Sunday, January 6, 2013

Words from Austino Galaxia's Soul.

This is gonna be an old school post, no drama, no skit, no script, just us, Austin...or Austino Galaxia.  I don't know why I'm writing this right now, but I guess I need to take it back to how we used to do things within our diary.  U know, before all the Hollywood writing that has been happening over the last several weeks.  C'mon now, nobody's been ready for all this.  Let's be quite honest, cuz I know that I haven't.  I'm just a kid who loves to have fun, and who's been expressing it in a creative way.  Now that we are living it up, we begin to think about how can one take things to the next level.  Humm???

If you've been reading our stuff, even before we have been living in this sitcom drama starring Yammi, Tha Boss, and the ever beautiful Julia Angelica Gutierrez, u've seen our life from a very unique perspective.  I think if you dig even deeper into the characters you can see some very good analogies for different parts of our life.  I'll leave that for you to decipher.  (Oh, how I luv using tha big words!!) But, it's been as we write on this Sunday, we are deciding which way to turn.  Do we wanna dig full time into continuing with this unique script...would it be cool to go back to how we used to tell just how our life unfolds with photos and videos as such...Should we stop writing period?  Let me hit the pause button on life's DVR for a minute and elaborate.

How many times have we threatened to just hang 'em up from penning our life?  I feel like a guy in a relationship with a mad beauty of a girl, which no matter how much u wanna leave, u just keep coming back, u know.  There is something just exhilarating from us just writing.  Maybe it's because I know that we're living a lifestyle that won't ever be duplicated again.  Maybe it's because that we feel like somebody, somewhere, at some moment might need a blueprint on how to deal with life, self-doubt, girls (Did I just write that?!), money, fame, and the feeling of wanting to become the best at being  I'm one of the most egotistical people you've never met.  And I'm one of the most humble people that you've met as well.  That contradiction alone is worth a Oliver Stone movie.   I feel like my whole life is about all these Ying and Yangs...

I watch what I eat, and don't like to eat certain things consistently like red meat, yet I can sit through a whole marathon of Guy Fieri Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on a Saturday night...Or I the type of person who looks at a pair of nice Emporio Armani undies (Limited Edition Italian Green and Red stripes) and think, "Man, $22 for a pair of these boxer briefs is so cheap."...Yet on the other hand, be like, "You gotta be kidding me, they want $3.29 for a box of Eggo waffles...Obama where are you at when I need you!!"  I guess that's what makes us who we are, and there are a lot more things I can get into, but why don't you just look at some of our old posts and you can see what craziness lies beneath our skin.  Speaking of which, I totally got to exfoliate my face here soon... have to protect the 'money maker' u know!

Oh boy, I had plans on walking down here to Ocean Drive to check out this BCS football fan fest thing they have going on, but...I'm getting a sense that I need to write right now, we are, and you get something even more special and just for you....


So where do we this might just turn into a tell-all.  Perhaps this is a sneak preview into what's too come.  Alright, here we go...

So a new year is upon us, and it doesn't seem like it really.  I mean 2013?  That doesn't even sound right, does it?  But I'm not concerned about making this year, the best year or what not...our thoughts are in starting something special.  I know in this diary you hear us talk about having our own "era", something that you can relate to.  When I was a kid, that was how I was brought up in a way.  In sports, u had the "Magic-Bird" era, "The Bulls" era, "The Steroid" era (No comment on that) and others who had their hey day like Tyson or Sampras or those old Cowboys teams in Dallas.  In fashion, I grew up directly in what we know as the "Brand era" when a shirt that simply said, Versace or Calvin Klein or Polo or Nautica of DKNY could be sold for many a dollars just by having a few letters on it.  I'm not even talking about FUBU, or Von Dutch or what was that brand that had the Disney characters on it?  Oh, yes...Iceburg.  That was the environment I was branded into in a way.  It seemed like every person or product that had any relevance in life from Hummer to MTV Spring Break's to Babyface to Lexus to Video Vixens to Hype Williams to Bad Boy Records to Nike to Discman's to neon color outfits to Anna Kournikova to dating someone of a different race being ultra taboo to dating someone of a different race being the "it" thang, we've lived through seemingly it all, but not everything.  Huh.

What makes all those things so unique is that even though people claim everybody has their 15 minutes of fame, these trends or people of celebrity seemingly had more than that.  Some 30 minutes, some 45, others had like an afternoon special worth.  But for several years and some decades, even though they might not know it, they had...their time. Maybe it was too much of me watching those tabloid shows like Hard Copy or A Current Affair, or Inside Edition that has brainwashed my way into that kind of upbringing, but I guess I always just believed in becoming a star and being The Best...and just living in a way that when you say our name or read our diary or just being around us, that you get a sense or tingling that you are around something special and unique.  Not from a look at me standpoint, but from a we're having fun...together standpoint.  That's what we've always wanted...and that's been a prayer to be used in a way that hasn't been done before...ever.

With all those dreams and goals and stuff, I have had to learn...a lot.  Others who strive for different goals and having their dreams come true also find themselves wondering, "Is it worth it?" and definitely wondering "I didn't think it would have to be so hard."  People from the outside in, can sometimes say things like "Keep ur head up" or "They said it wasn't supposed to be easy" or "Love will happen when u least expect it", but until you go through it...until u've had people diss you, or tell you 'no' when u want better for them than they even want for themselves or until you've had friendships or relationships end with a kiss (I don't even wanna kiss a girl anymore cuz that could mean the end!!  Huh, or maybe I should 69 kiss the other set of lips and maybe...).  But I'm being real, and I know others feel us, and if they don't perhaps they aren't striving to become something and someone better than what they are.  It can be a grind.  They claim that much given, much expected.  And being a leader of any kind ain't easy.  It can sometimes make you feel like ur just in an army  Like doesn't anybody else wanna have fun for a night without having to do with sex.  Doesn't anybody wanna go to the other side of town even though u don't know anybody there?  Is there somebody, somewhere, who's been a while since I've heard somebody say, "I can't do that" or "I can't eat that", sometimes just to hear that once will propel u to a whole 'nother level since we live in a society where any and every thing goes.  Huh.

As I've grown younger...That wasn't a typo either...we've learned that it can be so easy to confirm to the status quo.  Especially, when what you've been doing hasn't translated into the success that u've wanted.  U just be like, "forget this", I've been trying to hold this high standard of success and it hasn't brought me nothing but nights cradling a pillow and days eating pork and beans, while using the water inside the can for a ghetto brewski.  While this guy or girl, is doing whatever, and gets to travel the world, eat without gaining a pound, and is banging all the South Beach sexys.  That's when you really have to look within...and keep digging.  And that's when the true and real you come out.

The other day someone asked that I think about it, I'm getting asked this question more often. Interesting.  My Mom asked me the other day (Luv Ya!  Pops too!)  and this guy asked me basically how to define beauty.  With the guy I told him a few names that I thought was pretty...With my Moms I told her it was really impossible to define "my type".  I say this because much of what has been written in this diary has been about some of our love experiences and such.  As I told my Mom, I don't think there's been anybody...and I mean this...ANYBODY who's been around more beautiful women than we have.  From physical standpoint to a coolness standpoint to...just today I was walking out to go to Fresh Market to go get some milk.  I walk past this door that was open, and I think a new tenant has moved in.  Now on yesterday....I guess this is another story right.  Our life, I tell ya...Now, yesterday, as I was leaving the building to go work out, I opened the door, and this girl to our right was outside near the front window, I walked out, and as it was about to shut, she ran to get it but...Click!  It close.  So after a few steps I doubled back, and told her, "I got ya" like the Lupe Fiasco song says, and opened the door back up from her.  She said, "Thank you" in this very Czechoslovakian type accent.  And I thought, that she's really attractive with her curly blond hair, eyes, and sexy build.  I would have opened it for anybody, especially since I've seen her before so I knew she lived inside tha joint.  But sometimes u're just like...huh.

So on today, as I pass this apartment door parted open with the TV blasting I walk past and didn't look inside but looked inside, and I sensed that's where that girl lives that we helped.  Or at least has something to do with her.  So as I take a walk in South Beach, we think, I should learn more about that girl.  Just how she was in bed with the door wide open, it seems like sumthing u know.  We get our stuff and head back home, and as we approach our place, we think "Should we or shouldn't we?"  Led to let the moment speak, and let things come to us, and just happen.  So we come to our gate, and I noticed this bath towel hanging over it.  I unlock the gate, and next thing I know it, I see this girl standing there in a black one piece bathing suit right in front of the door.  We're thinking, "This is wild".  I walk to the door, exchange a "Good Morning" and she replied to us, even though she was on the phone, and I walked in, like...the things I see.  The girls we've been associated with and all these stories, make it impossible for us to really describe how we define beauty or our type.  Cuz it comes in so many ways.  One thing I can say is this, some have found their "one", which is mad unique and cool.  But for some reason God as allowed us to go through so much.  And to be exposed to so many situations, that I have to share them.  Even though I don't want to.

Where was we?  I guess I was talking about our definition of what attracts us.  The biggest thing that life can deal you is an open mind to what is possible.  Just because you haven't met a Jewish, blond hair, beauty with smarts and who likes to rock Jordan's doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  That's so true.  Once you've been exposed to so many experiences, that can only come by living your life to the fullest, u begin to see that it's a whole nother realm that exists, and it also helps you learn what turns you on, and what doesn't.  I think I learned this in school, the larger the sample size, more than likely the better results you'll get.  Now I can run right now off of that!  Think about it, if u only talk to one or two guys then u're opinion is really just formed off of those one or two experiences.  Now if you interact with say 50, then you really get to see what you like, and dislike...wrong word.  What you can stand more than what you can't stand.  That's the positive twist you have to add, when you've gone though confusions or heartbreaks or the wondering of "Why am I going through this again?" or "How can they choose to be with that person when I KNOW I'm better than them."  But that's the thing, it's not about being better all the time, but about who u can connect best with.

I really don't want this to turn into a love section, but we've got experiences, so...There was a point not too long ago, like two days ago really, when I was just like, "Why does love have to be so dag gone complicated?"  Why can't somebody who loves sports like A.C. Slater, has the swag of Zach Morris, sometimes have to go through the struggle of Screech Powers?  The ---- just doesn't make any sense.  But that's when it hit us can I put this...Beauty is within every one of us.  And we should feel so blessed to be able to have gone through what we've gone through and survived??  Who does that without killing themselves or getting strung out of coke, to just be here is a blessing.  For real, and sometimes challenges allow you to see what the future holds.  If it wasn't hard...It's good that one can go through so much and say, "I don't really have a type".  Cuz that means that you're not pigeon toeing urself into thinking only one physical or personality type will perk your interest.  I guess I've been there on that.  For a while I thought that I'm only gonna be with girl who's blond and has a golden beach tan.  Then u see something else, and ur like, alright I like a Hispanic girl who is curvy and likes to dance...then u meet someone else, and think "Wow!" I have to erase that cuz now I like girls from Europe or a doll who likes to read or who's smart and geeky or likes to burp outloud or who likes to party or who likes to dresses like a South Beach girl or loves Hip Hop or loves...this list goes on.  And sometimes God, no...God brings you through certain situations to really make you see what you want, and what you need.  Real talk.  So getting back to the topic of true beauty.  It really depends on tha person.  As with us, she just has to be cool and has a presence of being differnt.  I personally think that I'm gonna end up with somebody that's so sexy that nobody really goes after her cuz guys think she's taken or stuck up.  I believe that's who I'm gonna end up with, cuz that trait and that feeling can only resonate with that innocent circumstance.  And really the only one who can truly relate to what I've been through in our love life.

Is this real enough for you or not?  I'm just gonna tell it bro.  Don't like it, stop reading and take this from ur bookmarks page. U gotta go through something in order to get what u really want.  I used to resist this type of thinking.  All last year...I mean ALL, seemingly I just kept saying, "Why is it so hard?" or "This is so hard."  You would think I was some kind of rock builder by how many times we've said that.  But that was the point.  It was supposed to be hard.  Yep, u were supposed to go through all the trials and the nights of reflection.  Cuz if you hadn't then you would not be ready for what really is about to happen.  We, as humans, can get so caught up into where we think we should be, not knowing that something better awaits you...if you wait...and more importantly endure.  It's like a girl going to a bar, and going home with the first guy you see, and ask you too.  He may be cool, but if u wait u might get someone better.  No guarantee, but u never know.   At least wait until they play "The Sign" by Ace of Base, duh!!  So there are many times prerequisites to success just like in a college course.  Those prerequisites can be very hard, but if you want it bad enough u'll do whatever and go through whatever it takes to get it.  It's just like trying out for American Idol.  Some people may be like, I don't wanna go through all that, waiting in line, trying to impress these judges, and there are so many people.  While that special person will be like, I don't care how tough the odds are, I'm gonna be that one.  I wanna be that one.  I'm gonna be that one.

Life has a funny way of working itself out.  Right when u think all hope is gone, that's when something special happens to you, to let you know that you're right there.  Just don't give up, not after u've gone through all this.  I don't know why I wrote like this, maybe this is a sara-nara, misspelled word...or maybe it's a new beginnning.  I think our days of trying to prove ourself or make somebody love you, on how you think a person or a job wants you to be accepted.  Now it's about  A person who's constantly evolving and a person who's gonna use all the experiences to mold us into who I want to be.  Which is somebody who lives life, shares his wisdom nuggets, and who has the most fun around.  Period.  Once again, there's another level.  No need to settle.  I haven't.  I won't.

But what I will do is constantly and consistently be on our 'A' game.  The rallying cry for us has been, "Now or Never."  You're gonna get the best of me.  U may like it, u may not, but we will be in top form.  I feel like, and so should you if u've endured, that now is ur time to rock 'n roll.  That era we talked about earlier is now upon us, and when u've been waiting all ur life for something like this, u know that ur ready.  And u know how appreciative u are for it.  A time to laugh.  A time to have fun.  A time to love.  A time of newness.

First the struggle...then the paradise.

I'm ready.

That's not the question...the question is...

Are u?

Cuz it may be argued if it's really the best era or not....But one thing that won't be argued is that's it is the most fun.

The ultimate compliment from what u see or read about us, will reflect that.  And we just want you to say...

That's Austino Galaxia.

Love him or hate him,  there will never be another one like him.

Never ever?


Austino Galaxia.

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