Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cassa in Mi Casa?!!

Oh boy...Today has been an interesting day.  Just a day of rest really....I don't even feel like writing on today.  Man...I guess u just have some days when u need to really find that motivation to get through.  Today was that day for me.  I just want to sit down and watch this NBA Finals Game 3 between the Heat/Spurs on tonight, and hopefully get some rest.  Our mind needs it.  My life is so crazy bro...Then I have no idea why I'm putting myself out there so much in our diary.  Sometimes I just wish that somebody could relate to what I go through.  It would just be so nice, u know.

(Knock, Knock, Knock!)

Who is this at the door, it better be good.  I'm just getting into this vintage 112 album, and the just hit my jam, "Peaches and Cream", so this better be good.

(Knock, Knock, Knock!)

I'm coming, I'm coming...Who in God's creation is....Hello?

Ah, Yes...I'm so sorry Sir, but are you Austino Galaxia?

Yes.  What do you have on?  Are you going to some Medieval party or something?

Well, this is my normal dress.  Anyway, Sir, my name is Giacomo Casanova.  And I've been reading your stuff, and...do you mind if come in?

First off...Casanova....Casanova...Are you that like lover boy?  \\

Lover Boy is such a tight phrase...I rather call myself a lover or an appreciator of beauty.  May I?

You may, but take off those pilgrim shoes before u come in any further.  I'm a stickler for having my place clean...What a minute dude, aren't you supposed to be dead?

Let's not get into that right now.  But I'm here to talk to you.

All....right.  Grab a seat, watch that table, it's broken.  So don't be putting ur George Washington hat on it.  Capiche!  I'll be going to IKEA later this week, but until now don't get too comfortable.  I'll be out my apartment for a few days so my fridge is kinda empty.  Do you want some Gatorade or some...ah..Gatorade, boss?

I've never heard of that. Do you happen to have some vintage wine, preferably from the year 1746, that was a good year.  The year of my 21st, may I trouble you for some?   

My dude, I ain't got that, and believe u me, if I had some I'll be in Belize right now, and wouldn't be talking to you.  There's a liquor store about 5 minutes from here off of Washington Ave., and they probably can hook up with all that fancy stuff.

Fine...Fine.  I guess I'll partake in some of your Gator drink.

"I guess I'll partake in ur Gator drink"....this freakin' guy.  So Homey, what brings you to my crib here in South Beach.  Especially dressed like that, it's like 90 outside and u dress like u going to tha Boston Tea Party.

Why yes...The Tea Party...One of my great regrets.  I missed that one.  But I heard tha ladies were quite lovely, quite lovely...The ree...son...I'm here because I've been reading and hearing a lot about you from, how should I put this, ur name has been thrown around the wings of the air.

By who?

Well, I don't like to name drop but my friend Romeo, and my, how do u guys nowadays put it...My homeboy?

Yeah, u got it.

Well, my home...boy Georgie P., as I call him, raves about you.  As well as others.  They sent me because they thought I could talk to you a little bit about this thing called...love.  Umm...This gator drink is splendid.  Just spendid...But we need to talk.

Alright then...Shoot.

I'm sorry, Sir Galaxia,  but I'm a lover not a fighter.  I don't resort to violence to make a point known.  Why I don't even own a gun, but if I had one when I jumped out this pretty girl's bedroom window, then I 

Naw dude.  "Shoot" is just a phrase that means, go ahead and continue talking.  That's all.

Oh.  Pardon me, but I'm still learning some of your talk.  Forgive me.

Thou art forgiven.

Why thanks, but...(Quizzical Look On Face)...so I hear that you are some kind of Helpless Romantic, or at least you keep on talking like you are. Is that true?

Well, I don't wanna brag or anything.  But we've had our share of I guess...experiences.

Yes.  Experience is the ultimate teacher.  Son, you remind me a lot of myself.  Did you know that I kept a memoir as well of my adventures concerning romance and love?  

I think I did hear something about that.  Dude u had like chicks like digging you all tha time.  Like how did u manage?

If by 'chicks' you mean women, well, yes I had my share of swims in love's pool.  With the breaststroke being my favorite of course, but...My dear, but I learned that those weren't consider some kind of conquests like David slaying down the great Goliath.


You don't know who Dav...Never mind...The point is throughout my episodes with Amor, that you don't conquer love, you learn to submit to it.


My great fellow, it means that you allow romance and love to take its proper course.  And not force the emotion.  I read your last post, about being or having this deadly disease named after C.J. Parker.  He must have been some English physician back before my time.  But...

Actually C.J. Parker character's name on this old TV show called Baywatch.  She had blond hair, wore a swimsuit, pretty girl...

Why yes...Why I do recall several years ago walking into tha room where Romeo and Georgie were somehow watching this....ah...video tape.  And I recall him saying "that's C.J. Parker".  And she was with this guy with writing on his arms and jewels in his body...

That was my homegirl C.J. Parker.

And they were making these noises like a moaning, all the while tossing and turning...

C.J. Parker.

All the while her bosoms were out and about in a way that I've never seen...

I'm telling you that was C.J. Parker.

Oh.  Now I understand.  But...where was I?  Why yes, my dear, having an eye for beauty is a good thing.  I got the sense that you see it as a curse instead of a blessing.

Well, I'm Ok.  It's just when you've been involved or have seen so much.  Like episode after episode, you do wonder like, 'Why do I have to go through all this?'  U know.  I didn't ask for all this, I just wanted to share fun and love, but sometimes I feel like our life is a show for the angels or something.  Then mentally you  wonder if u should prepare urself to just be this ultimate bachelor life or try to settle down with a nice gal.

First off, don't rush into getting married.  I can be the first to tell you that 'Marriage is the tomb of love.'  It is way more adventurous to be shall we say... free.Next, and I think you already know this, but you should take those episodes and realize that no one else has those.  Perhaps...do you want to know the real reason why I came down here to visit you?


The other day, Romeo overheard three guys talking and he heard that your life was about to get even more intriguing than what it already has been.  I was chosen to visit you because your love life is about to hit an even more higher level.  Now, I love how you've been saying that love is a 'step-by-step' process.  Which it is.  People don't know that, but that's non-fictional.  Sometimes you have to go through processes that you don't want to go through in order to be prepared for what lays ahead.  


By going through all these, as I would call them, Situational Training Lessons, you can now be better prepared for what true love and beauty entails not only in friendships but also in relationships or flings.  Now you can..

But I've already learned tha..

I'm not finished.  Now you can truly appreciate the beauty of people and of women at the level that u need to be at.  I hear that you want to be famous and this...Well with notoriety comes different temptations, and you need to have experience different levels so that you can not only know what's wrong and right, but what is frugal for you.  Like I said earlier, Experience is the ultimate teacher.  Do you know what the second best teacher is?

No, what is it?


But you've never had your heart broken or have never been lied to in your face, so how do you know?

My son, if you only knew.  If you only knew...The disappointments in regards to the heart excludes no man.  Always remember that.  Now, I want to share a few lessons with you, and I want you to write these down and remember them.  These are just for you, and when the time is right I want you to share them with others.  For now though, my dear, guard them close to your heart.  Do you have a pen and a scroll?

A scroll?   Guy, u need to keep up with the times.  I have a small notebook of paper...Alright, give me tha 411.


Go ahead and share your knowledge, Boss.

Oh.  Ok.  Well, you have already given lists upon lists in regards to how to handle love and relationships.  I just want to add a few things from another angle, because like I said, your life is really about to change in some ways.  So first off, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I have to say this.  The first rule, I guess, is to always look your best...at all times.

What?  Do you know who ur talking to, I got like high-end European labels all up in this closet. I think I know a thing about fashion, I mean, if you look behind you, I have a Marc Jacobs box filled with stuff.  U don't know what ur talking about.

Actually I do, my son.  If you want to attract the best, then you must always look like the best.  Not to say that you haven't had your share already, because I know you have, but your appearance is gonna be important to people.  Over my time, I've learned that ones of the female sect appreciate a gentleman who dresses like he is that...a gentleman.  Be yourself, of course, but I want you to step it up to another level, so that immediately somebody can look at you and be like, "He's different, and I want to be with him."  Can you do that?

Yeah.  I can.

Now this is some good stuff I don't tell everybody.  So I'm telling you, once again guard it with your heart.  Next, with the ladies.  Do you want to know my secret with attracting ladies of different creeds, colors and social standings?  And I want you to do the same...

What's your secret?

My secret is that I don't have a secret.  I treat every woman like she's the most beautiful woman on earth.  Because in her own way...she is.  Guys don't listen to a woman, or even look at the cues from her body language, but I want you to.  You've already gotten a ultra-eye, so to speak, but I want your personality of fun and enjoying life to not only rub off on everybody u meet, but especially some of these women that you constantly meet.  They may not admit it, but a lot of these beauties are tired of being looked at as some sensual object, and they want somebody who carries themselves in a sexually exciting way, yet are not always looking for sexual excitement.  Did you get that or need I repeat?

I get it.

I know that you've already had some unique experiences, but now you need to be yourself.  That doesn't mean you're trying to lure or trick any of these girls, but believe you me, once they get to know you, and once u really open up, that's when that 'magic' occurs.  Another consideration, my son, that I want you to think about is putting your Ego to the side, and live.

Wait a minute, but u don't understand...

I do understand.  Yes, I know u think u're the best.  Yes, I know u got experience, money, and are, how do u call it, ageless.  But u have to put that Ego of yours to the side, and just enjoy life.  I know you are tired of pulling teeth to make folks believe, or u are tired of having to ask others out when in reality they should be asking you out, but you know what, I want you to try something different. Everybody knows what you got, and who you are, but u need to take the humble road.  You can be a little intimidating, but let the emotion of fun proceed you.  It can be good to have an Ego, I have one myself, but for right now, and more specifically in terms of love, I want you to be tha ultimate in that you have the biggest invisible Ego around.  Alright.  Give it a try.

Dude, u're starting to kill me dude.  With all this "try this" and "try that" stuff.  Let me ask you, if you are broke and have no money, and I'm wealthy beyond compare, shouldn't you come to me to ask for help.

Perhaps.  But what I'm saying is that I want you to go to them and tell them how you can help them.  There's a difference.  One is being pro...something.

Proactive...Yeah, Yeah, I got it.

The final thing I want you to think about is that I want you to KNOW without a shadow of any doubts that the timing is now right in your life.  I mean KNOW!

What do you mean by that?

You tell other people this, but I want you to realize it for yourself.  You've been through a lot, now act like it.

Still...don't think I understand, Homey.

There can be a tendency to think that things happen to you, and only you, and nobody else is finding love or life to be difficult.  The truth is we all are.  But you need to act like you've been...christened by the experiences, and that you have what not too many others have.  You shouldn't make the mistakes that you made 10 years ago.  When somebody meets you, that should immediately know that they are dealing with tha apex of life, and that you are the pinnacle of what they have wanted and have always dreamed about all their life.   You have it in you, now it's time to bring it out.  Right now!  The lessons have been learned, so share the love and fun that you have been forcefully molded into.  Things happen for a reason, my friend.  Sometimes if you want to be the best, you have to take the toughest road that's only made for those willing to become it.

I understand.

Well, my friend.  It's time for me to go.  I think my job is done here.  Hope I didn't bore you any, but there aren't too many around that reminds me and the boys of how we were when we were your age.  We had a lot of fun.

I know you did dude.  I saw you movie.

They made a play about me.  Oh my Dear Chaps!  My shoes...Oh, there they are. Anyway...and my hat.  I almost forgot it.  Remember what I told you, alright.  I'm gonna be watching you very carefully, and if you don't adhere from what I've told you, you will hear from me.  Ok.  Let your personality shine, it's special.  Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, I know shouldn't have to, but I want you to just try it.  To get something you've never had before, you might have to do something you've never did before.  Keep that in your heart.  Alright.

Yes sir.  And before you go...

(A Big Hug.)

Sometimes in life it's good to know that somebody walked in a similar path as you.  I've heard about you, read a few things about you, but I never thought I'd ever meet you.  You wrote like me about ur episodes on love, and life.  Its just cool to know that I'm not alone.

My Son, (As the hat is being put on), you are never alone.  The path that you are on, a select few have already traveled.  We were the originals....you are just the remix.  A Diddy remix at that! (Wink!)

Oh Shoot...Big C is down with Bad Boy!  Oh Shoot!!

"Take that...Take that!!"  Til next time, My Son.  Carpe Diem!


(Door Shuts)

Boy, I'm meeting all these people recently.  It's been crazy.  People I wouldn't even think about meeting....Bruce Wayne...Clarky...Who's next?  So many are watching us, and really care.  What's this...some kind of photo.  Hey Cassie, you forgot....  Man she looks just like that one girl, Angelica Julia Guiterrez, I keep seeing her picture wherever I go.  Truly hands down she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen or met...Now her face again...Why do I keep seeing her?...

I absolutely wonder...Why?

Let Tha Fun...Continue!
Austino Galaxia.

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