Sunday, March 10, 2013

Keeps Going...And Going...And Going....

"I can't be nobody but me."

That was the song bellowing from a gentleman's mouth as I was in the laundromat this morning.  On the TV inside of tha joint, they had some animal show on...a Spanish channel of all places, and as they were showing these giraffes and Dumbo's getting their freak on. (I wonder do they do "it" twice on Sunday as well? Huh.)  But as they were showing these animals, they had that song blasting in tha background.  I can't even find it on tha net, it sounded like some 1940's swing era type of singing, but this guy was sitting on the ledge next to tha window.  I was throwing my socks and undies into the washer, when I thought to myself, "Do I hear somebody humming this song?  Like, I know nobody's humming this song right now."  Next thing I know it, this guy to my right, just couldn't hold himself back anymore, and he just started to black belting out like Kung Fu Joe, singing like Frank Sinatra at the Sahara Hotel!  I just started laughing, as he began to sing.  He sung like he literally wanted to go into the second verse of the song.  But I had to go to Publix grocery store to get me some sliced almonds, so I just shook his hand...all with a smile.

I thought about taking like a few weeks off from writing.  I know, I know you are probably saying, "Austin, u say that like every rip, how ur retiring and stuff."  We were for real, right now.  Plus, we are writing so much from our heart, and we are doing so many things in terms of hanging out and going and doing different things that sometimes just finding tha time to jot is difficult.  So as we say, we all just have to cherish each line that's written, because, in some might be our last.  For real.  But until then...

Dude.  I had a hard time remembering our own phone number on today.  I'm alive serious, I actually didn't remember my telephone number.  Not sure if it was the hour lost on today or what.  Guess when u lose an hour, u just lose and forget everything.  I was at a vintage store today, and this guy just yelled, "OH MY GOD!  JESUS CHRIST!"  Just out of tha clear blue sky.  Once again, I began to laugh, and I turned around, and he was laughing as well.  He began, with a smile, to talk about losing an hour of sleep.  Why do we switch times up and down anyway.  Ha Ha!!  Check this out....instead of us going back and forth , of switicing up and down the time countdown.  Has anybody considered going like left to right or right to left with the time change.  Like, us here in Miami be on London time, and Los Angeles be on Central time for half tha year, and then keep rotating every six months!  That'll be interesting...If I ruled the world right...

I've been watching these interviews with the Lakers as of late.  They are now in playoff contention which is wild...But it's been amazing how much they've talked about their energy level.  And how part of the reason they've been so energized has been do to their change in the diet they eat.  I'm a firm believer that we should look at food not as purly things u just throw in ur mouth.  But look at what u eat, as in how much energy is this gonna give me throughout tha day.  I know we all sometimes feel boggled down, but a lot of that may have to do with not only rest, but also what are we putting into our bodies.  We talk about looking at our bodies as a car, and if u want regular results, you put in regular gas. forth.  Premium gasoline is gonna give u premium results.  People think its hard to eat...differently or healthy.  I can be a tad more expensive, but dude it makes a difference.  I mean, like u can go to Target, and get tha whole wheat pasta for tha same price or like a dime more than the regular one.  That dime can be the difference between feeling energized and not...And...U know what.  I didn't know what to write about today.  And this is my diary, and of course, I tell stupid stories constantly throughout.  So let's dive into our lure to I guess embarrass ourself...Here we go.

We have been blessed in many level to be in really decent shape, and eat certain things, and work out in one of tha coolest gyms in the country.  With us being an athlete since like...well, in tha generation I grew up in, we always were playing sports and were active playing outside, boys and girls alike, so we did things to stay in shape, without doing things focusing on staying in shape.  I.E., when was tha last time u saw somebody "double dutching" on tha sidewalk?  Or hop scotching?  Dancing in front of the TV trying to get new dance moves were tha norm for me, I didn't need Wii or mat, we just turned it to BET or MTV, hit tha volume button on tha TV (That's old school!) and got loose.  Janet Jackson was always like the ultimate dance routine to learn.  Her "If" video is classic, of course.  But recently I LOVE the routine in her "Rock With U" video from 2008.  Just stealing moves for when u hit tha town, u know.  Don't do tha whole routine, that's kind of weirdo, u dig!  I'm serious...I also, like that dance step in Brandy and Kayne's "Talk About Our Love" video.  It took me awhile to get that fake clap-step-real clap-step down.  Check it out at that 2:04 mark.  But just enjoying life and being active, man.  I think tha youngsters don't do that, and it's effecting or affecting (?) them big time.  And tha grown folks as well...

I used to really, really, REALLY slam in terms of food.  Ask my fam.  Many times my Moms and Pops would be going out, and I would be getting it in.  They used to have this place in my hometown of Michigan City, IN, called Hot 'N Now.  (MC fam, u remember that joker!)  They had tha best, I mean best chicken sandwiches.  Dude, u could get a premium chicken sandwich for like a buck fitty.  Now Mickey D's charging  like $5 just for tha sandwich, at least here in South Beach they do.  Anyways, for a sam-mich that has lettuce, mayo, and these inch thick tomatoes, a brotha would tell Moms, I'll have three of them.  And...would get some large fries to go with.  That was just routine folks.  We gonna run down some of our routine "runs" cuz folks don't believe us...

At Burger King...we would hit up them BK King, which was like a rich man's Big Mac, I guess.  Ah, gimmie ah...two of them.  Chicken Tender sandwiches, that were on tha original dollar menu at BK.  Eat three of them, with a medium fry.  I was good for $4. 29.  Then if they had them footlong chicken sandwiches on sale, like those Italian or American or Spanish versions on sale....Yep, a brotha would get them too.

Arby's.  Of course, everybody in tha 'hood could wait for that 5 for $5 special to go on.  When that hit, we would go, run them out of business.  I would eat about 3 roast beef sandwiches, with Arby sauce, son.  Then if it was like say March.  We would get some fries...Ooops, I'm sorry.   (Cough, Cough!)  We'll would get some curly fries...And then on our way home still stop by McDonald's to get a Shamrock Shake.

In High School, my whole life, or at least the portion I wasn't yelling at people passing in tha hallway or when I wasn't reading Vibe magazine during math and science classes, besides that my life was revolved around...Little Caesars Pizza.  I mean.  As a pregame meal before our JV and/or Varsity basketball games, I would stop right after school, and get me an order of Crazy Bread with crazy sauce.  Sometimes my dude, "Luke" or Big Ryan would be in there and would hook me up.  (I shouldn't be saying this should eye?!)  But that was always nice, go home...Get me a cup of Orange Juice and would dig in.  I would sometimes get heated, cuz if it was a big game, and they shorted me.  Meaning, u know, they supposed to give u 8 pieces of sticks of tha same nature, but instead give u six good ones and like two bad ones. I know some girls, and in particular this one tan stallion who would argue about if "it's the size of the ship or the motion of tha ocean that matters", but when u got a tough game against like our arch rivals Laporte or East Chicago or South Bend Clay...believe u me...Size matters.  I would take a gulp of juice...Eat four breadsticks.  Take another gulp...Eat the other four...Then finish up the last gulp.  Then put on some music, maybe Prince or something and go to sleep for a pre-game nap.  After tha game, me and my brother, who hooped too, would then use this particular phone, right outside the locker room, to call in our order.  He would get a sandwich sub perhaps...I would always get that "Cheeser, Cheeser" pizza.  Which had extra cheese, and ur choice of two toppings.  Usually it was Pepperoni and Sausage.  This was AFTER tha game, mind you.  Oh, and I would get another order of breadsticks, just for old times sake.  I'm telling you, our eating habits were serious!

Mickey D's.  I'm just gonna...I think McDonald's was different when I was a kid, and in High School, beep, even in college.  As a toddler, that was tha place to have ur birthday party.  I never had one there, but I frequented enough to know that this was like a baby's version of going to LIV after the Heat win a championship!  I mean, they would bring out that special paper place mat to tha table.  With some colored pencils and stuff.  Just like a club dude!  U'll have some folks who were too young to partake, but somehow got past security with a fake ID saying they were born in McDonaldland, and they resided on Sesame Street and junk!   Usually these kids would get that wooden high chair, cuz they weren't ready to sit with the real party heads.  Get those cone caps to sit on ur head and nobody could tell you nothing!  (I still like the Burger King paper crowns better but...just like the club, u enjoy tha night, knowing that next week u gonna be partying, and living it up somewhere else!...Are we on our "A" game today or what!)

But getting those Happy Meals, and scooting cars, and small toys..."Look's Grimace!"  I tell ya boy, them were tha days.  But getting back to tha food.  Eating two Hot Cakes meals for breakfast.  Sausage Biscuits...My Pops, and I gotta tell this, cuz we know...My Pops would go to Mickey D's like right before they stop selling breakfast, which back in tha day was like 10am.  He would go to tha spot on Franklin Street, and order some Sausage Biscuits, and then my Pops...(I'm laughing as I write this)....My Pops would then ask them as the time turned 9:59am, "What are y'all gonna do with them leftover biscuits?!"  And they would either give him some extra ones, or give them as a wholesale price of 50 cent.  It was crazy!   This went on for like, weeks dude.  But my favorites were chicken nuggets with tha apple BBQ sauce (That's from tha 80's) or Sweet and Sour.  McChicken...Egg Nog shakes...Big Mac's when they were on sale for 2 for $2.  Daily Double meals (DD Burger and medium fries for $1.99...I used to skip out of school on lunch time for these....I mean, really...How did I ever graduate high school?!!)  Lots of classice...M&M McFlurry were slamming when they first came out.  And I love Hi-C Orange from Mickey D's...That best.

So much.  Other notables include...Rally's (Or Checkers in tha South).  I would get them Big Buford's...2 for $1 Tacos...Xtra Large french fries in a humongous red cone cup (Sorry, they got tha best fast food fries, I'm sorry!)  Them Spicy Chicken's were a staple when they first came out...Their Chili...I knew some folks who worked in there too.  "U gotta eat, this is such and such."  After u heard who was on tha ones and twos, u almost was ordering for tha next two weeks.  I would put in that special order, "Let me get one Rallyburger with no meat, one Diet Pepsi with just Ice, and one fry ('What size do u want that?'), fool, I just want ONE fry!"  When they heard that order, they knew to hook it up like bootleg cable on tha westside...Good times.

In college...Taco Bell.  They should have named the Chulupa after me, for real.  It was ridiculous.  Matter of fact, for my next test...I mean, date....I mean, whatever...I should have a girl try to cook me a Chalupa, and see if she can cook it to my specific specifications.  (Is that literally legal what we just wrote?)  But I would get 2 beef Baja Chalupas...2 Chicken Baja Chalupas...and like 2 Chicken Soft Tacos, just to keep it under $10.  I used to eat it wit tha..."sauce."  Hey, they were just rumors right, just rumors...I mean, if u date me now, that's one place u don't have to worry about me taken you, cuz I don't want no cook in tha back, taking a look at how fine  my lady friend is, and then getting all "Jack In tha Box" happy, all over my Chalupa!  I know somebody be thinking along these same lines as well, let's be real!  That's why now I say "no sauce" bro.  I used to slam, and then would still get some Crazy Bread on tha side from Mr. "Pizza Pizza".. across town.

The only other place that really had me hooked was...KFC.  Them 3-piece meals.  I would have one EVERY Sunday.  Drive across town to the one that sold macaroni salad.  Get that three-piece meal, with honey and grape jelly.  Hit them up with macaroni salad and baked beans.  And would tell them to hook me up with 2 more extra biscuits on tha side.  I would take that bad boy back to tha spot.  Sit down in my dorm room.  Get out that spork...What tha heck is a spork anyway!  Get that Tony Macaroni and Baked Beans out...Mixed them up together.  And as my Pops would say, I would put my toes, in my nose, and have a stankin' good time!!  Then in tha mid-2000's, that sounds weird to say, but when they brought out those twisters.  What!!!  I think they put something in tha sause, it was like a pepper sauce or something, but I was feenin' for them thangs like a reality star feens for an interview with VH-1.  It was on...There was this I am talking about our past "gals", but...

There where I worked in Indiana, there was this gas station nearby.  And it was this woman, who was older than us, I thought she had her days to be honest, to me she was like a slept on beauty (I seem to like that type) with her long black hair and Sex and The City  curves, and how she wore that apron.  Boy...I woulda...She had Demi Moore potential for real... My boss just called her, "Tha Chicken Lady"!  OMG!!  That's funny!  But she would make a poor man's version of that KFC twister.  From tha gas station, which up north is tha spot to go to get ur lunch and dinner.  It was good some days, but that KFC was off the hook.  Then KFC brought out them, what was the name of those small sandwiches...oh yeah...tha Snackers.  For 99 cents, I know people were breaking them off White Castle style. I still go there, just get their grilled chicken.  If this wasn't Calle Ocho, I'll be over there in Little Havana right now, getting that 7 piece dark meat "Calle Ocho" special.

Don't know why I wrote all that, but I guess just to say, now that we don't eat all that stuff, as consistently as we once did, we feel less bloated, and have more energized.  U can exercise til ur blue and black or purple, but if u don't eat tha right things before, and afterwards then u ain't gonna see and more importantly feel tha results.  Do I cheat...very rarely.  But I may have a slither of pie or cake.  Same with a drink or two, just because life is to be lived.  Tha thing is now, that I haven't had some things in so long, that I get sick from just a small taste of some of those foods.  Especially if they are fried, my heart just beat weird, and I feel like I get a small pain in my chest, cuz it ain't used to it.  Same thing if I eat high sodium or salt foods.  I feel it, literally in my blood.

Now I'm not saying this to be like pointing tha finger or in a holier than thou way.  Just so that we ALL, me included, can watch our habits.  Down here in Miami, it's basically "beach season" where everybody wants to look good for tha sands.  Its a lifestyle, not just a hit it and quit it thang.  U go to tha gym or athletic club on a Friday night or Saturday night, and sometimes u get tha feeling from conversations and stuff, that people are just there to get pseudo-buff before they hit up tha party.  That's fake.  And girls know it too.  That's just like girls getting some masking or duct tape to tape their breasts together to make their boobs look bigger.  Sooner or later it'll all come out...and off.  If u want tha muscles, put in tha hard work.  If ur worried about ur ta-ta's, just be happy with what u got, cuz I promise u this, I know and have seen...I can't get into that.  I've seen some sexy girls with small busts, and with how they take care of their bodies, and including their personalities, they are some of the sexiest gals I've ever known.  That's all Buck Showalter aside.   Here's a secret to getting a truly hot guy who are the total package in terms of goals, how they treat girls and other people, ambitions, and looks...That's what I define as hot...

Hot guys like hot girls who know they are hot but don't brag about it....and who has the coolness of a homeboy yet the sensuality of a princess...and who know how to work what that naturally have inside and out.

I may be speaking for me, but guys who have been around "top shelf" all their life, tend to be attracted to those three characteristics.   And that can come in various shapes and colors.  Believe that!

That's it.  Lakers-Bulls in like half an hour.  Heat-Pacers later tonight.  Should be some good games.

Love and have fun.
Austino Galaxia Period

(Also, check out the newest "The Spotlight Hits..." on tha top of the grey bar on the right side of this post.  The newest spotlight hits one of our favorite groups....112.  Hope u got ur dancing shoes on!  Enjoy!)

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