Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Assignment: The Moment

And on the last episode of The New Adventures of Austino Galaxia....


Did I just hear a door slam?

Now I'm at this point in our life where it's all about having fun.  Not too concerned about money.  Just fun.  FUN!

...for some strange reason it feels like she was in here...What's this though?  Is this a Chanel wallet?...

The Boss.  011-21-324-692-2413

...we all know who I need to talk to...

On today we now have...Please Enjoy!  


"I just can't stand these heels sometimes.  I know I paid like a Beverly Hills mortgage for these stilettos but still this is ridiculous."

(Whew-Whoo!!  Mamacita!)

"Great now I got all these guys whistling at me now, you would think that they never seen a pair of puppies and a nice toosh before.  I feel like I'm in Rio...Anyway, I'm not in tha mood for all this not tonight anyway...you know what I'm just gonna take of...Ah...these...Ah...that's better...these-shoes and barefoot it the rest of the way.  I'm close to Ocean Drive anyway and...why do I see so much like garnet and gold being worn around my hot...No...Please say that these folks are here for this Orange Bowl thingy or..."


"I like need some sleep and I need some right now.  Excuse me...excuse me...Like, thank you.  It's ridiculous all you have to go through just to make it back to your room.  This has been a rough last few days for tha girl.  I almost don't know what to do.  Before I go up to my suite, let me see if Yammi is in his room."

(Knock, Knock, Knock!)

'Oh, no I loves you my dumpling...Yes, I knows I'm incredible, I's knows zhis...Tell me this ladies...Can James Bonds ah....loves u better zhan zhis?!!  I'll's be ah...right back...'

(Door Opens)

'Ah...Julia!  I wasn't a expecting...'

"No small chit chat Yammi, we have to tal....who are they?"

'Well, ah...last night was a goods night.  New Year's Eve in Miami...ah...Me Amo Miami!'

"I don't know what they're doing here and...is that a tiger chained to the end of the bed...post?  Look, Yammi, I know you all were having some kind of Rolling Stones mixed with some Siegfried and Roy type of party going on in here.  And if I wasn't tired, I would probably join in, but..."

'You's would??'

"No.  But these Juicy Couture trinkets have got to go.  We have business to talk about."

(Listen I'm not leaving until I get paid my 300...)

'Ah...McNuggets...Yes...You wanted 300 McNuggets from ah...Mickey D's.  Zhe one on Alton Road is ah...24 Hours so I'll's take cares of-it.  Ladies...Ladies...please, just wait in zhe other room and we'll even add extra sweet sauce zhis time.  And please don't drag zhe bed sheets as you prance your naked body into zhe...(Slam!)...next room.  Ah...Julia zhis better be goods, I flew zhem from Los Angeles just for zhis night so...'

"Please, they are just some chongas that you met while walking the streets last night.  They couldn't get into Kaskade concert at the club, so u whispered something in French and wa-lah...naked girls everywhere."

'It wasn't ah..Kaskade, it was DJ Clue for your in-for-ma-shone.  (said with four finger snaps) So...how did you's make it out of zhe Galaxia showroom?'

"I made a bee-line for it.  He came in, and he smelled my perfume immediately and began to get suspicious.  After he looked around his place, he had to go to the bathroom.  I was a little nervous because I know that Austino always uses the bathroom in his place with the door open.  But at this point I had no choice so I just ran.  Being underneath his bed was too much for this gal.  I haven't done anything like that since..."

'Since ah...grade school.  Zhat's why I love you Brazilian women, always living on zhe edge.'

"You know what Yammi....this ain't the time."

'Where were you last ah...night?'

"Partying but that's a whole 'nother story.  Um..."

'At least you's didn't leave zhat ah...purse that Galaxia bought for you on your two-week anniversary.'

"My purse!!  Oh know!!!"

'Honey please don't tell me you...'

"Be calm...be calm...when was the last time I had it?  Let's see, I went to see Pitbull...hung out at the Hyde Lounge..."

'Is zhat good?  I heard after zhe Heat games that club be jump..'

"Shhh!  Let me think.  I think the last place I had it was..."

(Don't talk...Baby just move with me...Take a...)

'We all know who zhat is don't we Miss Ju-lee-ah!'

"Yammi...Whatever...I've handled tougher things like when Becks was dating Vicki and caught me one night outside of Manchester.  I can handle this..."

'Wait...you cheated on Austino Galaxia with David Beckh...?'

(Don't talk...Baby just move with me...Take a...)

"NOT NOW YAMMI!!  Ok...Hello?"

Hey, Angelica.

"Hi, babe!  How are you doing?  Happy New Year Hun!"

Whatever...I'm not into fun just on one day or year, it's about...never mind.

"I would think that you would be partied out for the holiday?  All these single girls waiting for that kiss at Midnight, looking for a guy like you, what's wrong?"

Just don't feel up to it.  Huh.  I actually slept through most of the night except for the fireworks going on here in the beach area.  I think they went off before 12 O'Clock really.  But it is what it is.  And today was just so...I got some air earlier today.  Went for a long walk all around South Beach, it's a great place to just get some early morning air you know.

"I know."

I came back and been basically bumming around.  Reading this Agassi book, watching DVD's, and I think I found a new favorite TV show called Mystery Diners .  I'm not sure if it's staged or not, but the service that you can get from some of these restaurants are just horrible.

"I knooow!  I remember you saying that you won't ever eat at a Ruby...what was it?"


"Yeah...you said you won't ever eat there again because of some waitress girl like talking about some gang talk or something.  Like totally un-professional, u know."

Well, that wasn't the real reason.  She did act Ghe-To-Tha-To, but I can handle that.  I like a little gangsta in my girls, that's why I dated you.


But the service was bad, and my sandwich was like cold as a cut sandwich so never again.


What's so funny?

"No, it's just that I like it when you play on words, babe.  It makes me giggle.  He-He!  He-He!"

Listen.  We gotta talk.  


I came back from a trip and I notic...

"Oh, how was it?"

Not now...I noticed some intriguing stuff in my place.

"How so?"

Well, first off...I immediately smelled a scent of perfume that only you wear.  It was all over my showroom.  Everywhere except the usual place I used to smell it.

"Where was that?"

The bed.

"So...you smelled the scent of my perfume, maybe a neighbor may have been walking by.  Or even...you know, you told me that Maria, your land lady has a key to you place, maybe she checked things out, and before she went in, decided to spray on some good good...yeah, that's what happened.  She was probably checking to make sure everything was alright."

Really.  Well...I was chilling and I noticed this purple Chanel handbag purse that approximately cost $3,295 and 37 cents was sitting on my white sheets of my bed.

"For real."

Yeah.  And what's even more intriguing is that you're the only person who has this bag cuz I special ordered it for you.

"Well I..."

Don't you even try to deny this.  This isn't a episode of Cheaters...To make matters worse I pick it up and see a business card from "The Boss"?  With a number...and then some photos of me and you fall out.  



"Surprise!!  I wanted to surprise you for New Year's I thought that it could just be like old times again and..."

How come whenever I find happiness, you always try to come back into the fold.  Huh?  I'm just so tired of these girls I'm interested in having this "I want you...I don't want you...I want nobody else to want you attitude" where it's like we're done, but u still wanna hold on as well. I don't get it.  I really don't.  I've moved on.

"But do you remember New Year's last year when we were in Mexico...and how we just laid on the sand...and how I gave you a private..."

That was good, I remember vividly. I mean Everytime I hear Santana's 'Smooth' I think about your private show.  But I have to move on.  The past is now my past.  I'm just livin' and even though your attractive and every guy wants to be with you, I'm not sure if I can go down that avenue again.  Especially after you...

"IT WAS A MISTAKE OK!  IT WAS ONLY FOR ONE NIGHT AND...(Sniff, Sniff)...you're holding it against me for the rest of my life." (Sniff)

Whatever.  So I take it you're still in Miami, right.  And who's this 'Boss' fellow.  Is he your new boyfriend or what not?

"No...he's just an associate.  Somebody I know.  That's all."

And pictures of us and me from a few days ago?  I mean it's like you've been spying on me or something.


Ok.  Since you're still in my town...we need to talk.  Here's tha deal.  I wanna meet you right now...

"But I gotta..."

No excuses.  Meet me outside of Prime 112 later tonight around 1am.  And we'll go for a walk down to South Pointe Park.  You better be there or it's really over.  U got it.

"Whatever...I'll be there."

You betta.


'Are you's ah...ok, Julia.'

"Not really.  But does it even matter anymore."

'It ah...actually does because ah..Ginger, Peaches and ah...Bubbles have been in zhe other room during zhis Days of Our Lives mo-ment, and I'm holding Ginger's ah...brazier so I would like to get back to...'

"Whatever makes you happy Yammi.  I gotta go get ready to meet my...so called 'Ex'."

'Hey...Make him want you.'


'Ah...Make him want you.  Make him want you like never before.  Plus, get some info on hims...I need to shows zhe boss that I've been work, and not just play.'

"I will."

(Door Shuts...Click.)

"I'm gonna make Austino want me like never before.  Plus, I'm gonna make him spill out his every feeling he has for me and whatever else is on his mind.  He thinks he's so Samson strong...But he can't resist me, he can't.  I guess it's time to play the Deliah role.  He says he's moved on from his past...Well he's gonna have to show me."

"Or better yet, I'm going to show him."


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