Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A But with IFs, No ---'s.

With all my heart...


But this is it.

But this is how it's supposed to be.

But this is how it will always be.


But tha joke has been on me.

But that flirtatious look didn't mean anything.

But I should have not dared to be different.


But nobody believes anymore.

But my time has past.

But I have lost that fire that I once had.


But eating right really isn't that important.

But working out until exhaustion isn't needed.

But the want to bring a smile to the world is outdated.


But I was born at tha wrong time.

But  I am in the wrong place.

But I should have stayed where I was at.


But I should have been more aggressive.

But "Good Guys" do finish last.

But I should have kept my Heat Season Tickets.


But perhaps you can talk to God too much.

But the journey is not worth tha goal.

But maybe that Facebook comment was right.


But I should get both my arms tatted in sleeves.

But I should have taken a "hit" for my psuedo-glaucoma.

But my guy was right another shot of Captain Morgan this past weekend would have done tha trick.


But the wanting to be the best is a curse.

But being different isn't sexy at all.

But I guess Liz or Melissa are the best I'll ever meet.


But writing in our diary is too boring for all.

But people are tired of me talking about fun and love.

But the wanting to be the first ain't all what it's cracked up to be.


But these rainy days are a sign especially sent for me.

But those dreams I have while sleep at night are right.

But dreaming last night about me in a limo with two video vixens rolling through L.A. was just that...a dream.


But I won't have my own "era" after all.

But one day I won't graced the cover of GQ Magazine.

But my face won't be on a t-shirt after all.


But being stared at when coming to a stoplight wasn't a preparation for future fame.

But having strangers picking you out the crowd is just pure coincidence.

But life isn't a step-by-step process but just pure "luck".



(Huge Blow.)

But...What If?

What if this is just the beginning?

What if this diary is needed for somebody?

What if the clouds do supersede the joy?

What If.

What If us working out hard in the gym can inspire just one?

What If us saying no to the butter, helps another not to feel like they are "the only one"?

What If wanting to make a difference, will actually be the reward?

What If.

What If being benched during a basketball game was the best thing that could have happened?

What If going through the trials was just part of the process?

What If it does take all this to become the best?

What If.

What If we're the blueprint that others will soon follow?

What If these five minutes change somebody's else's life?

What If being yourself is giving somebody courage to do the same?

What If.

What If Danielle telling me she had a boyfriend started a spark to the fire?

What If having to prove urself time and time again produced a habit of "whatever it takes"?

What If watching old celebrity shows like Hard Copy and Inside Edition were actually ur "Study Hour"?

What If.

What If going through a period of being unknown is a good thing?

What If being humbled is the 2013 version of being arrogant?

What If not being naked all the time shows true sexiness?

What If.

What If Love is a step-by-step process?

What If Money comes to those who don't chase it?

What If taking a leap and leaving home was the best move one can ever make?

What If.

What If I'm right?

What If this is as good as it will ever get in cyberspace?

What If I do become really famous?

What If.

What If this is the diary of somebody who in the future will be known as "The Best"?

What If 100 "No's" actually are the hammer to crack that one big "Yes"?

What If a writer one day actually graces the cover of GQ Magazine?

What If.

What If each Love episode was just a glimpse into knowing what u really want?

What If u buying a pair of Nike Kobe's and Air Jordan's will turn into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ?

What If I'm writing about the future, so that the future written can actually comes true?

What If...

--- that's why we dream.

This is why we talk about fun --- love.

Life is give --- then take.

Success comes with sweat --- tears.

As well as with Joy --- Pain.

To be the best you dream --- then achieve.

Trial --- Error comes sometimes with Love.

Each step helps you grow --- grow --- grow.

The pain of rejection is good for the body --- soul.

The ego every once in awhile needs to know it's not just about Me, Myself --- I.

Being humbled with create a Fire --- Desire that will never be quenched.

When u feel like giving up, that's when the best dig deeper --- deeper.

They close their eyes --- let their mind dream.

They think about this job --- that job implying, "You're not good enough."

Or they recall being picked on in grade school by this guy --- and being laughed at by that girl.

A calmness then arrives like a dove --- an Angel on you shoulder.

You realize that Preparation --- Opportunity equal Success.

--- that one day, one day....

You're gonna erase every single "But"...

You're gonna create put in the mouths of so many, "What If"...

Making sure that everybody knows there isn't a comparison to how u do things...

--- you will see that even though doubts do creep in...

The bigger the doubts...Can lead to the greater the joyful shouts.

No If's, ---'s, --- But's about it!

Gotta push...Gotta push...Got 2...Push.

Austino Galaxia.

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