Tuesday, April 30, 2013

One More Night With Roy Cee.

(Parental Discretion Advised)

Just us and this diary...Just us and this diary...Alright, let's go.

I've been up since like 3am in tha morning.  Which is like, mad early, or mad late depending if ur sleep or if you are still out making it rain on some bartender, but either way, 3am is still 3am.  I just thought about that, ain't it wild how that time can be either make u happy or upset, depending on tha situation or how "lucky" u might be on that night.  This could be a unique type of post, cuz it hasn't hit us what exactly we are gonna jot about, so we'll just keep it real until it does.

Be aggressive or Let it come to you?  Huh.  That's a question that was brought to mind on today.  I think you can be both...somehow I feel another story coming, huh.  You know what we're gonna switch gears a little bit here, so Yogi Bear with us.

We never know when its gonna be our last time writing in our diary, which just happens to be seen for the rest of the Galaxia.  So on tonight, I'm gonna dedicate this one to one of my family members, one that has passed on.  I'm gonna dedicate tonight to my Grandpa, Mr. Roy C. Martin.

Not even sure if I should be doing this because whenever someone who I consider to be a Sensei of sorts, the information that is given to me, I consider like gems of gold.  But this is my diary, so...much of what I've learned about life, love and just being you in general has come from many friends, family and certainly strangers I see on a daily basis.  Real quick, the other day I saw somebody I guess asking for money at a stoplight, this time with a puppet as one of his props.  I put that on everything!  A puppet dude, that looked like one of those old Jim Henson things that didn't make it out of the warehouse!  Only in South Florida.  But getting back to this special post...

I used to go over to my Grandpa's house, a lot before I moved down here in Miami.  I used to call that period of time, "The Lost Years" since it was after I graduated from college, and before I took that big leap down here to "Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People".  A good comparison would be like the TV show Three's Company after Suzanne Somers left and they had ol' girl come in as Chrissy.  It wasn't tha same.  By tha way, I still think Miss Somers playing Chrissy is one of, if not the top sexiest characters in tha history of television.  Along with Denise from The Cosby Show...Elaine from Seinfeld...Jesse Spano from Saved By The Bell...Whitley Gilbert from A Different World...C.C Babcock from The Nanny...Hilary Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air...Max Guevera from the show Dark Angel...I could go on and on, as u can see that I have spectrum of beaut...Oh, and also that one chick from that old show called Sherman Oaks, which was a show that I "happened" to turn past when my science teacher didn't tell us enough about the female anatomy, if u catch what I mean.  I never knew that a woman could bend...and have her tan boobs just dangling in tha...I better stop. I'm gonna be unplugged tonight.  But, that's how I once felt about that period in between gigs.  Just dangling in tha air wondering when I'm gonna move from the 12:30am slot into that 7pm, primetime slot.

As I look back though, those years were truly gems.  Having time to spend with Moms, Pops, and so much family, friends, and definitely my Grandpa.  Grandpa was one of a kind.  I don't know how to explain it really, and probably a lot of my craziness when coming to not only life, but definitely women, which I'll get into in a bit, comes from him.  That's why I love, and still enjoy talking to people with experience.  Cuz they can tell u real stories, and help you so much.

Even though I was single at the time, Grandpa would talk to me sooooo  much about relationships and love.  Now I truly feel that he almost saw my future before I even knew it, or even really talked about it.  Back then I wasn't so open about this girl or that girl, but it was almost like he KNEW that I would be around a lot of women, a lot of  really beautiful women, and he felt tha need to let me in on a several of his thoughts to help prepare me for tha future that laid ahead of me.  I actually recall sitting inside of his house on Martin Luther King Drive, and have him telling me about a woman he met, and...I really shouldn't be saying all this tonight but our diary is special, and I want you to get the real me, and who I am, and who help mold me...So he was sitting in his familiar rocking chair talking about how this woman didn't really get down with how Grandpa rolled.  So after he was done talking about this blasphemy backtalk this chick was giving him, he just flat out told me...

"I can't help it if I'm sexually active!"

I was just laughing cuz Grandpa had to be about 65 plus.  But that's how our fam operates, u're never too old to rock n' roll!

Alright, I gotta go back up to tha top and put my "Parental Discreation Advised" disclaimer, cuz it's about to get real tonight.  Hold up!

Ok...So on tonight, and for one night only, I'm gonna share some of the phrases and thoughts that help mold me to how I think.  Now, u absolutely may not agree with what I write concerning religion, sex, love, and just life.  But a lot of what my Grandpa has told me to some extent is true.  I love him still so dearly.  At his funeral, the Veteran's of the Armed Forces broke into that so familiar trumpet song of "Taps".  But as tears rolled down my face, that wasn't the song that was on my mind.  I knew it would never be tha same, and only one was playing loud in my soul's jukebox.  And that was song by the R&B group Xscape....

"Who Can I Run To?"....

And with that here we go, on a very, very, very personal look into my Grand papi, and my inner teachings and views...U may have read some before, but still, this should be mad interesting...

"If you have to wait until nighttime to do something, then....u need to leave that alone." -  This quote hit me directly cuz at the time Grandpa told me this, unannounced, I was trying to get at this cute Mexican Senorita named Kristina...Ooops!  No names tonight...But after I first saw her, I thought she was the one, like Sure Nuff on The Last Dragon.  After battling bad cell phone signals, and touch and go, I finally had a chance to lay that Pooh Daddy suave-a on her.  "What's up bay-bee...Yeah, I got a bad signal, but now it's just me and you bay-bee...".  I admit I was sprung on her, just like Sir-Mix-A-Lot in "Baby Got Back" rapped about, even telling one of my hoops teammates that "I met my wife."  I approached her on tha sidewalk in between buildings on college campus.  Walked up to her as she was with her friend, and in a true "I don't give a fudge" moment, as a stranger, introduced myself, told her what's up, she listened, she gave me her number in less than Dos...Minutos!  We went our way, my boys were shocked, and I was thinking, "That was crazy easy...almost too easy."  And it was. So I talked to this girl on tha phone, and she was always working, and like the only time I could see her was after Nighttime with Ted Koppel on ABC.  Even back then, even I wasn't missing TK for nobody.

So my Grandpa hit me with that...and it's still true today.  If the only time either a guy or girl has available is after dark or dag gone near midnight.  For your safety, no matter how good him and her looks, u need to leave that alone.  Cuz from that experience, and my Grandpa's words, I've learned the hard way that if somebody...I really starting to feel it y'all, today's gonna be special...if somebody really wants to be with you, or meet up with you, they'll make adjustments dude.  If u ask a girl out, and she's like she's busy on Friday and leaves it dead right there, beep it, and move on.  But if she's like, "I'm busy on Friday...but how about on Saturday", then dag gone it, high tail ur way to Walgreens, ask the cashier can you speak with Jimmy behind the counter, and get ready for to make Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream become a reality!  U may not agree, but tell me it ain't true..

The Three Questions...I've mentioned this before, but worth mentioning again...Whenever my Grandpa would me a woman, and would like to get inside her mind...I mean, get to know her, he would ask her the following three questions:

Do you have a man?...
Are you happy?...
Are you satisfied?

Let me just say this, that if ur in any type of relationship, and u can't answer confidently with a "yes" to all three, then as the Oldheads used to say in church, u need to go back to "the old landmark" and redefine where u and ur mate are in this thang.  My Grandpa would tell me how you'll get a 'yes' to the first one, the second one would get a shakier answer sometimes, then the freakin' crickets would come out at the last question.  This line of thinking taught me how we...let me be real, how I shouldn't be settling for anybody or any piece of booty, just to say that I have someone.  So many times all of us get caught up into a title, my girlfriend, my boyfriend, my husband, my fiancee, sometimes we don't even realize how much we mention that title, instead of that person's name.  Huh!  Doesn't that person have a name.  Are we associate with a title more than that person.  I love it when somebody is like here's my husband, John...Or just says I talked to Gloria today, instead of throwing "my girlfriend, soon to be fiancee" in there instead.  Lot of relationships are just that titles, and you can throw me down a flight or stairs, and put red lipstick on me blindfolded, before I throw away all my lessons, time and money just for a title...now are you satisfied?!!

"You better open up that Bible for yourself."-  My Grandpa loved God...a lot.  And I'm gonna talk about  this, cuz if I can talk about banging headboards I for sure can talk about The Word.  So Grandpa used to talk about knowing God FOR YOURSELF.  And not put ALL your trust in Pastors, Priests or what have you.  Give the ultimate respect of course, but also realize that they are human as well.  And just as God would want, u have to know what God's Word says for yourself, cuz say what so often happens is that something happens or a wild fiasco case my breakout with one of "God's Vessels" and then once that happens, u become disappointed, and lose all faith in God, when in reality u had more faith in that man or woman, than God Himself.  Feel me...U need to know for yourself, and whether u believe in God or not, this goes for anybody, only you know what u've been brought through, all those long nights u didn't have a job, or money, or too much money brought crazy stress, yet u made it through.  U are a living testimony urself.  Tell u story, you never know who can be touched just by u saying, "It was tough in 2012, but guess what I hung in there, and I may it through.  And now 2013 is kosher."  Just a word, it only takes one, just make sure u know its the right one.

"I might meet my wife."-  Grandpa used to come over to what I call "The White House" at 1600 'cough cough' back home.  So this one time Pops asked him if he wanted to go to the drug store up the street, and Grandpa wearing a "Grandpa is #1" sweatshirt, was like, "Naw...I can't go like this, I might meet my wife."  It was so innocent, but so true.  Now that I live down here in South Beach, aka Fantasy Island, it's off the charts the number of sexy ladies I come into contact with, when I'm dressed like I just got off the 'S' bus after Midnight.  It happens all the time.  Heck, the other day, I saw this girl who was dressed like a mad cute New York Socialite with her big Chanel sunglasses, her Kate Spade bag just hanging in between her forearm and bicep, just how I like it.  Sexy skirt, dark hair, sexy thighs...Am I being too real?...but she had that "look" that when worn right can really be attractive to me.  Its rare that I see that, but u never know who u might see.  I was bummed out like whatever in my Nike San Fran Giants shorts, Tampa Bay Rays tee, and as I like to call them my first Nike Galaxia "Simon" shoes.  I wasn't even matching!    I think about Grandpa's words all the time.  I could have still approached, but I don't chase girls...girls chase...well u know tha rest.  Thanks Grandpa for that one too!

"It'll never be tha same."-  This quote after a well-publlicized case, where the party was involved in cheating on his wife.  Grandpa just kept on saying, no matter if both of them get together or not..."It will never be tha same."  He was talking about how even during intercourse, how one of them might be thinking about that cheating moment.  And Grandpa was also saying how once one person cheats, the other person kind of has a "Get Out of Jail Free" card as well.  Cuz if u did it...I forgive you.  I, in a way, have a freebie as well.  We don't wanna talk about this tonight, I know, but that's real on so many levels.  It's best to resist, cuz, and I'm gonna be real here, females don't forget anything.  So u can be along ur way, watching tha Heat and Lakers play in the NBA Finals in 2014 (We can hope can't we!), and suddenly u forgetting to wash a spoon that was left out, can turn into full fledge argument on  how u were doing some spooning...or forgive me...some forking of ur own back in freakin' 2000!  Don't cheat it hurts everybody.  Everybody in Miami cheats don't they so...Maybe that's why everybody's hurt and doesn't want to take chances....Hummm.

"Whoever said that you can't get pregnant standing up...lied!"- Now this as personal, so I won't get all into it.  But I think there was an old, what do u call it, no wives tale, but something like that, that said that if you had "relations" standing up, even up on a sycamore tree or something that you won't drop ur seed like The Roots.  Grandpa KNEW this wasn't tha case.  Knew!  So he would tell my this and a little more that I will share in a moment about getting ur swerve on.

A lot of this stuff is personal, it ain't easy to share.  But somebody might need to hear this stuff.  Guy, maybe even girl, but...have to share this on tonight.  Got a few more, sensual ones as well...

"I have to see what the sco' (score) is."- My Grandpa would say this a lot, and the meaning was basically find out what's really going on.  It ain't nuthing worse than to be in a relationship or on a job, and not knowing that ur being played like bobo tha fool.  That ish hurts dude.  I remember this one time this guy telling me, as I was in an office, that my services were no longer needed.  It wasn't even a firing, just a let-go.  But ur like, dude u could've told me that  before I wasted this gas money, dealt with all this traffic, and on top of that, I missed Judge Mathis and didn't set tha tape for it, u could've saved me some trouble, especially since I didn't do anything wrong and worked hard.  That's life though, and it's best 2 know what's going on.  Sometimes people can fool you, that's why I hate speakerphone.  Cuz I don't like to be entertainment for family and friends.  While ur whispering, "Watch this" to your primo, and giggling, no...I need to know "tha score".  That means keeping ur eyes wide open..at all times.

"If you date a beautiful woman, you're gonna have to have sex with her."- This may be controversial to some, but my Grandpa has seen a lot, so he knows something fou sure.  What Grandpa was basically saying...let me see how can I put this since a) my Mom might be reading this...and b) other girls might be reading this...then again, if ur a girl who's reading this u must be drop dead gorgeous inside and out, cuz those are the girls I attract anyway, thus, I ain't saying nuthing u don't already know.  I'm sure somebody was giving a high-five to themselves as the read it. Beautiful women are a trophy to many guys.  We have learned to look at beauty in many different ways, but also nice dames as people just we all are.  Beautiful girls and handsome guys get discriminated against to... A lot, for that matter, but that's for another time.  But Grandpa was just saying how a beautiful woman knows she's beautiful, she knows she's being chased by a lot of guys, and more importantly knows she has options.  Now, what Grandpa was saying was that a pretty girl who has options, sooner or later, whether in girlfriend or wife stage is gonna get that urge to "get it in."  (Kieno what up, that's tha saying for tha decade ain't it!)

Maybe u girls know more than I know, but a sexy woman or girl has needs, and if she doesn't get them fulfilled to her liking whether that's sexually, or being supportive and caring or just by listening, if she's not getting satisfied, and doesn't feel wanted and needed, I'll bet anything except my Desperate Housewives First Season DVD that she'll dip on you.  A woman, not only a physically attractive one, which I don't like to say cuz all people and definitely women have something that beautiful about them...But any woman, has to feel like she's the only one in tha room.  And that can mean tha bedroom as well.  That's why when we say for ur mate u have to "make love to their mind, body, and soul", we mean it.  2 out of tha 3 won't do.  I'm saying this out of experience bro.  After the ladies I've met, I see that its true.  There are a lot of closet freaks out her.  Who act like a lady in tha street, but if a man doesn't do right behind those doors, just like The Bulls of Jordan-Pippen and Rodman...you can have ur hands full!

"You can't buy love...but you sure can rent it a long time."- Now I know some guys and girls that have been through "tha game" can attest that this is super true.  Especially down here in tha MIA.  I've never seen so many people who say that they can't stand their beau, and yet don't leave him. Why?  That supposed lifestyle of driving fancy cars, or being on the scene, or having that super laid out condo...Or if u're a guy, u may think, "I'm never gonna have another chick who can spend cheese on me like this...Shoes, Food...and all I got to do is break her off every once in awhile...Bro, what do you want?"  All this Rent with the option to buy mentalities has to stop.  Ask me how do I know?  Cuz I've been guilty of it!

I've spent money on girls, gone all over town looking for a  freakin' toy to give a Argentinean baby girl, just to make her smile, or tricking off all this money on food, when afterwards just getting a "You just got over tha measles" type hug, and u coming home like this chick done wasted my time.  Matter of fact, next time I see her I'm gonna hit her up for "tha real cost" of our time out on tha town.  See that bill said, "42.57", but homie that's Mickey Mouse see, that's the actual cost in ur mind.  But according to my Macro Econ class, the real cost includes battery usage on my cell phone to tell u "I'm outside"...tha time cost of u saying, "I'll be out there in a bit."...Gas, of course...The cost of good conversation gone to waste...The cost of me having to wait two weeks before I can rock this great outfit again...The Time wasted waiting for you to decide on what to eat, when u knew u were gonna order something expensive the moment u knew we were going out...The cost of me being seen in public with you, which can lead to somebody thinking we're "a couple" when as my Grandpa would say, this was really some "Bull (Beep)", and now I can't get at that girl sitting over in tha booth next to us, cuz she thinks ur my girl...

See, I'm just keeping it real tonight, cuz I know somebody, somewhere feels me.  Girl or guy.  That "real cost" in the Dating Index is a mug.  Don't rent love...Be all in or nothing.  Somebody out their may be shut the heck up Galaxia, u think u know it all, when ur single and blah blah.  But dude, we've been through so many lessons learned and pre-screened through my Grandpa to last a lifetime.  All I'm saying is that now once u go through it all, and once u've practiced, so many times, things can become second nature.  And certain things come up in ur life, like where to go on a first date (Mickey D's of course!) or how to answer tough questions like, "Do I look fat?" or u get text messages that really show that all a doll needs are  a few seconds of attention, that's when u can love right, and live right.

A lot of trial and error has us in the position today to even talk about past episodes even I shouldn't even share.  I feel like Kobe Bryant or Paula Abdul on American Idol or having Letterman come on after Leno on NBC, u may not like them, but there was something underated and different about those times.  One day, u'll may look and be like this was some kinky, or even deep stuff, but even though u have that mansion on Biscayne Bay, and have a family of four in a mini-van, I personally want our life, and our diary to hit u, so that many years from now, u'll be like, "I wish I could read Austino Galaxia's diary just one more time.  Just for yesteryear's sake, like how he used to do."  That day is a coming very soon...But until then...

Love u forever Grandpa.  What a man!  He helped mold me from birth, and his wisdom I share on tonight.  For one night only...

Hope u enjoyed.

Austino Galaxia.

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