Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Bob a Day.

Closer than close,
What a mighty phrase to say.
Yet this was tha everlasting feeling,
On this particular post hump day.

Today is a rarity of diary,
One that hasn't happened as of late.
I'm gonna write on back to back days,
So consider urself, my personal date.

I've been talking a lot from our heart,
Seemingly too much and with all our soul.
But we've always wanted this to be the realest ever,
From day one, its been our goal.

Love seems to be tha topic,
Tha one that echoes from our heart.
I guess that's where we've been inspired,
From tha pain from Cupid's dart.

Now on tonight, I'm gonna let this flow,
Meaning buckle up for tha show.
I have no idea where this can lead us,
But tha price is truly worth tha show.

If u don't wanna read it fine and dandy,
This may not be for you.
I just feel something in my soul, a natural high,
Consider this a can of Galaxian Mountain Dew.

Are you ready?  I hope so.
There's no turning back.
This is gonna be real yet fun,
A little something before u hit tha sack.

(Huge Blow.)

Now is tha time,
There is no more time for waste.
We have to let bygones be bygones,
We're an original, not a copy and paste.

The thrill of finally having ur dreams,
Oh, is there anything better said.
Yeah, u can eat at tha finest spots all day,
But it's ur soul that wants to be fed.

I've talked alot about having fun,
How special life can be when had.
That can be hanging with friends, kissing a pet,
Or a simple conversation with Dad.

As our life has turned tha corner,
A feeling has come upon us like never before.
Just as I'm about to enter tha hall of dreams,
I'm determined to prop open its door.

So much I wanna say, so much to do,
Yet I don't know where to start.
Its like u smell it but don't see it,
Compare it to a mosquitoes fart.

To be tha best, huh,
What does that truly mean?
I used to sign my autograph that way,
Like I was prepared for Life's big scene.

Now I'm in this position as a first,
Where there's a fork in tha road.
Am I scared of being too successful?
Should this Prince just remain a satisfied toad?

The last few days have been hard,
Sickness and even our workouts have been a few.
Even my Lakers, and now tha Heat have gotten some "L"s,
I guess after 50 plus days they shoulda been due.

What I've learned though is for me to share,
As I'm gonna do just like it's our first.
I'm gonna share what adversity can do,
How it can really heighten ur thrist.

Now somebody is saying, I'm tired of hearing it,
Its junk, who are you to even say?
Ur not famous, Ur not Forbes rich,
U just talk gibberish about every dude wishing u was gay.

That's why I'm writing this though,
Cuz when u know, u just know.
I don't have to brag about it,
Our life is crazy, it's more than a reality show.

And this diary is real time, u dig,
Like that Pre-MTV awards thing.
I take confident that we are gonna be big time here soon,
And on that day u really gonna hear a caged bird sing.

Don't give up, no matter what.
I say this from experience of just us.
When life just doesn't add up,
U wonder what's tha use of an A-plus.

Its like u have it all, right there,
Yet it seems so far to go.
Believe u me, I've been there too many times,
So far we have come, So far to still go.

I call it tha chase for tha ring,
Oh, how we can use that in many different ways.
Its a sports analogy all that way,
But love can be substituted on many a days.

I write from tha point of view of one,
One who's single to tha tee.
Yet has seen so much,
Planted by tha waters of Love's sea.

Just like that tree, I've felt its waves,
Every now and then again.
That feeling is something to behold,
U understand why Adam committed tha first sin.

It entraps you, and just wonder,
When can I just get a glimpse of her face.
Just to see her shadow in tha sun,
Wishing u can replay that night at her homegirl's place.

That's tha toughest thing about this chase though,
The knowledge of having been inches away.
U don't believe me huh,
I've always said I was gonna do this one day.

Let's see, Kristina, Amy, Amy,
And oh yes, there was an L.P.
Two Maria's, and Erin,
Freakin' A, another Maria, so let's make it three.

I shouldn't be doing this but I feel tha need,
Cuz if I can survive tha madness so can you.
This one girl was named after a Star,
While another had an Iranian name with letters full of slew.

This probably would take all day,
So I better stop before I really get deep.
Some of those names weren't even spread out,
2 out of tha first three were in a span of a week.

This diary is filled with stories about not stopping,
Even though tha right answer is to quit.
But why stop after u've endured and are still standing,
If u stop not its true then, "U ain't ----!"

What doesn't break u though,
Makes u stronger than ever.
U look sexier, look more determined,
Even ur style of dress makes u look more cleaver.

There's something about having ur back against tha wall,
Like when u know there's no way out but to fight.
You can slump ur shoulders, and cry I have many times,
But afterwards a vigor stirs up that's outta sight.

"This girl thinks I'm not even worth a 'Yes?" Whah...
All I can think is What Tha Ef?
How can so many others think we're tha funnest around,
Yet when I step to her, those cute ears turn deaf?

Or how come this person is getting a new job before me?
When I've put in more time than most.
I'm being patient, following tha rules,
And to make it worst, they're going to my dream coast.

If u haven't learned by now, forgetting I do,
Not without factoring in all tha pain.
See when I become what I'm gonna become,
I'm gonna use ALL this rejection for our sexy gain.

People just don't realize what gets our motor going,
Even when we feel like we've made it into tha VIP.
It could be an ignored 'Hi', a crazy look,
A teacher screwing our test by giving us a stupid "D".

I thought I was by myself, and I seriously thought,
"Galaxia u have a big problem to deal."
U take it too personal, u gotta move on,
U have to leave that deflated heart wheel.

Then I began to see tha successful of sports, arts,
And of course of Hollywood fame.
They speak their story of having a chip on their shoulder too,
U once wanted to win, now u want to dominate tha game.

It's not an "I told you so" attitude, not at all,
For that's getting back at one.
See this is bigger than one person, believe that,
This is about feeling life owes u big time son.

Tha Ring isn't supposed to be easy,
And I made that mistake a time or two.
I sometimes feel like haven't we done enough already?
U think about old episodes and wonder where time flew.

They say to win a championship is tha hardest thing to accomplish,
At least in tha sporting glow.
I'm gonna take it even further,
The first one is extremely difficult,
Like hitting "Jackpot" with no dough.

I can speak on this one,
Surely more than I want to admit.
Years of wondering, "Why again?"
Nothing but slamming walls and balled up fists.

People may not believe this, but I'm very emotional,
Especially when I think I've done my part and still don't get.
I feel like why am I working so hard just to get close,
U get tired of wondering, "Are we there yet?"

But as u go through tha ropes, u realize,
U are closer than u really think.
The ocean of despair can seem so never ending,
In reality though there's only a swim, and no sink.

It's tough, I know, and u simply wish,
It'll be nice to get tha credit u derseve.
I show up to class or work after a heart break,
Don't that take some kind of nerve.

Then u think, "Nobody knows how tough it is.",
Its taken for granted that it looks so easy.
Yet they don't know how tough it was to walk past a certain someone,
How just their name can make u so ever queasy.

U are tha one to have to see their face,
And peep this they act like they did nothing wrong.
U have to take the high road, even though u wanna cuss them out,
You have to hum Mya's classic song.

Peep this...they messed u over,
And u now feel embarrassed like u did something out of bounds.
A funny thing happens though,
We're gonna say it no matter how crazy it may sound.

So many people or girls who have did us bogus, check this out,
They became sheepishly on our side.
Like they realized that this guy is one of a kind,
They not only say it, but I can see it in their eyes.

I gotta say this, just because u haven't seen someone or something,
We can compare one person to that last goof up,
Then u miss a chance at Heaven's answer to ur wish.

All guys aren't dogs, all Miami girls aren't golddiggers,
Don't let one bad apple ruin a bunch.
Even if u have nothing but bad ones in tha batch,
There's a chance tha good one's at tha bottom,
Its that which makes it worth u hour lunch.

Oh boy, I'm finishing up, cuz UM hoops is about to come on,
But did anybody else get what was just said.
Not every batch of apples have tha ripe ones at tha top,
That's contrary to everything u may have heard or even read.

Some may turn their head and pick,
And they have their apple delight.
Others have to get to tha middle,
Dig a little bit, but still have some sight.

Then u have tha people like me, and others,
Who have their wills tested to tha max.
Toss bad apple after bad apple,
Wishing a map of tha thing was sent via fax.

Those are tha successful ones, and not only that,
The peeps who remain strong for a lifetime.
The remember all they had to go through,
Just to get that precious juicy find.

They remember all tha bobbing,
And tha feeling of having their hands tied behind their back.
Diggin in tha water, holding their breath with hope,
Wondering if they should just settle for a pizza made by Jack's.

But as u go up and down into tha water,
Those memories begin to dance, and ur soul's light goes a flick.
U have something to prove, it is personal,
No way are u done yet, u still have a up sleeve trick ever so slick.

Now u are looking at tha bottom of tha barrel,
And tears begin to creep cuz u've given ur best.
The feeling of coming up empty is overwhelming,
Just like u've failed another AP test.

U get ur towel, and wipe ur face,
Tha water has soaken u up like never before.
Tha last chance was what motivated you,
This was it, there isn't gonna be another door.

Yet just as u turn to walk away, u turn to look down,
Simply to get a taste of what might have been.
Low and behold, u look, and u can't believe what u see,
Like a hidden diamond in life beautiful den.

Could this be happening?
After all I've encounter finally something for me?
The excitement fills you like never before,
Never have u felt so much pure glee.

An apple...just one is still in tha barrell.
Floating at the bottom for a moment's time.
Now just like a Spielberg movie,
It slowly floats up...and this one has a special shine.

U grab it and look at it,
And realize its even more beautiful than u even dreamed.
This one even has ur name on it,
Wipe it dry u think, cuz this has a special gleam.

Now u think of all the bad apples u had to go through,
Just to get to this special one.
How many times u wanted to give up,
How many times u thought u were done.

A wonder crosses ur mind, like what in tha world?
Like how didn't I see it and why so long?
Then a thought hits you,
And u smile like listening to a George Michael love song.

See to get tha best, u have to dig deeper,
I mean deeper than most.
Yeah, see just because its on sale,
Doesn't make it tha best thing to put on ur piece of toast.

U may have to go up and down, and through tha water,
And still might come up with not a thing.
But just when u think its over,
A gift comes on life's wing.

That's why u shouldn't give up,
Even though u feel like it's no use anymore.
Been thrown outta of life and love's exclusive club,
And even have proof do to all your sores.

I believe though in karma, a strong believer,
And sometimes life has to take time to get to you.
Patience is hard, being calm is even harder,
Yet those ingredients stir u successful brew.

I talk from experience bro and dudette,
And now we see how close we are.
Our life is gonna look simple to many,
They just don't know how many times we've tried to unscrew this jar.

We've banged on it, got a napkin,
Done every thing we knew how to make it pop.
Knowing deep inside once it gets to going,
It's never ever gonna stop.

There's still time on tha clock,
And now ur better of the hardest way.
Gold must go through tha toughest refining,
Heck, even Rome wasn't built in a day.

Now ur time has come,
I know ours has,
Everything u've experienced has been worth every tear and cry.

Its ur turn now,
And finally your heart to heart...

With tha apple of ur eye.

Pooh Galaxia.

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