Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Une. Quatre. Trois.

Now is the time to show...As we begin on tonight with a super huge blow.

There's a super feeling of a weirdness around us,
Like a beginning of a fulfilling of a dream.
I've had many dreams before, awake and sleep,
But this is something like the creme de la cream.

Could tonight be the first of that "it" so often talked about?
A feeling of knowing u're witnessing a Fred Astaire dance,
Or a J.J. Evans "Dy-no-mite" shout.

I suggest call a friend or dude...Please excuse me I don't wanna be rude.

A "thang" is surrounding our life,
We're gonna share the fun with everybody who wants.
This is what they mean when they say "on a nautral high".
It's amazing how fun can take you higher than a rolled up blunt.

We pray that you feel like this is tha best it'll ever get.
Anticipation perhaps building, a moment frozen in time,
Is this how the Wright Brothers felt with that first jet!

Told you not holding back no more...Simply echoing Rick Ross' voice in my car door.

Enough with the festivities on this evening,
Let's hop into what a diary should be and what it brings.
Nothing but keeping it real concerning our life,
And that consistent chase for that "championship ring".

Doesn't make sense, I know, but now is our time to thrill.
You may like it...You may hate it,
Sounds like shopping Black Friday at Sawgrass Mills.

That I can't control by any means...I don't even care if you spill all my beans.

Today I got in a convo, a simple one at that,
About what I like to call "Deal Breakers" in life.
What can you handle, what drives you straight bonkers,
Basically this was about what u look for in a future hubby or wife.

A word named, "Standards" seem to be the topic of talk.
Should you lower them, Should you update them,
Does it matter if a person stomps when the even walk?

So it has all led to this...To that special one an ultimate wish.

For one night, and one night only,
Our diary is gonna be dedicated to that special one.
I have no idea who it is at this time,
But she's gonna feel every ounce of our fun.

Here's to you, for being chosen straight out of Heaven above.
Thanks Lauren, for the inspiration girl,
Without further ado, this is now our ultimate letter of love.

"Dear such and such" is that right...I so darn hard writing to you without sight.

Much has been made of my love life,
Before I even knew you're middle name.
Yet, I had faith that you would come, at least someday,
It's like God's been bragging to me all about your fame.

Every night talking about you're beauty, like you're truly one of a kind.
I've constantly said that I've seen anything and everybody,
Unbelievable that you're a diamond I thought I'll never find.

I know you understand all the pain...U've been through it too, all tha fake gain.

U know, the guys who u thought loved you for you,
Were making love to you mind, and not just ur physical stats.
Then in the end were like all the rest of those jerks,
Trippin' cuz u didn't wear red pumps, and simply wanted to rock flats.

Crying every day and night, wondering could there be just one for little old me.
My girls say hang in there, good things come to those who wait,
U crawl before you day you will truly see.

Timing is so unique, it's tha super key....Without it, I mean, where would Madonna be?

I write this knowing in my heart, and without a single doubt, 
That you are more than simply a Material Girl.
LV bags are cool, and Chanel glasses are still a must,
Just now you wanna go to Dylan's to get a big lollipop with a color filled twirl.

Time has shown you, that it's the little things that matter, but still you wonder, Who?
Like everybody is getting their's, I'm still being patient as ever,
Perhaps I should just grab anybody and say, "Beep it...I do."

What if I told you simply to "WAIT."...As if my motive was guided by fate.

Everything that you've ever dreamed about, 
Since you were hanging with Barbie up in her house up in 90210.
You and her already talked many times about how it would all unfold,
She'd have Ken, you'll have yours, and u'll both end up on a Real Housewives show.

Did you know that 'yours' would introduce himself, like out of a diary post?
You could believe at tha mall, or even at a movies,
Even working at Mickey D's or at a spa when he's getting his facial dose.

But u're gonna listen to this read...easy...Not for me, maybe, but cuz all the other guys have been sleezy.

I"m not one to brag, girl, that just ain't my style,
Nor is it my grande cup of ice tea.
Your attention is on me right now, which is fine,
So this moment, I'll guarantee I won't flee.

It's something special to be called my girl, you represent the ultimate in beauty and fun.
Hopefully, I'm not coming on too strong right now,
If u likes, don't worry, cuz I've only just begun.

Time has brought us two now together...What Senor Tiempo does, last through any type of weather.

The best is what I've always wanted, sound simple enough,
And I got the knee scars to prove that I'm right.
"The Most Beautiful Girl in the World", was the phrase even at 15,
For these words I uttered in prayer, every single night.

I would put on Babyface and Boyz II Men, and hold on to my pillow tight.
Who knew that I could sleep with a smile on my face,
Knowing that one day I would win love's great fight.

Little did I know, the route of choice...All the games played, the cuss words yelled from my voice.

There was a prerequisite to get to you, one that became tougher each day,
So tough that I wanted to just give it all up in a haste.
I was stuck in this desert of paying my dues,
And like the desert, I thirsted for more than a drop or taste.

Girl after girl, after girl, the episodes were so deep, and left me so in doubt.
Do these girls want me just because I'm a hoop player,
or Am I that ultra boy toy, that every girl always dreams about?

I felt you, though, getting inches away...Like a prisoner anticipating release day.

Everywhere I would go, I would look just extra hard with hope,
That all the patience would now be a visual too see.
A night at the club, a new friend on Facebook,
Oh, how I had so much indescribable glee.

Then the tables would turn, like DJ Clue on them one's and two.
A "I got a boyfriend" here, an failure to communicate there,
I wore an helmet for months, just to protect me from that ever familiar falling shoe.

You must be beautiful, cuz it's taken years...Now I can talk to you, without any nervous fears.

I know you have guys throwing themselves at you all the freakin' time,
Thus my game must be at the apex to even get a second thought.
Which is cool, I like a challenge that I've already won,
These words are battle scars that illustrate, for your heart, I've already fought.

Fun and love, these words are the cornerstones of my battle tested soul.
Once I get you, it will be an experience, Christmas feeling every day,
New Year's Eve every night...Or at least that's tha goal.

I'm so confident, let me describe you...On sight unseen, just like the Little Boy Blue.

Flawless, is what describes your face, I already know,
Those eyes are so beautiful, and show the windows to a lovely girl.
The illustrate how you believe life can be so beautiful once given a chance,
That sparkle shows how ur playground once was the its the world.

Your lips are something special as well, something of absolute pure bliss.
For they hold a smile, that melts the heart of anyone who's near,
I'll kiss you there, but I've learned it's the other spots on you, that u don't want me 2 miss.

This is me, how I do things....Amazing how perfection comes from wannabe flings.

Now I look, and see you cleavage line, 
I don't even care about tha size, cuz they fit your body's never ending curves.
Caress them, Rub them, I'll touch them like u want me to touch them,
Without even knowing you, u gotta admit, "I got some nerves."

But I KNOW that's a sweet spot for you, right around the nipple.
Didn't think I know what turns you on right,
I'm gonna do everything to see those pretty dimples.

I'm pause for a sec, Is that fine?...Before, I continue with the body, let me speak on tha mind.

For this is the part you've been anticipating yourself,
You already know how guys can please ur skin with a simple touch.
The mind of yours, is what really wants to be explored like never before,
That is something that can never, ever be blown too much.

No games here with me for sure, I'm gonna treat you like you're the only girl in my stars.
I didn't know it at the time, but I've been practicing for you,
Like Hershey failing before he got that perfect candy bar.

Not gonna say I'll give you everything...I'll just promise you that ur heart will beat while ur voice sings.

There will be a thought, within, and from your girls,
A thought that me, and this never fleeing feeling is too good to be true.
'Just wait and he'll slip up' is tha phrase that goes into your ears,
Yet, u know that one day, I'm tha man, that'll make ur Mom give u something borrowed and blue.

Jealousy, get ready for it, but I already know u've been peppered like a well-caught fish.
'Been there, done that' is such ur swagger,
U can even hand eat sushi without the Ikea made dish.

That's ur mind, girl, just being true...Now let me get to tha hidden parts of you.

Your belly button, that's my secret spot,
I have a diary, in which I speak of it like new found money.
The sight under a tankini, or after working out in tha gym,
And of course my favorite, seeing it being dripped profusely in honey.

Cuteness is that spot, as well as that spot between the brows of your eyes.
I shouldn't tell you this, especially since u're just meeting me,
But the first thing I notice when u rock shorts, is the sexiness of your thighs.

That's my thing, and u have the best...A mix of Muscle Beach, along with Cow Girl...Midwest.

A view from the back of them, I can't even say,
For you are every thing I've dreamed about and more.
Who would ever think, that fantasies could come true,
Now I have the key to unlock an Angel's once padlocked door.

Meaning I'm gonna act as such, and make u feel more special than a rose.
Don't think I'm talking about Derrick who plays for the Bulls either,
I'm talking about treating u like the MVP that The One above chose.

Should I mention that other noticeable part...I could, but I'm more interested in ur heart.

It's a relief to meet someone, ain't it,
Who's not gawking at you booty like they've never seen a Ten.
And talking about your vagina area is a super no-no,
Although inside, in invisible ink, it's already been inscribed...Austin.

I'm in awe of you, like a Picasso, never before done on canvas paint.
Now I'm thinking about how you take care of your skin.
Forgive the jibberish...soernamreoafmlreaosenr...I feel like I'm about 2 faint.

Well-kept feet, huh, I know ur a spa junkie...Please just please, tell me that ur also a fun flunky.

A rub foot after a very long day in heels, 
Once again, it's my duty to treat you like the ultimate queen.
Popping bubbles in your bath, all while rapping Tupac lyrics in your ear,
I'm the most sensitive, yet thuggish guy you've ever seen.

The Whispers taught me to never be afraid, and how we can take a sexy shower.
Just like they say, "This is what I do to get you in tha mood."
Finally, my garden of Amor has sprouted up another flower.

What do you think about all these truths?...U wanted Clark Kent, but now Superman has left his booth.

Once again, this hasn't been anything about a brag or boost,
For I already know we were made for each other just from the tests.
Each time, a step was passed, or an episode ended sometimes with a cry,
It just showed me that difficulty means that you're gonna get the very best.

My style is simply make love to ur mind, body, and soul.
You should feel special when riding with tha drop top down, 
To quiet nights fighting over the last popcorn kernel in the bowl.

The case is truly closed, and has been made...Hopefully u won't forget me, like that 90's hightop fade.

This was for your eyes only, nobody else's but you,
With each and every word jotted down, with sight being so blind.
True beauty can be seen and felt miles away though,
Today is the first day I can truly thank Cupid for being so kind.

Austino Galaxia is my name, by the way, I'm your next and final co-star.
Now that we've met, I can give one, just only one promise from my heart...
This will be life's Greatest Love Story...Huh...By far.

Your future and Your Dream Come True,
And Always...143.

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