Monday, January 28, 2013

The Galaxian ABC's.

Alright, I guess I need to jot a few thoughts down tonight in our journal, but once again where do we begin?

And how....

Let's have a little fun on tonight....

A night to relax that seems to be what's in store for tonight.  Just got done watching the Lakers/Thunder from yesterday afternoon.  It was a good one.  It followed the Heat game which they lost in Double OT to the Celtics.  Those are my teams the Heat and Laker Nation.  I don't know if it's the glamour factor, or what, but...I guess I just like sexy teams or teams that have drama surrounding them.  Guess it just adds to the game, life cannot be boring, it has to have some energy.  It hurt me not to be able to watch the games yesterday, but I had no choice cuz I got caught up into....

Bieber Fever.  Yes, the teenage heartthrob with 50 billion Twitter followers was in town this weekend, and yours truly was at the American Airlines Arena, all day, and literally all night for this spectacle.  I've never seen so many teenage girls at one gathering in my life, except for like those old Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards back in like '93.  But there was no orange blimps in the building, just all this screaming and stuff.  Bedlam.  Biebs got on stage later than UPS delivery here in South Beach, like really late.  10pm or so to be exact.  And all these parents asking me what's up, and I'm just thinking, "This dude owes me 16 bars on a future remix, for what I had to put up with tonight."  He has a unique fan demographic.  Wonder what's gonna happen when we get famous?  Humm....Sure our fan demographic is gonna be all over the board, it has to be, cuz all these stories can relate to so many people, we know it.  I'll be reserved if I didn't play my favorite Justin song tonight.  Don't tell nobody, but here it is....Shhhh..

Cat Swagger.  We've been saying that living here in South Beach has opened our eyes up to some wild stuff.  One thing, is the amount of Black Cats living down here in tha 'hood.  I mean, there are so many, I think tha are building a new Cat Condo designed by the firm Felix and Jerry right off Ocean Drive down here!  In tha alley of course!  They got life so good though, people feeding them.  I put this on Kate Upton doing the Cat Daddy that this morning I saw a cat actually take his food from the sidewalk and eat in the middle of the street.  Like, he was an outcast from the family.   I mean what do u call the black sheep of a family of black cats?  But he was eating breakfast...Ooops, I'm sorry these are black cats here in South Beach who were probably partying all night, so he was eating dinner in the middle of Jefferson Ave.  Talking about swagger being on max, huh?

Danger Mouse.  Yes!  I finally got the first seasons of Danger Mouse on DVD.  This guy is so freakin' cool.  Hey, ain't that sumthing that we follow up talking about gangster cats by talking about a Private Eye mouse!  No wonder I'm single right now!! I got sum serious issues...But anyway, I hit up Spec's whose had that Store Closing sale going on in Coral Gables/South Miami off of US 1.  I went in there for all times sake. It was packed, but dude they had some deals.  I got that new Usher for like $5...along with some other stuff.  Us here in Miami, love a good deal.  We may not visit a store or buy a product for years, but once they say they going outta business, we be there quicker than light turning red in Little Havana!  I love that cartoon so I'm gonna get it in big time, for old times sake.

Eating Out.  I've been so concerned with my "diet" or as I like to call it, "Nutritional and habitual digestive gestures" that I haven't gone out to kick it hard in a little bit.  The Ale House in Kendall was cool the other night...late night.  But I think that white bread bun on that Maui Fish Sammich, put the big money Floyd Mayweather on me.  I think its a flat low down dirty shame, that now I have to carry my own bread into a restaurant.  It was enough that I got to walk in with a Satchel Paige full of Lousiana Hot Sause, Kraft Light BBQ Sauce, grapes (Don't ask!) and some Ragu Super Vegetable Primavera sauce, just to make sure my meals are right!...I think I'm turning into one of those people.  I don't know who they are, but u know them, and I know them, and I'm turning into one of them.  And u know exactly what I'm talking about.

Fun.  Like, "Duh!"  Does anything else even fit there?  Like...He...lllooo!!!

God.  Really appreciative about our life right now.  And God has like 10% to do with it, and...that's a bad religion joke.  But for real, we've been so super on the go as of late.  Trying to enjoy life, doing our best to get through some long work days and stuff, and of course dealing with chicken hea....I mean girls.  So for us to still be able to write and smile, and work out like a pro athlete is nothing short of a miracle.  Love or hate it's so true.  G is for the Big Gizzy.

Hair.  So what should we do next?  Down here in Miami, like everything goes.  Long hair, colored hair...which by the way looks good on some girls we've seen.  It's all about ur personality.  We didn't know our fade-hawk was so much of our image after we got it cut.  Lots of people just looked at us like, "First Ludacris, then it was Miley Cyrus, now u r on that hair experiment tip."  I'm thinking something like a fro hawk in a 50's James Dean front so it over hangs.  Has to be something that only we'll have though.  I'm sure it'll hit us.

I. vs. Me.  This was on my mind on today.  Am I just too much of a like snobby person?  Like, ok, I was watching Rules of Engagement on TBS and...beep it, she might be reading this...I was watching Bianca Kajlich, who might be my TV crush for the week ending Feb. 2nd , I know ur married, me....Anyway, I was looking at the storyline of marriage, and having kids.  And I was just like, I'm totally not ready for that at the momento.  I mean, I don't know what I'll even feed my kids.  I'll probably get called by Child Services for feeding them pasta and turkey everynight.  And as soon as one of them say, "Thanksgiving was two months ago."  I promise you, I'll tell 'em that I gotta go to Blockbuster to get Home Alone 6:  The Parents Revenge, walk out the door, and jump into the ride, going bout 60 down Collins Ave., with Sinatra crooning... "I did it My Way" in the background!  Ha!!  Dead serious son....I'll have them, with the right gal, just not ahora.

Juxtapositon.  What tha heck does that mean?  Here I am reading upon secret spots to creep around the world, and I come upon this word.  Let me see.  It's defined as this.  That's perfect.  I like this word. do I pronounce it?  It's like having somebody u like, who's name is tough to pronounce?  Her name is Torereesah, and she like, "just call me Bubbles.", and u like, "Where does that fit from ur name?"  But if calling u Bubbles is gonna lead to us sharing champagne bubbles, then freaking, call me soap, cuz bubbles it is.  And I got a spare bottle of Mr. Bubbles in my trunk just in case its one of those lucky nights, if u know what I mean!! (Wink!)

Kangaroo.  When was the last time u heard somebody say they saw a kangaroo hopping around town the other day?  Sometimes u just miss those old days where u didn't know if Leroy down the street was making stuff up or if it was actually fact.  U thinking he might be just talking crazy as usual...then again...he might just be telling tha truth! The Hood News Network..."Where u get news first, but we suggest a second source!"

L-O-V-E.  I gotta say this, I think yesterday, I saw one of the cutest girls I might have ever seen.    She was short in stature, actually a legit plus size, she had a no strap, blue dress on, with shoulders bare, and I'm just looking at her, like she really looks attractive right now.   And that's one of the things we've gone through, which can be good or could be...good.  Seeing beauty in so many different physical sizes and personalities.  Now I think, I may see more beauty in a girl, than the actual girl herself.  So now, the tough thing is, if a guy like me...Is this real tonight, or are we talking real tonight?  Now it's like, sometimes u have to make people realize that they are really hotter than they think they are.  No matter the curves, the belly, if u drink beer every weekend, whatever, u're hot.  And somebody needs to let u know...but now we're dealing with is it worth the "work" to make somebody feel like they are sexy, and that when we say it, it's not some kind of Beauty and The Geek type okie-doke that we're trying to perpetuate.  Real talk.  We've seen enough talent to know real beauty when we see it, so if u hear those words from us, it ain't no game, it's our heart speaking. U may choose not to believe it, but one day...u just might wish u had that chance again for us to tell u that.  Or for that matter, somebody to tell u that...I feel like our love life is about to really get wild.  As if it isn't already.

Make or Miss.  Living like with no fear.  I could stop right there.  It's tough...Even myself, thinking about the consequences too much.  If I spend 5 hours filling out this application, they probably won't hired me, and on top of that I missed that Top Chef:  Seattle marathon on a never meant to be.  Or just like the "L" example above, or asking somebody u need help with something when u do.  I used to be really prideful.  Never take money, when I got like $1.75 in my pocket, and been thinking about that Chalupa (Chicken, Fresco Style, with Mild sauce on the side) all day.  "I got it...I got it."  But pride can get in ur way of success as a team and as a person.  I think now, I don't really give a Master P "Hootie Hoo", if people wanna help us do something.  I've been sick before...I remember being sick as a dog, and barely could walk and this girl like throwing me in her Benz to help me to my car.  That was egotistical just to admit that I was sick and I needed help, but...Freakin' A....It's taken me 5 years to realize that, that was my moment to get to "know" her...better.  Ain't that a beep that when u want that moment, it don't happen...then when u least expect it, it happens, but then takes you years to realize that was it.  U be on the toliet reading about Macy's Saturday sale when  it hits u outta nowhere, "Dummy, That was ur lick!  And I blew it!"  Oh man, please say I ain't the only one this has happen to.  Please...

Now.  Quite simply the "word" of 2013.

Opportunity.  It will come...Today it hit me, and I wasn't on the toliet, but a thought hit me...Is it possible to get 5 minutes on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, by the end of this calendar year.  Like, for real...I'm thinking about starting a campaign, for simply "5 minutes", and if he could schedule me for a Friday Night, and put Paris Hilton on the co-billing, preferably  "5 Good Minutes" on The Tonight Show.  I know, I'll have a lot to say, and laugh and giggle about.  If anybody knows Mr. Leno's contacts let him know a kid in Miami Beach, wants 5 mintutes and be out.  I ain't joking.

Po' Po'.  Does anybody else feel like they are like 1mph from getting pulled over right now?  Or that they are just one roll....ling stop from being on the next Cops:  Tase Them and Tease Them episode?  I love and respect all Cops cuz it's a tough job...just sometimes I feel like they see this guy in a certain ride or on a certain Vespa, and get all suspicious.  They zoom 3 lanes over to get behind you, or speed up on ur back like a train being ran on a fresh...I can't say that.  But they like try to intimidate you.  And I don't believe it's even race related.  Just sometimes...the 'look of wealth' can cause suspicion...I know I ain't the only one who has been blessed with nice toys, and who's had nice toys in the passenger seat as well (I'm so getting myself the sock in the mouth tonight!), but if u feel me, just wave ur hand in the air.  If u don't keep living, and once u get some of Heaven's toys u'll know exactly how we feel.  Ain't that line in a song?

Quirky.  That 'ness is really sexy to me right now.  Really...I ask L. Rosay who's the weirdest girl she knows?  She told me somebody, but I think if u have a weird quality about u, that's actually cool.  Male or Female.  That makes u unique.  One thing about us, is that we are self-named Connoisseur in Smelltology.  Like I smell like...everything.  Well, almost. (With a smile)  I smell shoes, food of course...back in the day used to put our hands in between our socks and then smell our hands again.  What?!!  Who didn't get that Corn Chips high?!  I think u could blindfold me and I could name the scent, and the year..."Ah...That's a pack of Upper Deck Basketball Cards circa '91 or '92"  We serious dude.

Rest.  Ain't it a trip trying to live it up also find rest ur mind, body and Seoul.  Living in the M.I.A., can geeked up ur mind.  U see guys staying up like all night, then going straight from the club to the gig, without a wrinkle in their face or anything.  U like, "How they do it?"  I pick my spots, nowadays, I can still hang out late into the wee, but now I gotta like pre-plan the plan.  U know...Ok.  I work til 7pm tomorrow, so I can hang out til 1am, but I gotta be at the gym with at least 6 hours sleep, and then I gotta work the next day at 9am, so when the last call for alcohol comes around, I gotta make sure I beat the parking lot traffic, and hit that first light by that church on Brickell Ave., cuz if I hit that, I can be back at the beach in 10 minutes.  If I miss it, then I'm gonna hit every light from the Four Seasons through Bayside through The Triple A, and this can turn into a  30 trip, which leaves me off for sleep time, and....When ur busy, u have to now party like ur...well...busy.  Capiche.

Stockholm.  This might just be my next stop, whenever I leave this country.  Got some info on it, and I like it.    This Scandinavia capital city, just may be "The Spot."  Modern.  While also being old school.  Eclectic.  Scenic. Great day and nightlife.  Yeah...I like it a lot.  Don't be surprised if u hear about us being over there.  It's gonna happen here...soon.

Time's getting short.  I keep on saying that each post is getting closer to the end of us keeping our diary in the public view.  Let's all just enjoy each line and word, just may be the last time.  Keep saying that...but we're right where we wanna be.

Underdog.   Does anybody else like think they just love the underdog role?  We've said this before, but do ur juices like flow when ur doubted or rejected or been told that u was gonna get a phone call, so u rearrange ur whole day, setting ur phone up on the charger like the Holy Grail, and make sure u got a signal, even fake calling urself, only to find out that this person ain't thinking bout u, and they end up going out dating somebody else, that leaves u wondering how can they wanna pass on the open doors of a Ferrari, while breaking into the windows of a AMC Pacer?  Then got the nerve to walk past you smiling and holding hand...Come down Austin...Come Down.  As u can see I never take anything personal.  And I've never been in that situation...Remember...The fuel becomes the fire.  And if u let tha fire burn, it becomes something NOBODY can ever put out.  Moving on.....

Vests.  Vests are making a serious comeback with us fellas.  Vests and ties, I love the dressing up style, myself.  U just feel different.  Our wardrobe has changed significantly over the last few months.  Now it's more...Ah...well, let's be honest.  Our clothes has a "Sex Symbol" theme.  Don't believe me, then stay tuned, and u'll see for urself.  

Wow!  I'm in love this word.  That's all.

X-Files.  I was thinking about this "relationship" question all day today.  Is is ok for u to approach somebody if they have a boy or girlfriend?  Like if u come along, they might be in a bad relationship and needs somebody to tell them they deserve better.  Is that breaking up a white picket fence home or is that just being real?  Just food for thought.  I'm not a homebreaker, but it's AMAZING how many people end up married, after they first met their future mate...while they were in a relationship.  A-MAZ-ING! 

Zzzzz....U know what that means.  I'm giving my best.  My heart and soul.  From a crazy guy who ONLY wants to luv and have fun.  Tonight was special, nothing like this won't happen again...I think.  Just want to make sure everybody feels "us".  Our energy...our fun level...our excitement...everything.  It's jumping off in our life, and I think it's something to cherish.  Hopefully, we can take u on a journey of a lifetime.  One that won't ever happen again....

As we said before....



Austino Galaxia.

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