Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love's Off Night.

Tonight is the most unlikely seemingly,
The most unlikely of its kind.
No reason to write really on this Thursday,
Definitely not a poem with a funky rhyme.

For some reason though here we are again,
With some quarky line or phrase.
Should we talk about some of our classic party nights,
Or keep it calm and just rap about our fun days.

Nevertheless something has to come about with this,
If not, all our time with be for not.
Just like walking in the rain without an umbrella,
Or getting a 7-up can without the red dot.

Y'all just give me some energy, cuz we need it,
To write something years ahead to behold.
Something that will have u calling up all ur friends at midnight,
Or a moment to tell ur homeboys, "That's cold."

Here we go on another journey into our mind,
With not a script to be had or given to thought.
Talked about everything it seems, like over twice again,
Like two boxers who once, then twice fought.

That word was with me on today.
The thoughts and sight of this one girl filled our mind,
Nothing dirty, but just in an appreciative way.

Maybe that's it, I should just talk about what's been going on,
U know, keep it as real as can be.
Our life has been filled with twists and turns galore,
It took some time, but now I think everybody is starting to see.

Not better or above anybody,
Just different, and I know that to be so true.
Things just happen in such a weird way, dude,
Our life is like an after party with Motley Crue.

With that I'm just gonna say what's been happening,
And a lot of it has to do with that thang called L-U-V.
Lots of new experiences to talk about for sure,
So sit back, and grab a Colt 45, like the smooth Billy Dee.

Talked to my Pops on yesterday, which was cool as always,
Giving me some insight on what life is all about.
I told him something I usually don't reveal to anybody,
He just listened, relaxfully, his tone was not extremely stout.

We said that we might think its time to settle down a little,
Perhaps our life has reached a point where it's just time.
Not that we are gonna stop having fun, certainly not,
But maybe we should get more serious about finding a dime.

Our experiences, all these lessons everywhere we turn,
Just like my guy said in the gym 2day, "This lifestyle ain't easy."
I know I'm a kid, but I don't think people ever really think about our big picture,
Easily I could have kids, be married, and be Baby Daddy busy.

So I told our thang to Pops, who listened and gave his word,
A word of advice involving the all too popular "Eye Candy".
How there's a lot out there, but once u pull back the wrapper, "Whoa!",
Get totally less of ur dreams, when u wanted Moore, perhaps like the girl Mandy.

Pops talked like he knew that I'm kind of a victim of my environment,
Meaning lately honestly we've been focusing a lot on the physical look.
The smile, The curves, Her Booty, Boobs,
Man, I should write, "The Anatomy According to Galaxia"...Tha Book.

Just tough cuz u've seen and been around so many good looking girls,
Thus tha standard has been set kind of high.
But when that happens, as of late, u tend to look at that first, not second,
Going backwards, forgetting u crawl, walk, run...and then fly.

It's gotten me into some trouble lately,
This girl's has got a mad cute smile, and is cool with us, she's the one.
Hold the Doritos my friend, that's not the case always,
What I'm finding out is that they just wanted a moment of fun.

If u've read our diary, u know how I feel about being such a boy toy,
Like my face has to be in the Boy Toy classifieds somewhere.
Something to play with, or be around for a moment's time,
Then when I come correct, their eyes turn into those of a deer.

Is it a double standard?  Yes, and I'm not the only one,
For guys, and LOTS of girls go through the same thing on the dale.
So many girls are just treated like, "Trophies" or play things for a week or two,
Folks not really caring for u the person, and u better not one day get towed and  need any bail?

Tough situation.  But that's life, I guess,
Different folks, get Different Strokes.
I know ur giving me the "What u talking about Willis?!" look right now,
It's true bro though, I guess I'm the Pillsbury Dough Guy that constantly gets poke.

Although judging by the commercials,
I rather be an M&M guy right now.
Won't get into all that, perhaps another time,
I guess it's true that chocolate can make the cat purr like, "Meow."

That was one thing, but also talking to Pops,
Brought up this thang called Age.
Even though we're Ageless, I don't even recall my birthday,
Still it's wild how many girls we're getting at an early stage.

We've talked about it a plenty here in our diary,
And as we think about it, we've been attracting some of the younger sect.
Is that how all successful men sooner or later date?
Do they pass on the vets and move down in tha order peck?

Which brings up another question...
Are u begin to be  attracted to what u're constantly around?
Like, u may have somebody else in mind, that's been around the block,
But what if, what's being tossed to you comes from a 21 yr-old on the pitcher's mound?

We've thought about it, and still say with confidence,
That our 'love interest' has to be someone who's been through the game.
It's just that perhaps that means 'age' is thrown to the MC Wolves, my alma mater,
And that u need to be with somebody, no matter tha age, that wants to be tamed.

Boy, I feel like writing about handcuffs, and ropes,
Along with the pouring of honey, all with the Animal Channel in the back drop.
I won't get too freaky right now, but the want to be tamed got me fantasizing a little,
Won't even get into a sexy babe wearing Frederick's, holding nothing but my...I mean, "A" Lollipop!

To see all this unfold, after all the lessons we've already checked off,
Somewhat surprising, cuz we thought we've seen it all.
From girls lifting up to show us their boob rings,
To others rubbing all on us, trying to make us take a Samson fall.

Yet, after that convo with Pops, their was a chill regained,
Like I got me Swagger back up to the 1 mil.
U sometimes wonder why do I have to deal with such complex issues,
Put point blank and simply, "What the Fizzle is the Deal?"

Here in Miami, and South Beach especially,
Some of us, like me, can get caught up in this fantasy life.
We talk about our moments using parties as benchmarks,
"That was after Jill's party 2 weeks ago, and before John's bash with his Ex-wife."

With that u can lose yourself, like Eminem used to proclaim,
And forget what the basis of...Ah...What u looking for really is?
Recently I ran upon this baby girl, but she had a drink all night for real,
Now I may dabble every now and again, but 100 out of 100 times I see u with a red cup of fizz??

I don't approach girls who are tipsy,
Cuz true feelings may come out, and then again the may not, fool.
I prefer my girls, I should say gal, to be fully coherent when I talk to her,
Besides how can we tell our kids that our first convo involved u falling off the wooden stool?

Is this too boring?  I'm apologize if so,
This is just what's been going on in our love life of future lure.
One gets crossed off the Heavenly list,
And in tha same instant another one pops straight through the door.

I'm gonna say this, and then I'm done for the night,
Too much things I need to get into for sure.
But this has to be said, again, if not just for myself,
Turn away if u don't wanna read my soul pouring out anymore pure.

Another thang that I'm dealing with, and it may just be me,
Is the expectation of love, after the fact per se.
Meaning, that when u've gone through a lot of Buffalo Chips in ur life,
U expect everything to be absolutely perfect, and more than A-OK.

For example, I keep saying that Love can be a step-by-step process,
And I believe that to be true, and as Gangstas would say, "I would put that on the Boss."
But for somebody like me, and for others who've gone through,
The expectation is that brushing three times a day won't get it...Now u must also floss.

U can start to be like, "Alright, I've been with an Homecoming queen, Ms. County Fair,
Let me see, Miss American, and Mrs. America too."
Mentally, u begin to look for those stats that we despised so much,
Go home thinking that nothing short of Miss Galaxy would do.

Or if u've dated a doctor or lawyer,
Or a ball player who has money and supply all your need.
The thought creeps in like, "This guy is cool...but I'm used to a lifestyle",
A lifestyle which ur heart or soul, or ur rose bush is yearning for gardening or even a seed.

This is real talk, all hokey pokey to the side,
Cuz I may be the only one, but I think somebody else feels me.
I may as well be real as a three-dollar bill...
That didn't come out right, but this is what makes opportunities flee.

Beep it! I might as well be real, and tell this story,
Here's another one, of me embarrassing myself with a cringe.
But if I can help somebody that this stuff is real, and no hocus pocus,
Then the point has been given, administered through a poetic syringe.

Recently I was at this party, had a mad cool time,
And saw perhaps the girl of my absolute dreams.
As I walked into the joint, she acknowledge my presence,
A welcoming, "HEY!!" followed by a kiss and a smile that beamed.

I was like, "Ok, homegirl is in tha house.",
This could be an interesting night.
Other girls were there, some were getting their wobble on as well,
But it was this one dame that I keep in my corner eye sight.

I really don't approach girls, I'm gonna be honest,
Either blessed or cursed, but girls usually approach "Muah."
Now that my ego is up there with Bonds, Kayne, and Steve Jobs,
U have to be a true knockout or woo me on Insider info on the Jones Dow.

So I'm just chillin', keeping it one hundred,
Of course, not pressing the issue, not a bit.
Our mind just keep wandering over her, like how did God create her,
Face is flawless, like a doll for real, if Nelly was there he'd say, "Girl u're fine as S---!"

My guy was in the house, and he knew the deal,
He even told me he could tell I had a 'thang' for her just by my act.
I asked him, "How could he tell?", but being around beautiful girls himself,
He knew no matter how I denied it like I was on Capitol was a fact.

Kept telling me, "Go over and talk to her" and say something,
I got this, I got this, we'll let tha moment speak.
Even another cool homegirl told us to just go over and talk,
But something was in tha air, like I wasn't in tha moment, but in future mode peek.

There wasn't an urge, but I got to thinking about "Is she worth it?",
"This girl is mad cool, but has she been through it to get to Galaxia's side?"
Age is on the tender lean, but dag gone, I've never been in this before,
She's what we like, but the opposite as well...her hips are the opposite wide.

Funny thang about it, was that we even shared a dance together,
And u know how I love to dance, so this was a way to feel the vibe.
We did our thing, she was on it to some extent,
Then pulled one of her girlfriends to join, now I get two without any kind of misleading bribe.

Something was...missing though,
I just couldn't pull the plug to even get to her, and allow her to share her soul.
Could it been that I'm expecting so much, after being through so much?
Could a future girlfriend, just been packaged in blond hair, tiny build, but an unbelievable presence...
And walking around eating chips out of a blue bowl?

This was a rarity for me, not cuz of fear, never that,
Just that I didn't have anything to explain the moment or even me.
Speechless...or better yet without any words,
When u go through a 'first' u sometimes bogey the first tee.

Afterwards I was kind of upset, at me,
Wondering why did this happen, like haven't I gone through enough.
Like being the Lakers in '08, or the Heat in '11,
Winning should be easy, but 4 sum reason its the loss that makes u 2 focus on "the right stuff".

What I now have learned is beyond words,
And all the pain of bewilderment, now has a glimpse within.
I needed this episode, to now know what was wrong with me,
Almost done, but where do I begin.

First off, even though love and lifee is a process,
That doesn't mean it's a physical or statistical one.
Having an "Ex" with 34 DD's doesn't mean ur next one is must have 36DD's,
Or having a guy without a high paying job, doesn't mean ur missing out Saturday night fun.

Sometimes we think of the process as a hill,
Or as I thought of it, as a climb.
But in reality the process doesn't necessarily go up or down, but can be straight,
It can be linear, moving from one to the next...each step being perfected sublime.

Next, I learned not to let any environment affect how I move or feel,
Meaning bad music at a  party, or going to a club, or even a bar.
We hear all these things like, "U don't meet ur mate in a (blank)",
U just never know, so u must act cuz a simple "Hi" can go far.

Lastly, and I kick myself a little for this but,
Judge after talking with the person, and don't pre-determine the next mate.
You can talk urself out of a very inviting situation,
Not knowing if feeling uncomfortable, could be what was purposed by fate.

My Ego got the best of me that night,
And we've been thinking about that ever since like "That's not cool."
Should have been more in the moment, especially with a slept-on beauty,
Just sitting back, no matter what the past told us to do...was the thinking of the fool.

Maybe though, all that happen for a reason, u know,
So that I could share some tidbits in this poem of long prose.
I think it was a final episode, of some sort, for real,
Now I know to always carry wherever I go, a long-stemmed rose.

I don't like to admit these things to others,
Cuz it puts me in a vulnerable state of self.
Trust me, I like to live an put it down perfectly,
Whether that's in writing or telling a beauty I have a hookup with Santa's top Elf.

All in All, this is what's been going on in our life,
Now we gonna be better than ever before.
I guess it took this 2 wake me up even further...

Next time I speed dial Cupid...I just hope he'll answer, and I won't hear that all familiar snore.

Got 2 go through it.
With Hugs and Air Kisses...Bye!
Austino Galaxia.

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