Thursday, April 11, 2013


Alright, should we...or shouldn't we?...Why not, this is gonna be a long night anyway, so...for old times sake, here's another one for tha books.  Let's see what shall enter on these pages tonight....

So much is happening in our life,
Just too much to even speak.
Running here, running there,
People coming into our life every week.

This morning actually started, before dawn,
More like around am 3:45.
Laying in our bed, face down, booty up,
Parallel like I had just taken a spring board dive.

Our life is so crazy though,
I wish somebody could really give us a movie right.
During the day it feels too much like MTV Spring Break,
While later on it looks too much like a Hooters airline flight.

I'm just a kid, who wants to love,
And as I always say, just have fun.
Been through it all it feels like,
It's amazing what it takes just to be number one.

Nothing beats experience though,
That thought hit us while I was doing a number dos.
U can handle anything once u go through it,
Ask Susan Lucci how it feels to be seemingly...close.

Now its like I'm just bent on living grand,
Making sure we have nothing but tha best.
We were once puzzled by a lot of things,
Now I'm selling tha answers to life's SAT test.

The thing that has taken over our thoughts is simple,
Hopefully people just take it as this.
We're not gonna sacrifice our growth to be normal,
Nope, its time to show we're one of tha big fish.

Don't snap ur fingers, say "Whatever",
Or do that neck thang like the sistas from tha hood.
We're still humble about our blessings, for sure,
Just now we have tha gas power,
From the Little Engine That Could.

Are you really ready for us? For real,
This is what life is supposed as u become gold.
The energy given off, the fun to be had,
How much would I get if I was to be sold?

Huh, that's a great question to ask,
Dude how much do u think u're worth?
Can u measure the number in dollar signs?
I'll be worth millions if we measured them in flirts.

As I listen to my possible wedding song, right now,
By my boy, Jon B., named "Paradise In U",
I can only think about the steps one must take,
Sometimes hitting tha reset tab, so it all can become new.

I talk about love and dating so much,
Maybe that's my profession as a Love Shrink.
Talk about tha do's and all the don'ts,
Sometimes u gotta throw out the power of The Think.

Go on instincts, and let things just fly,
More importantly, living in that moment of life.
Don't get caught up in finding the one who can please you,
Guys pleasing is good, but I want more from my wife.

We are blessed from God above,
To now have a life that is turning into something one of a kind.
I have a few moments before this Bulls/Knicks game,
Can I get loose for awhile?  Surely you won't mind.

It's time out for games, dude,
Or at least when it comes to really living to tha max.
Our will, our determination is at a all-time high,
Heck, I might pull out my old high school sax.

This diary, and everything about our life,
Is about doing what brings us a smile under this sun.
We are now in the process of a little rewriting of sorts,
See.."It ain't Fun if tha Homies don't have none!"

If u are going to be with me from here on out,
I want to make a few things clear.
Number one, don't compare us to anybody in ur past,
Don't want to but I guess I need to go there.

See, I can already feel, or have a sixth sense like,
This guy is talking, and I think its too good to be true.
He's all hype, nobody enjoys life that much,
An All-talk sandwich, with BS chips,
And a can of Mountain Dew.

Now I'm learning that hey, we have to share our thirst,
Like hugging the block drinking a 40oz. of some O.E.,
I have no problem keeping it real, cuz somebody has to,
Why can't that somebody be me.

This is sounding too egotistical, too Kayne,
Or too much like Tee Cruise on the Red Carpet Floor.
How else should I act though,
I've knocked for so long, but now I have the key to Success' door.

Before I get into that Number Two, let me say this,
And I don't think folks truly understand this part.
The fire that can be ignited, from a disrespect,
From a trial, or even from a broken heart.

Once u've hit some tough moments in ur life,
Some u never thought u could ever cloud rise above.
"I Remember", huh, that's another one of my favorite songs,
Deadmau5 and Kaskade wrote this for me...
With a sly signature of love.

You think never again will I hold back my level of fun,
Never again will I settle for nothing but the best.
Now I'm living like there's no tomorrow,
That could be travel, love, or a sexy used book fest.

As this is a very personal diary,
I need my soul to be felt through and through.
Which means I need to get into another "Galaxia-ism",
I mean what's a one, if u don't have that Number Two.

Which is the power of dreams, yeah I said it again,
Might as well get used to it, it's in our soul.
I mean let's be real, how many times have u dreamed in class,
Wanting to touch melons that weren't made by Dole.

My hand goes flying up, let's just be real,
Dreams are what keeps u going through tha day.
I've shared a few, like a Miami/L.A bicoastal life,
Funny how now I feel like its inches away.

And when ur close to something u've always wanted,
That push becomes even more of a desire.
Don't take it personal, if I don't speak to you,
It's just that I'm determined to connect this spark generated wire.

People ask me so many questions, all most too many,
About life, sports, and matters of tha heart.
Here's Numbero Three while we're at it,
Give ur best, and let God do His part.

You can want something or somebody so bad,
Until it just dissolves right before your very eyes.
That's that Feather mentality,
Don't reach so hard for it as its in tha sky.

Just be patient, and it will come to you,
Then u'll be like, 'Austino, did say it'll be tha easy.'
Didn't have to go crazy like a bat,
Or even have to play tha "Make It Rain" remix with Lil Weezy.

I'm gonna be honest, I'm so ultra-competitive,
Something that's known but unknown when it come to me.
Matter of fact on three people I think can even compare,
Jordan, Woods, and that guy known as Kobe.

Probably a lot came from my Pops,
Him and Moms serve so much about becoming your ultimate self.
Not getting down about junk, or trying so hard to please others,
Share fun and love, and if so, then follows all the wealth.

There's just an excitement, like never before,
Which is krazy because I've already had a life of plenty.
Cool jobs, ultimate life in many ways,
Many times giving up a not any.

So now as where in this moment,
Where everything is at a new level.
The next number in our countdown is a good one,
Hope this one is good, we've already had several.

"Doing something different" is next on tha list,
Getting out of ur skin for a moment is so importante.
Try a new food spot, read a different genre,
I heard Bossypants was good by Tina Fey.

You grow, and you learn,
Sometimes by people who u'll never meet.
That's ok though, taking a celebrity pic ain't everything,
Besides, my ego won't ever allow me to bow at another man's feet.

Now a woman, that's different,
After a long day's work, those footsy's always need a rub.
I'm thinking about this one girl right now,
Hopefully she's into duckies and singing "Rubber Dub Dub".

But that's what I'm talking about,
Which is a great segway into our Number Five.
Whatever you do, and however u live,
Follow me, and make the words "I Love You" more alive.

Does that mean say it for tha heck of it, are u kidding me?
You must be smoking them Washington Ave. mushrooms!
Love is an action word though, through a call, from a rose,
How about doing tha dishes and simply picking up tha broom.

To learn all this though, u have to live life full,
Go with you heart, and will life like a '75 homer by Carlton Fisk.
The wind may be blowing in from left field,
Don't be scared though...Next Number:  Take a Risk.

That's where confidence comes in,
Swagger plants its roots,
And small blips just become parts of life's necessary toll.
Miss Lisa, hopefully u're a future homegirl,
I'll contact you later, after I get this all this off my chest,
But this IS simply how I "egg roll". (Wink!)

I'm a guy who knows now, which is unique,
The sense of urgency is at an all-time high.
This moment was always in our soul,
Ever since Kells sung "I Believe I Can Fly."

To see Elmer Fudd dunking, taking on the Monstars,
Them hooping in an arena just short of Heaven.
Huh.  That's a thought, "Always Reach for the Stars"
So good I think I'll make that one Number Seven.

Not selling urself short, and believe in tha best,
Knowing all the practice that u've put in.
All the miles, all the "not this time's",
All tha undeniable, "should have been's".

There's nothing worse than thinking you don't deserve,
That stupid thought crossed me today like, "For you it's too much."
It didn't last too long though, cuz we thought about who we are,
"Somebody or something being out of your league...there is no such."

Hopefully you believe that as well, If so,
It'll take you places that you'll never dream.
A spot on Jeopardy!, tasting the finest wines in France,
Kissing Princess Leia with her holding your special beam.

This is what life is about, and hopefully somebody will see in me,
That what you see, or hear, is more than the real thing.
I want to be the Mariah Carey of life.
You may not like me, but u gotta admit,
That boy really sure can sing.

But then it should be the other way around right,
Instead of being the next, we should be the first.
Having that attitude of paving our own footsteps,
Creating special bubbles that will never burst.

What is going on Austino?  U've gotten soft,
Are you some kind of freakin' Deli Lama?
Please, I'm still as gangsta as they come son, believe that,
If you don't believe me, then just ask my Grandmama.

Just at that stage where things are clicking,
Praise The Lord, for I deserve no credit for this.
Its finally like, after duking it out for over a decade,
Now I've won tha fight without throwing any fists.

You're getting the whole enchilada with us,
And this is how a future superstar writes and thinks.
All our heart is being revealed tonight, nothing holding back,
Just for tha Drano of it, I'll throw in two more kitchen sinks.

The first being something else dear to our heart,
Something I've learned from all tha girls, every one so fine.
Don't  know if I should give away this secret, it's so personal,
But just like a golf course, you must have a number nine.

Which mean this is really good,
It must be something really great.
I'll count this one for two slots,
Considering I skipped the number eight.

"Live Like It.", is the follwing note,
On this special poem,
Which is gonna either draw or dissect.
That's Ok, cuz I gotta let all this out on this Thursday night,
If you already didn't know I graduated Cum Laude in Love,
With a Master's from Fun Tech.

Act like a champion, a vet,
Or even a Spanish Novela loverboy.
Have to expect greatness, expect things to work for good,
Imagine how you act if you already had a FAO Schwarz toy.

You do, and don't you ever forget that,
Fear is just an illusion of nothing there.
Jump at all opportunities that come to you,
Try that free Corn Dog at tha County Fair.

Now I'm not one to talk, cuz our eating habits,
Are really out of control truly and for real.
But don't knock it til you try it,
Having the "Lights On" may be part of the deal.

That's it for us, I think, but for some reason,
I feel like there is one more out there for thought.
Like going over an expense report 10 times,
Or double taking over a Most Wanted list of the most sought.

Ok.  Here it is.  The last of tha last.
The Creme de la Creme.
I've already talked about risks, deeds of difference,
And all the unlimited powe of a simple dream.

The last one on 2nite is this,
Something u can always repeat wherever u go.
It makes the difference between believing it will happen,
While walking out with the light bulb of "I know."

Create Fun.  Is there any doubt any more,
You know what we Rob Base our life on now.
Sure you could have wrote that final one with your eyes close,
Like after a Iphone release price increase Mr. Jones named Dow.

Finito.  That's it.
So no longer be surprised when things begin to occur.
I've shared our secrets with you,
I've Rain-X'd your vision from any blur.

We want to leave no doubt in any hearts,
That something special is a brew.
Something u want to cherish for ever, and ever,
Almost like a bomb chili made from Wendy's stew.

No more talking, it's gonna speak for itself,
This feeling I want to be fiend for like a white brick.
And not enjoying life like this,
Just tha thought can make me sick.

10 of them.  From our hearts,
Words that can be uttered by a human,
Or even a talking parrot.
I love beautiful women, and love something so perfect,
Can't think of any other name for this poem...than...

Bo Derek.

Austino Galaxia.  Forever.

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