Sunday, March 31, 2013

Close Your Eyes.

Here we go...

I actually deleted a post that I was going to write on today.  Guess it wasn't for tha Galaxy to read, thus it has disappeared into cyberspace lore.  I'm gonna fight to write this...fight to write this.  Even though I don't want to.

We've written a lot of poems...and not sure if I should try one tonight.  But, we like to make history here in our diary, so for tha first time ever, if u like rhymes, then this is for you.  We're gonna give back to back posts in a poem form.  This should get interesting...Do we have anything left to say??  Just gonna close our eyes and see what happens...Hummm....(As a finger touches tha side of our lips.)

Write like its ur last time.

I close my eyes,
I've done it so many times before.
Yet on this Easter Sunday,
My heart has dropped to tha floor.

See it was like around 6am this morning,
During tha time many are just leaving tha pub.
Others have had their fun at tha discoteca,
A few getting a hold tha mayo type sub.

I woke up, like never before,
After a very enticing type dream.
I was at tha gym,
These girls were bending over in front of me,
A perfect way to flirt it seemed.

But that "butt" quake, is not tha goal,
That's not what I'm writing about.
Even though I'm due to talk about that in a few,
I wanna talk about me waking up with a pout.

What is tha coast of success?
And how much are u willing to pay.
I can see that "x's" being hit on tha computer,
Austin, not again, this is supposed to be Resurrection Day.

But that's tha thang right there,
Believe u me I didn't want to wake up like this.
I rather wake up, well rested, with an handful of cups,
If u got that, u must have Cinemax on ur satellite dish.

So I sat up, just with that flat out notion,
Enough is enough, I gotta change.
I have tha best life to some,
Yet in many ways I've become somewhat deranged.

Is it our ego?  Or lifestyle?
The belief that anything is worth while?
Could it be that I want so much out of life,
More than a 3-pack of suds from Dial.

I did that "Gangsta Lean" in our bed,
Like God it may be time to have a talk.
I've been going at this so hard,
When are YOU gonna walk tha walk.

Is it a curse to be confident?
These questions seemingly always abound.
How come we keep on sacrificing,
With no sunlight to be found.

I close my eyes, and wonder,
If not for a moment's time.
How would it feel to get what we really want,
And let our life speak louder than a simple mime.

Sometimes we feel like everybody has gotten theirs,
While we're on this ultra-weird road test.
Like how much longer do we have to go,
To finally get tha stage to show we're simply tha best.

I still get this sense, a funny sense,
That we're just a boy toy to many.
Like a gimmick, or something not real,
Does he have any troubles?  Not any.

That may be true, which is fine,
But there is something that lurks so deep.
And this morning it surfaced like never before,
I gotta stop this before it gets too steep.

A sense of urgency, at a ultra high,
Knowing this is tha closest ur gonna be.
Just don't know how close u are,
At tha apex of when Y turns into Z.

The knowing that ur doing what ur being led,
To believe at least gets ur focus.
But after awhile u wonder u need a trick,
Perhaps figuratively, and through some Hocus Pocus!

I write all this perhaps,
Cuz our life is about to shift.
Like gears on a bike, in a car,
Like a kitchen on Avenue Fifth.

Frustrated...I don't know,
See u never know what tha future entails.
It can be something so beautiful and unique,
Or it can be him rapping "Tony Montana" to Jingle Bells.

How many times though,
Has peace been found through tha shutting of our eyes.
That moment where everything makes sense,
Every 't' is crossed, no effort in dotting tha "I's".

Like others, who feel this way,
What is tha route to go?
Do we give up on all our dreams?
Live with that fact of  "we'll never know".

I have it good, been blessed,
I can quit and have a right to believe "I tried".
Almost believe that phrase right there,
So much I can almost begin to cry.

But as I closed my eyes this waking morning,
A voice, a still one gave a whispering pep.
I'm tiring of busting my toosh for nothing,
Yet tha words I heard were of deeper depth.

"It's all about to change, get ready",
Seems like I've heard those words before.
This time I feel like it carries deeper meaning,
Like hearing that one  special "I Love You",
And that's tha one that you adore.

This is from our heart, for real,
Cuz life can be a real trip.
One day u feel like it's too perfect,
Other times u really feel like a dip.

And even though I'm writing all this,
Too personal, yet from our mind and soul.
For some strange reason, I feel good,
Like a beautiful rose blossoming, anticipating to hold.

Egotistical confidence, that's what u must have,
I think we talked about that in 2011.
U must believe that tha impossible can be first,
May have to go through hell before u taste some heaven.

During that period though,
U cannot be thrown off ur life's burning desire.
Yeah, it happens that others may get a new car daily,
While u're just fighting with two or three flat tires.

But u gotta realize, I gotta realize,
That "This too shall past."
And although u had a rough go of things,
Bad times...they never last.

So after hearing this rhetoric,
I'm thinking it's not enough, I gotta make a move.
Get more aggressive, take more chances,
Something that makes tha road less ruff, and more smooth.

Another few words seemed to speak,
From our ears down to our heart.
Those like remain patient, its gonna be really easy,
Don't rush, remember tha horse comes after tha cart.

I almost feel weighted as I write this,
Like this is more than for me.
Come on fingers, let's finish this out strong,
Let tha masterpiece speak...through me.

The moment is here, and even though I still wonder,
What these next few hours shall show.
Could it be us stop writing or moving away,
Or getting a secret check with a hidden amount of dough.

No idea what's about to occur,
And that can make
Just knowing that finally a reward to be had,
Especially after all tha work we've done.

I feel kind of confident, right now,
And I wonder if I should write this here.
Nothing to lose, but there's a feeling in our heart,
Like Underdog, I have no fear.

Boy, I wanna say this, make a prediction of sorts,
All in tha name of simple belief and faith.
Might as well believe it with all our heart,
I"m gonna say this and no longer wait.

As I now close my eyes, I can see,
Everything that we dreamed coming true.
Why don't u give that a try as well,
There's no shame in losing control

I see tha things that I want, how cool,
They are now no longer within, but in our reach.
Some are material, some are not,
But things that only tough lessons can teach.

That chance has come, u've wanted it right,
Never has that spotlight so shined.
I'm confident, more than ever,
I already know this time is mine.

Tha motivation has been given, focus strengthened,
Razor sharp like Ramon's Razor edge.
Remember how tough it once was,
How u wanted to Superman over that hefty ledge.

They're still close aren't they,
If u open them up, u'll lose your prize.
It'll be a shame to go through so many lengths,
And only lose it all cuz of unshut eyes.

I'm squinting my eyes now, even harder,
The excitement is beyond compare.
The stage now bears our name on it,
Wait, is that Brangelina over there?!

You've taken so many shots,
From guys and Lord knows from so many dames.
Tha dues have been paid, over and over,
Now there are Crayola signs bearing your name.

U hear tha chants in tha dressing room,
A smile by u crosses tha mirror.
For this special moment, u get a special gift,
Considering all u've been through, it couldn't get any weirder.

A note on top of Grandma's Sweet Potato Pie,
Made just for you, as she knew u'd reach this special day.
Her baby, has endured all tha trials of time,
Still, it's a note that u wanna know what its to say.

The opening of this telegram note is unique,
A thrill in tha air is nothing short of hype.
Tha final makeup artist just entered tha room,
Ur even more excited cuz she's just your type.

As she applies a light dash, just enough,
You grab this ever waiting note.
Nervous like a guy waiting for his date,
Or like going through airport security with drugs in ur tote.

"What is it?", she asks,
Knowing that tha tone seems to hit a stoic you.
"Nothing" is your reply, just a huge breath,
And a "No more makeup please, I'm through."

As showtime is near, she kisses you on ur cheek,
"Show them what you got", she says almost in a beg.
U now realize that this moment is bigger than you,
A kiss by this beauty though, beats "Break a Leg."

You walk through tha hallway, give a wink to tha guy,
Tha one who opens tha curtain to you never go back.
He winks back, gives you a thumbs up,
For \he even knows there's nothing in the world that you lack.

There's a introduction to who you are,
Funny cuz you're hearing familiar words, and now your smitten.
This is pure amazement, totally unexpected,
There's a 5 yr. old kid reciting tha words from ur diary once written.

Still not time though, as u hear those words,
Remember like it was all yesterday.
How many stories, how u just wanted to have fun,
Talked real about that all tha work before tha play.

Ooops!  He's too young to recite that one,
I guess imitation is flattery, in its ultimate form.
I knew I shouldn't have written about girls and sex,
Those thoughts shouldn't have left my South Beach dorm.

Good a glass of water, that's what I need,
Oh, boy, I just got that cue.
One finger is put up, just one more sip,
I don't even know what I'm about to do.

Tha point from tha side comes, and tha curtain breaks,
And u stroll out like ur moment has arrived.
Celebrity over there, Reality star over here,
Jordana Brewster, Don Omar,
And tha rest of tha cast from Fast Five.

Your putting on a show, tha laughs are plenty,
This is a night to never let go.
After ur performance, the crowd stands up in unison,
And they all walk out saying tha same thing,
"What a show!"

Now backstage is crazy, in a frenzy,
With tha taste of we all are a part of history.
A beginning a something new has dawn,
This theater was tha first one to see.

The dressing room is your safe haven,
Now it's like everybody wants more.
Photographers, groupies,
Heck, it's like everybody's waiting outside ur door.

Door now opens and it's that makeup artist, u left,
She bursts in with such a Hollywood smile.
If being a star, gives you perks like this,
Maybe I should throw away that old black book file.

Once again, she gives you a kiss,
This time not on tha side, but one on tha mouth.
She says, "I had a feeling that you were special.",
U wonder if her hand is about to go down south.

She pulls away for a moment, in a hesitant way,
Her perfume is now laced all over you.
She says she has a question to ask,
I guess after that kiss, I can answer a question...
Or maybe two.

She asks, "What was in that telegram?",
Was it from somebody that you knew?
Your response was a short but definite "Yes."
That somebody is who really knew you.

U then grab her hand, and then reach over her makeup,
She has everything inside her beauty kit.
Tha telegram which was faced down u grab,
And point to ur lap, so that she can sit.

A gleam strikes from you eye so strong,
As you know u have all that you could want.
Tha show to start a career, A chance of a lifetime,
Also that "10" in ur lap and in ur arms...
I'm not gonna front

You begin to tell her about ur life,
And how it's been such a test of that wait.
Seems like this day would never come,
Like we had a ongoing war with that thing called fate.

U tell her how moved you were, before u walked out,
To have this kid read ur words of yesteryear.
How as u were writing in ur diary, u just knew,
That it would open somebody's eyes like a dear.

Tha flip of tha note, she provides so sexy,
And u tell her, "Let's read it together."
She looks in ur eyes,
U look into hers,
Two sets of eyes are so much better.

She knows this is personal to you,
As your cell phone gives that ring.
But you turn it off, and capture this moment,
"Ur ready let's do this thang."



And u put tha letter down, and glance to tha side,
Recalling that special Sunday in 20-one-three.
How u wrote about tha moment,
How u dreamed so hard about it,
Now can you believe what you see.

Shake of tha head, and another kiss from ur friend,
Pure amazement is ever a present glow.
Just think about if u hadda given up,
That would have messed up all of destiny's flow.

You get ur stuff, and grab your suit coat,
And now its time to leave.
U open tha door, the media is still there,
It's ur baby girl's arm that u constantly cleave.

Tha weeve through tha traffic is long, yet revealing,
How life can ever so quickly change.
Once was a dream, now it has happened,
Even ur agency gave you keys to a Range.

That's not ur ride tonight though, not ur style,
Both of you finally get to ur fast sports ride.
She gets in, and you're about to,
But then ur world and this other fan's collide.

Tha girl said that I once followed you,
Before you had all this show and fame.
I knew you before you got ur chance,
Seems like I knew more than just your name.

She went on to say that all that you wrote, I knew,
It would all one day come true.
Not just for tha life of me,
Even from the life of you.

"One post" stood out from tha rest,
And she puts it above her bed ever since that day.
She said it was what got her through tough times,
With all the tests, it was tha only way.

You are humbled, and almost tear filled,
Cuz this is more than any dollar.
To give a laugh, to crank a smile,
Even to provide tha guts to make you holla.

The question was posed by you, "Which post?",
Made an impact as she stopped you before ur drove off.
She told you, u then gave her a hug,
For how can anyone use her words for scoff.

Now ur inside ur car, and ur baby girl asks,
"Honey, are you alright?"
You tell that u're cool, just so much going on,
It's just been one of them nights.

She then asks, what did that girl want,
Her eyes were filled with so much hope.
If anything she looked like she wanted you,
Like you are like tha next sitting Pope.

U tell her, she simply showed us love,
And told us how she's been a big fan.
Then she told us how this one post in our diary was special to her,
How it stopped her from all her sinking sand.

"Which one was it", u baby doll replied,
"U have so many."
The reply was, 'Perhaps, cupcake...
But this one stood out more than any.'

"Well, aren't you gonna tell me,
I actually would like to know."
A passionate kiss was shared between you two,
And u simply say 'Let's Go.'

'I was blown away by this girl, who was so real,
As she told me all about, well, me.
How this one post was above her bed,
Every day and every night she would see.

So as us two begin a journey like no other before,
One so special to me.
I want you to know that this day was always a coming,
It just to a while to simply see.

Baby girl, this has been a memorable journey,
With tears, and laughs,
And a crazy number of sighs...
Like that girl reiterated to me...
Buckle up for tha ride, cuz to have tha most fun, u need to sometimes...

Close Your Eyes.

Signing Off.

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