Saturday, April 6, 2013

Walking On Tha Moon.

.showtime It's.

.special be 2

.everyday it about Dream

,sacrifices tha All

,waiting patiently tha All

.true come it have To.

.now is tha Time.

.posts old our of some yesterday on Reading

...mind our crossing kept thought one Only

.again ever this like anything be ever, never will There

.reveN to about We're

!time Big

...though made be to needs point A

.lot a hearing been we've Lately

...matter that for lot a Seeing

...crazy I'm think may people diary our reading By

.it lost I've that Or

.straight things set me Let

.time more One

.different I'm

.are all We

.night other tha happened strange Something

.begin to about is era new A only Not

.for prayed we've one tha But

.nuF dna evoL

.wanted ever we've All

?it,doesn't simple so Sounds

.complex be can It

.life our of journey tha on focus much So

...sense make don't it How

...wait continually to have I do Why

?last for saved truly best tha Is

.through go to have u steps many So

?you being simply for penalty this Is

.you to get can embarrassed being of feeling The


.much so up myself opened I've our In

...diary this In

.doG To

.all it of sense make to Trying

...good days Some

...good so Not

,Seles Monica legend tennis by book awesome this reading I'm As

.things some through go supposed You're


.dream this sees else anybody if wonder U

.not may They

.stage tha set to one tha be 2 have may U

."happen to it will", say would Priven Jeremy as Or

. necessary means any By

."star" unquote quote become we as thoughts time-real of  realms tha in born was diary This

.Galaxia Austino deemed we're why that's Guess

(.cute is sentence This) .huH

.easy ain't successful Becoming

.climbing are they as climb tha about talks Nobody

.fact tha after always It's

.top covered-snow tha on flag tha planted they've After

?that is Why

?Selfish it Is make not did they if stupid look to wanting Not

.queer too just seem would it, short up come to and that or this all say To


...reason strange some for fear that have don't I

.know I Cuz

...with contact come I people to and diary this in lot a say I

.too erased be to fear that want I

.is it how hear to needs Somebody

.person it's if Even

.try first their on successful be can somebody  means it if , rejects 300 take I'll

.through push can one that so, hits and experiences strange many taken We've

...say can one that So

!mas No

.know I Now

.too ok That's

...of name tha in martyr a be to has somebody, mean I, Somebody

.nuF But but Oh

.come has time The

.back hold won't I

?loose get really to were we if think world tha would what wondered We've

...actually was impossible seemed once that dreams your all If

.elbissoP your tell can u when history in period a in living were you that realized you When

..."when time tha remember I"

.dreams in believing about is Life

.dreams Your

.for reach never could u that believe u that heights for reach to you For

.teg enola teL

.ways weird many in you prepare can Life

...time tha at it know not may You

."by and understand will you later or sooner", say would schoolers old tha As

.me inspired have many So

.long so is list Tha

.friends and Family

.few a name To

....Mr. Sam Jones, barber my forever and Always...and  Mr. Sel Dunlap, Mr. John Hall, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Stephens, Uncle Mic, Grandpa, Grandad, Uncle Levorn, Grandma, aunts my of All

...Uncle Kenny, Cousin Vicki and Glenn, Pastor McGizzy, Cousin Spencer, Sis. Stallings, Cousin Ron, Uncle Carl, to Nick-Nick, Khapre to Ms. Cha to Caleb, like fam More

. Pops, course of, and Moms, Ant Skeezy, Little Avery have u Now

.well as inspiration as served unknowingly Others

.Pack Rat Tha definitely and Phil Knight and Nike, Michael and Janet Jackson, David Beckham, Vince Long Rodman, Pippen, Barry Bonds, Air Jordan, Derek Jeter, Marilyn Monroe, Phil Jackson,  Richard Branson, Elvis, Mike Puaca, Deion Sanders, Princess Diana, Chad Hugo and Pharrell Williams, Kobe Bryant, Denzel Washington, Steve Nash, Arsenio and Eddie, Babyface, Jonathan Buck, Madonna, Redd Foxx, Langston Hugues,  Jerry Seinfeld, got you see Let's

.best tha be to dream only not to like it's what ,me teach helped have  people these All

.best tha be to But

.up giving Not

.believes who only tha you're if even ,on Continuing

.it get u once act you how indirectly and directly me taught they success some get you Once

.special something of midst tha in, you're knowing than better Nothing

...concert unforgettable  a at row back or front be could That

...series classic a in sequel last tha be could that movie a to going be could that Or

.eyes very your before right slowly so ever undress crush love particular a watching Or

.forever last moment the want You

...dream to begin you And

?fi tahW

.me be could That

.burn to begins fire Tha

.fire the to added be to begins wood More

.flame own your by out burned so feel and up give to want you When

.wood more Still

.heat your feel gonna everybody's day one yourself tell u that confident so become you Then

.comes then day That

.answered now are questions All

.reality living a now are dreams All

. level this reach few very A

... though believe you If

.nac uoY

.moon tha on walking like It's

.done be can't it mean doesn't, it achieved have people seldom because Just


.dance to luv I

.it about bones no make I

.one this is learn to one toughest tha Perhaps

...weight your all put you where one The


.backwards move to Only


.glove glitter one, wore simply it mastered who one The

.sparkled it like looked that hat black a With

.girl sexy about story crazy a had he me like Just Her

.naeJ eilliB

.galaxy tha in star shining a become to order in episodes those experience to have you But

.post today's of part this absolutely I

....backwards extremely or crazy seemed have may Today

!though excited so just I'm

...move this practicing been I've 24/7 Cuz

 .life of game this in forwards move to just backwards going Of

 .it got finally I, error human sometimes and trial of years After


.calender your in one special a as today Mark

.over completely now are Jean Billie with dealing of days The upon is era new a Now

...ours is that One

...signature is that One

...alone practicing of moments those all reflects that One

 ...finally to feels it how describe even can't I that happy so I'm

...y'all finally mean do I And

Know... how to MoonWalk.

Austino Galaxia aka "Fun's Ultra Astronaut"

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