Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Austino Galaxia...Wayne???

"A long night, Master Bruce?"

Hello, Alfred...yeah, it's another one seemingly.  But tonight is....different.

"But how so Sir?"

Well, if you may ask.  I've been thinking a lot about my life.  I've been thinking about...hanging it up.

"But Sir, you've still got some years left..."

I'm not finished.  Yeah, its been crazy dealing with legends as The Joker, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, and the list goes on and on.   But now even many of them have retired.  More importantly than this 'Caped Crusader' thing, is that I feel like it's time for me to have a successor to my Wayne Enterprises brand.  And who can represent Bruce Wayne to tha max, into the future, and shall I say, into the next...Galaxy.

"If that's how you feel Master Bruce, then you need somebody who has been groomed, used to some things, a man about the town per se...someone who knows what u've stood for, and has a heart to act upon the well desires of the whole and not tha select few....I think there's only one person for the job."

I agree.

"But Master Bruce, u've been following him for awhile now, do you think he's actually ready?  I mean, just a few days ago, he was thinking about how it's not worth it anymore, and how he's tired of using pain to fuel his fire.  Are u certain about this?"


"How certain?"


"Alright, so what do you want to do?  Is this gonna be an open tryout, or is this gonna be..."

I'll handle this one.  Alfred, when was the last time you've had a vacation?

"Oh, if I must say Sir, it's been a mighty long time, when tha Rat Pack was around, if I may add."

It's well overdue then, my friend.  Pack up...where heading to pick out my new successor...We're heading down to "The Land of The Beautiful People".

"Truly, that'll be my pleasure, Sir."

(Meanwhile in the neighborhood of South Beach.....)

'Dude, honestly I don't know?'

U don't know.

'Look man, D. Wade's pivot foot didn't move alright.  They call travelling and cost us the whole game.  Then did u see the calls tha refs made on 'Bron last night?  I mean, in the first half, he didn't even touch homedude's name...'

David West.

'Yeah, West, I mean, C'mon.  And then they called that Mickey Mouse offensive foul on LBJ in fourth quarter, I'm from Indiana so I know how them refs can cheat.  I'm still mad about this call against my high school back in '98.'

'98?  Really...

'I'm serious, our Varsity team had a squad that year.  We shoulda won State.  But we was hooping, and all of a sudden, these refs start trippin'.  Long story short...Bogus 5-second call, dude hit a game winning three, I drop to my knees, and laying face down on tha court as cheerleaders in black and orange celebrate around me.  Telling you, Game 5, the Heat better come out shooting, or tha refs gonna stir up some trouble...Watch!  Just watch!'

This fool is crazy...Hey, let me ask you, what about tha honey's son?  

'They alright.'

Alright.  Word is that one girl you had an interest in, is looking mighty fine nowadays.  Hitting tha gym, got herself all tanned up, smile looking glistening white...

'Stop it bro!"

Naw for real, she's looking right.  U need to get at that, for real.  Then my boy done seen u in this one store on yesterday, and said that you were like surrounded by nothing but nines and tens...It was like God was shaking a KFC Family Meal dime pieces and they were all landing near you...For you to eat!  I mean can a brotha get a little cole slaw for himself?  But for real, Am I lying?...Tell tha truth...Am I lying though?!!

'Yeah, u right.' (Shyly Spoken)

Told you!...Told you! 

'I'm just letting things come to us...and...'

Uh-huh!  What about that girl u were in the elevator with at Target down in Midtown on yesterday?  Huh?  See...

'What about her?' (Smiling)

What about her?  What about her?  Dude, she was fire.  She had on this tan skirt with this blue blouse that was cute and all, then she had on these like stiletto tan pumps.  Held her purse above her forearm just like you like it.  Had her blond hair pushed back, sexy skin, with pretty legs and a walk to match.

'You need to stop bro.'

Then u get into the elevator, and talked about like 'the silence of elevators' (Fingers in Quotations), and all that small talk.  Get tha #$%! out of here, u wanted to get with her I know it...I know it.  And she totally was excited that you talked to her,bro. just how she responded to you...And then...And you two left your little love bird nest in tha sky, she dag gone near was walking side by side with you into the store, like them 'Simon-a-Sez' twins do.

'First off, it's Siamese Twins.  Second of all, I'm...

There's isn't a second of all, part-ner!  You shoulda got them digits...Homey, she was so distracted by you, that as she was walking with you, she totally forgot where she was going!  Then she tried to play it off by saying, "Have a Nice Day".  Pleeese...Bro, she was into you...Plus, I hear them Brickell girls can get a little freaky during Happy Hour after a long day at tha Law Firm...I wonder if she had a sister.  Man, we need to go back, I think I need to pick up some toothpaste or something.

'Dude, relax...and everything will work itself out.  I'm not trippin' bro, we're around beautiful girls all the time, so they are just people, not a piece of meat or booty.  If it's meant to be, then it will be.  U guys are freakin' nuts...Besides, seemingly it's like somebody new every...'

(Remember The Time...When we fell in love...Do you Remember The Time...When...we...first...met girl...Do...)

'Hold it guys, I have to take this call...Hello.'


'This is him...who's this.'

Bruce....Bruce Wayne.

'Like The Bruce Wayne, or like Bruce Wayne I seen from my homegirl's Halloween Bash last year?'

Not funny.  This is Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprises.

'Of Wayne Enter..'

We need to talk.  I'm in town.  Maridarin Oriental.  8pm.



'Fellas I got to go...I'm about to meet this dude, Bruce Wayne...'


(Later That Night on Brickell Key...)

'So this is what a five-star hotel looks like, huh?!  Not too bad, I've been in the Four Seasons down the street, but this...this is alright.  Yes, I'm here to see Bruce...'

"Take the elevator to the top floor, then take the  first door on the right."

'I guess he was expecting me...the elevator is???....Oh, there it is.  (Bing!)  Here we go...this is wild, I hope this is the real deal, and I'm not part of some "Catfish" scheme that I've been reading about.  Folks meeting folks online think they are about to get it on with a Hallie Berry, and next thing u know it they are meeting Hallie Scary!  Tha Kid don't got no time for that...(Bing!)  Alright, we're here...first door on the goes nothing...'

(Knock, Knock, Knock)

'Yes, I'm looking for...What Tha...!  I'm sorry madam... you're like totally naked....And you have friends... Ok... Um...Is Bruce Wayne in here?'


'Yes Sir.' (With a head turn.)

Over here.  The first door on the right.  Not left.

'Sorry, Hey after this chat with BW can all of us play "Uncape the Crusader?"'

(Door Slam!)

Sit.  You can lose money chasing women.  But you can never lose women, chasing money.  Always remember that.

'Yes Sir.'

So you know who I am.  Is that correct?

'I have heard some things.'

I've heard some things about you.  Let me see...U just met with Aimer and "Fun" the other day.  We're close friends.

'How clo..?'

Close.  I told them of my situation.  And they agreed that you are the right person for the job.  What I say in here, is not to leave this room, understood.

'Yes, Mr. Wayne.'

Good.  I'm considering leaving my position at Wayne Enterprises.  Being that I'm not married, although that Selina Kyle still tickles my fancy.  But I have no children...that I know off. Meaning, I have nobody to follow in my footsteps.  I've been following you for a while now.  Through high school, through college, through every stage of your life, I've had a side eye on you, because I felt like you were..."it".

'Thank you, Sir.  But I've been through so much, I mean you could choose anybody why me?'

A Great Path has no path.  U wrote that some time ago.  Everything that's been going on, from u learning the value of money to how to deal with people...To how to sacrifice time and effort...Social lesson innumerable...That has all been a preparation for...this.  I want you to succeed me with my company of Wayne Enterprises, and I want to teach you every thing I know. You are already well-equipped, but there's another level to where I want you to go.  You want the Galaxy...You want to be the best...You want your own era...There's a process to everything.  And it begins one step at a time.  This is tha first step.  What do you think.


Will Austino Galaxia take Mr. Wayne's offer to become a successor to Wayne Enterprises?
Will this be a beginning of a collaboration like no other?
Could this be the opportunity of a lifetime that comes along well...once in a lifetime?
Should Mr. Wayne and Austino Galaxia go across the hall for a little "Cape Crusade" fun?

All these questions will be answered, and more...

As Always...

Same Bat Time....
Same Bat Channel...

Til Next Time.
Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Power Couple.

Is this tha right address?  This building kind of looks run down some.  I wouldn't expect this from...Whatever I guess...Alright, here's a broken piece of glass here on tha sidewalk, got me messing up my Cole Haan shoes.  This is the first time I'm wearing them, we wanted to save them for a special occasion.  These are some sick rides parked out here.  A red Ferrari...and a white Range Rover?  In this type of neighborhood?  Parked right here in front huh.  Hope they have security watching it somewhere, cuz I know where I'm from those are as good as got.  Let me check myself out in tha passenger side window.  Yeah, I'm looking like a hundred bucks, the Big Face ones, not those old New York 1986 cringly ones.  Tie looks straight...Our shirt is crisp without any wrinkles.  I still can't believe I payed $6 for this Hugo Boss shirt, when the regular price is like what...$96?  People need to hit up vintage stores for real...Pants are clean. I love these Michael Kors slacks. These cost like $149, and I got them for something like eight dollars.  Nordstrom Rack has some good deals if ur patient and look.  I look and feel alright, and I better go inside this place cuz it looks like it's about to rain...


That sound of thunder is a real sign.  The door is locked.  They have a buzzer outside of this dumpy looking place.  Let me all these slots have empty names next to the buttons.  Except for this one.  Who's this company...Dupic Arrow Company.  This is the right address, but who are these guys?  Whatever...

(Buzz! Buzz!)

I wish they come on, it's starting to sprinkle out here...

(Buzz!  Buz...)

"Dupic Arrow Company...How can I help you?"

Ah...Hi.  My name is Austino Galaxia, and I have an appointment.  This was the address that was giving to me, but I'm not familiar with this neighborhood or area, and don't recognize ur business, so I don't know if I have the right loca...

"Hello, Mr. Galaxia, you have the right place, I'll buzz you up."


Thank you.  What tha fizzle?  This place is like awesome.  I've never seen a joint like this, but on the outside it looks all crummy and like a dump, but on the inside...I'm impressed.  Now this is what I'm talking about! Alright, where should I go, I can either take the elevator or over there they have some stairs that are enclosed by clear windows.  I enjoy walking stairs for the exercise, so let me take those.  Look at this couch...All these pictures on the wall.  Let me see there's a picture of James Bond...George Hamilton...Elvis...Eddie Murphy...Brad Pitt...Oh, then over here you got..Elizabeth Taylor, man she was so hot, dude.  There are eight pictures of her on this wall...Who else?  Jennifer Lopez...Sophia Loren...Pam Greer...Hold on, I know I gotta get up from here.  They got these never seen photos of Marilyn, and I know this ain't my girl...Raquel Welch!  Oh snap!  People just don't know how big of a crush I had and still have on her.  So fine.  Man, this is tha spot!   Everybody's been in here...Ok, let me walk up these steps.

There's a lot of them.  Where did they get these see through windows from?  This ain't no Ikea stuff, I can tell that.  I wonder if I can get these from that CB2 store back home off of Lincoln Road in South Beach.  I'm really stunned.  This place is so beautiful, but considering who I'm seeing, I guess it should be expected.  It looks like we're here, at least there's only one door, so it has to be it, right.  Relax, "I am Zen...I am Zen...I am..."  Alright here we go...

(Click, Click)

(Man, this is girl is smoking h-o-...)

"You must be Austino Galaxia."

Yes, I am.  And your name is...

"Angelica Julia Guiterrez."

Say What?!!

"Did I say something wrong?"

No,'s just.  I once knew a girl named Julia Angelica Guiterrez, I wrote about her in my diary back when my life was like a reality show drama.  Guess what a coincidence huh.

"Yes, it is.  Have a seat.  I'll make a call in to my boss to let them know that you are here.  We have some snacks if you like.  There are some Sweethearts over there in tha bowl, and don't worry they are fresh and aren't leftovers from Valentine's Day.  Over there we have cupcakes with sprinkles on them and inside of them...Water, Champagne, Kool-Aid, whatever u wish, help urself."


"Hello, Boss, I have your 1:43 pm appointment in right now...alright.  Uh-huh.  Ok."

They got everything over here.  Pixie Sticks, like the giant ones.  I remember getting those at that corner grocery store up in Union Pier, Michigan when I was just a youngster.  Look at this stuff...Ring Pops...Now & Later's...And...

(Click-Click, Click)

"We got everything over here.  Just want to bring back memories of enjoyment u know.  Oh!  You are our only appointment for this month, so I ran out to that place down the street that has like a bulls-eye as its symbol?"

Oh, ur talking about Target.

"Yeah, so I saw they had a box of these on sale, and I bought them just for you."


"Why yes!!   I know that you like them, but I got tha strawberry kind..."

It's even tha Lower Sugar variety, because you know how I like to watch my face and can't have any...

"Pimples.  Yes.  I thought you would like."

Thanks, Angelica.

"No problem.  And please call me Angel.  All my friends do.... Alright, The Boss is on another call.  So let me show you around the place.  He's been really busy as of late.  The Co-Owner has been out in Ibiza the past week doing his thang, while The Boss has been busy with all the work here in the offices."

Angel, let me ask you what did you do before this?  I mean you are beautiful.

"Thank you.  A lot of people tell me that, but coming from you...I'm actually the daughter.  I was born from the owners of this place.  I wanted to do some other things.  But to see the smiles on the faces of all the people we help.  Not just famous people, from what u saw from the photos on the wall.  But just knowing our line of work makes a difference is so satisfying."

So I take it that you haven't met the perfect one just yet.

"There is one person who I KNOW my parents would approve of me being with as would I..."

And that person is...?

"So over here you can see we have an arcade room.  All of the classic games like Pac-Man...Sonic...We got the Wii and even the new Playstation 4 in the corner over there.  The latest XBox is still in the shipping box, but it's over there in the corner."

You guys get the stuff before they hit the market?

"We do...We do.  Everybody wants to get our opinion of what's gonna make people happy.  They respect my parents opinion a lot.  I mean like President's of countries, CEO's of Fortune 100 business, we're very popular with everybody.  But we only meet with a select few.  Those who we feel have what it takes to make a difference, and carry on with tha same philosophies my folks share. Not too many do..." 


"Over here, and I shouldn't even be showing you this, but this is my Father's I guess...Man Cave.  It's filled with hearts and an unheralded collection of music.  I know u love music Austino.  Let me see if I could pull something out for you...Ah...(Flip...Flip)  Sometimes I just come in here and relax, and put some tunes on that gets me in tha mood.  Ok, here's a little something for you..."

("...Something about you that I can't explain...And it's driving me crazy, and I've gone insane...Something...")

Girl...What do you know about that Keith Washington and Chante Moore?

"Hey, just because I'm South American doesn't mean I ain't got no soul in me!"

I see...Babyface...Kenny G...Luis Bofill...Trey Songz...Maxwell...Robin Thicke...and Jon B.?!  Girl, u guys got it all!

"That's my father for you."

(Beep, Beep!)

"Alright, we gotta go upstairs, The Boss wants to see you, so let's go.  We'll take the elevator it's faster, and whenever The Boss calls for you, you answer."

(Elevator Door closes)

"Are you nervous?"

Just a little bit, I mean, I've talked so much about him.  Never met him though.  Just hoping that he won't be upset at some of the things I've said or even written about him.

"Don't be...He might not admit it, but he's an admirer of you.  He sees a lot of himself in you, that's why he wanted to meet you.  So just relax, and we'll talk afterwards alright."


(Elevator Door Opens)

"We're here, just go on inside, his door is open over there..."

Thanx Angel. Well, this should be a moment in life that won't be forgotten.  Ah...Hello, Sir, My name is Austino Gal...

'I know who you are, take a seat....So I've heard that you talk about me all the time huh?'

Yes sir.  I do.

'Did you ever think that you would meet me face-to-face?'

To be honest Sir, I didn't.  So many people talk about you, and I've studied your philosophies seemingly all your life.  I thought it I knew everything, heck, I thought I was a mirror image of how you lived backed in you hey day.

'Go on..'

Then I remember that one day back in the year 2000, when I received this package in the mail.  It was from you.  It was a packet full of handwritten notes.  They spoke of some of you most intimate lessons about how "the timing has to be perfect" or how you can be "blind" yet still see...or even how the true version of you can "endure through all storms".  And then...

'Let me interrupt you.  I thought that you were the one person who could really understand or be, not a disciple or follower, but somebody who I wanted to mold in a way that could really carry on the tradition and teachings of me and my wife.  Angel, whom you met earlier, follows those thoughts from a female perspective, but I wanted a guy who could represent so to speak as well.'

Sir, let me ask you, how did you get the idea concerning the pictures and stuff?

'Well, I was watching an old game show with that one guy with that funny guy Chuck Woolery, and the thought hit us to send you a little homework I guess you could say.  So, matter of fact it was New Year's Eve 1999 when I decided that I wanted to test you.  Each year I sent you some photos of some girls, and you didn't know if they were gonna be a friend, a mate or a lesson.  You had no idea of how you were gonna meet this girls, but you were.  Tha thing was, u didn't know what to expect from them, so you had to go through them even if you didn't want to, simple because they might be somebody special.'

But it was like...I'm just a kid you know.  Each of these "assignments" left me with so many empty feelings, and the wondering of "This is just a waste of time."  Like one sad love song after another, Sir...

'Yeah, but u grew, and that's tha point of me and my wife's philosophies.  You have to go through it some, to be able to live at tha ultimate level.  You have dreams, I see that you want your own era and rule this Galaxy that you keep talking about, but u need to be grinded into the right mindset for that.  Plus, everything that you are gonna have, and that u now possess, needs to be shared with others, if they accept, so be it, but u must have a determination within urself to keep on going, cuz now you're right there, and things are gonna be happening like never before.  Trust me.'

You know, it's been a wild last few hours...I've been busy at Heat playoff games, riding all over the Miami area, up for 22 hours straight, girls checking us out and trying to talk to me as I'm rocking my headphones, plus it's Memorial Day weekend in my 'hood, so the cops got it all on semi-lockdown.  This year is actually cool, Boss, cuz the like put up signs and gates or whatever so that the locals can still have their area and parking spaces and stuff.  They looked out for us big time...

'Get to tha point.'

So early this morning, like around 3am or so, I was in my place, getting ready to meet you later on today, and a thought hit us, how perfect your plan worked.  Like each person was a step towards the next.  Each lesson of what works or how to appreciate even your outlook on life even tha more.  You got me to now I can share different things with others...Plus, I completed the final assignment of sorts a few days ago.  I put her face up with all the others I have hung up in my board in my place.  The first person you sent to me was a Kristina, and now you ended with the same name only with a 'C', I mean that's amazing that you would bring everything full circle.  Now I know that a new era has dawned, and that I'm now ready.

(With hands out, and palms facing up)

'That's what I do.  Lessons have to be learned, and we have to weed some people out so to speak.  Because with your next assignment, you need to know if folks really believe in not only you, or what me and my wife stand for.  Right now, you are our loudest advocate.  People have lost faith in what me and my wife tried so hard to build so long ago.  It ain't like in the 60's and 70's.  Now people are more selfish, aren't so willing to share not just money, but time and just laughs.  I know our journey was tough, but I wanted to make yours even tougher.  U accepted tha challenge, it may have taken you 13 years to get through our list, but you did.  Now you get the fruit of what patience can get you.  We want our beliefs and doctrines to last forever.  Speaking of which, this is for you...'

(A Manila Folder is given.)

What is this?

'This is your final assignment.  But don't open it up until you walk out this door.  Consider it a reward for hanging in there, when u didn't want to, and for sharing who my wife and I are with others.  It means a lot to us.  Now get outta here...'

Thank you sir.  Alright, Ms. Angel, I have to admit that you have a special father.

"I know.  Whatcha got?"

Well, this is like a gift from him, and he told us not to open it up until I get outside of this place.  Let me be honest...

"Sure, What's up?"

There's no doubt that you hear it all tha time, but from how you present yourself, and from how you dress, and the aura that you give off, you are easily the most beautiful girl I've ever met, Angel.  I hope that I would get the honor to meet with you again...I was wondering...


"Sorry, Austino, my father is calling me, I...I...I gotta go."

(Click-Click...Click Click)

Oh well, boy I would do anything to be able to get at that.  Let me go back down these stairs.  This is a cool place.  I would love to...


I'm so sorry, let me help you with your luggage, I'm so sorry...

That's ok.

You have some cool stuff.  Is this tha new bag from Louis Vuitton?

Yes it is.  I picked it up at the airport in Ibiza.  Wait...aren't you...

Austino Galaxia.

Yes...Yes.  Well, come here boy.  Give me a hug!  My name is Phuncia. 

Phon...or Phun...or....

I apologize, I know my name is tough to pronounce.  Everybody calls me "Fun" for short.  So I take it that you've met my husband, u know he was really looking forward to meeting with you.  He thinks you're are one of the last people who follow the thoughts and philosophies of me and my husband.  Did he give you the folder?

Yes he did.

Well.  You've earned it.  Keep being who you are.  Believe in urself.  And always remember, one of our ways of life...Different is sexy.  Be you.  Share what you matter what.  Alright, The Boss is upstairs waiting for you.  It was nice meeting you, it really was...Check out that folder, u'll gonna like it, I promise!  

Nice to meet you..."Fun?".  Wow, this was a wild day.  Alright, where did I park, yes over there.  Let me open up this door.  It's been one of those days, plus it's a sunny 80 degree day so let me drop tha top on today.  I just wonder what's inside of this folder.  Gotta turn down the music for this...

Alright, we just gonna open up this bad boy...Ok.  Here's a picture of me on top of a photo of stars and planets.  And here's a envelope as well.  And a note, what does that note say.

Here are your future assignments.  They will surely be yours if you continue to believe in what we stand for.
"Fun" and Aimer.

Oh, I get it, this is a picture of a Galaxy.  Oh boy!  What's in this other envelope.  Hey, wait a minute, this is a picture of Angel, whom I just met, who I think is tha most beautiful girl I've ever...with a phone number attached.  I don't think an assignment has ever looked so beautiful.  Aimer...Aimer, that can't be his real name.  Let me Google that, that has to be a nickname for something.  Yep! That shouldn't surprise me at all.

To own the Galaxy, and to have the most beautiful girl around.  The future can't look any brighter.  And I owe it all to following the philosophies of my favorite "it" couple...

"Fun" and Aimer...who's real name is known as...


Enjoy tha moment.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Rites of Fun?

This is hands down the most anticipated diary entries we've ever had...Ever.

I say that for numerous reasons...One.  Over tha last 24 hours we've contemplated this being our absolutely, and positively final diary post we'll ever write.  In some ways we've felt like u got more than enough of us, over these last 2 years, and I've said too much, and revealed too much about ourself, and I don't think nobody would ever figure us out anyway, so what's tha use.

Two.  This is really, and I do mean really an intriguing one to write because I'm deciding if I should write if I'm writing to tha the rest of The Galaxy.  Or if I should write like its just me and this diary.

Three.  I'm borderline enthusiastic...yet borderline teed off about some stuff that has happened recently.  I feel like somebody wants to read about our feelings over some things.  And our ego of "us being tha best" is starting to kick in some.

So who knows what may happen here tonight, or over the weekend or what have you.  But if this is our last diary entry of all-time, which it may be...This is gonna be that best thing u've ever read.

We're gonna fight through this one, and tonight is dedicated to all those who have checked us out on their phone, on their computer, as they were lying in bed, or on a break from their j-o-b.  I appreciate ur energy which I have felt tremendously, there has been a need somewhere for our life to be put out there like never before.  And tonight's special edition is dedicated to you...and only you.

I hope u get ur camera out, cuz I feel it y'all.  This is gonna be our defining post.


As I sit down in front of our computer,
For what may be our last time.
Thoughts of today are running rapid,
Voices everywhere wanting to in chime.

Write about this or write about that,
So much has been written already bout me.
Just a kid who wants to have fun, and simply love,
And one day everybody will all see.

Let's scrap this thang as put right now,
Just like Copperfield, put on a show.
The heart is the best mirror for the soul,
By reading our diary, u should already know.

Austino Galaxia is our name,
Although some call us, "O", "Flash" or "Pooh".
Doesn't matter what u call me, just pronounce it right,
Ga-lax-cee-ya...Correction on vowels is no longer due.

Who are we?  A good question, right,
For this Thursday night discussion of choice.
Tha words have been written, a million times,
Yet what's behind this optimistic voice.

Tonight, I want to open and close tha door,
Grab ur friends, and call up ur girls.
Tell 'em, he's writing possibly for final go,
Yank out a drink that won't afterwards have u hurl.

Are you ready? I know I am,
And I'm writing this with a certain girl in mind.
I should call out her name, just because,
Gonna take tha high road and just be kind.

Nothing in tha world can compare to us,
When we are motivated more than ever.
Like watching Pitt or De Niro, after tabloid hype,
Or seeing a Spielberg flick and walking out thinking...How cleaver.

There's this misconception about us, I believe,
An intimidation or aura of something weird.
Don't understand it, but it's there, I feel it,
Is it our diary, or our Beckham 5 o'clock beard.

To be tha best, and to have the most fun,
Phrases that conquer our mind at ever turn.
Step by step by step, has been our destined route,
Freakin' hate going through all this, but I guess we must learn.

Today was even trying, in many ways,
Our mind was boggled partially, but not all.
Wondering, how much real can we be, yet be humble,
Should Pride really pretense before a fall?

Cuz I feel like I have tha ultimate life,
Yet I'm caught like a Catch 22.
I should be the most snobbish person in tha world,
I'm not, people still don't accept u, so what should u do?

Shouldn't say that, cuz I got family and friends a many,
Who will always have my back.
Sometimes though I glance over to my names of "might-have been's",
Running out of room, for tha pile right there is so stacked.

Let me just run a few things through ur mind,
I want all confusion and whatever to be crushed.
This is a landmark day in our life totally,
Like the first time tha Pilgrims served Puppies that Hushed.

Here we go, one more time,
Tearing down all this mystique that can surround our life.
Maybe that's the problem right there, that I even care,
"Screw It" seems to be tha way to money, jobs, and even a new wife.

Do I feel like I'm special?  Yes, I do,
But I don't say that in a bad kind of way.
All of us are unique and wonderfully made individually,
The only difference is u say it once a year, while I say it everyday.

What makes us who we have become is
How u can not make us feel bad in any shape, fashion or form.
I've been through all the pain, rejection letters, and crazy episodes,
While attending tha school of Hard Knocks I was RA of all the dorms.

I gotta get this off my chest as well,
And my swag doesn't give a hoot about who reads it.
Always remember...A "No" is better than saying nothing at all,
Replies show respect and maturity, while silence illustrates Bull----.

If I have kids, or even as a future boss,
This is one of the lessons I will always preach.
I can say this with all my might and strength,
Having infinite number of life lessons, gives u tha right to teach.

We could go on, and on, about our ego,
Which has been turned from self to bringing others in.
Who thought being urself could be such an hassle,
Think Adam had it easier when he committed tha first sin.

See u have to throw all that old reteroic out with us,
Cuz we're truly of an entirely different breed.
Our life isn't based on just having money and living selfishly,
No, this life is about love, sharing our fun times, and helping emotional needs.

U may say that all guys only want one thing,
No doubt we think about pootie tang a whole lot.
Sex isn't tha only thing on our plate though,
Also, there's 'Help' mixed with 'Listen'...
Topped with a side order of, "Erase all Doubt".

People may not be on that tip, which is cool,
Inside us, whether I want to or not, I feel like somebody must.
Somebody must be willing to really show what "fun" is all about,
Not just concerned if Madame The Wax Museum gets tha right angle on ur bust.

A firm believer that sharing what u have,
Will allow other things to come back to thee.
Be positive, Remain grateful,
Starts in tha closet, yet soon everybody will see.

That's why I cringe when things concern our life,
Like, "Are u sure u don't wanna take this chance of a night?"
I ALREADY know one day we're gonna be a major star,
Right now u have us on tha ground, but soon u'll only see our starry flight.

Try to bring as many people as u think worthy in,
Time is getting short to when it won't be so.
One day u'll see us on TV or on a Magazine Cover,
Then u'll be shaking u head like Homer Simpson and yelling..."D'oh!"

May sound conceited or what have u,
But I gotta lay tha ground work on who we really are.
Crazy stares, side comments, we can sense it,
I just wanna bring near those dreams that once were far.

Dreams of just living life, and enjoying it to tha max,
Seems like nobody does that anymore just because.
Fun can mean a simple convo, a shopping spree of credit,
Or even a sexy party that has u close to a buzz.

All those things can be in our dictionary of fun,
Which to us is just living to tha max being in that momento.
I can do things up in a Benz, or riding on my Vespa,
It's 2013 Peeps, I mean u can joy ride simply in a new Kia Sorento.

I'm learning its not necessarily what u have, but tha memories u make,
That's what's gonna last in tha end.
If u expect us to be cookie cut material, think once more,
Now u have to join "our" fun...It's not me, but u who have to bend.

Cockiness, I think not at all.
Experience has just taught us, that our life is special by all means.
Averages, and Medians are included in that statement as well,
When the College of Fun opened up, guess who they asked to be their first Dean?!

When u know...that u know...that u know...
It becomes ur duty to share with others, at least give a chance.
Feel like some are breaking their necks to get in tha club called "tha game",
While we're already in it, and sitting VIP doing our table dance.

Popping bottle after bottle,
And pouring out that thang like "u gotta get just a taste".
We can show u tha way, and u'll never be tha same,
Messing around with those others is truly a time waste.

Knocking other folk, please, are u kidding me?
Everyone of us has to go through something in our daily grind.
Through the week it's our soul, on the weekend nights it's our body,
And when things don't go our way after perfect's our mind.

Which brings us to our diary, I guess,
How it's been a part of us, for almost 2 years.
Keeping a hard copy of a diary for a decade is one thing,
But telling stories so generations can read it, can bubble up some fear.

I told somebody just today that I have a diary online,
She just chuckled like, that ain't nuthing everybody has a tumbler.
Nahh...Nahh...Angel face, we aren't just like anybody, I promise,
Ur running without tha ball, homegirl...I should nickname u "The Fumbler".

Cuz there's no doubt in our mind, that this diary is unique,
One that won't ever be duplicated in any way.
I have two reasons for saying that, and here we go,
Tell you why this will last through any era, year or day.

For one, the stories are tailored just for us,
The "New Normal" in our life, can be to others like a shock.
The episodes about sports, love, and just being this kid are wild,
If somebody's life was auditioning to entertain God...Ours would be a first place lock.

Secondly, our lessons of victory and defeat, are too much to tell,
It's gonna be long time til somebody will reveal or admit.
Others have lessons as well, which are awesome,
My most painful, I should never tell anyone, yet here it's a perfect fit.

Things happen, and we wonder, why did I go through,
Or how come me and her didn't try it for at least one weeknight thrill.
Broke us down many times, especially when we didn't do nothing wrong,
I guess it was so  tha carton to our soul, on this literacy table, could slowly spill.

Me having going through something once, may help somebody,
Just knowing that if I could survive, u can too.
U have to major league open to tell our life, with personal episodes included,
Preaching by talking without a scene just won't do.

The funny thing about it, is that still have some,
Stories, and lesson to share tha even more.
Endless.  Is tha best way to describe our vault,
What's even wilder is that I don't even have the key to that door!

Making a fool of's tough, but in our personality, sort of,
That' doesn't mean it's any easier telling when I've come up short.
Who wants to talk about nights crying, or hearts being broken,
From everybody's computer brain, they want to hit tha button, 'abort.'

Yet, that was tha goal of this whole thang,
To capture real-time thoughts as one grows and reaches "tha top".
Quotes are needed for sure, cuz there's never a limit on success,
Knowing our "Anything is Possible" mindset...I'll never stop.

But delicate as it was to open ourselves up,
That mission was meant for us, and boy have we gotten loose.
I know too well about feeling like tha only "Cat In Tha Hat",
My style of writing is Shakespeare with Iceberg Slim...Oh, and a little Dr. Seuss!

How we write is who we are as a person though,
Nothing short of being authentic will I allow.
When it comes to getting our point across for tha cause,
Through tha storms of "It's not worth it" will I plow.

Before I forget, let me get another thing out here,
As this is turning into another classic post.
The Love Life of ours is all too well documented,
So tonight I shouldn't have to give u another dose.

Gonna make it clear, and hopefully now u see,
I'm serious when I believe we've been around the most sexy dames.
Hugh Hefner, Prince, and The Backstreet Boys in their hey possibly,
But I know though, and with a straight face can truly say, ours is insane!

Not bragging or boasting, but somehow it was bestowed on us,
We are gonna be around a lot of beautiful girls everywhere we walk.
Our lifestyle of love and fun attract sexy girls,
And if u're a girl who's reading this...U now see that I'm more than just talk.

Romantic at heart certainly, u just wouldn't believe,
What we would do to make a pretty gal smile.
Been blessed to have means and a listening ear to do some wild things,
I remember ordering flowers for this one girl...and she lived away over 2000 miles!

It was worth it though in tha end,
Cuz u never know what to expect when I want to make somebody's day.
Being creative, touching one's soul, isn't fake, just who we are,
Want every person, and definitely baby girl to be stress less...I still believe we'll hav our way.

We're not a playa...but definitely a Playboy.
One of an ever depleting and old school breed.
Appreciating what True Love, and more importantly True Beauty is,
Every episode in our love life was just a plant of a wisdom seed.

Just wanted to make that clear, cuz we have told some private tales,
Ones nobody should have heard.
But...U gotta do what u gotta do.
Have to admit about ur days walking, now that u soar high like a bird.

Something is telling me to stop right now,
A voice is telling me that "tonight is not tha end."
I get a little weary y'all, but I'm writing for tha one who loves fun,
Or perhaps for that one who's heart needs a little mend.

If u take nothing else from me just take this,
And we do mean take it wherever you go.
Sometimes in life rare people do appear,
Many are hidden, but others by sight u know.

For us to call ourself "rare" I'll leave that up to others,
Tonight is not for us to keep on tooting our own horn.
Just want to tell you that sometimes a Rose is just that...a Rose,
Enjoy that beauty, instead of missing out searching for a thorn.

Also be confident within urself,
You have a lot to give if u stop thinking and just move.
U can think urself out of a job, or a date, or an opportunity,
Success can come from practice, or sometimes how ur heart behooves.

Don't ever think "I'm not good enough."
This sounds like something I know from the neighborhood of Mr. Rogers place.
Well by golly, give me a train set, and a pastel cardigan then,
Cuz I struggle with it as well sometimes...yet I always continue on in tha race.

Your time is coming.  I promise...
Just hang on in there, at least give it one more try.
The hardest part of the race is as u get closer to tha end,
Cramps pop up, back hurts, and even u begin to cry.

But when u cross that finish line...
I'm becoming speechless cuz that's all I want to do.
Not talking about dying...I'm ageless remember,
Just talking about holding up that 1st place ribbon that is blue.

Knowing that everything is a process,
That becoming and having tha best comes with tha ultimate price.
If u think u don't have to sacrifice or have trials innumerable,
Homeboy or Homegirl...u better think twice.

That's it for tonight,
Just Love and Have Fun,
Put that in the pocket of ur mind.

As for us, it's been a ride,
Now, the next chapter...
Thought I was wild before, now I hear only two words...

"It's Showtime."

Thanks for tha energy!
U'll get nothing but our best from hear on out...I promise!

Air Smooches and Hugs!

Monday, May 20, 2013

U-Turns into a Cake.

Is anybody else disturbed at tha fact that we have so many people walking around with baby strollers here in Miami, but with no actual baby inside?!  I mean, is this tha new 'fade' of 2013?  Down here in tha M.I.A. we see so many things that just bump our head, and recently I'm seeing all these people walking around South Beach and in tha mainland of Miami, and right before I'm about to bend down and utter, "La-dy Ga-ga...Goo-Goo" to these shorties, I pause and am like, "This is a roll up bag of laundry?!"  I don't get it, and I promise you, I saw a baby doll in a baby stroller pushed by a grown person.  Now, I used to flip through and see those old horror movies starring Chucky, but with all that money made off of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video, u tell me homeboy doesn't have any dinero saved up to at least ride in a Hummer stroller?!!  Miami is wild dude...

And that's tha lead off paragraph into another post with yours truly.  It's getting wild ain't it?!...Alright, I'm about to go off.  I CANNOT stand it when u purchase a frozen food, get back home, and they "jipped" u out on a chicken breast or tenderloin.  Like, just now, I opened up my, what do u call these things made by Perdue, ah yes, a bag of Chicken Cutlets (I get tickled when I write that!) from Purdue's...Sorry, I forgot I'm not writing this from Indiana and Boilermaker country...Perdue's Simply Smart series and the ganked me out of 1 cutlet.  That package specifically told me, "Serving Size:  7 per Package" and they only given me 6.  That's like me going out with a girl, and she texting me all week, "Saturday Night is gonna be fun."  And then when tha weekend hits, ur sitting in this old basement playing the game Battleship, eating nothing but Bugles and Gummie Bears, all the while in tha background all u can hear is the classic 2008 Wimbledon tennis match from a few years ago between Federer and Nadal, which is cool, except that homegirl says she's not gonna do anything until that match is over, which just happens to last like 5 hours.  So basically ur serving Love-Zero for the entire night!  Ha Ha!  I can't stand when that happens cuz u feel like u get...shorted.

Tonight is gonna be filled with weird stuff only found in Miami, so get urself prepared!

Ok, so early this morning I was over in tha South Miami section of town, and as I turned off of US-1 onto Sunset, I noticed, well first I noticed this police officer on a motorcycle do like a U-turn of sorts, which I'll get into in a bit, but he turned over to this side street in front of SM's City Hall, and there were like 3 or 4 cop cars over there.  First off, I was looking to see if it was anybody I recognized, cuz if it was, I for dag gone sure was gonna be on it next Monday when the city releases everybody's mug shot who got arrested within tha last several days online for tha world to see.  That's an "Only in Miami" thing right there.  U got folks at home yelling, "Hey, Bookie, come here...Chauncey's picture is online, right now.  He famous!"  Didn't recognize tha face but what I did see was that the subject that was apprehended (That sounds so Dragnet!), was wearing, and I'm not kidding you, he was actually wearing a hospital gown!  Like he just ran away from from his hospital bed, with nothing but his gown on, with the slit going down from his neck...his back...Lick my pu...I better not get wound up.  But I had never, ever seen anything like that before.  Cops are not getting folks if they run out of the hospital.  Can't u see like a hospital manager like screaming from the window as he was running away.  "Hey You!  Bring me back my robe, I got a budget to keep!!"  And we all know living in Miami, it's always about saving up them dollars!

Getting back to this U-turn thang.  It's becoming an epidemic here in Tha Magic City.  People are U-turning in tha wildest places, and over tha craziest things and positions.  U can just be driving along on any giving street and a SUV will just pull a U'ey on tha humbug.  Recently in a string of like 5 NY blocks, I almost got hit by 3 cars trying to get there runaway on.  I didn't know if people were trying to put a hit out on me or what.  For real...Huh...that brings up another story matter of fact.  I have had a wild life....

So I was in college right, and I remember one of my best homeboys was I guess "messing with" this one girl. Doing his thang with her or what not, and evidently she began to get to feening for him.  Like in a possessive way.  I"m gonna try to make this short...So he didn't really want anything to do with her, but she wouldn't get tha message.  My clan of friends would even and still when we talk about her call her by "Crazy Such and Such" if u catch our drift.  What's messed up about her was that she was attractive, wore those geeky glasses to hide her freakness, with red-hair, and she took care of her body, she was right.  Little did we know...

One afternoon, I'm walking back to my dorm with my guy JB and this other cool homegirl.  And as we were crossing tha road in tha middle of school, her's this Chick-Fil-A comes speeding down in her SUV and tries to take all three, but mainly me and JB out!  Like she ran us into the gravel pit of rocks on tha side.  Then she just continued to speed off like it was nuthin'!  Telling u, I've had knives pulled out on me by girls, been almost taken out by ladies via vehicle, wrestled girls in tha golden sand of beaches...oh wait, that wasn't a bad thing I guess!  But we've...

I shake our head.  Last night, I was just thinking and basically laughing about ALL the episodes and some of the people who've come in and out of our life...just since we've been down here in Miami.  I can get kind of upset, and let me just be open about it, I can get really upset about all the steps that I've had to endure and go through.  Don't think I've uttered Fornication Under the Consent of the King so much in my life, as I have recently.  Just because of the fire that's within us, and the wondering of why did this happen or why did that person make a cameo or how come it has to take me so long, when for others it doesn't?  All these questions go through our mind.  We can be a trip...either to Disney World or to tha Asylum!

The other day I heard somebody talking about how having "a sense of urgency shouldn't choke the process."  That's a quote.  Cuz as I look at our life...I'm being too personal tonight, I know, but hey if u've read our stuff previously u know what's up.  Our life has been a huge process.  And I didn't understand that.  Seems like we were born and embedded by my parents and family and friends that "anything is possible."  I've always just imagined our life being something special or I guess "galactic".  I mean, I sign my name with "stars" dotting the 'I's' of my name.  So that should tell you something about us  right there....These Cutlets are good has hecky doo right now!  Now I'm really salty they didn't give me that other one...It's just that we've been surrounded by so much, it's tough to explain...

Like so many who come down here to Miami, u have this 'sense' about you.  Let's just be honest, if u just move down here, and are not like relocated by a job, u have to have so kind of ego to even come down here.  For real...Not only the city, but if u live here in South Beach, u really got to have some kind of  "self-assureness" about urself.  Cuz SoBe don't play.  It kind of describes us in a way.  U either "Love it or hate it".  There isn't any in between.  What I didn't realize though as we were advancing through the episodes like the TV Lost, is there are necessities in order for you to be who u wanna be in life.  You can read all the books in tha world, or talk to ur homeys or girlfriends and they can tell you, "Child, tha same thang happened to me, all u gotta do is this", but u got to experience it for yourself.

We're a HUGE, and I do mean HUGE fan of autobiographies and people telling their stories.  In many ways I think we've been studying up on a lot of things from other people unaware.  When u become famous or when u become a big boss, u see things and think its easy.  Like...Ok, I know how to handle it when I get a lot of money, how to spend it, how to save it....But u don't realize how u spend $100 can reflect how ur gonna spend $1000 or $1 million.  Or if u have some fame, and have a lot of women after you, u think that's not that hard to handle, I've seen a lot of beauties, seen it all, done them all.  What u don't realize is that perhaps u have go through certain situations to prepare you for that lifestyle.  So Austin, u may have to be tested with how are u gonna spend ur next check at the Weekend Only sale at Urban Outfitters  (Which was this past weekend and u talking about a recovering shop-a-holic's nightmare!) or save up cash for later in the week when u know going to be out and about.  Or with the Girl thing (Or guy thing if ur a girl), if u want this lifestyle or even want tha ultimate soulmate or love, u may have to endure through all the bad apples to really experience good apple pie!  That's why...

My Moms told me, "You're not made for everybody."  I kind of scoffed at that, but now I believe that's ultra-true.  Just because u're made for 'anybody' doesn't mean ur made for 'everybody'.  Yao Ming! And there are certain situations and people u just have to go through to get to tha one or lifestyle u want or dreamed about.  People may think it's conceited to say this, but I really keep on saying that tha doll I end up, is gonna  be someone who's been heartbroken and has gone through tha game, and has simply put...LIVED. And that's not age discriminatory either.  This type of gal will appreciate how I treat her, what I have, tha fun I possess, and yada, yada, yada, more than somebody who just is getting their feet wet.  Somebody may need to hear this so I'm writing a little extra tonight. Forgive me if its boring or what not... If ur just coming into dating or getting to know urself sort of, and date a guy like me, I think u can get spoiled and think that life is "Supposed" to be this way, and it's not a luxury, u know.  It's like a rookie coming into the NBA and wins tha championship without tha struggle.  That's great, but a sense of entitlement or "it's always gonna be like this" can creep in.  As well as complacency....

I used to get pretty upset at how many of my experiences with girls ended.  Most of which without any closure.  Which is the most difficult.  Cuz with "closure" u can at least get a 'if we see each other at tha mall, we'll speak' or a hug in public, or even a kiss good-bye.  But when u have that open endedness to a friendship or coolness between two people that can be tough.  Cuz now u have to decide how to handle this.  Should I be cool...Should I just cuss this person out when they told me they were busy but are out on tha town...Or should u take tha high road, even though inside it hurts to see that person's face.  Like I said that's a situational step that's necessary to advance and grow.

Then another facet of I guess Love, that I couldn't understand is how everybody's different.  Like just because ur attractive to 10 people straight that 11 person may not be into you.  I guess I think of myself as a super car like a Lambo or Ferrari.  A pristine one by tha way! (Wink!)  Everybody wants to drive me, right???  Like ah...No!  And then once a possible relationship would end, I get into that old SNL mirror scene, this time South Beach style.  U know, when u look in tha mirror and begin to talk to urself, naked or not..." can they not want this?!"  U go through all ur positive characteristics u think u have or did..."I'm nice...I got some ducketts...I drive...I live in...I have the body of...I approached her professionally...and she's likes somebody who doesn't work out, doesn't give a hoot about her feelings...who doesn't call her, even tho' he says he is...doesn't dress like..."  U go through all those things. I may be tha only one who's done that and if so "bunk it" I just have to be tha only one.  But what I'm learning is that sometimes people want to be part of tha...ah...process.

Meaning, like if I say, "I want to meet a girl who's educated school wise, and has dreams."  Then I meet a girl who has a Master's degree and is pursuing some kind of Entrepreneurship training.  I could be like, "She ain't tha one for me", even though that's tha girl u want. Simply because u want that long-term characteristic yet short term u think that's too much for you, and that u can't bring nothing to tha table which is total bull.  Huh.  This just hit us...

"Some people want tha cake catered in...while others want to be in tha kitchen to help bake tha cake."

Thus, I would get upset when a gal would appreciate tha cake, but wanted to have a hand in making it.  I could run off of that...Cuz it's true for guys and girls.  What's going on is a shift, I think.  I believe now, more people are realizing that dealing with tha drama trying out all these different recipes, and flour flying everywhere, and all the times running through the house while the cake is in the oven making it flat, just ain't worth it.  The type of girls I'm attracted to, I know feel like they want somebody who has it together.  Yeah, it's exciting to go through the afternoon, but sometimes at the end u figure u might as well go out to Publix or Misha's and we could have saved a lot of time in tha first place.

It's all personal.  And I'm closing cuz I've already exposed how we think about things, which sometimes I still feel is embarrassing but...

Our whole thing when it comes to this gospel of Fun and Love, is to have an open mind.  U know what just hit us, about that cake thing, sometimes it's good to know how to make a cake urself!  And to know tha recipe and steps needed urself!  Oh God!!  NO WONDER I'M SO CONFUSED!!  Just joking, but u have to have an open mind.  And that can only be gotten through experiences...Which can be difficult, and if u want to reach ur ultimate dreams, many times they are unwanted.

That's it.  I'm covering my eyes cuz even though we've written over 300 posts plus, I can still get a little weird when we talk from our heart.  This stuff is like private gems that only special people will ever read.  Those who want to reach tha top.  It's an exclusive club.  I'm just a kid who wants to love and have fun.  That's it.  Hopefully that illuminates from us.  For some reason we feel like it's about to shine a little brighter...

Until it Glows in Tha Dark.

Sorry for tha length.
Bye, and two fingers kiss on ur lips.
Austin Lamont Williams aka Sir Galaxia.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Seis De Papi Grande.

Sit down guys and girls,
For I have a story to tell.
Danny stop playing with Jamie's hair,
It's alright, Jamie pick up ur barrette it just fell.

For tha last time be quiet, and hush,
I have a tale that none of you've ever heard.
Be patient while I speak about this fairy tale life,
Next week we can talk about tha bees and tha birds.

"Are you gonna talk about Ironman or Superman?"
No, but that doesn't mean it isn't good.
This is something more real, and with more suspense,
One day it's gonna win an really and truly should.

Hush.  Is everybody ready? "Yes...",
Good.  Now story time is now hear.
First I want you to close your eyes for a moment,
Breathe slowly..Just relax...And have no fear.

Does your mind now feel at total peace?
Where all of your dreams and fantasies come true,
This is where all of your doubts cease.

Ok, here we go kids, Buckle up,
Cuz I'm gonna take you on a journey of a ride.
Through history and tha future at tha same moment,
Using colorful words like a shirt just tie-dyed.

I'm gonna close my eyes for this as well,
For we all are now feeling the same.
No more delay, just be quiet and listen,
This is a story titled...Galaxia's Game.

Throughout the time of history,
Many have come to Earth, so many to name by far.
Everybody has contributed in some way to its axis,
From the Garbage Man to the Hollywood Star.

Dreams reached, Dreams unfulfilled,
Yet there has to be something more than this.
It's good to get a Happy Meal everyday right,
Yet how come one doesn't come with a Filet-O-Fish.

The desire to want more and more,
This is something that we all crave at one time.
Two Gucci watches, Ten pairs of Air Jordans,
The whole discography of the group Sublime.

How do you cave into this desire to have the best,
With anything less being nothing but second prize?
Can u tell who lives by this notion by what he wears...
Or is it simply tha fire that's in his eyes.

This story I'm getting into right now,
Was told to me when I was a kid.
My Pops told me to sit down, "I've got something to say",
Back then whatever ur folks said...U simply did.

So I grabbed one of those old steel mill stools,
Tha kind that my father help make day and night.
I sat dead in front of him like criminal at tha 5-0 station,
He even had a light shine in my face...Oh, what fright.

But he told me, no matter what, just listen,
And promise to tell your kids when u grow up about...him.
Since I'm not married and have no kids of your own,
Pops' story is now mine, and my kids, I consider you them.

He began by saying that there once was a guy very unique,
Legend has it that he shot from the Galaxy above.
Nobody knew when he was born, he was ageless,
Yet he told everybody he was made out of love.

As he shot through tha stars coming down to the Earth,
He had such swagger like never ever seen.
A youngster was he when he finally landed,
Word had it he was ignored, even though his walk was mean.

He never been in this place before,
Just heard the gods talk about it in the skies.
Talk of having super cars, and computers that talk,
As well as large air crafts that help u fly.

Being a stranger he didn't know where he was gonna live,
Somehow, and someway he found this place near tha H2O.
Nice place, that reminded him of where he came from,
Even though he was wealthy, tha home didn't elicit mad dough.

So he opened up tha door with a wonder,
"Now that I'm here, what am I to do?"
Not one being bored, he hit tha streets,
When u have fun, he found just how much time flew.

The scene was amazing, like beyond tha hype,
Exceeding everything that he's seen looking down below.
He just laughed and laughed all the time,
Just to be in his company was like being with Larry, Curly and Moe.

One thing nagged at him though,
Even though he was like tha toast of tha town.
He would be giggling, and partying and living it up,
Yet when those close doors shut, he had nothing but a frown.

After nights of this continual feeling,
He had no choice to call the one who could make it all stop.
Somehow, and I don't know how, he phone up to tha sky,
This is a situation where only one person could help...His Pops.

To his amazement though, there was no answer,
And more crazy, it sounded like a busy tone.
He called again, and again, and again,
"What is up, why won't he pick up tha phone?"

Now tha kid feels like it's time to show who he really is,
Tell some people and hope they accept his truth.
"I'm from tha stars, and I'm gonna be famous one day,"
All they would say is, "Aw, who cares u'll never be a Babe Ruth".

He then sat on a tha curb of the neighborhood street,
With nothing but tears strolling down his face's side.
It was like everybody's eyes were closed to who he was,
He then pulled out all too familiar hanky, extended it extra wide.

Shaking his head, and questioning himself,
"Will they ever know what's in front of them?...
I wish I never came from my home I shot from,
At least up there I was consider a unique gem."

He then got up, and began to walk his way home,
To this place which turned from party room to tha room of pain.
The steps on the sidewalk, dragged ever so slowly,
It was like he was leaving the mark of rejection's stain.

The journey home was the longest one he's ever taken,
A 10 minute journey turned into a 3 hour escapade.
It was steaming hot, inside and outside with the heat,
A signal of his life, feeling burnt out, with no look of any shade.

He got back inside, and laid down on his bed,
Looking up he said, "This right here just ain't at all fair.,
I was sent down here for something, but no one hears me,
We told this one girl 'Hello', and she just gave a 'whatever' type sneer."

"When would this all end, and I can show what I got,
Just like what I heard on that Plasma TV.
If life can only be like an episode of MTV Cribs daily,
Is it like magic...One...Two...Three?"

After he uttered those words, he heard a beep,
On his Galaxy phone which indicated a text.
He's been hoping for anything to go his way,
Life has been so tough though...What could be next?

He sat up in his bed, and wondered should he even look,
Thinking it's just another girl who's telling him, she's busy.
The thoughts and anger run through him quickly,
On the scale of 1 to 10, I'm an eleven...Why hasn't this been easy?

A look at his background, which is a drawn picture of his face,
Brings a slight bit of hope to his soul.
"One day this face is gonna be on the cover of every single magazine,
And our name is gonna be on tha lips of every conversation that is told."

He swipes with an attitude to unlock his phone,
Because he feels like that "someday" is so far in tha distant.
Been there...Done that...
Fun is there, but just nothing ultra-consistent.

Tha Kid looks at tha message icon, which shows "1" with a circle,
Who could this be since it's getting late on his watch.
Nighttime is creeping in where he was sent,
Sometimes he wishes he was thrown to tha land of tha Kangaroo pouch.

The text his from His Pops, which is weird,
Cuz he never ever uses text as a medium to talk.
He would usually call, or send something for him through tha Eagle in tha sky,
Maybe even a small quote, like..."Take a walk."

The text is opened, and its read with high interest,
Knowing that this could be a matter of life and the end.
He's held his cool for so long, but now it's weighing on him,
Those past memories are now gaining strength and are tougher to fend.

He reads the text, and tosses his phone on tha bed,
Glazing out through his half way closed window peak.
The glare of tha moon is now apparent,
Now or never is as well...for this is his only feat.

It's late, but he gets up and gives a small hop,
And now is walking around his place.
He looks into tha mirror in his room,
For the first time in a while, he is now staring face to face.

Now the closet door cringes open, with a purpose,
He slices and dices for his finest threads.
A natural high is coming upon him like never before,
Just to think moments before he wanted to overdose on some Meds.

Memories of watching others get what he wanted,
But having to be reserved first as a spectator.
Knowing in his heart that his influence will be felt hard,
Destiny will now be his country, with is role being Final Dictator.

A shirt he's been saving, is pulled out his stash,
For tonight is tha night of new beginnings.
The motivation is like never before,
Realizing that its time to start Happiness Never Endings.

He pulls out his belt, Dolce and Gabbana,
Sent from a friend of His Pops.
This is gonna be worn in his honor,
Cuz that friend always believe in reaching mountaintops.

The jeans are super tough,
Should he go with D Wade color or a James Dean look.
Color is calling his name ever loudly,
He chooses Purple...straight out of tha Barney book.

Music is now put on, louder than ever,
With tha rhythm being felt all throughout tha air.
Dances from Soul Train, and So U Think U Can Dance,
Are being performed...All without a single care.

He says, "Come on David Guetta get me hype!",
For even his neighbors know this is a new night.
A bump hits his door, and he looks and sees an ear,
Pressed deeply to his door, wanting to hear a star's first takeoff flight.

Tha kid is now bouncing around, his place,
Goes to tha bathroom, and puts on some Clarins Face Cream.
He rubs on his face, as he's shirtless,
Now knowing all the pain has molded him into somebody's fantasy dream.

Walks back out, to finish tha job,
Cream is plastered like a mask from Thriller.
There's a glance down at his cologne, he wants something historic,
For now he has a new personal scent, and not just a test filler.

Benetton, Diesel, and Versace,
Those were all the scents of who he used to be.
Now he's sexier, his time has now arrived,
He needs a scent which would make those once blind to see.

Tha choice has no become simple,
And it's a good one at that even I admit.
The Playboy fragrance, the New York edition,
It's so scary how that smell and title aptly fits.

A few squirts here, and a few there,
His pants open up, just in case the night is lucky.
Everything is coming to him now, he now KNOWS this,
It wouldn't change if he walked out wearing a rubber ducky.

Side-stepping back into the bathroom,
Thoughts of how it now feels to be tha best.
Being led to the lions by The King,
Gladly accepting the challenge of all the tests.

If you can survive all those lions,
U can survive anything, and it will glow.
He relishes in tha fact that everybody has had their turn,
Never before though are have they seen this epic show.

The water is now running, and he grabs an handful,
Beginning to wipe of his face like a new man.
A wipe followed by another wipe and a towel,
To be successful, he's learned he must become his own number one fan.

He walks back out the bano,
Knowing that he would never, ever be tha same.
Showing how fun is to be lived, and how to love,
Concerned with knowing, and not banging ever single dame.

The need to practice lines isn't needed,
Just due to tha years being behind-tha-scenes.
He's seen tha best in action, thousand of times,
Straight out of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne's pool gene.

He grabs his wallet of his,
Which is still one of the rarest to find in any store.
A Burberry one, seemingly made just for him,
Just a small sign that he's used to walking through wealth's door.

Some things just never change,
Since it's special he wants to have the ultra look of "The One".
Hand reaches for his Emporio Armani sunglasses,
It's dark out, but his aura illuminates nothing but ultimate fun.

He gets down on his knees before he leaves to go,
And is thankful for all that has happened to him in his past.
The times people didn't believe in him, or gave nothing but hate,
Moments where he thought that one more night he could not last.

Stands up and is ready to go,
Walks out his place and all locked shut.
Confidence is raining at an all-time high,
Feeling like he can make any hole-in-one putt.

"Shucks, I forgot something", he remembers,
Which leads to a fast turn around to his joint.
The dash is quick and fast,
For he know his moment has a perfect time appoint.

Unlocks the door, with a big smile,
Grabs his phone, and gives it a big kiss.
Of all the things he could have forgotten, not this,
This is tha reason he's become "The Big Can't Miss."

Locks back up, and strolls down the hall,
Knowing that when he walks out, the moment shall speak.
Doors open, opportunities everywhere,
No longer does the tunnel look so bleak.

Funny thing happens as he walks out,
There are cameras everywhere from every nation.
Flickers flash, questions are being shouted,
Not rudely, but in a "We've been waiting for you" dictation.

He nods his head, and smiles,
Tha same they did to JFK Jr., and Marilyn M.
Looks down at his phone with a smile,
Realizing that pic is gonna become the most expensive film.

Somebody asks, "What are u smiling at?",
And u simply say, 'Earlier My Pops texted me a word.'
Wondering if he should, thinking to how no one listened,
When he told them he would fly so high like a bird.

Flashes of all he's gone through,
Many he has met, and many who only gave a diss.
Smiling with a swagger like none other,
Even blowing a lady paparazzi a kiss.

All voices shush, as he is about to reveal,
Something so personal, but many can relate.
This can be used not only for this special night,
But for life, on tha job, or on that date.

My Pops is so cool, and knows everything,
And he reminded me who I was to be.
Once he told me, 'The Time has now arrived,
Need no fear, just let them see.

I sent you there for a reason,
Most of it was to simple endure.
U've made it through all those predictable trials,
Now u're simply gold pure.

But tonight was different,
Our time is here, by far...
Never knew that six words could have such power,
He simply texted me...

"Let Them Know Who You Are."

How come they always fall asleep on tha best part.
Whenever I scream about Ice Cream and Cake,
All their bodies run with a fast dart.

Oh, well, that's a classic story,
That has been shared throughout my fam.
Whenever I'm down, I think upon those words,
Makes me remember who I am.

If they could only know who that story was about,
"Kids keep on sleeping...Gotta go...See ya."
I can still see my father ending that memorable night though,
"Son, whatever you do...don't ever, ever forget....

...The Tale of Austino Galaxia."

"Tha Kid."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Whining And Dining.

Alright.  This is gonna be short...for real.

Lots of stuff going on with our life.  Things are beginning to pick up even more, and we'll do our best to make sure we bring u into our Galaxy which is becoming more special by tha moment.  

So many decisions to make...We've been looking at upgrading our pantry and diet some.  Looking for the edge into getting into tha ultimate shape.  We're not into supplements, except for our Flintstone's vitamins, but we do pretty well.  The other day researching on some Pro Athlete, more specifically The LA Lakers like changed their diet middle of tha season, so we were looking to find what they did.  Word has it that they went to a like "Pasture-fed" type of diet.  Not Pasteurized but like "Grass-fed" diet where the cows and animals eat and smoke only grass.  (Wink!)  Some great info, and it sounds like a  real try.  The downside is the expense of it all.  It's really for the wealthy and well off.  And even though we we've been blessed and have a few nickels in our socks in our shoebox, paying like $5.49 for milk and like $9 per pound for some meat, can have me bug eyed like a Roger Rabbit film.  Plus u have to have tha time to cook it differently and stuff.  So, we shall fridge is empty right now, as is tha rest of Miami, I mean doesn't everybody plan their week around Thursdays since that's when the Publix Supermarket weekly ad goes into effect!  

Huh.  A thought just hit me...

I cook a lot, but yet and still go out on tha town or even back up north with my boys a lot, and have seen and heard of some wild stuff.  Like this one pizza joint like spitting in tha middle of tha pizza as their tradition.  Yuk! No hobo that was true....Or this other pizza joint dropping pizza on tha ground picking it back up, and serving it.  I actually ate a pizza from Little Caesars that tasted straight up like Mr. Clean.  I think my hair even went bald after I ate it!  So much...

Two incidents in regards to fast food joints come to mind...One being at a Wendy's and having a Double-Stack burger being filled with ketchup, mustard and a Press-On Fingernail.  I don't know if it came from this chick's middle finger or not, since I do have a tendency to be ultra-specificity in regards to my ordering habits.  But still, I don't want that, at least if it was Purple I woulda known my homegirl was working and could have asked her for tha hookup on sum Biggie Fries! So that was one...The other was going to Mickey D's and getting some Chicken McNuggets and them giving me a Chickenhead literally, sans the bikini and wedge shoes, as one of the nuggets.  I was like, "Are u kidding me?"  I don't know who was dumber them passing out chicken brain, or me not suing Mickey D's?!! Folks make a killing suing over hot coffee or for McDonald's not having any ethnic characters, although I do question what box The Hamburglar checked on tha last Census.  But "Tha Kid" aka Me could have been rolling in my purple Fisker luxury ride with plans to go to Ibiza in tha morning.  Oh well...Let them do that again...

Yeah man...Eat-ting out!  Had some wild experiences with waitresses as well...This one steakhouse one of my dudes I was with thought the service was so bad that he put tha tip down, and then as the waitress turned around, picked it back up.  And I think he wrote, "Look both ways before u cross tha street" or something like that...Wild.  This one waitress was like an undercover gangsta who talked about "putting it on tha boss" like she was a Queenpen or what not...While these waitress at Olive Garden...I'm not gonna talk about them tonight, cuz my crew and them had some "fun".  Service does matter though...

I wonder if anybody is as wild as I am when it comes to looking at tha menu, and actually ordering.  Besides coming short of asking if the chickens were born pre-Bird flu or not, I can be a trip.  I usually start with water.  Then tha server would come back, and I'm almost mouthing out what they are gonna say, as they say it, "Do-You-All-Know-What-You-Want-To-Order...Or-Do-You-Want-More-Time."  Same script whether u're at Chili's or if u're on Ocean Drive. The even say that at Burger King.  So of course, u tell them u need more time...Just like any sexy dame does to any guy, never tell him 'Yes' on tha first try, right?!  When they come back, I hit 'em up like they on Top Chef.  

"Can I get this with wheat bread?"

"Is tha Chicken Fried or Baked?"

"What's tha substitute for Rice?"

"Rice is tha main dish...Whahh??  I want Chicken Fried Rice steamed and without tha rice, fool!"

And then, don't be that friend who has a reputation.  Come on somebody, I know I'm not tha only one.  Like, in a group, u know who not only is a trip in ordering tha food, but is also a trip in that they watch what they eat.  Meaning u go to like Shake Shack, and raise a fuss cuz the Ice Cream has too much sugar...Or go to a nice formal Sake and Sushi joint, and be all p'd cuz the don't get their fish from California, and then go into a 10 min. spill why California water is tha best...Then to make matters worse, right when everybody is about 2 order, u can feel like all eyes turn toward you, and u even see a kid pointing his Iphone towards you, cuz he knows this order is gonna be epic!  Funny but true dudes and dudettes...

The most upset I've been eating out...Well, that freakin' Dave and Buster's at Dolphin Mall, had me almost tossing chairs up in there.  I'll tell you why, so it was a group of us, guys and girls, and I was like dude I'm gonna get my eat on, and then try to win this Miami Dolphins stuff animal in tha Robo-Machine that I've only seen one person actually grab something my whole life.  So we get there, and wait was "Eh" and so I seen..Sorry Ebonics kicking in...I saw tha menu, and this steak.  I was like this 'ish looks good with tha corn on tha side, and mashed potatoes, and and it comes with like a $10 game play, shoot, I hadn't felt that good since my Pops told me and my brother to grab all tha free Glory Foods Hot Sauce bottles we could get our hands on at this one Expo up north!  We had hot sauce bottles for years, man, and I was, "Nuck, Nuck, Nuck-ing" it on everything.  From baked potatoes to fish to borderline putting it on my Funfetti birthday cake!  It was out of control...Ok, back to this fiasco...

So I server, that sounds so downgrading...the waitress comes over, and I point to this picture of this juicy steak, and say, "I'll have that."  And I said it with attitude and swagger like I was at Red, The Steakhouse or Mr. Chow, like I'm gonna put this on tha AmEx tonight baby doll, and u can play all tha Dance Dance Revolution u want gurl!  Alright...That's what I ordered...I chatting away with my guy, and it was late if I remember correctly which, if ur a professional diner-outer (Made up term) u know only one thing.  Ur deducting from the check, like, "He's 10 minutes late...Carry tha one...Oh, and this kid at tha next table, ordered after me, and he got his before me...Let me see...Kid's tax...This guy is getting $2. 45 no matter what!"  

This guy brought out my food.  Whooo-wee!  This steak was so small, I think my fork overlapped it as I tried to stab at it.  I had never ever seen anything like it.  That's another ain't nothing worse than having ur order Cracker Jack'd  up, while the rest of tha party is enjoying theirs.  Everybody else tries to be sympathetic, "It was photo shopped." or "U want some of mine.", when deep down they are thinking, "That stinks for him, but I was on the 826 for 45 minutes at a stand still, and I'm gonna eat with or without him!"  Am I lying?!?!

Man, I feel like telling some more, but I gotta go.

Believe u me, there's more I can say...Hmmm, is that prelude to a Part 2. 

One never knows.

Bon Apet...A-P-E-T-I-T...Anyways...

Good Night.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Love's Stat Sheet.

Just got done talking to Tha Crib, back up in "The Land of Corn" of Indiana.  Talked to Pops, and Moms on this Mother's Day.  So I guess I need to keep it clean on today...or maybe not.  We'll see.

Oh, this diary of ours.  It's getting crazy, ain't it?!!  We don't even know what's gonna unfold on these pages.  Just wanna have some fun, and hopefully express ourselves in a way, that either now or decades from now, will leave whoever reads this to think, "That was kinda cool."  So on that note...what's on our mind tonight?

That's a question loaded like a baked potato, really...Um....

We've talked about love and relationships a lot haven't we?  Almost too much right?  But something is just in tha air, tough to explain...seems like all last week, tha topic was about falling for somebody or having somebody fall for you, who is already in a relationship.  Like every song I heard, or as I was reading different things enhanced (Oh, how I love that word!) our thinking on that topic.  Even last week, I was thinking about this one girl, who I think is sexy, and has that "IDGAF" (Sorry, but that's diary talk!) attitude, that I love so much in girls.  Also, it seems like all these songs and words I was hearing were confirmations to how I already felt.  Which is...that sometimes just being real with people, especially if u feel it in tha air, is the best route to go.  That doesn't mean to try to sabb...this girl in this Special K commercial is cute as...I aplogize, I got a little sidetracked...but that doesn't mean to try to sabotage relationships or anything.  Like, "No".  But it does mean, if the moment speaks, to compliment folks who might need to know they are beautiful, even if they are in a relationship or not, and in tha right way, let them know that there are options out there.  Cuz sometimes we all can be so focused on one person, that we forget that there is a whole world, and in our case, a whole Galaxy to be explored.

I have a feeling that we are about to get loose, so forgive us, if we do...

I know I'm not supposed to talk about this thang...again...but until I get it right, and until Love is true Love, then I gotta tell it like it is...This is gonna get embarrassing, but...I don't really care anymore cuz this is what's going on in our life, so...let's roll.

The South Beach life.  It's a lifestyle like know other on Earth.  Literally...We can party til tha break of dawn, and then stumble into work tha next day...We can chill on the sultry sands...Oh, Snap!!  We bringing out tha seductive words tonight, oh snap!!...On the sultry sands of the beach, and call in to either our job, or email our professor at school, and tell them, "Like...I'ma like...not a going in on today...cuz like, I'm not feeling well on today..."  Only to find a pic of u and ur homeboys and homegirls playing sand Tic-Tac-Toe, South of Fifth, where we tan nude...Everyday, it's like I'm uttering, "I've never seen that before."  Something happens that leaves a mark like, "Whoa!"  (In my Joey Lawerence voice.)  The vibe is ultra-sexy in the neighborhood, u feel like ur on a permanent vaction, and it's super easy to lose focus on what reality life is...or can bring, or something like that.

This is gonna get personal, so if this is ur first time reading us, don't get on tha phone and start gossiping like, "Gurl...u should read what Austino wrote on today."  Then again, maybe u should, cuz nowadays I'm learning that its true when they say that, "Any press is good press."  But...Anyway...

So a few weeks or months ago, I don't even remember, I came upon this one girl or female, which seemed to be mad cool, sexy beautiful, killer smile, worked out, beach cinnamon tan (Without any tan lines which is lovely, since tan lines can be a easy 'deal-breaker' with me), she had it all...almost too much.  Including money...And...I shouldn't have said that last one, anyway, but she seemed cool.  And this chick set a landmark in my life, for she was tha, how can I put this...This takes a lot for me to admit, and I hope nobody discounts the courage it takes for me to say this, but this doll, was the first and I think, the only girl I've ever come across  whom I thought, "This chick might be on a whole 'nother level, even for me."  Whew!  That wasn't so bad, but that takes a lot for me to admit that, cuz I don't believe in all this "out of ur league" junk that goes on in life, and especially down here in Miami.  So this girl got me to thinking...

How much does love and dating have to do with "stats" and how much has to do with the actual person?

(Note:  My fingers just cracked like I'm about to play Sting Quartet No. 16 by Beethoven!)

Me personally, have been "stat" discriminated against, a lot in our life.  And, No, that's not the most conceited statement u've heard since Reggie Jackson of those old school 70's Yankees uttered, "I'm tha straw that stirs the drink." It has some truth back on tha back of that.  I know my Moms has told me of how some girls are a little mysterious on how to, I guess, approach me.  And..

I remember this one time, being at this hole in tha wall place in Illinois, where they serve drinks, the dress is mad casual, and this disco, I mean dance floor was about tha size of A-Rod's bathroom down here in Miami Beach.  (Boy, if I had $22 million dollars right now...), and it was packed and folks dancing to songs like that give u directions and instructions like, "To Tha Window...To Tha Wall"...or "Drop down and get your eagle on", and then the part-time DJ would throw in some Aerosmith and Nirvana on, just to keep tha cops from getting too suspicious!  U know what I mean, if u don't u gotta get out, cuz it's real out here in America.  This night, I was with my boys, doing some "Talent Casting" for a spokes model for my new fragrance "Cherry Popper", Limited Edition...When my boy came back from across tha place, and said that there was some girls that we went to college with inside tha joint, and it was especially this one.

He gave me her name, and I'm like, "Oh, shoot, I think I found my next victim...I mean, spokes model."  (J/K!) So my mind began to run through of what this girl looked like tha last time I saw her.  She was one of the girls, I wanted to get to "know", notice the lower case, and not "KNOW", just saying. She was medium build, but very athletic cuz she used to work out ALL THA TIME at tha gym on campus.  She had like red/slash dirty blond hair, very fair skin, yet some of tha softest skin I've ever made contact with. (Don't ask me how I know, just know that I know what I'm talking from experience on this one.)  She reminded me of Jenna Elfman from that show Dharma and Greg, and that now cancelled show 1600 Penn.  Plus, on top of that I can honestly say that she had one of the sexiest walks that I've ever seen.  It was half goofy, and half-not-knowingly hypnotic.  She was a slept-on beauty, which, as u now know...I like.

My boy, came over to me and was like, "Such and such is over there.." I'm like, "Word."  Then he told me of how she noticed me over with tha crew, and was asking him, "Is that Austin over there?"  He told her, that he was...And then she went on and on, about us, and how basically she didn't know how to walk over to us, just to say, "Hi."  My guy, who's always and ever so gangsta, just was straight up with her and told her, "JUST WALK OVER THERE AND SAY 'HI!'!  Now she was debating how to approach us, and I didn't know we had touched her heart in that manner (We did have a class together), but for her to be soooo hesitant in that way, not knowing that it was I who thought was mad sexy hot in her heyday...when u get it from that angle so much, ur like, "Ok.  Who else may feel this way?"  And who else may look at the "stats" of who we are, instead of getting to really know who we are as a person. .U dig...

So what are "stats"?  In my opinion, stats can be physical characteristics like a woman's actual measurements, or even a guy's, but girls talk more talk in general terms like, "that guy has a cute butt" or "he has a the prettiest blue eyes that match his smile."  Guys are like that as well, but can be more physically defined, I think, we'll say stuff like, "this girl's measurements are 32C-26-34" or "This ----- has one mole on her face and two marks near her waistline, but I'll still hit"...stuff like that.  Real talk, real talk...

Stats also can be where u went to college, or even high school...Where u are from?...It certainly can be financial, where I think, in my opinion, it's flip flopped in this realm.  I think, guys are more general here, and girls are more specific.  Like, a dude would say, "She's has some cash." or "She can take care of herself." (That's a popular one.)  Where a girl would be more like, "He makes $100,000 cash" or "He lives in a $1.2 million condo in Brickell Key...Helloooo!"  Just my opinion but I think it has some relevance.  If u don't think so, email me at, and we'll talk!  Also, stats can be where u live and sometimes tha stigmas that come with that.  Us "South Beach" guys are all players, who party all the time, only care about getting laid, and live in the gym and beach more than we actually live in our own home.  "South Beach girls" love to party, are gold-diggers, hang out on somebody's boat or apartment all day, and are spoil brats who get whatever they want, whenever they want it.  Both stigmas are not true of all, but they are out there.  All the neighborhoods here in Miami, have these false "Stats" u know..."He's from Coral Gables, child u know he got money." or "She lives where?  Hialeah? Bro, don't trust any girls who live out there, they're all Chongas I'm telling you."  All of this is some bull...Man, if this wasn't Mother's Day...let's just say it's not true.

All these "Stats" that we look at instead of the person themselves.  Nowadays, when we meet somebody, what's one of the first things people ask , at the end of the conversation, if u get that far?  "Do u have a Facebook?"  Now there are some people who want to actually stay in touch, and communicate.  But now, I think that most use this social tool to get "Stats" on what that person is about, instead of straight up asking him.  Like for instance, when I was on there, since I'm a mysterious type of person, I'm sure some folks, I know some guys since I live in South Beach wanted to see who my "friends" are.  What tha bleep really is that?  So if I have 400 some odd friends, 250 of them are girls, and 100 of them seemed to be physically attractive, does that mean that I have it more going on than somebody who only has 10 girls as their friends? Or using tha same thing, if I have 75% of my friends of the female perspective, does that mean I'm a player? I mean, I have admitted that I may be tha last of the Playboy breed (Def:  One who appreciates a lady, treats her like she wants to be treated, and can stimulate her mind, body, and soul on various topics...and positions.  He's not a trickster, he's straight up and real.)  But still, u feel me?  We look at these "stats" as if they are fact on the person, when sometimes that's just...

It's 9:13pm tonight, the White Sox and Angels are in the 5th inning, so let's get loose a little bit, cuz we've been through this, and other people I know have been through this "Stats" thing, so let's get real.

Another BIG "Stats" thing is who are your friends?  Like tha company that u keep?  Are ur guys nothing but dudes who like to smash girls and then leave them?  Do u hang out with girlfriends who like to get plastered at other guy's expenses, and don't even tell him "ta-ta" for tha drinks?  At least flash ur "ta-ta's", I mean, am I the only one who flabbergasted at the price of a Gin and Tonic here in Miami nowdays!  We sometimes focus so much on who the friends are of who we want to hook up with, than tha actual person.  I got another story, we on it ain't we tonight...

So one night, I'm chillin' up at the American Airlines Arena, basically my 3rd home down here in Miami.  I was at a Heat game, when this girl walks up to me.  She used to work at tha arena, like in tha Guest Services department, she was mad cool, known her for years, we used to be always joking about life here in Miami, sharing stories about what's poppin' off on a particular night..."I'm in Miami B----!" was tha attitude.  So she stopped working at the arena, but I saw her on this particular day.  She came over, we exchanged "What's up" and that all those smooches.  Somehow, she got to asking me about my love life.  She had a glaze in her eyes as she asked me.  I told her, what was up, I was single, and all this and that...So she then was like, "I see that u still dressing nice and stuff."  Then she went on to tell us how we're like act "cute" and how she knows that we have a lot of girls because, "Cute people hang out with other Cute people".  I thought about that quote as she left...

Do we try to improve our status by either hanging  out with other people or people who look a certain way? In my experiences, I've seen a lot in terms of a large group of friends.  Like a crew who's 6 or 7 deep.  Guy or girl.  I know if u see a large group of friends, in terms of girls, u usually have Tha Ring Leader who sets things up with tha group...Tha Wild Party One...I'm gonna get in trouble tonight, I know it...The One who's thinks things through, and remains sober...The One who's in a relationship, but still hangs out with her girlfriends...and so on and so on...Same with guys, in a sense as well.  But I'm starting not to judge people just by tha company they keep.  But by tha person.  Does that mean that sometimes that "Birds of a feather flock together" is true?  Certainly, it has some kind of merit.  But what I'm saying, is that we can define relationships or people by family or friends when in the end it's the person u're interested in that matters.  "Man...her mom is so freakin' hot, I know she's gonna age gracefully." or "He comes from a family of Doctor's so I know he's gonna want to be one as well."  Watch "Stats" cuz from playing sports, and from love episodes, "Stats" do sometimes lie.

Does Albert Pujols have earmuffs on in this game in Chicago?  What tha?...  I know it's like in tha 30s up there...

So as I was talking about this girl a few weeks ago, it really got me to thinking in tha only time in my life, "Can even I measure up to what she may be looking for in a man or even a friend?"  Ne-yo had that "Miss Independent" song that came out a few years ago, and for men, and for guys with an ego the size of the pancakes from Cracker Barrel, it can be something when u meet somebody who's on ur level.  I gotta laugh, cuz us as men or guys always, I don't care who tha flavor of the month, or for sometimes, tha flavor of the week is we want to find some pudding that isn't a trend but one that can become our all-time favorite in that we don't even want...Like, I looove Funfetti Cake (Go Figure!)  I may dabble here or there in another kind, but there's only ONE that I would break my diet for, no matter what.  DOES ANYBODY FEEL ME ON THIS?

What's hilarious, even for myself, is that we or I talk about meeting this girl who can handle her own mentally, spiritually, financially, physically, and all that, and then when u actually find someone who can do that and even more, it's like, it's like...Tyrese said it best in a song, "I was excited, when I was falling...falling in love with that I've falling...what am I gonna do."  Let me play that right now!  It can be intimidating for a guy who's not used to having somebody who can...relate.   Or who might have more "material" things than even u have...Aw shucks...

 How would or did u handle this situation Austino Galaxia?  Well, I'm gonna say this, and be done.  I went back to tha basics and thought about...

A) "Stats" can lie, and not truly define a person...

B) Was determined more to get to know tha person and form my own opinion...

C) Got excited because I would have to be on my "A" game with this person, which is what u want.  U want somebody who can make you better.  Didn't Fabo make a song on that?!!  (That's crazy how Roselyn Sanchez is tha star in both of those videos...Huh!)

D) And I also realized how special I am, and that I have an infinite things to offer.  U may have this or that, but I know for a fact, that there's one area I'm tha best in...and that's having fun.  Not too many people can say they are the best in "something".  And even if I'm not, tha important thing is that I feel that I am, and in tha end that's what matters anyway.  "As a man is he." (Prov. 23:7)

Alright, I'm done.  I'm gonna hold what happened between me and this girl, for another time.  Maybe I'll share that experience later, but I want to honor her privacy and not spill too much.  But don't let "Stats" deter you from real love or making true friendships.  Sometimes we can "hype" somebody up so much that we hype them "out" of getting to know them.  Quote Unquote "Hot" looking people want to be known for more than just their looks...Or folks who have dinero want at least the opportunity to meet people who like them for them and not just the money or "stats".  We have been blessed to know guys and girls from all walks of life, and that's important.  I'm fortunate.  And if u're in a situation where u don't think ur worthy or are on tha same level as ur mate or future mate.  All I can say is...

- Crank up your game and bring something they are lacking to tha table.
- And realize there is only one like u in tha whole world, and act like it.  Show them nobody does it like you, and that they may be a "catch" but so are you, and you can prove prove it.  If you can't handle it after that, you move on, and u'll find that u'll be appreciated inside somebody else's world...

Notice I said, 'world'...cuz the ultimate level is tha 'Galaxy'.  And we all know who owns that...

At least that's what our "Stats" say!

To tha one who likes to have fun, and simply love..