Sunday, May 12, 2013

Love's Stat Sheet.

Just got done talking to Tha Crib, back up in "The Land of Corn" of Indiana.  Talked to Pops, and Moms on this Mother's Day.  So I guess I need to keep it clean on today...or maybe not.  We'll see.

Oh, this diary of ours.  It's getting crazy, ain't it?!!  We don't even know what's gonna unfold on these pages.  Just wanna have some fun, and hopefully express ourselves in a way, that either now or decades from now, will leave whoever reads this to think, "That was kinda cool."  So on that note...what's on our mind tonight?

That's a question loaded like a baked potato, really...Um....

We've talked about love and relationships a lot haven't we?  Almost too much right?  But something is just in tha air, tough to explain...seems like all last week, tha topic was about falling for somebody or having somebody fall for you, who is already in a relationship.  Like every song I heard, or as I was reading different things enhanced (Oh, how I love that word!) our thinking on that topic.  Even last week, I was thinking about this one girl, who I think is sexy, and has that "IDGAF" (Sorry, but that's diary talk!) attitude, that I love so much in girls.  Also, it seems like all these songs and words I was hearing were confirmations to how I already felt.  Which is...that sometimes just being real with people, especially if u feel it in tha air, is the best route to go.  That doesn't mean to try to sabb...this girl in this Special K commercial is cute as...I aplogize, I got a little sidetracked...but that doesn't mean to try to sabotage relationships or anything.  Like, "No".  But it does mean, if the moment speaks, to compliment folks who might need to know they are beautiful, even if they are in a relationship or not, and in tha right way, let them know that there are options out there.  Cuz sometimes we all can be so focused on one person, that we forget that there is a whole world, and in our case, a whole Galaxy to be explored.

I have a feeling that we are about to get loose, so forgive us, if we do...

I know I'm not supposed to talk about this thang...again...but until I get it right, and until Love is true Love, then I gotta tell it like it is...This is gonna get embarrassing, but...I don't really care anymore cuz this is what's going on in our life, so...let's roll.

The South Beach life.  It's a lifestyle like know other on Earth.  Literally...We can party til tha break of dawn, and then stumble into work tha next day...We can chill on the sultry sands...Oh, Snap!!  We bringing out tha seductive words tonight, oh snap!!...On the sultry sands of the beach, and call in to either our job, or email our professor at school, and tell them, "Like...I'ma like...not a going in on today...cuz like, I'm not feeling well on today..."  Only to find a pic of u and ur homeboys and homegirls playing sand Tic-Tac-Toe, South of Fifth, where we tan nude...Everyday, it's like I'm uttering, "I've never seen that before."  Something happens that leaves a mark like, "Whoa!"  (In my Joey Lawerence voice.)  The vibe is ultra-sexy in the neighborhood, u feel like ur on a permanent vaction, and it's super easy to lose focus on what reality life is...or can bring, or something like that.

This is gonna get personal, so if this is ur first time reading us, don't get on tha phone and start gossiping like, "Gurl...u should read what Austino wrote on today."  Then again, maybe u should, cuz nowadays I'm learning that its true when they say that, "Any press is good press."  But...Anyway...

So a few weeks or months ago, I don't even remember, I came upon this one girl or female, which seemed to be mad cool, sexy beautiful, killer smile, worked out, beach cinnamon tan (Without any tan lines which is lovely, since tan lines can be a easy 'deal-breaker' with me), she had it all...almost too much.  Including money...And...I shouldn't have said that last one, anyway, but she seemed cool.  And this chick set a landmark in my life, for she was tha, how can I put this...This takes a lot for me to admit, and I hope nobody discounts the courage it takes for me to say this, but this doll, was the first and I think, the only girl I've ever come across  whom I thought, "This chick might be on a whole 'nother level, even for me."  Whew!  That wasn't so bad, but that takes a lot for me to admit that, cuz I don't believe in all this "out of ur league" junk that goes on in life, and especially down here in Miami.  So this girl got me to thinking...

How much does love and dating have to do with "stats" and how much has to do with the actual person?

(Note:  My fingers just cracked like I'm about to play Sting Quartet No. 16 by Beethoven!)

Me personally, have been "stat" discriminated against, a lot in our life.  And, No, that's not the most conceited statement u've heard since Reggie Jackson of those old school 70's Yankees uttered, "I'm tha straw that stirs the drink." It has some truth back on tha back of that.  I know my Moms has told me of how some girls are a little mysterious on how to, I guess, approach me.  And..

I remember this one time, being at this hole in tha wall place in Illinois, where they serve drinks, the dress is mad casual, and this disco, I mean dance floor was about tha size of A-Rod's bathroom down here in Miami Beach.  (Boy, if I had $22 million dollars right now...), and it was packed and folks dancing to songs like that give u directions and instructions like, "To Tha Window...To Tha Wall"...or "Drop down and get your eagle on", and then the part-time DJ would throw in some Aerosmith and Nirvana on, just to keep tha cops from getting too suspicious!  U know what I mean, if u don't u gotta get out, cuz it's real out here in America.  This night, I was with my boys, doing some "Talent Casting" for a spokes model for my new fragrance "Cherry Popper", Limited Edition...When my boy came back from across tha place, and said that there was some girls that we went to college with inside tha joint, and it was especially this one.

He gave me her name, and I'm like, "Oh, shoot, I think I found my next victim...I mean, spokes model."  (J/K!) So my mind began to run through of what this girl looked like tha last time I saw her.  She was one of the girls, I wanted to get to "know", notice the lower case, and not "KNOW", just saying. She was medium build, but very athletic cuz she used to work out ALL THA TIME at tha gym on campus.  She had like red/slash dirty blond hair, very fair skin, yet some of tha softest skin I've ever made contact with. (Don't ask me how I know, just know that I know what I'm talking from experience on this one.)  She reminded me of Jenna Elfman from that show Dharma and Greg, and that now cancelled show 1600 Penn.  Plus, on top of that I can honestly say that she had one of the sexiest walks that I've ever seen.  It was half goofy, and half-not-knowingly hypnotic.  She was a slept-on beauty, which, as u now know...I like.

My boy, came over to me and was like, "Such and such is over there.." I'm like, "Word."  Then he told me of how she noticed me over with tha crew, and was asking him, "Is that Austin over there?"  He told her, that he was...And then she went on and on, about us, and how basically she didn't know how to walk over to us, just to say, "Hi."  My guy, who's always and ever so gangsta, just was straight up with her and told her, "JUST WALK OVER THERE AND SAY 'HI!'!  Now she was debating how to approach us, and I didn't know we had touched her heart in that manner (We did have a class together), but for her to be soooo hesitant in that way, not knowing that it was I who thought was mad sexy hot in her heyday...when u get it from that angle so much, ur like, "Ok.  Who else may feel this way?"  And who else may look at the "stats" of who we are, instead of getting to really know who we are as a person. .U dig...

So what are "stats"?  In my opinion, stats can be physical characteristics like a woman's actual measurements, or even a guy's, but girls talk more talk in general terms like, "that guy has a cute butt" or "he has a the prettiest blue eyes that match his smile."  Guys are like that as well, but can be more physically defined, I think, we'll say stuff like, "this girl's measurements are 32C-26-34" or "This ----- has one mole on her face and two marks near her waistline, but I'll still hit"...stuff like that.  Real talk, real talk...

Stats also can be where u went to college, or even high school...Where u are from?...It certainly can be financial, where I think, in my opinion, it's flip flopped in this realm.  I think, guys are more general here, and girls are more specific.  Like, a dude would say, "She's has some cash." or "She can take care of herself." (That's a popular one.)  Where a girl would be more like, "He makes $100,000 cash" or "He lives in a $1.2 million condo in Brickell Key...Helloooo!"  Just my opinion but I think it has some relevance.  If u don't think so, email me at, and we'll talk!  Also, stats can be where u live and sometimes tha stigmas that come with that.  Us "South Beach" guys are all players, who party all the time, only care about getting laid, and live in the gym and beach more than we actually live in our own home.  "South Beach girls" love to party, are gold-diggers, hang out on somebody's boat or apartment all day, and are spoil brats who get whatever they want, whenever they want it.  Both stigmas are not true of all, but they are out there.  All the neighborhoods here in Miami, have these false "Stats" u know..."He's from Coral Gables, child u know he got money." or "She lives where?  Hialeah? Bro, don't trust any girls who live out there, they're all Chongas I'm telling you."  All of this is some bull...Man, if this wasn't Mother's Day...let's just say it's not true.

All these "Stats" that we look at instead of the person themselves.  Nowadays, when we meet somebody, what's one of the first things people ask , at the end of the conversation, if u get that far?  "Do u have a Facebook?"  Now there are some people who want to actually stay in touch, and communicate.  But now, I think that most use this social tool to get "Stats" on what that person is about, instead of straight up asking him.  Like for instance, when I was on there, since I'm a mysterious type of person, I'm sure some folks, I know some guys since I live in South Beach wanted to see who my "friends" are.  What tha bleep really is that?  So if I have 400 some odd friends, 250 of them are girls, and 100 of them seemed to be physically attractive, does that mean that I have it more going on than somebody who only has 10 girls as their friends? Or using tha same thing, if I have 75% of my friends of the female perspective, does that mean I'm a player? I mean, I have admitted that I may be tha last of the Playboy breed (Def:  One who appreciates a lady, treats her like she wants to be treated, and can stimulate her mind, body, and soul on various topics...and positions.  He's not a trickster, he's straight up and real.)  But still, u feel me?  We look at these "stats" as if they are fact on the person, when sometimes that's just...

It's 9:13pm tonight, the White Sox and Angels are in the 5th inning, so let's get loose a little bit, cuz we've been through this, and other people I know have been through this "Stats" thing, so let's get real.

Another BIG "Stats" thing is who are your friends?  Like tha company that u keep?  Are ur guys nothing but dudes who like to smash girls and then leave them?  Do u hang out with girlfriends who like to get plastered at other guy's expenses, and don't even tell him "ta-ta" for tha drinks?  At least flash ur "ta-ta's", I mean, am I the only one who flabbergasted at the price of a Gin and Tonic here in Miami nowdays!  We sometimes focus so much on who the friends are of who we want to hook up with, than tha actual person.  I got another story, we on it ain't we tonight...

So one night, I'm chillin' up at the American Airlines Arena, basically my 3rd home down here in Miami.  I was at a Heat game, when this girl walks up to me.  She used to work at tha arena, like in tha Guest Services department, she was mad cool, known her for years, we used to be always joking about life here in Miami, sharing stories about what's poppin' off on a particular night..."I'm in Miami B----!" was tha attitude.  So she stopped working at the arena, but I saw her on this particular day.  She came over, we exchanged "What's up" and that all those smooches.  Somehow, she got to asking me about my love life.  She had a glaze in her eyes as she asked me.  I told her, what was up, I was single, and all this and that...So she then was like, "I see that u still dressing nice and stuff."  Then she went on to tell us how we're like act "cute" and how she knows that we have a lot of girls because, "Cute people hang out with other Cute people".  I thought about that quote as she left...

Do we try to improve our status by either hanging  out with other people or people who look a certain way? In my experiences, I've seen a lot in terms of a large group of friends.  Like a crew who's 6 or 7 deep.  Guy or girl.  I know if u see a large group of friends, in terms of girls, u usually have Tha Ring Leader who sets things up with tha group...Tha Wild Party One...I'm gonna get in trouble tonight, I know it...The One who's thinks things through, and remains sober...The One who's in a relationship, but still hangs out with her girlfriends...and so on and so on...Same with guys, in a sense as well.  But I'm starting not to judge people just by tha company they keep.  But by tha person.  Does that mean that sometimes that "Birds of a feather flock together" is true?  Certainly, it has some kind of merit.  But what I'm saying, is that we can define relationships or people by family or friends when in the end it's the person u're interested in that matters.  "Man...her mom is so freakin' hot, I know she's gonna age gracefully." or "He comes from a family of Doctor's so I know he's gonna want to be one as well."  Watch "Stats" cuz from playing sports, and from love episodes, "Stats" do sometimes lie.

Does Albert Pujols have earmuffs on in this game in Chicago?  What tha?...  I know it's like in tha 30s up there...

So as I was talking about this girl a few weeks ago, it really got me to thinking in tha only time in my life, "Can even I measure up to what she may be looking for in a man or even a friend?"  Ne-yo had that "Miss Independent" song that came out a few years ago, and for men, and for guys with an ego the size of the pancakes from Cracker Barrel, it can be something when u meet somebody who's on ur level.  I gotta laugh, cuz us as men or guys always, I don't care who tha flavor of the month, or for sometimes, tha flavor of the week is we want to find some pudding that isn't a trend but one that can become our all-time favorite in that we don't even want...Like, I looove Funfetti Cake (Go Figure!)  I may dabble here or there in another kind, but there's only ONE that I would break my diet for, no matter what.  DOES ANYBODY FEEL ME ON THIS?

What's hilarious, even for myself, is that we or I talk about meeting this girl who can handle her own mentally, spiritually, financially, physically, and all that, and then when u actually find someone who can do that and even more, it's like, it's like...Tyrese said it best in a song, "I was excited, when I was falling...falling in love with that I've falling...what am I gonna do."  Let me play that right now!  It can be intimidating for a guy who's not used to having somebody who can...relate.   Or who might have more "material" things than even u have...Aw shucks...

 How would or did u handle this situation Austino Galaxia?  Well, I'm gonna say this, and be done.  I went back to tha basics and thought about...

A) "Stats" can lie, and not truly define a person...

B) Was determined more to get to know tha person and form my own opinion...

C) Got excited because I would have to be on my "A" game with this person, which is what u want.  U want somebody who can make you better.  Didn't Fabo make a song on that?!!  (That's crazy how Roselyn Sanchez is tha star in both of those videos...Huh!)

D) And I also realized how special I am, and that I have an infinite things to offer.  U may have this or that, but I know for a fact, that there's one area I'm tha best in...and that's having fun.  Not too many people can say they are the best in "something".  And even if I'm not, tha important thing is that I feel that I am, and in tha end that's what matters anyway.  "As a man is he." (Prov. 23:7)

Alright, I'm done.  I'm gonna hold what happened between me and this girl, for another time.  Maybe I'll share that experience later, but I want to honor her privacy and not spill too much.  But don't let "Stats" deter you from real love or making true friendships.  Sometimes we can "hype" somebody up so much that we hype them "out" of getting to know them.  Quote Unquote "Hot" looking people want to be known for more than just their looks...Or folks who have dinero want at least the opportunity to meet people who like them for them and not just the money or "stats".  We have been blessed to know guys and girls from all walks of life, and that's important.  I'm fortunate.  And if u're in a situation where u don't think ur worthy or are on tha same level as ur mate or future mate.  All I can say is...

- Crank up your game and bring something they are lacking to tha table.
- And realize there is only one like u in tha whole world, and act like it.  Show them nobody does it like you, and that they may be a "catch" but so are you, and you can prove prove it.  If you can't handle it after that, you move on, and u'll find that u'll be appreciated inside somebody else's world...

Notice I said, 'world'...cuz the ultimate level is tha 'Galaxy'.  And we all know who owns that...

At least that's what our "Stats" say!

To tha one who likes to have fun, and simply love..

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