Saturday, November 30, 2013

"I'll Take Tha Stairs!"

Oh boy!  We haven't done this in awhile.  A seemingly good old fashion diary post, where it's just us.  Period.  No gimmicks.  No poems.  No stories...well, sort of.  But...I think this trail mix, I just ate, is making me sick.  Freakin' Target...Anyway, a whole lot has been going on.  And I can write for days about our "Galaxian Dream" lifestyle where everyday there's a party or money spent or episode with tha opposite sex, but tonight, there seems to be somethang hanging in tha air on this Saturday night.  So...we aren't gonna fight tha feeling, we're just gonna relax, relate and release (I totally need 2 get into some Yoga and Pilates classes really soon.  Can't wait 2 do those Tom and Jerry stretches...that's a cute joke for u Yogis!)...And let tonight speak for itself...There's only one question though...What shall we talk about? As Austin Powers would say, "Hummm?"  (The finger to tha mouth motion is totally sold separately!)

Today is tha final day of tha month of November.  But we've been living in fiscal year 2014 for about 8 weeks, , 3 hours, upteen minutes and 69 seconds now, so...Yeah, u read that right, we have our own time zone as well.  It sounds good, so just roll with me, Ok!....This is our diary, right?!!  So I can just say whatever comes to our heart cuz nobody but u and me, is ever gonna read it anyway, right?!!...Right?!!!...I said, Right?!!!  Now that I've made four square turns into tha full circle where I wanted to go with this thang, we are gonna make a statement that a lot of folks want to say, but may not want to admit...Please, I mean please don't let any 12 year old kids read what I'm about to say...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Galaxy Hostage.

I guess it's only right, that I'm tha last one,
Out of all that have come before me on this site.
Seemingly everybody has been asked about this Galaxia fellow,
But somehow I've been forgotten, although I'm in his front pocket right.

With today being Thanksgiving and all, it's about time,
Nobody can tell this thing like I can do.
Galaxia has a lot to be thankful for, as we all,
Just lately my spirit has been down making my white skin look blue.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why Tha Poker Face?!!

Here we go....

So I was talking to my Mom last night,
Discussing how so much of my life has been a dream.
Been places that not 2 many people could imagine,
Time has gone by so fast, at least that's how it seems.

Yet, even I, must admit that things have been tough,
Nobody could prepare u for tha journey 2 tha top.
The choices of stay in or go out, be quiet or speak up,
Not even gonna discuss the pressures about drinking water vs. drinking a pop.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Club Kids.

Galaxian Note:  Don't u luv it when we add these notes to tha beginning of tha posts!  Eye guess we just feel like the post writes itself, and we really don't have no control over it.  So these few sentences are perhaps our only chance to get intimate and personal before all tha madness begins!  Been a wild day!  But let's see what transpires on this evening.  Just got in a little bit ago, have no idea what really 2 jot about on today, so just like u, I'm eager beaver to find out what fun awaits following this upcoming exclamation point...Which is about to come in 3...2....1....Enjoy!

(Huge Breath...)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tha Yasella Dominguez Show.

Galaxian Note:  Well, we always like to make history whenever we can, so this post does just that.  Something has hit us on today after watching this program on Single Ladies.  Yes, us guys do every once in awhile want to get inside of the minds of the female sector.  But something is bubbling inside which I can't hold back any longer.  So...before I start my Sunday which may include a trip up to Ikea and to pick up some other nick nacks on today...For the first time...we are gonna jot twice in a 12 hour period.  With this being tha second.  Absolutely have no idea what's about to be written, or who we might offend, but when it comes to dating and this love thang...You KNOW we got some opinions!  So let's all just sit back, and enjoy what's about to transpire...

Alright...Fingers do all tha writing on this one...

(Huge Blow...)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Novela(s) De South Beach.

A Late Night Saturday Night.  How exciting and we are in total, and we do mean TOTAL rest mode right now.  Aplogize for not writing that much within tha last few weeks but it has been wild down here in "Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People" of South Beach.  So what shall we jot about as we watch this USC/Stanford football game out in LA.  Something is telling us that we need to jot down a little rhyme on tonight...But what can we talk about.  Oh,Well...If nothing else, might as well just write about what's going on in this crazy Galaxy of ours.  Once again...this should be interesting.

(Huge Blow...)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Desert Takeover.

Hello, I bet you didn't expect this,
Another guest star writing in this special diary of a future star.
But this Austino Galaxia fellow is out doing his thang,
And invited me to talk about tha journey that can be so far.

Now Galaxia has never had any pets, or insects,
Although at his age he should have had at least a cat.
He's gonna laugh at that, cuz he's sensitive about getting old,
It ain't my fault that he was at the meeting when Tuesday became Fat.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

An Interview With A Vowel.

Galaxian Note:  It's 9:52 am on this Saturday morning, and we have a lot of ways this thang could go.  But!  Even though I have no idea where this could lead, meaning things may get very interesting today, we're just gonna let tha keys on tha computer do tha jotting...Whew!  Here we go...Hope u enjoy!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Luv Me. Me Luv I.

Another adventure continues on tonight.  Al...right.  So what do we jot about on this evening?  Hmmmm?  A very good question.  Give me a minute as I take another bite out of my "Stop Jivin' It's Turkey" pasta dish.  What to right...I mean, write!!  Aye Yai Yai!!!  This is gonna be an interesting diary entry on tonight.  

What has come over me?  I think this South Beach life has totally taken control of me.  I mean, now I'm making sure I chew a piece of chocolate at least 4 times before I swallow, just so I don't pimple out too early.  The other day I was in shopping and comparing tha stats on waffles like I was a judge on Dancing With The Stars.  ' have great movement in tha protein portion of ur routine, and tha gram count in your 1-2 salsa step is impeccable, but if you were to practice a little bit on that Sodium Dip of your partner of about 3%,  trust me, you'll be one of tha best to ever pop out of a toaster!!'  

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Alright, I got a ham and cheese for you...Pablo, I got ur favorite sandwich a Cubano, or something like that.  Spokes, I got ur fried salami sandwich with mustard and barbeque sauce, just like u always love it.  And for me, I got me my turkey sandwich topped delicately with melted cheese from the finest farms in Wisconsin.  Along with sliced tomatoes imported from France, lite Italian dressing vinaigrette, and a pickle on tha side.
