Saturday, June 29, 2013

127 Minutos.

4:30 am.

Yep.  Who would've thought that I would be writing at this time of the day or night or whatever.  But we are...After waking up in the middle or should I say back nine of this night/morning, there is something in tha air, to just write or vent or get some things off our chest.  This may turn out to be our last post...or it might turn out to be our best.  NO gimmicks...NO poems...NO solicitations...And Shirts and bottoms, as always are optional.  But you are about to get 100% me.  May be long...or it may be short, but we've been...Ahh...let's just get to it.  I hope I don't get into too much trouble, but...I don't care, anymore...Perhaps in too many ways...

Our diary is getting wild ain't it?!!  The goal of our diary as we've mentioned before time and time again is to capture our life in a different way, of course.  But to do it in a way that captures the ups and downs of somebody who's gonna really make it "big" someday, but do it in a real time sense.  As u know I'me a junkie slash fiend when it comes to Autobiographical books...Hey, it may be early in tha morning, but I guess my soul's spellcheck never sleeps!...Like we've been saying, everybody tells their story...after tha fact.  Which is fine, it's awesome that people even share intimate details concerning their life, but wouldn't it be cool to have a first hand account of like ur favorite celebrity or favorite beach crush while they were I guess paying their dues, or while they were getting rejections on the casting call couch.  Anybody, well maybe not anybody, but it's easier to talk about things after u've gone through them, but it takes a whole lot of Blue Diamond Almonds to talk about them while u're going through them.  So that's where we come in evidently.  Somebody has to tell things like they are.  There are three things that would make a diary, a great diary, whether privately or publicly, at least in our opinion.

1.  You have to have wild stories.
2.  You have to have guts to share experiences that may be embarrassing or times when things didn't go ur way.
3.  You have to do it in way that's different from the normal.  'Tom ran...See Tomwalk...See Tom catch',  type of way.  

I question myself a lot.  Just about 99% of the time, and out of these like 370 some odd posts, I can really recall only like TWO, where we had some thoughts during the course of the day, where we were like, "OK, that's what I'm gonna write about today."  There may have been more, but honestly, we have no idea where this diary is going to go, even as we write.  The Good Lord knows what needs to be said, in what way.  Which brings us to us personally....(That makes no sense, but just roll with us.)

Love and Fun.  In my life, off the computer screen, I wonder why do I go through so much dude.  Especially when it comes to, let's talk about Love first.  It's gotten to the point where I feel like my life has been scripted.  Like no matter what I do, or how we just be patient or if we're aggressive, it's like blinders have been placed on so many peoples eyes concerning us.  Do we know a lot of girls?  Yes.  Are we always around sexy ladies?  Definitely, it's amazing how they are magnetized to us.  But it's just like, how come when u open urself up, something wild pops up, or u don't get the response u thought u would get with somebody who u thought u were cool with.  Starting to think that my diary is being lived in our life.  Meaning a) I"m having great (Or bad) material to write about in a sense that if these crazy lessons don't happen, then I'll not only have nothing to write about, but also nothing to help others with when it comes to Love.  And b) I've had to pay one heck of a cost for just wanting to have a cool gal.

I know tha last few weeks, it's been like, is even the destination, of Love and Life, even worth the journey or price that has to be paid.  U may say, Austino don't talk like that, but when u've been on the battlefield for so long, and have seen so much, and have been like 2 offensive rebounds away from the Championship, then u'll think differently.  I've been blessed in so many ways, it's borderline incomparable.  BUT...sometimes I feel like I would trade those things away to get what I REALLY want.  It's like being at Christmas, and having a Aunt give u pair of socks.  Deep inside ur thinking, 'that's cool, but I would've preferred a sketch book, or Barbie doll, or heck just tha money!'  But later on, ur city experiences the worst Winter they've ever had, and guess what u need...Those socks that u thought u'll never want, but has become the ultimate need.  So that's where we were, 'Enough is Enough' already, and I want to know why I'm always getting these pair of socks, when I live in Miami.  Plus, u can only put two pairs of socks on a door handle at a time anyway!!  Hey, the freak in me will never sleeps either!...

4:59 am.

The journey can be long, it can be tedious, but u have to push on, cuz life can change in a blink of an eye.  I know this one girl.  And we used to talk and this and that, but there was a period recently where 'tha vibe' in tha air was thick.  Let's be real, has their ever been a time where u see somebody and u think, "If this (Female Dog) even looks at me I'm either gonna cuss her out or...cry."  Maybe that has only happened to me.  But it's funny how u can be cool, chilling at somebody's house for a party or laughing and giggling with that person, but then all of a sudden u two peeps just stop.  That person walks by, doesn't even speak anymore...U see him or her coming and count, "One Mississippi...Two Mississippi...Three Mississippi" before u think it's safe to continue on ur merry way.  And the funny thing about this situation was as Silkk The Shocker used to say, "It ain't my fault!"...and no I did not do that.  Which led into some soul searching like, "Is it a crime...for trying to bring a smile to somebody's face or make somebody's day?"...Sade, sing my song...If wanting to brighten somebody's day, or the lust to yearn for the creation of the perfect day or if wanting to bring somebody along on my ride to the top is a crime, then perhaps I need to give up this life of embezzlement and move down to tha Dominican Republic and just lay low for awhile.  It hurts when u're close or cool with somebody and it all...stops.

5:12 am.

Then if u two feel each other...  So u add that factor, and u can feel it between tha two of you, and ur's like when u break of with an Ex, and ur thinking,  "I can't stand this chick...but why does she have to look so fine."  About two days ago, and I don't care if she reads this or not, for some reason I kept on bumping into her.  It was the weirdest thang, like Cupid (Why did he leave me on tha sand to hang out with some girls?!!  That's a Galaxia diary joke!)  But it was if, Life decided to have some fun...Like no matter how much friction (Listen to this song!  It's never too early to party with us!  I promise!) is between u two kids, Life made a point to put us in this uncomfortable position to 'bump' into each other.  And we did...time...and time again.  It was ultra-weird.  But true bro...So on yesterday, I had a chance to share some...laughs with this girl.  I see so much potential in her, she has a personality out this world, I think she's more intelligent than she thinks, people may say this or that about her, but I have to know her for myself, and then I'll base my opinion on that, and that alone.  Thus it pained me, to have to go through this experience.  Now though, we're cool, and me, personally can move on.  But it was like, I'm talking about all this in terms of meeting new people, and interacting with different girls, but until "that chapter" was close, was it allowable to move on.  It's like trying to buy a new car, when u still have one in the driveway that u need to make a decision on.  Either sell it or use it.  If u have loot, u just buy a new one, but still that old one is in tha driveway, so sooner or later u still need to make decision.  But if u decide on it, and sell the old one first, then the driveway is clear and u can do what u want.  Ya dig!  I wonder if my new car is gonna have large or small headlights??? Huh, that doesn't really matter, but I'm learning my new ride better have a nice pair of pipes in tha back!  If-u-know-what-I-mean.


So that's Love.  Now fun.  Our life can be so crazy.  We try to tell a lot that we see, but there are some incidents that don't make the cut in our diary.  One day, and we've thought about it, we might make like a diary post, if I'm still writing, about the outtakes of things I know of here in Miami, and our hood of South Beach, that we haven't told.  Like the other day here in tha beach, this guy was walking around with a bike tire, yeah u read that right, a bike tire around his neck.  Now I know the Beib-ster, and Ms. Cyrus are bringing this 80s gold chain look back, but this dude...I guess he in protest for all those Miami-Dade spots where u can't bike or skateboard.  I mean, I don't personally have a problem skating on the steps of the Freedom Tower, or The FBI Building downtown, or through the driveway of the Delano hotel.  I mean, if they can film a music video there, then why can't I Kick-Push my way around while enjoying all the scenery that South Florida has to offer!  Anyways...there's a lot of stuff we see, that leaves us SMH.

Personally, we've been thinking of some ways to have...more fun.  I've been seriously thinking about... and I haven't even told my folks this, which shows u what kind of Marliyn Monroe husband I would be to go to the media first before my love ones when making decisions about my personal life, but I've been thinking about moving.  Of course, Los Angeles is still at the top of our list.  Although, New York City for some reason isn't far behind.  Heck, I've been chasing 'Angel' around in our diary for tha last few weeks, so I guess the obvious place to look for her is..."The City of Angels!!"  Wow!  How come I didn't think of that earlier?!!...That's cool, how all these things connect...that's  But for some reason, I'm being led to stay down here in Miami, for a little bit least through tha weekend.  So while I'm down here, we're deciding to just let loose.  Now, there's been only one other Summer that will be able to compare to what's about to happen.  And that's that infamous Summer of 2002, when I used to work up at tha beach up north.  It was my fourth, and last Summer up there, and we literally prayed that before that Summer ended, I would have all the answers to my questions answered.  From who's that girl who rollerskates around literally with nothing but a thin yellow bikini on, to I've never walked down on the catwalk to the Lighthouse, to hanging out at the Yacht Club and Marina, Bro we were on it.  It was a checklist to tha beach life.  What up Vince, Kieno, Paige and Brittany, both of y'all...and Jerry, Dan "Tha Man"...tha list goes on...but at the end of that Summer, I walked away like sling-shooter in tha Old West knowing I didn't have any bullets left in my  revolver aptly named "Curiosity".

5:50 am.

Which brings us to now.  I can get bored, especially with...ah, I won't say that.  But I like to do different things.  And surprisingly there's a lot of things...and people, I have yet to do!  Like I've never been to tha Zoo down here in Miami, or to tha Keys.  There are a lot of neighborhoods I'm gonna hit up to, I've been to Key Biscayne, but there's a lot more over there.  As well as...Well, the last time I was in The Grove, we partied so hard a few weeks ago, that the DJ booth literally broke down!  Not kidding, the electricity didn't go out, but the music was banging, and we all were dancing so hard, so with no shirts on, and while balancing glasses...and some while wearing Hooters outfits after work, but how many people can say tha party was jumping so hard the DJ booth went out!  Exactly...Little Havana, although I'm always around there, Bal Harbour, Hialeah, Doral, which I spent some quality time the week before last.  I know all these spots around Miami and South Florida.  (Why do some outsiders call this area South Florida, and not Miami?!!  I mean, ugggh, that's another post.)  And we got a long list of fun in store.  So if I hit u up to do something, it would behoove u to accept cuz knowing us it's not only gonna be fun, but something neither one of us have done. 

Sometimes u just have to step out of ur comfort zone.  For me that might be writing at...

5:58 am.

Or me having my Oatmeal time in the morning, instead of late Afternoon like usual.  Or just doing something u don't normally do.  I'm gonna make my own pizza instead of ordering carry out.  Or Let me go to a neighborhood where I know I don't speak fluent Spanish, and see if I can get by without getting shot at...Visiting some of the "World Renowned" known flee markets that are around Miami, as well as some of the Farmer's Market's, they got this one up near, where are the Miami Dolphins offices at?...Oh, yeah, up near Davie, that looks jumping, as well as a big Farmer's Market up in Hollywood, Florida, which is slowly becoming a town on the edge of growth.  So much to do, and I'm gonna do it as long as I'm down here.  Which could change at any time, so while we're here, do our best to enjoy it!

Anything else...this was different, I've never written this early, at least since our diary went public on Cyberspace's Wall Street.  I know I can be a little too much...Or too smug or egotistical...Or even too sensitive when it comes to love or whatever.  Believe u me, I'm a "G".  Just that our life is unique, and I have to go through a lot of stuff others can relate to...But also a lot of junk that others don't have to go through.  It's tha latter that can get to me, especially when u don't see the fruits of ur labor like u wished u should or could have.  But it's during those times that u "find urself" and really look within to figure out not only who u want to be, but how much are u willing to go through to get to those dreams of cool jobs, or sexy playmates or whatever.  I've learned that there's a price to everything.  And I do mean everythang!  Are u willing to pay it, or settle for something that doesn't cost as much, but may not be as authentic as tha real deal?  That's a tuff decision, I think nowadays people flat out don't want to put up the effort we once did.  Instead of asking a girl out they would rather text her.  I WILL NOT EVER TEXT A GIRL OUT AGAIN!  I learned that calling is best, really face-to-face, but u have to go through those lessons.  U may feel like u have 'mud' backwards on ur face, but u grow...

And that's what happens when u push when u don't want to.  I like to workout.  And just like a trainer, who tells you,"Push...Push...just one more."  Once u do that lunge or bench press, and put those weights back on the bar, u feel good cuz u didn't quit.  In my life, things have happened, recently, that questioned my soul like, "I've already done and been through this."  But just like working out, u sometimes do exercises to maintain ur strength, but u sometimes should do exercises to...perfect them.  U know about this or that, but it's those fundamentals that u want to have down pat...I mean, u never know, u could be at a Supermarket and a Fortune 100 boss bumps into you, and hits you with an impromptu interview on tha spot...Or u could be going to Taco Bell, and tha girl or guy of ur dreams walks in, and strikes up a conversation...Or be a lifeguard on tha beach, and somebodies stuck in the water...These are situations where u don't wanna be in  a "What do I do now?" state of mind.  (I'm guilty of that.)  U want everything to be natural, and be reactive in a way where u don't even have to think twice...Be able to talk and do things u know when u might be tested in a unorthadox way or environment.  That's how the best become who they are...It takes practice and repetition...

A lot of that gets old...a lot of that boring...a lot of that hits you like, 'they didn't have to go through all that to get what they got, and I gotta go through this again and again'...Well, maybe ur about to get a better job...or have more money...or meet a girl or guy that doesn't cheat on you...We, and myself definitely, cannot be concerned to what others have or who they lay next to.  Cuz u don't know what they did to get where they are, legally or illegally...Also, as my Grandpa used to say, and there needs to be a Part 2 to that post (Click Here.), he used to say, "U don't know what goes on behind close doors."  So when u think somebody has it all, or has the dream car or girl or guy, u just don't know.  As I'm learning...a lot of people change once they put their house slippers on.  U might think they are tha finest things, and are super cool, and so gentle, but once those house slippers with Minnie Mouse at the tip come on, all Yankee Doodle breaks loose!  It's tough to fine real people, I mean just in that example, how can Mickey and Minnie Mouse be together all these years and not be married?  I don't see any ring on Minnie's finger? Then again if I was Mickey and had all these dames sitting on my lap...I know I've said that I'm in tha top 5 of being around beautiful women, but perhaps Micky might give me a run for my money...maybe we should write down...Ok...Clarissa...Jamie....Yasmina...Angie...Melissa...another Amy...

That's it.  Love and have fun.  And as "my" coach Phil Jackson recently said about things that come your way in life..."Consider them like a log flowing throw the stream."  They just pass by, and through you, with nothing sticking to ur mind.  Just let things flow...happen...learn what u can control and those that u cannot....and live.


Ooops...I almost forgot...and...(Click!)..."Time!"

6:37 am.

Have a fun...morning and day!
Austino Gee.

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