Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tha Climb.

Oh boy....(Huge Blow!) Today was a very interesting day.  I guess as of late I've felt like...I don't know.  Some of the old schoolers used to say that last mile is the toughest.  When u're climbing that mountain, and feel and see where u wanna be, and what u've dreamed about, that's when sometimes u feel the pressure of all that u've been through.  U're right there, but yet u feel like it's almost still so far away.

I really don't wanna do this, but, once again, seemingly there's a need for this.  So here we go...

A Wednesday afternoon post, huh,
The rarest of its kind.
Usually I'm out and about on the Beach,
But instead we're purifying our mind.

What can I say, for real,
That hasn't already be said or done.
Talked about so much,
Too Much as in our last post,
And all in tha name of fun.

I really am feeling different nowadays,
Perhaps that's because we're close.
So I guess, I should just sit back, and let tha fingers talk,
And let's all enjoy this poetic overdose.

April 26th, 2011, oh yes,
This is a date that is made for tha history books.
For on this date, who can remember,
We decided to give our life a strong literary look.

See, as we've said before our life has been crazy,
And we kept a diary for 10 years strong.
But after sleeping with days, and wrestling with nights,
A idea hit us in tha head...
Like "Ding Dong"!

U see tha TV, read all the bios,
Yet nothing as been done like this.
Its always great to tell your story after tha fact,
But what about when u're face to face with life's fists.

Never in our wildest dreams could I imagine,
What such revelation of our life would bring.
I just wanted to share some wild stories,
While hide some hidden songs that'll make you sing.

So today we're gonna just chat a little,
As always u'll get nothing but our best.
But before we get to tha good stuff,
I gotta talk about our final test.

How much are u willing to go,
To get exactly what you want.
C'mon, let's be honest people,
I know u think about it too,
Please don't even front.

Are you willing to give and sacrifice a year,
Just so that u get that gift that u can't wait.
Are you willing to wait 20 years,
Just so u can get that perfect first date.

Come on fingers, I need to get loose today,
This is when we show what we got.
I'm tired of being a bystander so to speak,
My soul is feeling like a boiling stove pot.

U know, when tha heat gets a little warm,
And the bubbles start to overflow.
This poem is gonna be written super gangsta,
Like a biscuit when it was first just tha dough.

To be what u wanna be,
That's when u gotta dig down ever so deep.
Life can fool you, and it can seem so easy,
But believe u me, this ain't no easy feat.

I've questioned myself, even on today,
What have I really become?
Can our fire, over consume us,
Like a Del Monte overcook plum?

Just so anxious nowadays,
I feel like week one before tha Super Bowl.
Life is going to slow, I got plans to fulfill,
Now I wanna just speed through every single Sun Toll.

Yet, when u've been waiting for that moment,
The one u really been dreaming about.
And it comes on you, and u feel in the air,
U don't wanna hear tha sermon,
U just wanna get to tha shout.

The route in our life, has been crazy,
I still don't believe I'm in the Sunshine State.
We look at our address, read our license plate,
Then we realize we owe it all to...fate.

It's like the trials in our lives, are for a reason,
Sometimes unexplained, but soon they will be.
They are super necessary for our success,
I mean what are the Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Without that little critter...named Flea.

This may be our last poem,
So might as well keep it real as a joke.
No time for kidding around,
This about how to separate the egg from the yoke.

I think about how many times I've been told "No",
And I wonder if that word I actually despise.
When I hear that, do I just become a conceited pest,
Just like those Washington Park beach flies.

I gotta grow up, I guess,
So used to Geoffrey being my backwards model role.
U know that Toys "R" Us giraffe,
Just seeing those commercials touched my soul.

Being young, is the ultra hip thing, I suppose,
I see it everyday living in tha M.I.A.
We never age it looks like it down here,
Everybody acts like its their 21st birthday.

Guess u just look at life sometimes,
And wonder what if I did this instead.
Perhaps I shoulda taken that NBA Finals date,
With that one girl,
Or why did I worry if that piece of cake was grass-fed?

But as u climb to the top, I noticed one thing,
Something they never told me as a baby boy.
The closer you get to your super goal,
The more u feel like an overused toy.

The feeling of being wound and wound,
Over again, sometimes not for ur laugh.
Like somebody else is getting tha top bill for ur effort,
Is this how Warner Brothers treated Ducky Daff?

It's like tha top of the mountain is surrounded,
Not by cops, but by clouds tha blurr your focus see.
Just like the ascension of an airplane,
The blindness of the unknown can take away ur glee.

All the areas you preach about,
You now find urself in the middle of Life's crazy exam.
U write about not looking at women by their body parts,
Yet u sneak a peek at girl's bosom,
I guess I am a man.

Let me just say it hear,
Plain as a paper made by Mead.
If u wanna be tha best, expect the toughest tests,
And more than one tear drop, u will bleed.

I'm not just talking about dating,
That subject we'll get into, as usual, in a bit.
Life is so much more that trying to bag somebody,
More than chasing booty or the measurement of a gal's ---s.

In life, u come to that fork in tha road,
U can either push on, or just spoon back to start.
The choice is yours, nobody else's,
How do u act when the bullseye is on your back,
And u have no darts.

We can blame God, blame our parents,
Sometimes wish we gotten more playing time on the team.
What if things had of went a little differently for real,
What if u never had hand me downs with a loose seam.

I'm talking to myself now,
Cuz I know everybody has had it so easy.
Silver spoons, Mercedes at thirteen,
I now just wish I can afford those new K Weezy's!

That's tha thing, though,
Getting everything u want, sometimes ain't so good.
I probably would have been out of control,
And I think that any man or woman would.

Yet, u don't live in tha past,
And that's what's been eating at us this week.
Nothing's super planned today or tomorrow,
But the next 10 days can turn into the party of a super freak!

Its like being at a party, that jumping at tha time,
Being hit on by Miss USA and she gives u that hair twirl,
But u've heard Miss Universe is coming to tha joint later,
U tell her, 'No, thanx...Sorry, u're not my type,
My prize is the beauty of tha world.'

There's no gurantee though, that she'll like you,
You're basing all ur hope on one chance.
When u have a sexy dame right in front of you,
Ur so focus on tha unseen, that u won't even dance.

As I close, that's what tha problem of success and dreams can bring,
Sometimes tha allure outshines the hype.
If u don't be careful, u'll miss out on something good,
And that dream will just turn into another pipe.

This is personal, so nobody may not be able to relate,
Words may not mean anything, so I shouldn't even try.
Its like somebody going out to eat, knowing I'm on a diet,
Now girls don't even offer me up a simple fry.

From our heart are these words,
I can only speak from what I know.
Get a pen and pad of paper ready,
This is only a one time thing...So here we go.

The closer u get to ur dreams,
The more it seems like forever is tha time.
Like instead of stacking those big face bills,
Tha stack is more like a bag full of dimes.

It can be frustrating, heartbreaking,
Like when can this all end.
I want tha big house, I want that Starbucks conversation,
Why do I gotta be tha last to get a girlfriend?

That's the point u want to get to though,
U want that feeling of I can't go on.
During this point is where u regain that innocence,
Somehow u get more beautiful like Bambi tha fawn.

Only when u reach that level of life,
Can u honestly be ready for the next step.
Others may have gone before you,
But none of them have survived your depth.

U've seen tha Facebook pictures, tha twitter feeds,
Pictures that made u question, "Why not me?"
He got a new ride, just had a baby girl,
I'm still looking for a DVD player for my TV.

No jealousy needed though,
Cuz once again u're on a different route.
Yeah, it seems like u're the only one who believes in it,
That's ok, cuz the proof comes on top of tha pudding of doubt.

Rejection is necessary.  I hate to write that,
Now I know its true.
I can go on and on about past episodes with people,
Now though, I know exactly what to do.

And more important than that,
Please tell me u got ur pen and still your pad.
I'm just a kid, I know, but I've learned a lot from life,
And definitely Pookie...aka my Dad.

Not only u know what to do,
U now know what you want.
It's no more trial and error, trying GQ article tricks,
U need no fear cuz u've practiced through every stunt.

A guy walked out on you, check.
Job didn't answer ur resume, oh well.
Claim its a sink or swim life right,
In order to survive, u first must have fell.

One day, I want this diary to show, it wasn't easy,
He had a lot, but he had to go through.
This guy talked from his heart so hard,
As I read it, I wish time didn't so flew.

To write when u don't want to,
Or when ur embarrassed can be such a chore.
U have things to door, ceilings to stare at,
Man, I wish that sexy girl down the hall would knock once again on my door.

But we all need to know that we're on the path to success,
Or as for me, also tha path of love.
The kind we're u just don't have to work so hard,
Where two bodies fit like a hand in a glove.

One day that may come, but even with that,
First, I got to know u as a friend.
I can do it Miami style, and just go for tha 68 plus one,
But first I gotta know when the storms come,
Will u break or bend?

I'm a handful, I must admit,
Just picture me like a foreign sports ride.
I'm high maintenance I'll admit that,
Not just any type of fuel will push my drive.

It can go fast or slow,
Sometimes it looks better from afar.
I love to talk life, enjoy good music,
And I'm not gonna front I can sometimes dig a Brickell bar.

Not too many are made of this like,
Which is fine, but u know only a few have heard of your name.
People say this one's it, or that's one's the next one,
Yet, u know it's over when u check into tha game.

U pull up and realize ur different,
That life has been ur master craftsmanship.
Everybody else has been painted by paint by number machines,
But the pain u've suffered allowed u to be personalized by a hand dip.

That takes time I know,
And patience is so very few.
I'm learning though its still the best way for success,
No other way I rather do.

This ain't no conceitedness, no way,
It just when u know...u know.
Our ego is planted by our struggle,
The toughest road I've been forced to go.

Now I trying to pull everybody into the fun,
U never know this may be my last time.
No more lines, no more stories,
Just, "I wish he'll write one more time."

Let's all cherish it while its here,
Cuz now, we're at that moment of prep.
When ur mind, body and soul,
Not only thinks, but knows we've taken every step.

That's when it becomes clear as can be,
Like big red letters in the air.
When u feel like let's do this thang,
Like stepping on tha dance floor with no fear.

Have fun people,
Be patient for love,
Live life, sit back and  crack open a nice, cold can of pop...

This poem is tha last of its kind,
I'm no longer writing from the view of tha climb,
Now I'm only writing from the view of tha...Mountaintop.

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