,
Goes to tha bathroom, and puts on some Clarins Face Cream.
He rubs on his face, as he's shirtless,
Now knowing all the pain has molded him into somebody's fantasy dream.

Walks back out, to finish tha job,
Cream is plastered like a mask from Thriller.
There's a glance down at his cologne, he wants something historic,
For now he has a new personal scent, and not just a test filler.

Benetton, Diesel, and Versace,
Those were all the scents of who he used to be.
Now he's sexier, his time has now arrived,
He needs a scent which would make those once blind to see.

Tha choice has no become simple,
And it's a good one at that even I admit.
The Playboy fragrance, the New York edition,
It's so scary how that smell and title aptly fits.

A few squirts here, and a few there,
His pants open up, just in case the night is lucky.
Everything is coming to him now, he now KNOWS this,
It wouldn't change if he walked out wearing a rubber ducky.

Side-stepping back into the bathroom,
Thoughts of how it now feels to be tha best.
Being led to the lions by The King,
Gladly accepting the challenge of all the tests.

If you can survive all those lions,
U can survive anything, and it will glow.
He relishes in tha fact that everybody has had their turn,
Never before though are have they seen this epic show.

The water is now running, and he grabs an handful,
Beginning to wipe of his face like a new man.
A wipe followed by another wipe and a towel,
To be successful, he's learned he must become his own number one fan.

He walks back out the bano,
Knowing that he would never, ever be tha same.
Showing how fun is to be lived, and how to love,
Concerned with knowing, and not banging ever single dame.

The need to practice lines isn't needed,
Just due to tha years being behind-tha-scenes.
He's seen tha best in action, thousand of times,
Straight out of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne's pool gene.

He grabs his wallet of his,
Which is still one of the rarest to find in any store.
A Burberry one, seemingly made just for him,
Just a small sign that he's used to walking through wealth's door.

Some things just never change,
Since it's special he wants to have the ultra look of "The One".
Hand reaches for his Emporio Armani sunglasses,
It's dark out, but his aura illuminates nothing but ultimate fun.

He gets down on his knees before he leaves to go,
And is thankful for all that has happened to him in his past.
The times people didn't believe in him, or gave nothing but hate,
Moments where he thought that one more night he could not last.

Stands up and is ready to go,
Walks out his place and all locked shut.
Confidence is raining at an all-time high,
Feeling like he can make any hole-in-one putt.

"Shucks, I forgot something", he remembers,
Which leads to a fast turn around to his joint.
The dash is quick and fast,
For he know his moment has a perfect time appoint.

Unlocks the door, with a big smile,
Grabs his phone, and gives it a big kiss.
Of all the things he could have forgotten, not this,
This is tha reason he's become "The Big Can't Miss."

Locks back up, and strolls down the hall,
Knowing that when he walks out, the moment shall speak.
Doors open, opportunities everywhere,
No longer does the tunnel look so bleak.

Funny thing happens as he walks out,
There are cameras everywhere from every nation.
Flickers flash, questions are being shouted,
Not rudely, but in a "We've been waiting for you" dictation.

He nods his head, and smiles,
Tha same they did to JFK Jr., and Marilyn M.
Looks down at his phone with a smile,
Realizing that pic is gonna become the most expensive film.

Somebody asks, "What are u smiling at?",
And u simply say, 'Earlier My Pops texted me a word.'
Wondering if he should, thinking to how no one listened,
When he told them he would fly so high like a bird.

Flashes of all he's gone through,
Many he has met, and many who only gave a diss.
Smiling with a swagger like none other,
Even blowing a lady paparazzi a kiss.

All voices shush, as he is about to reveal,
Something so personal, but many can relate.
This can be used not only for this special night,
But for life, on tha job, or on that date.

My Pops is so cool, and knows everything,
And he reminded me who I was to be.
Once he told me, 'The Time has now arrived,
Need no fear, just let them see.

I sent you there for a reason,
Most of it was to simple endure.
U've made it through all those predictable trials,
Now u're simply gold pure.

But tonight was different,
Our time is here, by far...
Never knew that six words could have such power,
He simply texted me...

"Let Them Know Who You Are."

How come they always fall asleep on tha best part.
Whenever I scream about Ice Cream and Cake,
All their bodies run with a fast dart.

Oh, well, that's a classic story,
That has been shared throughout my fam.
Whenever I'm down, I think upon those words,
Makes me remember who I am.

If they could only know who that story was about,
"Kids keep on sleeping...Gotta go...See ya."
I can still see my father ending that memorable night though,
"Son, whatever you do...don't ever, ever forget....

...The Tale of Austino Galaxia."

"Tha Kid."

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