Friday, June 21, 2013

Flecha's Comeback.




What is that noise?


Here I come...Here I come, just hold you bridges.  Don't tell me this is...

"Charleston...Charleston...Made In...Carolina...Some Dance...Some Prance...But nobody can do it like me!"

Well, if it isn't...

"What's up bro!  How's ya been my friend?!"


"It's been awhile hasn't it, Flecha.  Do people still call you that?  Or am I the only one?"

Just you.  It's always been just you who call me that.

"Can I come in?  Thanks.  Alright Flech, I'm gonna...what is going on in here.  It looks like a major storm just came in, did the Hookey Pokey, and turn itself around in here.  What's...This is not how I remember this place being.  It's"

I don't wanna talk about it.

"Is everything Ok?  You can tell me."

It's just that business has been so slow  Bro, it's like my way of doing things went out with the Tootsie Roll and 2-way Pager.  I'm ancient, my friend.  Just ancient.

"Don't say that?  I mean you were tha best....I mean, are, the best. I've seen you in action.  Like, I was there when you  did your best work, like Tom and Penelope...Ah...Ah...Jennifer and Cris...Homer and Marge...That was..."

That was tha good ol' days, dude.  Now, I can't get hired worth a darn.  Then you got all these stupid Social Networks that are doing these...The other day I even heard that Instagram crap, now has video 2 go along with just posting pics.  So that further cuts me out, I mean...why come to me, when u can just do tha fool, face to face...or phone to phone.  I've thought about quitting before, but now it's officially looking like I'm done.  Finito.  Adio-so.  You can stick a fork in me, and pull me out clean, pal.  I'm threw.  THREW!  Care for some red Kool-Aid?

"Naw, Flech.  I can't believe you are giving up so easily.  I mean, look at all these momentos.  Look at this mug over her....'Without You, There wouldn't be us.  Love Always, Britney and Kevin'.  That was nice.  Then look at that photo on the wall, signed from Marilyn and Joe...There's a picture of you with John and Jackie K.. You were even at the Copacabana with Kim and Sammie Davis.  All these people met because of you."

Old times only do one thing...Make the soul older.  (Ahh!!)  This is some good Kool-Aid.  Sure you don't want anything.

"Nothing to eat.  Me and let's just call her, my lady friend (Wink!) stopped over at this place off of Melrose, earlier today.  She's beautiful, but she just doesn't eat.  I mean, this chick literally, and Flech I'm not exaggerating this one bit, this girl literally order a chicken salad without the lettuce.  I mean, I was stunned like what happened to broads like Jayne Mansfield or Delta Burke who looked gorgeous but had a little meat on them.  Even when I had that little flingy thing with that one actress...Um?  U know who I'm talking about."

I've hooked you up so many times, that I don't even remember which one!

"Whatever...but even though she was skinny like Ally Mcbeal, she knew how to throw down.  Speaking of which, when are you gonna hook me up with that Raven-Symone chick?"

Ah...I think she's a little too young for you.

"U're never too old to rock n' roll my friend!  Nevertheless, I know that you are done, or feel like you are no longer wanted, but I have a special request from somebody for your services."


"Have you ever heard of the name Austino Galaxia?"

(Spittt!)  That guy.  Have I?  Look over there...

"Here...What's this?"

That's the letter he wrote to me earlier on last year.  That nitwit.  If I ever see him...I'm gonna...

"Well, before you lose your cool.  He contacted me because he heard I was the only one who could track you down.  He's requested you to help him."

Nope...Nah.  I don't mess with guys who think they are like "tha last Playboy" on Earth...Or somebody who thinks that the world or what does he call himself?


Yeah, thinks that tha Galaxia revolves around him.  Besides he's fine, he's got it all under control.  I mean, just the other day, he was the eye of a pretty dame.  I heard about her, and what she was doing.  Putting her butt like right next to his face.  Bending over all in his sight.  Checking him out hard, and when he turn to look, she gave this shy glaze in the sky, and smirk.  She looked like the typical Iceland Blond beauty, and sometimes u have to strike when the Ice is hot.

"U mean cold."

Trust me, when I say Ice...I mean Ice.  It's a new girl every week.  Been reading his stuff, actually he's secretly been my hidden obsession.  Check this out.  Over here in my Bookcase...I have a spiral notebook...Let me see...Jack Nicholson....Ah...DiCaprio...Tyrese Gibson...Mick Jag...As you can see, it's kind of out of order.  Where is it?...The Backstreet Boys...There it is...Austino Galaxia.  The files.

"B...That's kind of thick ain't it?!"

I know, but besides his own diary, I've personally kept tabs on all his 'interactions' per se.  This guy knows girls literally all over the globe, not too many can say that.  Let me see, this is like the ultimate bachelor portfolio.  Take a glance...Those with 4 stars mean I have not only pics but video as well.

"This is wild.  This guy...Anyway, Flech, he told me that quietly he's tired, and needs you, and only you.  He's just a kid who always talks about Love anyway, who better to come to than the best."

I don't know, this seems to be a young man's game.

"Well, just think about it, alright.  I gotta go, I got a date with this waitress/actress/model/nursing aid up in tha Hollywood Hills in a bit.  Just give me a call, Flech...Hey, not only he needs you.  But tha game needs you to.  We'll talk bro."


(Door Closes)

So Mr. Galaxia wants me to help him huh?  Do I have enough in me?  This could be my most storied assignment though.  I mean, if I could hook this guy up, then I'll be back in tha game for real.  Let me go downstairs to tha basement...and see what's down here...


Look at this place.  This is what I used to call 'Tha Lair'.  Where things went down.  Everything's...(Cough!)...So...(Cough, Cough!) dusty.  I haven't been down here in awhile.  Let me see, I go El Potion Number 9 over there.  Still have some left, that stuff never expires.  Have some old blueprints over here.  I guess I was good.  See I knew where my subjects at hand were gonna be at all times.  Thus I could create an opportunity for them to meet simultaneously.  Look at this stuff...Handcuffs...Body Oils...Endless supplies of Chocolates...Then over here, I got some music.  Album, CD's, and even 8-Tracks.  Barry White.  Luther.  Michael Buble.  Everybody's over here.  Look at this Cassette Tape single.  LL Cool J's "Doin It".  Boy, 1996 was my year.  I even got edible underwear, strawberry panties...This is insane.  I was on top of my game.  The best.  Let me go over to this other room.  It's kind of dark in here as well.


This is amazing!  These are my babies right here.  Nothing but the finest arrows filled these walls.  Nothing but the best.  France...Peru...Indonesia...England...South Africa...The best tools and...Look at here.  See, this silver one.  It never missed.  I always hit my mark with this one.  Just like my Father, Amor, told me...Look...Aim...Pull...Fire!

(Boing!  Boing!  Crash!!)

Ooops!  I guess I'm getting too carried away.  Knocking stuff over.  These were the days for real.  Nuthing, nor anybody did I fail.  I've always wondered though, what if I did meet this Galaxia fellow.  Like, what if I worked with him?  He talked to my guy, so he must be serious.  I know he gets tired of dealing with what he deals with...You know what I think I gonna do it.  He needs to know what this L-O-V-E thang is really about.  He constantly talks about it, but now....where's my phone.  Let my guy  a call.

(I can't wait to fall in looove with you/ You can't wait to fall in looove with me...This just can't be...)


What up, Summer.  This is Flech...Yeah...I'm in...I'm totally in....Huh?  Miami...In the Morning?   Of course, I can do that....Yeah...I know...Alright...For Sure...Yeah, I know they got some hot ones down there.  This is business though...Huh?  Yeah, Alright.  Be easy. One.


This is gonna be a talk that I never thought would happen.  Me working this guy.  Almost like a dream team. This is a conversation I think everybody would love to hear.  At least I know I would.  Time to pack up, the morning is gonna sneak up on  me. Let me go back upstairs.  Oh!  Gotta take this with me. It's been awhile, but I'm flying your way once again.  But this time, I'm not leaving until my job is done.  All these steps to get back up...Kind of symbolic I guess.  First the climb....Next, The takeoff...And let me turn these lights back off...

South Beach here I come.



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