Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tha Hottest Takeover!

I'm taking over on tonight,
Enough with all those poems from that other guy.
It's my turn to finally shine, 
I've been in tha back so long, waiting to finally fly.

Everyday I take a backseat to this fellow,
He talks like he owns the planet and galaxy.
He's such a snob behind close doors, trust me,
He yelled at his shadow once for refusing to flee!

Love and Fun, Love and Fun,
Doesn't he know this ain't no diary from 1970 lure.
All that mumbo jumbo needs to hit tha bricks right now,
I'll pause here gladly and open the back door.

So who am I?  No need for intros right now,
I'll reveal myself at the end.
Let's just say that I know Austino Galaxia so well,
If he performed a threesome, I'll be tha Zorro masked friend.

He's so tired from staying up late last night,
To watch his guys The Heat stay alive for another go.
Now the city of Miami is so happy and giddy on  today, 
Just a few hours past they though they were throwing the game for dough.

That's Miami though, and I'm getting used to it,
Although I feel like I've been a star all my life.
I have been everywhere, doing everything,
I'm a husband's lifetime goal, and the dream of any wife.

But as I puff on this Cigar, I'm just cool, just chillin',
Knowing that now I get to get some things of my chest.
Galaxia isn't gonna be writing on today, so stop crying, 
U get something better that some constant "Amor" quest.

I mean, let's be real, how many times has he misspelled a word, 
Or how many times u wonder how he miss a phrase complete.
If I was writing this diary, that junk wouldn't happen,
It would be gangsta composed, like Al Capone in a Fine Dine seat.

Then he talks about all these adventures with these dames, 
Like he's some kind of Ladies Man of history.
Whatever, I might just tell you what really goes on behind the scenes, 
Tha things that only his and mine eyes will ever see.

Let me just set the scene some more here, 
Man, those Cuban did this Ciggy so right.
Austino drives over to Little Havana constantly for a Senorita,
While I can make one call, and have two over tonight.

This is the takeover tonight, boys and girls,
You thought that G-lax, or whatever was writing I'm sure.
Now you get tha real deal, and not some wannabe, u understand,
He's the disease, while I'm the prescription cure.

I met this guy a few years ago, yeah that sounds right,
He came to me in 2002, wanting all his questions answered with No Doubt.
I told him in a few years, I can give you Gwen all by herself, 
And I'll can give u a money back guarantee that you won't pout.

Thus as he worked on those Lake Michigan sands, 
He had all his hopes and dreams realized in front of him complete.
Partying with sexy dames, Being stalked by a crazed Mother and Daughter, 
Hey, I messed up on that one, but the more crazier the better the treat.

But I gave him everything back then, 
And I think he always thought I wouldn't ask for a price.
"Puff...:Puff!", how wrong was he on that one, 
There's always a high cost for being nice.

I let him have his time,  but in tha back of my mind, I knew,
He's gonna have to pay the piper, with every string on attach.
I run this thang, I'm in control, 
I'm not just tha throw, but I'm also tha catch.

So then boom, I showed him, how my operations goes,
You wanna work with we, there's a bondsman fee.
He was down with it all, at first,
But he didn't read the contract...It comes with Interest Times 3.

Years would past, and he thought he could run away, how petty,
To all places he would go to where I reside year round.
Miami, he forgot I got that place on lockdown, 
Everybody knows me down there, and they all think that they are star bound.

He goes to South Beach, and figures it would be different, 
As if I forgot the debt he still owes me for that season of fun.
Tha price would have to paid one way or another, for real,
I take food checks, wooden nickels, or a briefcase of Monopoly ones.

Didn't listen, so I had to put it on him,
And I knew tha best way to get to him was through his mind and heart.
See that goes with any man who has a big ego, and strong drive,
It's not the number that hits the bullseye, but how u can use just a solo dart.

So I called some of my girls up, from all over the world,
Argentina, Puerto Rico, and a few from Colombia too.
All the heavy hitters, that could get to my subject at hand easily,
Having him in a frenzy not knowing what to do.

From a business world, I hit them up too, 
Get him stressing over his bank account as well.
I had him in a Whirlpool toliet, just spinning around and around,
Yelling, "It's all about the Benjamin's" as he fell.

My grand plan was in action like never before, 
It was going on better than I even thought.
The Informants would come back and tell me, "Boss He's Done,
It's Over, His dreams he no longer sought."

I just left him alone, and figured that he knew tha deal, 
Until me and him would talk, I was gonna make his life tha worst.
He saw some glimpses at least 3 times a year, 
But when he knew he would see me...His heart would ever so thirst.

I'm hot...Matter of fact, this year, I've gotten steaming hot,
Just the inkling of my name makes people take of all their clothes.
And that's not just because I first dropped that Nelly classic
Or how I ghostwrited another classic after a Miami club incident..."Everybody Nose."

That's no secret, people come to me all the time,
Especially when they need a new beginning of sort.
I have the best prices in flights, ultimate parties,
Getting to me can sometimes be easy, or as tough as a Knox Fort.

It depends on my mood, which is why I'm writing on today,
Still Caliente over this altercation with this Galaxia guy.
This is personal, and I usually don't go public,
Yet before he shares more lies, I must tell without acting shy.

I was chilling in my Convo, easing my mind of any drama,
Actually reading a Thank You note from Kayne and Kim.
They shared how much they appreciated me giving them their new family gift,
Tears began to form in my eyes, like watching a typical Nick C. film.

Next thing, I know it I get a call, and it's Galaxia, of all peeps,
Saying, how "Enough is Enough, we need to talk."
His tone was out of control truly, kind of hasty, 
I just blurted out, "If u so bad, then walk tha walk."

In about 20 minutes, he came a knocking,
With no conscience just that he had to release his mind.
"Tha Boys" wanted to do him in, but I told them to relax,
I can handle this one, but his body...they won't find.

First, I was a gentleman, and offered him an "Arnold Palmer",
He's always known that that was my official  drink.
All I got was a wave, and a "Make me a Strawberry Daciqiri",
I just thought, what's easier,  tha Miami River or Atlantic Ocean quickly think.

Cuz he's really biting my nerve right now, 
He must didn't hear how I blew my cool one time out in Phoeniz, A-Z.
People moved away, and didn't return until I left,
I just brought in my fav acts like, "98 Degrees" who some nights performed plus 23.

Thus, I'm on edge, cuz of this Galaxia fellow,
Who's now in my face like he was to throw down.
I thought about reaching for my Heat, but thought sensibly,
I just remember how many dolls I'm gonna see in their special gowns.

I sit. I kick up.
And he began to explain how he thinks I'm now gonna be.
Crazy how he forgot who's bio-pic is called, This Is The End.
It was supposed to be a greatest hits documented...of yours and truly...Me.

Or how famous I'm known for using my 5 Rings,
I'm a king in Beijing, London, and soon Rio Day.
So he needs to back up, really soon right here,
Or I might say "4get Tha Miami River" dump his u-know-what in Biscayne Bay.

Austino calmed down for a moment, 
And then began to explain from his point of view.
He told me his debt to me has been paid, 
Then told me all tha things he wanted to do.

Sounded interesting, even some things I want to try,
I am in tha headline of that Jigga/Justin concert in like six weeks.
Perhaps its time for me to move on, maybe his price has been paid, 
As my gratitude I think I'll give him what he always wanted...Natural Born Freaks!

Thus I made him a deal, and his ears perked up,
Now all my cards was gonna be put on the table.
No hidden fees, No tightly written lines at the bottom,
Somehow I now know how Netflix felt tackling Satellite Cable.

If u give me a guest star on your diary write,
I'll give you want you want, like never before.'
Galaxia showed a slight smile, and gave a "Huh",
Like a girl who proceeds him through a Vicki Secret Door.

"It's a deal", was his response,
Funny how life can change you in so many ways.
I wanted to put so much hurt on him, I guess to test him,
Now I want to become his partner in his historical days.

My name should be associated with him as his start, 
Just like I blew up The O.C. back in '03.
He had to be groomed for what I now have in store for him,
A few people now secretly know, but now everybody would see.

Our handshake indicates a partnership of a lifetime,
I should introduce him to my Law Firm, so that they know.
Take a red-eye up to New York, and go straight to Manhattan,
Right into tha famous doors of Sprg., Autumn & Invierno.

Tell them that we once were enemies, 
That the past was something that we all should leave behind.
Now I think about how many others I've hurt as well,
Oh, well, it's not my fault if they were robbed blind.

Now I'm associated with the best, he's on my team,
The thing I once hated is now his marketing theme number one.
First rule of marketing, is go with what makes the client most comfortable, 
It's a risk, but it's ok to roll with this thang called, "Love and Fun."

Others will be touched, I can see it clear,
Like the tables have been turned someway, somehow.
Funny how quickly life can change, 
Ordinary pastures can sometimes house the ultimate Cash Cow.

My phone is going off, meaning my time is at the end,
That's Galaxia, and we need to plan this mode of attack.
Play the love tip, or Play the fun tip more...
Or tha God tip...Or do we place him in a video with gals who are stacked.

No matter what, I'm gonna enjoy this one,
For I've also got what I've always dreamed.
A chance for u to know me, for just me,
I get treated so differently as well, when my starry sky beams.

Marked my words though, 
Tonight was special,
If u missed this post, that would be a all-time bummer.

Let me be the first to introduce us...
The Hottest Duo ever...
Austino Galaxia and his new best friend...


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