Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ponce De La Galaxia.

And here we go with another diary adventure...

What to write about today?  Humm...just got done watching tha Bulls beat the Nets in Triple Overtime here. Mr. Excitement aka Nate Robinson went off in the 4th quarter and in tha Overtime periods in ways that I haven't seen perhaps ever...And we've seen a lot, especially at the United Center in Tha Chi.  Sure my Pops and Uncle Kenny were going krazy at tha crib.  Playoff hoops at its best...

Today was an interesting day.  I mean how many people can say they were watching  the movies 27 Dresses and Clueless in tha same day.  I shouldn't be writing about those "girl flicks" as a guy, should I?  Today's post is gonna be "in tha moment" so we're just gonna write as we feel....

Tha kid was a little taking back on this morning.  We was reading from the LA Times, always like to read about our future home, but I came across an article that got me Pat Riles up.  This article had to do with the actress Miss Gwyneth Paltrow and her fashion looks that she's rocking as she's promoting her new cookbook and stuff. The writer was I guess, acknowledging the opinions of readers on how or if Paltrow should dress her age or not.  She's 40 years young, and looks good, but the article was questioning if she should stop wearing these short skirts, and dress more mature, or more what is supposed to be her age.  Ohhh, why did I have to read about this on today.  Let me crack my knuckles on this one, and get it in...I've been waiting to talk about this one.

What tha heck is age?  Stop right now if u don't wanna read this ish, cuz we gonna write from our heart about some personal stories that we've experienced...Stop.  Right.  Now.  No poems today, just real talk.  But for real, what is age?  Well, I believe that age is just a number.  And it didn't take Aaliyah to tell me that. I'm a stronger believer in two things when it comes to my life.  One, I get younger and better as time goes by.  We'll explain in a little bit.  Freakin' nat flying by my face..."Hater".  And two, I will never die.  Because I feel that my spirit will live on one way or another in jokes, moments, diary writings, TV shows, and more importantly influence on Pop culture, in such a way that it will always feel like I'm playing some kind of role if not only in this world, but also in tha Galaxy.  Boy, I gotta save that sentence for when I'm sitting couch-side on tha Tonight Show, next year!  I believe that with all my heart and soul, and nobody can tell me any different.

Matter of fact, I'm really starting to believe that I'm ageless.  Jigga said that "30 is tha new 20."  Pops told me not too long ago, that 60 is tha new 50.  And by the looks of some of these mamacitas here in Miami, 40 is definitely the new 20.  I just thought about that, if only my math teachers could have used love as arithmetic story problems when I was in High School.  Talking about graduating with high honors in Multiply and Divide, boy...How, I don't even like to use tha word, but for tonight's post I'll mention tha O-word.  Considering what I just wrote, I'm not talking about that "O" word (Freaks know what I'm talking about), but I'm talking about, how "old" (ouch) you feel is just a mindset dude.  As with many things in life.  If u think u're slowing down as you move along life's rat race, then you are.  If u feel like, u're just getting started, well, that's where u are as well.  That's what got me with this Paltrow article...big time.

If u look good wearing something, what tha (bleep) does it matter how old you are?  I mean, dressing to what you've been taught your "age" is, to me is so...boring.  For Exhibit A, u should dress and wear things that not only enhances your silhouette, but looks good on u, no matter how many years you've been on this Earth.  And Ex. B., your outfit for tha day should not be pre-determined, I think, for I think one should dress on how they feel on a particular day or moment.  You may lay something out the nite before, but in tha morning or right before you walk out tha door u may say, "I feel sexier today, or more geeky today", so u throw on a pair of 50's readers, or a low cut blouse, or unbutton your dress shirt 4 buttons down, and let it go.  I cannot stand when people put u in a box, to either look like them or act like them. Just because u can't pull something off at your age doesn't mean...

I live down here in Miami.  Let's get more specific, here in South Beach, truly and forever will be known to me, and soon tha galaxy as "Tha Land of The Beautiful People".  One thing that stands out down here is it seems like so many people don't age nor work.  And if you are driving down West Ave. at 1:30pm in tha afternoon you'll agree that this is like a playground for fun.  Adult fun.  And I mean that in a good way.  "Grown folks" act like kiddos down here.  Riding bikes...skateboarding...staying up late and then going straight to work the next day.  Hanging out in clubs...Almost like a college atmosphere in a way.  Everyday and night.  I know that plastic surgery is big down here in tha Magic City, but there are some folks who just take great care of themselves.  And I believe a lot has to do with pure attitude.

They don't think that they age.  They are living in tha moment and doing things that resemble days of innocence.  U know what that means right?  When u just believe than anything and everything was possible and waiting to be explored, before all those trials of life.  Sometimes u just have to regain those thoughts of...Fun.  (Cough, Cough) and just enjoy life.  Believe you me, it will make a difference in how you feel, and a big difference in how you...look.

Not too long ago, I was being ambushed it seemed by every Tom, Dick, and Harry...Although, it would have been better if I was being ambushed by Teresa, Diana, and Harriett, but all these people wanted to know how old (Freakin' hate that word!) I am?  I was thinking, like what tha heck is going on, is somebody trying to write a Wikipedia page on me, what's going on?  I will give them the most honest answer I know..."I'm ageless."  Then I would follow that blank stare they would give by asking them, "How old do I look?"  Most answers were early 20's which wasn't too far off...I think since I don't even remember my age. But I....

Ok.  This just hit us off the Hot Press.  Gonna have some fun tonight.  Once again for one night only, and as an exclusive for our diary, we're gonna share some secret tips to remaining ageless.  You never know what ur gonna get from this diary do you?!!  Heck, I don't even know. So I'm gonna list (In my infomercial voice) "How you too..." can become ageless in this society where age is made such a big deal from people who figure there life is over when in actuality it has just begun.  I don't know everything, but we're gonna share how we look at life, and how we perceive getting younger as time goes by.  Always remember...

Just because Time flies, doesn't mean you can't jump on tha motorcycle!  

OMG!  This is gonna be good tonight.  (Huge breath!)  Let's have sum fun!!

-  Thirst for tha sip called Life.   When I was a kid, or younger as a kid, and even now, I'm really not allowed to use tha word bored in my life.  My folks always told me that there's so much out here in this world to do, u should never be bored.  You can play with bouncing balls, read a book, play "house", run around and play "tag" with your imaginary friend.  Something can be done to occupy ur time, and help u develop some kind of skills, whether with making new friends or honing ur craft of creativity.  As life moves, sometimes we feel like we've done it all, and seen it all.  But a key to becoming ageless is to continue to enjoy tha small things that makes life worth living.  That can be the view of an ocean skyline, to while being at a stoplight admiring how squirrels can chase each other up tha tree..."K-I-SS-I-N-G".  There's a lot going on around you, and that leads too...

- The Power of Oui.  You're looking at one of the most selfish people who can easily think that tha sun doesn't shine til u wake up.  Well, bad example, since I get up early like 4am to do my thang and its dark, but that's not tha point.  I can be very egotistical.  But what I've learned is not to get so caught up in my thang that I can lose track of others who may be going through things myself.  Sometimes I can be a work, and be on tha cusp of snapping like a Macho Man Slim-Jim, cuz something wasn't done right, or simply because u feel like YOU always have to be tha one to bring energy or break tha ice.  While soaking I try to put myself into somebody else's shoes like maybe something may be wrong in their personal life, or they are tired from studying hard, some way try to help ease tha mood.  If they don't accept that reach of "forget that or we'll push through it", then beep 'em, and I move on.  But I believe life is better when we look at Oui, or "We" instead of just "Me."  I really do.

- You are what you burp!  Now I'm just gonna be real from experience on both extreme spectrums of eating salads with nothing but air dressing to slamming three Whopper's, only to realize that those doofuses forgot my large fry.  What u eat does make a difference in how u feel.  But how u look too.  Everybody wants to look their all times.  (U have to here in Miami cuz u never know who u meet at any given moment, trust me on this!)  For me personally, I really don't look to eat a lot of sugar, I don't remember the last time I had red meat, and I tend to lean towards turkey (That's funny when u read that.), chicken, and canned veggies that have ABSOLUTELY "No Salt Added" to them.  I eat Oatmeal just about everyday.  And I'm an addict of trail mix, but no just any kind.  I loooove Almonds (Life's secret food of being ageless), eat Newman's Own Organic Raisins (They are easy on the pimples.), and try to stay away from peanuts because they don't mix well with how I want my abs to be.  You may not be as narcissistic as I am about what I eat, but there are things u can do to eat ageless.  Drink water, no soda pops (unless u have a tummy ache), watch tha caffeine, a lot of different ways to adjust what u burp, so that u can appear, and actually become ageless as well.

- Party Like a Sitcom.  You know, tha kind that comes on once a week.  Nothing wrong with getting it in, several times a week or month, but doing it everyday can and will catch up too you.  I know a trick of sexy models to having good skin and looking refreshed is not only drinking a lot of water, but also getting lots of sleep, being easy on the alcohol and avoiding either smoking or inhaling a lot of second hand smoke. My thing is this, as with a lot of things, I prefer quality over quantity.  So for instance, I may go out, and when I say go out, I mean dancing and breaking a sweat and doin my thizzle, and I will do it hard.  See, this is the difference between how folks party nowadays, compared to these kiddos now.  The Vets of tha game, know that one night can make their week and even month kosher.  We soak up every moment of the night, from tha "pre-game dress routine" to the drive to tha party to that strut u have to put on as u enter tha club to dancing from the moment that u hit that open air room dance floor, and we make sure that the night is going to a good night without any dead moments.  Nowadays u got these rookies who go out every other night, and come home upset, cuz they are dancing to a DJ who's on his/her game or because they were on their phone the whole night checking out Twitter.  Vets can get more in one night, than others can in one entire week of partying.  Plus u gonna see tha same folks anyway, so as I my math works out:  I'll take One Great Night over 3 So-so nights of a week, every time.  Plus u get rest.  That's just me though.

- Love has no Speed Limit.  Here we go, right.  U know I'm gonna talk about dating and relationships.  It's kind of ironic that Mark Morrison's 90's classic "Return of The Mack" is in tha background as we write.  I believe that another key to becoming ageless is having the openness to date people of other cultures, and more specifically of other generation groups.  Meaning tha mindset of the Ageless Ones is one of  "Age doesn't matter, but experiences do."  Like dating somebody who's 55 years old compared to an 18 year old, could be different, but depending how those two people lived, they could be very comparable to you.  Sometimes it may take somebody 45 years old to realize that every guy isn't a jerk.  Or it may take somebody just 21 to realize that you need to treat a girl like a queen and u shouldn't call her anything u wouldn't call u mama.  Me personally am very open, because experience has taught me I should be.   A lot of people believe that as u move in time, ur desires for what you want in a mate become more defined and pigeon-toed.  I may be weird, but for somebody who's been around the block, and I feel for those who want to be Ageless, actually have their views of love more open, because since u've seen so much u believe that
great things come in different packages, and sometimes a Tiffany ring can be wrapped up in a box full of Sunday Comics!

- "Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."  If u want to be Ageless, you must adapt this into your Psyche.  Because it means that u think "Anything is Possible".  Just because u've never seen somebody comeback from 0-3 in tha playoffs doesn't mean it can't happen.  Just because u've never seen a 60 yr. young woman who looks smoking in a swimsuit, doesn't mean she's not out there.  Just because u personally has never seen anybody "make it" out of the neighborhood doesn't mean it won't happen or it won't be you.  One thing that comes with us Ageless Ones, is that others don't feel tha same way.  Ok, life has thrown u curveballs, as they have all of us, and u begin to get down and let ur stuffy mood affect family and close friends like since "I'm down, u all gotta be down too."  Well, how about if life throws u curveballs, u freakin' go to tha batting cages and become a curveball hitter?!!  I mean, come on now...In my life, I'm no longer gonna be adjusting to somebody else's mood or what have you.  I'll talk to you, if u want, and I'll pray for you, if God says too, but if I'm gonna remain Ageless, I must adapt the lifestyle of you have to come up to my emo....(Pause.)

Am I the only one who's tired of adjusting to how others are or how life says u should be, feel, dress, or act?  I mean, if I'm doing something I KNOW IS ON THE RIGHT WAY TO SUCCESS, why should I adjust to you?  In sports, we have a saying that "If you're going to go down, at least go down playing your game".  If u can't handle how I feel about a good book...admiring the workings of an ant or bird...or the enjoyment of a good laugh, then so be it.  But if I'm gonna live, we gonna do it on terms that we've been taught, and through the experiences we've been through.  You hate white people, well that's ur problem, I love 'em.  U think that if somebody's gay or bisexual they should be outcasts to society, well I differ on that to some degree...You think one sip of alcohol is blasphemous, well, if Jesus turned water into wine then...

Which leads me too...

- The Standard is Yours.  Ageless Ones already know they are going against tha grain, because they act in ways that others before or after may not have acted.  But they realize that u only get one life, so u might as well be free, and enjoy what makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt others.  Meaning if that means going for walks, taking a swim, taking pole dancing classes (That was a good LA Times article as well), trying out a new restaurant every week, whatever makes you feel like bringing life from 2-D to a size F.  In the end, it's not necessarily about doing things that make you feel young, but doing things that are fun, and let you continue to matter what ur # says u shouldn't.

- Read...Read...And Read Some More.  The price of reading is so priceless.  And for free through ur library, u can be taken to places, learn about people and adapt things all for nothing.  It's crazy when I talk to my Grandma and she can tell me more stuff about celebrities here in Miami, than I even know!  But reading is something that helps ur mind to continue to be refreshed, and if ur mind's right, then everything else follows.  Reading is Fun, and I believe the Ageless Ones must adhere to this necessary quality.

- Quiet Time To Play.  Prayer or meditation periods throughout ur day are paramount to remaining ageless.  That quiet time within urself, or to God or what have you, can get u through so much. And relieves stress as well.  I think the gathering of thoughts and the release of them makes a difference.  That's why not only psychologists  but even myself am a firm believer in keeping diaries.  Cuz just writing down what you ate, of getting a scrap piece of tissue and coming home after a date and writing down, "Sheila told me she was not interested...but that could change...What did she mean by that?"  Just jotting one thought down, can make a difference between a smooth thumb in ur mouth sleep and being up all night and having wrinkles til u can't take it anymore.  Give it a try.  It works.

Last one...

- Move it.  Ageless Ones, I mean truly Ageless Ones inside and out, find it hard to just "waste" a day by at least not doing something, more specifically by moving their body.  That can be from taking hikes, to that walk in tha morning, or even working out like crazy at tha Gym, they got to do something for their body.  A lot of Ageless Ones love to dance too.  It don't matter if ur good at it or not, at least they are out there, or at a dance class or just shopping at the mall.  They love to move, and by them moving that helps express the joy they have for life.  And they won't let anybody else take that away from them.

Alright.  I gotta get something to eat.  Once again, these are just what I find to be found in other Ageless One(ders).  Somebody out there may be like, "Just wait Galaxia, u gonna feel it."  But, I don't believe that, u believe that, so what.  I think that nowadays it's possible to continue to live at a high level, in all aspects, if u take care of urself, and how u believe in tha joy of life.  People always want to be "young" so to may not be as hard as one thinks.

And as Ageless Ones believe...Nothing is hard, sometimes it's just tha level of easy that associated with it.

Young Austino Galaxia.

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