Saturday, March 16, 2013

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First off, I'm recovering from a very, very interesting last few days.  I didn't even go out last night, I just couldn't.  Its such a thin line between going all out, and getting some needed rest, which I haven't been getting, at least to our standards.  I mean, I gotta make sure we don't get no wrinkles under tha eyes, u know what I mean.  Guess I'm so superficial when it comes to that, huh.  But, so far even on today, I got some needed rest.  And now, we can live it up, as we want to.  Forgive me for this post, I'm finding it tough to grasp tha words to write.  See what happens...

I need to calm down, don't I?  After tha last post we wrote, I was like spent in some ways.  Just when u really talk about what's going on in ur heart and soul, I don't know, a part of you is released and u'll never get that part of ur soul back.  I've been going so hard...for so long...people just don't understand.  That's what excellence is, I guess, doing something at a high level, for so long, and not just a one time thing.  As we continue to write, for right now, in this diary, and discuss portions of our life that we flat out don't understand,  its like our heart is striving for that goal.  That dream come true.  Interesting.  Sure others have tha same things they are dealing with, just have to move on.  We have to look at everyday as a new at-bat so to speak.  It can be tough to do that, but if we're gonna move forward, that's tha only way.

Now tha other day, something interesting happened. I had tha chance to be around this girl, whom I've had our eye on for a little bit.  But tha cool thing about it was I had a chance to talk to her, directly yet indirectly. U know, instead of being in a high-pressurized situation like a club or singles night at tha Bingo hall, it just happened.  I'm just gonna write, and let it all hang out, I think that's tha best way for this post to be written.  I had a feeling that I was gonna run into her that day.  Sexy look, hair in ponytails, that are seemingly making a comeback here in Miami.  I have grown into tha type of person that isn't chasing tail, so to speak, anymore.  Not to sound snobby or an Elitist (Inside joke from previous post.), but I honestly just don't feel like my ego can do it anymore.  Why should I have to put in days work when, honestly, if u get to know me, u should be putting in work to get to me.  Jokes aside.  We've been blessed with tha ultimate lifestyle in many ways, u gonna get the ultra-experience of fun, so...I think I may hit on that later.  But for now, as usual, I just played it cool.  U may be beautiful, but for us to call u "the most beautiful girl I know", we got 2 get to know ya.

Neat is tha word that can describe getting to know somebody.  Anytime u can share experiences and likes and dislikes with somebody, it's awesome with a capital "A" in our book, ya dig.  But before I go any further I have to say, that tha lessons regarding our life keep getting revealed to us.  Like...Ok....As I was talking to this girl nonchalantly, I could sense that other girls I knew who were around, were like eavesdropping on our conversation.  And to be frankfurter about it...they were interrupting our vibe of sorts.  Was it hating? Not sure about that son.  I didn't say anything, I really just brushed it off, but inside it kind of hit me like, "Here we go again."  We get tha feeling that can I say this safely...we get tha feeling that girls have a way of planting their foot down on their turf whenever a possible threat can be moving in.  Did we say that politically correctly?  Like, I've been in situations where I happen to be single, and I can be chillin' just talking haphazardly or relaxing , alright.  Then, another cutie pie comes into tha room....I'm gonna get loose here, I feel it.  Another girl, who's pretty as such, walks in and begins to give us conversation or game or Vibe magazine, and next thing I know it, tha girl I was just in tha room with basically, begins to trip.  Saying all this stuff in between me and the other girl's talk, just so that she can get attention and be tha focus of tha room instead of tha newbie.  It's a feeling that many guys, and girls really, go through.  This feeling of, even though u are free to be with whomever u want, there's a sense that "Even though I'm not with him, u can't be with him either."  Oh shoot, I think a can of Dennis Rodman's have been opened up!

And tha bunked up thing about it, is that sometimes the people who pull this stunt...have "somebody"!!  I put this in quotes because...I guess I'm tha only one this stuff happens to, so I guess I gotta represent, so I will, cuz I know my love is tha...I be thinking, I'm cool that u have a guy or girl, depending on ur preference, not tripping, not whispering in ur ear, "U can do better" and what not, so why is it that u trip when somebody is trying to connect four with us.  There's a double standard somewhere in there.  But I don't get all bent outta shape, cuz I really, really believe that our love life is bigger than us.  I mean that.

Like when u date us, I think indirectly ur dating a lot of people.  There are a few people...I remember seeing a great ESPN 30 for 30 special on "Tha Great One" aka Wayne Gretzky and his hockey move from Edmonton to Los Angeles in tha 90s.  They were talking about his marriage to starlet Janet Jones, and how when she married Wayne G, she was like marrying tha entire town and divorcing tha entire country!  Wayne was everybody's guy, like a "son" of sorts. So as we're writing this, we since that sometimes people thing that they own us, and that u don't have a life of ur own.  I can handle attention to our life when it comes to our social or love choices.  The thang that gets me though, is don't get out of character when I'm talking to somebody, and she likes to have fun as well, and tha rhythm of tha night (or day) is moving positively.  This happens with guys too.  We would sometimes fight tooth and nails just to get tha attention of gal.  Just to get a glance dude.  If u're interested in somebody, let them know.  Don't disrupt and try to knock down an arrow shot by Cupid.  And if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, u definitely shouldn't be concerned with who somebody else is dating...I mean u're supposed to be hubby'd and wife'd up, so...Why tha hecky pooh should u even care?  Why...

Less they think that we should be with somebody...else.  Kind of stuck on this thang.  We've been in some weird situations in terms of people telling us or suggesting who we should be with, or just tha interest in who we are dating.  Like I said, its a double standard of such.  Been in situations where guys huddled around to see who tha girl I was talking about looked like...Have had girls talk to us and say, "U and such and such make such a good couple."  And this was after just sitting next to a girl, one time in a class...After talking with this one homegirl, had this one guy who was listening in apparently ask us, after she left tha room, "Austin, is that you?!!"  Some wild stuff, plus much, much more.  I guess people want tha best for us, which I can't hate on.

Yellow is tha color of caution.  I can just remember how many women, not girls, but women have told us so many things about dating, just here in Miami.  Like, we've been blessed.  Let's see...I recall, talking to this one woman for like 2 hours, on tha clock.  We got to talking about life, and she began to discuss how her man has changed once they moved in together.  Now mind u, she was in her 40s, but she was spitting this old school knowledge to us. She just keep on saying, "Austin...DON'T DO IT!...DO NOT DO IT!"  And I took it as a sign from above, because she got deeper in saying how girls may try to take advantage of our personality, and "see that we're nice" and then try to manipulate us.  She was talking about guys and girls living together before they get married.  Everybody's different, but I feel like a lot of people feel or would have felt what she was saying to us if they could've heard her.  And I take it as a blessing, cuz a lot of people wished they had someone to tell them that before they made a life altering decision.  As we said, above a lot of people do have an eye on who we're dating, and some do want tha best for us.

This wasn't even part of tha script, but we gonna write.  This could be for tha fellas.  So let's continue.

As I said before, it's been amazing how many lessons I've learned from women down here in Miami.  Not just girls, but women who have been through tha stages of life...of clubbing...of getting drunk...all those things that are sometimes blinded when younger and have lessons that only experience can teach them.  And I'm gonna be even more honest...some of the women that have told me some of tha greatest pieces of wisdom, are women who I think are super attractive, and let's be honest, mega-hot like right now!  We've had some memorable chats..

I can recall having a chat up at the American Airlines Arena with someone who worked up there.  We used to talk a lot about relationships.  She was older than us.  She help teach me how to treat a woman.  As a pseudo-Romeo as we thought we were, it's amazing all the things she would tell us.  How tha little things would always matter.  She was dating this one guy, and she would tell us, how he would make sure that she had "something" in her pocket in terms of money.  That could be $20 or $100, just something to let her know that, not only he cared, but that she could be safe just in case something happened or if she wanted to treat herself.  She would also talk about how he would care for her personal being.  Like getting her hair done, or even go so far to make sure she could keep her cooch...I mean "stuff" clean.  (Parental Discretion is Advised)  Like all those things to keep tha flower blooming takes money, and he wanted her to feel clean and precious, and he wanted her to feel special.  If u feel special in tha places not seen, u'll feel special all over.  I believe that.

She would also tell us stories on tha mindset of a woman when it comes to sex.  I'm telling it today, so if it's too much or 2 deep, click tha 'X' tha top right hand corner, cuz one day this will help somebody.  She would tell me on tha standards of a girl, and how a woman shouldn't just sleep with some and any (There's a difference) body just for tha thrill of it.  She would discuss how a girl is giving up tha most precious thing she has so she better make sure that tha guy she's with, is not only somebody she wants to be with, but somebody who takes care of her.  Now, my doll went so far, as to say that when she has sex with somebody, she expects C.O.D..  What's that u ask...she expects Cash On Delivery!  Not making this up!  Now that is borderline prostitution, but as many guys believe (and some girls), some people are tricking anyway whenever they have sex not for love, but for money, or fame or mind control or  for a new Kors bag or whatever.  That's another conversation.  She taught me that a guy, when he's doing a girl (Perhaps too ris-kay, but makes tha point) shouldn't think that a girl ain't keeping count in her head.  Like any female, ain't gonna consistently keep giving up tha goods, without sooner or later expecting something for her Youtube Oscar performance.  If a girl keeps on giving up sex, and is not getting taken care of financially or mentally or something, then that girl doesn't have standards for herself, and that guy isn't a real man.

Huh.  Or Amen to that.

I came at her on one of those Sunday's at tha Triple A with a situation. I told her that I had an interest in this one girl, but there was a problem.  A serious one cuz I really was feeling the vibe me and this girl were having.  And I really thought she had that "one" potential.  She asked what tha problem was.  I just told flat out, that I like her, but she parties...all tha time.  This can be a dilemma for some guys and girls down her in Miami.  Cuz I've never seen so many people party it up and then come into work like 2 hours later, sometimes folks walk in with exact same clothes they had on when they worked tha day before.  I've seen that on numerous occasions.  I told my confidant, this girl is sexy, everything about us is mad cool, she had tha rare combination of upscale-ghetto-beautiful-exotic with a touch of hip hop.  I told her, that I like to have fun, and go out, and myself am a "life of tha party" person, but she's a...Professional Partier.  Club to club...everything.  But I liked her...a lot.  After explaining my case to her, she told me how just because a girl likes to go out...a lot...doesn't mean she isn't a good catch or a "nice" girl.  She told me how a girl like that may just like to dance, or may have a touch home life and just wants to get out.  A beautiful female always wants to go out...always.  (That's from me!)  But she really altered my outlook, cuz as a kid growing up, a lot of guys can associate...

As a kid growing up, a lot of guys can associate a girl who parties all that time, as someone who isn't someone u wanna settle down with. "Always on tha scene" is how tha old heads would describe her. Even Jay-Z said it in this autobiographical song of my life.  And living down here in Miami, u find a lot of girls who can be found on boats and yachts during tha day, and in all tha hottest spots by night.  So just how she began to spit tha ka-now-ledge to us, it opened it up to sometimes it's not what a person does, but who tha person is.  I should stop right there.  For real  C Lee I luv u girl for ur honesty!  Luv u homegirl!

It's still early on this Saturday, and I'm feeling good so let's continue on what some of tha sexiest women have told me about the female sect.

In tha crates of this diary, there's a post about this one girl.  I wrote about her, some time ago, and u'll have to dig to get tha story.  She was...right. Cinnamon tan skin, jet black hair, her style of dress was modern in a very crazy way.  Mad cool with a laissez faire attitude, born in a small South American country, I could see it.  The even wilder thang was that I knew her mother.  And her moms was very cool...and a flat out natural beauty herself.  I still remember seeing her, tha Moms, walking around in this like super revealing outfit as she was about to go to tha gym to work out.  Just tha sight of her, man...she almost made me drop to tha ground and give her 50!  That's push-ups, not dineros don't get it twisted!  But she was always, always kind and nice to us.

Both of us got to talking about women, and girls.  I even flat out told her, after her daughter was 'taken' how I had a "thang" for her.  I told her.  And the funny thing, was after I told her that, our conversations began to get even better.  So we were talking this one particular evening or day, and she began to tell us about dating here in Miami.  Now, once again, let me set up tha scene, this is a convo from a mad cool woman, who had a daughter I wanted to get with, and if tha night was right, and if she wore them Tory Burch kicks and if tha Apple Sparkler was chilled just right, I woulda got with her herself!!  Forget tha daughter!  (I'm getting myself in trouble right!)

So out of nowhere in our conversation, she began to tell us how Miami girls are nothing but trouble.  How they are all about drama.  She told of the conversations with her daughter and her friends, and how it's 24/7 drama.  I was kind of in shock.  I told her, I think I did, about how I like...I'm getting personal here...But how sometimes I like a girl who wasn't born in this country because they have fun in a different way than American girls.  Not a pre-requisite or anything, cuz u never know who God chooses, but in a lot of ways its true.  And tha Mamacita was getting at all tha material drama, tha hating on from one girl to tha next.  I strongly believe in dating tha person, but sometimes friends can ruin relationships and friendships to tha point where it just ain't worth it.  Who wants to date somebody where u go on tha town for a night, and tha girl u out with tells her friends ALL tha details, and next thing u know it tha friend are on Facebook or Instagram talking crazy, and watching ur every move.  "I saw Austin with such and such today."  Homegirl, she was ahead of me at Pollo Tropical and I was just talking to her. (Wink!)  But for real, I don't date crews.

I learned from her about how some girls, even the ones u want, just want drama.  It's ok to keep it interesting, but to just stir tha pot for attention...Naw bro.  So many others, like this really beautuful woman, who told me about how her man treated her.  Travelling, and making sure she's happy.  Even travelling from the west coast of Florida to Miami every weekend to party during tha hot years in South Beach.  That's what I call cash.  But what this sexy dame also told me about this guy, was that money can't buy u love.  She had the ultimate, and I mean ULTIMATE lifestyle, but she's no longer with tha guy.  Lesson told to me by this beauty...U can spend all tha Dollars, Francs, and Euros u want on a woman, but no matter how much u have...sooner or later, she's wants real attention.  And more than tha material things.  What's tha use of having a penthouse on Brickell Key, if u're never home to share it with ur baby girl?  The Life looks good in tha beginning, but if tha attention ain't given, and love ain't being transferred into an "action" word, mark my words, a real beauty ain't gonna keep on taking it.  Or if she is, believe u me, she's playing u, and getting tha attention she really craves...on tha side.  Like an order of Sweet 'n' Sour sauce...

Another woman told me how if u wanna know how a girl feels about you, u should get around her and see how she reacts when ur around.  Like if she gets nervous and stuff...this happened to me yesterday, when I was around this beauty that seemed to be rambling like Loyola.  I think she may want to...I know that I would like that for another night.  Anyways, this same woman told me how, "The good girls are tough to get."  Which was involving a situation where I didn't know how much harder a guy would have to put in.  She told me those are tha ones u want (Sometimes.), and how u should let time dicate true love.  Good stuff, cuz I used to get into that NCAA Tournament "One and done" thought process.  Meaning, if u wanna do something or whatever, u get one chance, if u turn me down, I WON'T ask u again. There's only been an left handful of those I've asked more than once. I've changed...sort of.  But believe u me, I still have that  "I'm a comet" attitude.  U better catch us when u can cuz tha opportunity more than likely won't come again just because of our ego, and simply because there's somebody us who will say "yes".

I didn't even talk about tha girl in tha first paragraphs and our interaction.  We're gonna let that pass and let this post be about what fine women have told us about girls and other women.  So when u read throughout our diary, this ain't just us talking.  It's lessons, that for some reason have been embedded in our hearts and souls.

There's a saying that my Uncle and one of my guys once said:

"I am what I am, because what women have made me." 

Tonight is evidence of how people can help mold you, and perhaps how people who have been through this crazy thing call love, perhaps see what ur life is gonna be afar off, and are willing to help u deal with it.  Maybe these women saw that I would have a "most interesting man in tha Galaxy" lifestyle filled with a lot of decisions in regards to females.  And they wanted to chip in with a little wisdom.  Thus, what I learned, I want to share.

Now u know why I feel like I do.  I'm a by-product.  And I just wanted to share tha truth.  And hopefully as u read this, u can breathe and exhale about hearing and reading about not what's going on, but what's really going on in dating and relationships.  I wish I had a tell-all diary when I was a kid.  Maybe this is what this is all about.  And if so, u can sum it up in one word...which if put together the first letter of the first seven paragraphs.  I think u'll agree, that one word sums up how I feel about the upcoming moments and people in our life.  After it all, I can now take a breath and simply say...


A. Galaxy.

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