Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blindfold Me.

(Parental Discretion Advised...Added this once we began writing tonight cuz tha topics might not be for tha youngins.  Been forewarned!)

Have a moment or two, so might as well jot some.  Once again, have no idea what this is gonna turn into, which, if u've been following our diary for almost two years now, can mean that some wild stuff can be written.  So let's see what's to transpire on tonight...

Miami is crazy right now.  I mean...CRAZY! So many things going on, and as we walk tha streets of our neighborhood of South Beach, truly,without a doubt, and forever will be known in our hearts as "The Land of The Beautiful People", we are almost in awe in how many people are around.  I mean traffic is at a stand still in some of the weirdest places, u have sexy gals and guys walking around in swimsuits like 15 minutes from tha sand, it's truly like a music video dude.  The weather has been just about perfect beach weather.  Like low 80s, with tha sun shining, heck I was out today and was sweating just walking around.  It seems like everybody wants to be in tha M.I.A. Even though every once in awhile we think about moving to our big sister out west (L.A.), still there seems to be a feeling that this is "Tha Spot".  Like not only in Los Estados Unidos, but all over tha world.  People like to have fun...People like to feel sexy...and People like to party.  So when u put that all together, there ain't a place like this really.  Which is cool....actually very cool.

As of late, I have been writing a lot.  Hey, somebody told me that there was a guest writer for my last post, what was up with that?  Whatever was said, I hope they got things write and keep my life private, cuz tha last thing right now I need is some of my secretive life being exposed for everyone to see!  But neverthaless, things happen, speaking of which, I've been sharing some private thoughts in this thang.  Stuff I shouldn't really talk about, but it's a diary.  And I believe that in any diary u keep, u need to express how u feel in that moment.  Ours just happens to be exposed of sorts, but what we write is from our heart, and private or public its gonna be written...Huh.  Sumthing just hit us...

I got some wild stories and thoughts to share, so Big Bear Mountain with us.  How do u react when somebody wants you to do something that u really don't wanna do, but they just keep harassing you about it?  And know I'm not talking about forking up tickets to go see Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake, and no I'm not talking about actually taking a shower for a date u know ain't going nowhere, and quite frankly no, I'm not talking about cramming for a Final Exam tha night before when u know u gonna flunk anyway cuz u never did any homework thoughout tha semester, but...I was walking at a mall up in Broward, the Pembroke Pines Mall the other day.  I wanted to get some music at F.Y.E., and use up this coupon that I had from tha store that closed up down here in Coral Gables (Blasphemy).  But I lost myself for an half an hour to 45 minutes, and after I got out, I was walking through this suprisingly packed mall, and this guy was at a kisok, and he basically was yelling at me like, "EXCUSE ME SIR...."  I cringed like, "I got stuff and people to do, I ain't got no time for no Blu Blockers or Ginsu Knives or whatever u trying to get me to try.  But this dude was like relentless like none other...

Then he plainly asked, "How old are you?"  And I put this on Ponce De Leon, I immediately thought, "Not you too?  Please say that ur not trying to hit on me, in front of all these high school kids, and while ur on tha clock!"  I mean, for real...Who starts a gimmick, I mean, a presentation like that.  So this guy walks up to me, after I flat out told him that "I'm ageless."  I did say that by tha way...He walks over to me, and grabs my hand, and is like, "Let me show u something."  Now this is getting ultra-weird, like being at a party and everything's jumping off, and then all of a sudden a girl (or a guy) who's had too many Heineken's and Presidente's comes over to you, and puts there arm around you, and spills, "I loooove yooou.", like Brother Love from tha old WWF wrestling days.  It's like this is what I always wanted to hear, so do u move in and do tha fool like a night in Vegas or do u simple say "I love you" back and watch as they fall over onto tha ground.  Like I said....Awkward.  So he brings me over to show me off all things, this psuedo-sponge to manicure ur nails.  U cannot make this stuff up.  So I'm doing my best to leave, but no lie, I couldn't shake my hand from his Kung-Fu grip.  Literally!  I'm trying to pull away, but he won't let go.  Flat out...I'm getting a little heated, cuz I'm seeing all this tenderoni's walking around and now I'm stuck getting a bad Flea Market manicure, from a guy at a freakin' kiosk.  And right before he really got loose, he told me in a surprising way, "You have perfect nails."

 I'm thinking this is ridiculous, and to make matters worse he got my left fourth finger, does anybody know tha name of that finger??!!  Now dude got one of my fingers all shining and glistening and to make matters worse, I literally just threw away my nail remover concoction from CVS, so now I'm really looking Chonga-ish for a few days til it goes away.  I'm not gay by tha way.  Just because u have nail remover liquids, and like tha color pink, and grew up loving, absolutely loving, Denise Williams' "Let's Hear It For The Boy" doesn't mean I'm...just saying..

Heck, let's talk about it.  Age and Sexuality.  I can almost say without a blink of an eye, that down here in South Florida, that can be the two most uh... suspicious aspects of trying to figure people out what they are, and how old they are.  This ain't gonna be judgmental one iota, I'm just speaking from what I've seen.  U got guys who look older than they are, and they end up being like 20.  A girl looks and acts super cool, and before u ask her does she perfer tha top or bottom of her Whopper experience (I know I'm tha only one who got that!), u find out that she's not into us guys.  I've had some wild times with both...boy have we ever.

I believe I even wrote about that one time, not too long ago, a girl whom I didn't even know just flat out ask me, "Are you gay?"  After I told her I wasn't, I could hear tha disappointment in her voice as she went on to discuss how all tha "good guys" are.  Not true by a long shot.  But I could hear that she's had some bad experiences in terms of being disappointed.  Am I a metrosexual?  What is tha definiton of that?  I guess in some ways I am, or at least to tha naked eye appear to be.  I know a lot of guys, some of my dudes who get super heated when they feel like they are getting hit on by another fellow.  I'm tha complete opposite I guess in some ways, cuz I said before, anybody can be attracted to one sex, but very few can be appealing to both.  That sounds so egotistical.  But it's how we feel, and it's true.  I grew up in that Madonna era of tha 90s.  U know where people were like, "She's dating hot guys, but she's around these hot girls too", releasing books titled Sex,  so u don't know if she's into tha lolipops or pudding...heck she might've been into pudding pops! (Aw...that's good!  See she might not be straight, but may have been bisexu...once again, only tha freaks got that.)  Same with Janet Jackson, in her moods and in some of her interviews that kept just enough of tha door opened to make u think...

Some people give off that vibe of ultra-sensuality.  I feel like we give off that vibe I guess as well.  U have to be comfortable within urself...I be in tha locker room, matter of fact this happened twice just this week.  I was getting undressed and stuff, and on two different occasions, I had guys put their stuff down, and basically get undress right on top of me.  I was thinking, "u tell me this guy has to put his stuff (Not that 'stuff' get u head out of tha gutter!) down right 9 inches next to me?"  That totally didn't sound right, but it was kind of ridiculous when there ain't NOBODY in tha whole place.  Don't make sense.  Tha first time, I was a little hot...when it happened today, I was calm, and just realized that it comes with tha territory.

But down here in Tha Magic City of Miami, I've heard girls get into almost blows trying to figure out tha sexuality of a guy.  Arguing and's serious.  Then if somebody does swing for tha other team, I think sometimes, some people consider it a challenge to get them to go straight.  Believe me on this one.  Sometimes people say they are "such and such" but really aren't.   U know.  There's no need to shout ur preference to tha world, or make an announcement through the Reuters news wire to show ur new beau.  U are who u are.  One thing I will say is this...

We need to stop being so concerned about other people's love life, and who they are dating and who they aren't.  I know I've grown not to gi...wait, let me get new age here...N2GAF, when it comes to wondering who a person or friend or family member is with.  Are they straight?  Are they Mexican or Puerto Rican?  (That question alone may break up many a homes here in Miami.)  But for real.  We've just reached a point where if tha person they are with is happy then I am too.  I got too many things to think about than who ur pound caking with at night.  One thing I'm thinking about as I'm still in tha game, is not to get so caught up with expectations from family, friends, or whoever in terms who we date.  I see I'm not gonna get to tha 'age' thing tonight, but that's ok, this is important, and somebody, somewhere, it may be in tha year 2019 may need or want to hear this stuff.  So let's get really real...

I was talking to Moms about this sort of earlier today.  It's easy to feel pressured to be with somebody cuz a) that person is madly attractive....b) everybody says ur a perfect couple...c) ur family and friends think u should make it official.  I recall two quotes specifically indicating some of tha expectations that accompany me from afar from people wondering who I'm getting my freak on with.

First was before I came down here to Miami.  That was in 2005.  One gentleman told me that I should get a rich Sugar Mama.  Huh...Sorry, I lost my thought as I imagined what it would be like to get half of that Social Security check....Anyways..My own Grandpa, who I might one day write an entire post just on his wisdom, told me that I should turn Jewish to get a good girl.  In his words, "Sammy Davis Jr. did it!"  And after being down here, and seeing how sexy these Jewish girls and women can be.  I should make a wristband with "HDJDI" meaning, "How Did Jesus Do It?!"  I've met sum super cool and madly attractive girls who happen to be Jewish down here.  Mad cool girls...But this one guy, was talking to me about who I should date and all that.  And as he was ending this borderline scolding experience, he ended by telling me, "Just whatever you do, don't get no fat white girl...walking around Wal-mart, holding her hand like she's a beauty queen."  Huh.

Now, evidently he had a chip on his shoulder.  And I know in many parts of tha U.S of A, interracial dating is somewhat "fashionable."  (Are we too real tonight?)  But I hang out with and definitely date all races.  And if u've seen some of tha girls I've seen, just from a plus-size perspective, u might feel tha same!  C'mon, I know I'm not tha only one dealing with this stuff...Just on today, I was by tha Bass Museum, and out walked this woman with a nice blouse, and she looked mad sexy in her Not Your Daughter Jeans, with dirty blond hair and curvy shape.  Half way debating to Chevy Chase her down, but Homey don't play that...But beauty comes in all shapes and colors bro....And if a fat (Whatever that means) white girl is tha coolest girl I know, loves some Jon B.,  has soft hands, and doesn't mind me getting her belly button licked with some KFC honey with tha Heat game in tha background, then u for dag gone sure gonna see me walk around Wal-mart with homegirl....Tar-shay (Target) might be a different story though. (Ha Ha!)

If I'm too much tonight, just stop...please cuz I don't know how many posts I got left in tha tank, at least in this format, so I'm leaving it all out on tha court, so to speak.  Now...

Now this next one is really personal.  While I've been living down here in "3-0-5 for life" country, we've heard some wild stuff from girls.  Especially concerning me, from what faces I make while doing tha wild thang, to girls telling me they bout to take baths, it's been intriguing.  But I was talking to this one doll.  Or she was talking to me.  She was of African-American decent, and of course, somehow, someway, tha convo came back me, and who we are seeing and what now.  So she was cool, since I was available at tha time, but then she hit me with something...and it went something like this.

"As long as you don't date no Puerto Rican or South American girl, I'm alright.  I'm so tired of these brothas dating these Hispanic girls."


Now, I ain't gonna front, I know what she said, she felt cuz I could tell. And, I may be wrong, but I think how and what she said was felt from a lot of other "Sistas", who feel tha same way, but don't necessarily say it.  I'm talking about this...

Down her in Miami, u do see a lot of Black with Hispanic dolls with each other.  While u see a lot of Hispanic girls who exclusively date only White guys, and don't give African-American guys or heck even other white guys a second look.  I know I'm right about it, I should start calling out names...Bran...This is just something that goes on down here, not all tha time, but a lot in Miami.  To me, this girl was speaking from a frustration point of view, in which us guys of African-American decent sometimes don't give them a chance unless they are light-skinned or look like a Hip-Hop video vixen, and many times just date outside their race just because it's tha "in thing" to do.  Believe u me, these are real issues.  And as I was cool with this girl, I could sense that she didn't want me, of all people, to join in on tha possible Dade County trend.  This was a tough one, and I'll tell u why....

As we just stated I like all races.  And many of tha girls we've approached, have been of some different heritage.  Whether that's Spanish, or England or Cuban or whatever.  I recall this one guy who was into that Santeria religion, which I'm not into, but for tha heck of it, I asked home dude, what kind of girl am I gonna marry.  He told me, "A blond Cuban girl, with big boobs."  And I've been hanging out in Little Havana ever since!  But jokes aside I like all different cultures and people.  Now a guy in my position, can feel a little pressure from a statement like that, coming from that particular source.  U can start to believe that u are one of tha few remaining "good catches" of the black brotha fraternity left (Which is not true), and she doesn't want me with another girl of another race but with someone of her "own."  It used to be a underwritten joke how girls from different races would see a black guy who had it going on (Nice Job, Educated...), which some people viewed as rare and steal him from tha race so to speak.  Thus hating not only that girl, but every other girl of that race.  "You got ur own, why u gotta take ours."

So here's how I react to that statement.  I react by giving no reaction, cuz I'm open to dating all of God's people, and if tha jukebox is pumping and I got some Jungle Juice in me, I may be open to date some of satan's people too!  I'm too much...but one person cannot save an entire race in terms of love.  If u see me dating somebody of my race, no matter how good it looks to friends or people who don't know u, or tha media (Just wait til I get really famous, u talking about gossip on our love life then.), if u ain't feeling it, don't do it.  Not even love, but sometimes "liking" a person should be based on YOUR feelings and not how u think u're gonna be perceived.  Yeah, u may think about race or monetary background, or religious things, but in tha end, if u dig a person, u dig them.  Period.

Sometimes it's ur environment too.  Everybody's view of beauty is different.  We have...Beep it...we have a high standard of beauty.  Not so high that it can't be reached, but we enjoy conversation from confident women of experience, of different ages, and I'm not gonna get into pre-requisites cuz considering all I've experienced how dare I get so egotistical and limit tha possibilities to friends or future lovers.  That will be blasphemous really on my part. U never know tha package someone may come in.  U may want somebody who's mad cool, and rocks Jordan's and listens to smooth jazz.  U might get that package, she just might've been born in Asia to a father who's German, and a mother who's Indian.  U never know...Austino Galaxia.

Alright.  Once again, we've said too much.  But these are some real issues, and since I have tha titile of being "The Most Eligible Bachelor in Tha Galaxy", guess tha Great God above feels like we should talk about these things cuz it crosses our mind.  What would our friends think if I date this girl from Honduras?  What would tha girl who can't get a date think if I settle down with this type of girl?  What would my family think if they knew I dig these South Beach pin-up beauties with a arm sleeve full of colored tats?  In tha end though, it's personal. And what goes on between two people, goes on between just those two people.  They say love is blind.  Even though considering our crazy lifestyle, I guess I agree.  Love should be blind...which fits me perfectly...

Cuz I'm into blindfolds anyway.

Austino Galaxia.

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