Saturday, February 2, 2013

Better Late Than Really Late.

Where do we begin?

Let's begin, by taking a look...back.

Well...If you've been reading our diary throughout these year and an half, u noticed that February has a special month in this diary.  On last year, we dedicated the ENTIRE MONTH to that crazy thang called...Love.  Through February of 2012, we enlisted guest interviews, our feelings on love, as well as we told some very personal stories about our love life, which has been wild, seemingly from the get.  U should take a look back if u get a chance.  It was some classic stuff!  So what do we do for an encore?  We're thinking...we're thinking....

Our life is going to a whole 'nother level.  I've thought about stop writing for a while just to let our diary...breathe.  Somebody told me that I should like take a grip off, and "hide in an attic" for while.  Wouldn't that be wild...Our thang is that we want this diary to be...special.  That every time u read a post, u see that something different is in the air, and a part of excitement captures this website.

How about love letters?  But how...maybe we should write love letters to commemorate this month of ours?  But why should I even do anything, I mean if anybody has a right to "hate" this month, it should be us right?  I...just...don't...know...what...2 do.  I guess it'll hit us in the moment.

Everything is brand new.  Still getting some wild Hollywood stories.  This guy the other day...I was on a side street on like 21st and Collins Ave. here in South Beach.  And I'm walking, and this guy in a black SUV pulls up behind me, and is like, "Excuse Me?" I turn back and stop..."Do you speak...Italian?"  I'm thinking as I look into his ride, like, "Is this gonna turn into some Sopranos type of go down is it?"  I tell him, 'No.', and then he asks me, "Do you's speak...French?"  I wanted to tell my dude, "The only languages I speak fluently is English and Body, now dude what do u want cuz I just got done with a workout, and if I don't eat no food in the next 42 minutes, to maximize this thang, I'm not gonna be happy."  So he says his English is very little...he begins to speak slooowly with his Italian accent.  He asks if I knew about, "Giorgio Armani".  Do I?  I almost pulled down my pants to show him my undie allegiance to the Armani empire, and then..."Yes, I do" was the response.  So my Italian Stallion began to tell me about this like trade show that's going on at the Miami Beach Convention Center, and he has some suits by Armani himself, and that he's flying back to Milan in the morning, but is gonna get broken off bad with the tax tariffs on the items.  He tells me that he can give them to me for a good price.  Normally, I probably couldn't pass this up, but since I didn't have any cash on me, and since I needed to hit up Walgreen's for a 2 for $4 special on some Blue Diamond almonds, thus I couldn't pull the Steinbrenner deal. He zoomed off after I told him that.  Real quick!   But the things I see...

Then right after that I'm walking and these construction dudes were walking, with one of them holding a freakin' huge plank of ceiling tile or something on top of his shoulder.  Both of them were walking diagonally directly my way, and I stopped and stepped to the side so they could pass.  Can a guy get a 'thank you' or 'Gracias' or something.  That's something that disgusts me here in Miami, and more specifically South Beach is the code of conduct when it comes to...Sidewalk walking.  I mean, do u really have to take up the entire sidewalk?  And when ur caked up with your girl, and the both of you are walking as a couple, or acting like a couple just in case u see one of ur friends on the sand and u don't want any 'rumor photos' to be scantting along Instagram...but when u two are together, do u really have to walk side by side so nobody can pass by?    I'm really had it, and my just shoulder bump a few guys and girls just to make an example outta somebody.  And I'm not even gonna talk about riding bicycles on the sidewalk....I can understand doing it for a block...I'll even give you a max of two blocks...but to ride you bike on the busy sidewalks of South Beach from like Flamingo Park all the way down to South Pointe Park, and you don't sleep in Spider-Man PJ's or have a pink bedroom dreaming about riding a pony on blue grass, u need to get some training wheels and hit the streets.  I'm not hating, but Sidewalk Laws need to reinforced.  It's becoming dangerous, and more importantly, it makes me so sick.

And on top of this, after those two dudes pass me by, I decided to continue on to like the other side of the opposite block, and these guys did like a ballerina spin and somehow came walking my way...again.  I'm thinking, "This can't be real.  I can't shake these guys.  What do they undercover work for the KGB or something?"  So as they make there way, my way...again...I just let them pass by...still no 'thank you'...still no 'gracias'...and I'm shaking my head like a guy having an X call him 10 more times after he's told her, 'It's over.'  That's paragraph.

That's the toughest thing about being's getting late tonight, but nothing like a late night post right? The toughest thing about being muah, is can I put this...taking the low road or being humble when YOU should be the one who has he ultra snobby attitude.  Maybe that's what's missing in our life.  Just being an arrogant Son of a gun, who show's what he has, talks about how much money is in our pocket and whatever else comes into our heart.  Sometimes I just feel like being...humble, just doesn't cut it anymore.  Definitely down here in Miami where seemingly flash, and I ain't talking about D Wade, is all what people see or talk about.  There are so many mega-times where people say something or brag about something, and  I think to myself, 'If they only knew' or 'That ain't nothing, let me tell you...'  I think as you go up the ladder to success, being humble in an non-humble society can be something to deal with.

I guess that's why we are attracted to things and people in different way than others.  I like girls who are the absolute hottest, but they don't always have to floss it, cuz they know it.  They may work out, and have the bang-ing-est body, but they dress up in a long summer dress or a gown which doesn't even show cleavage or hugs their butt.  As we've said before, it's like a Porsche going 40 mph on the highway. They know they can blow you way...and u know it too, but they don't...and more importantly they pick their spots.  Speaking of which...I'm on a roll now, with some cinnamon butter on top, so just let us go...

Does anybody else feel like they are like being challenged for no reason?  Like, it's a hidden form of hate going on, and u feel it in the air, but...u driving along on the road, and a car is going like 25 mph's in a 45 and as soon as u pass them up, they wanna speed up.  And it's not the typical 3-0-5, "I don't want you to pass me' speed's the "I don't want YOU to pass me" gitty up.  I get that a lot while driving, I don't know if it's jealousies or what (Hey, I spelled it right without a Spellcheck, Yeay!)  But I used to get that like religiously while driving on our Vespa  aka The Grey Ghost.  I'll pull up to a stop light, just chilling, wondering if this is how JFK, Jr. felt, and a car would pull up on my side, like next to me, but 5 feet back from being parallel to me, so I could just feel the eyes on me.  And as soon as the light change or something, they would feel the need to race me outta the blocks.  I mean...?  Or they would feel like they have to rush by us, and then cut us off, just to make a point...Why dude?  I have a freakin' scooter that goes like 40 mph on a good day, it can reach 43 miles per hour if I see a sexy baby girl on Brickell Ave., during lunch break, and u driving a full size vehicle.  What do u have to prove?  I promise u this stuff happens to us...ALL THE TIME.

I think the thing about Miami, and I still love it, don't get it twisted, but sometimes it's like our egos are so sensitive that we can't stand to be one up'd or thinking that we are one upped.  A guy gets a new car, u gotta get one to.  Somebody gets a new cell phone, we gotta get one two.  U spend $200 on bottles, I gotta through down $300.  Somebody gets a silicone booty, I gotta hit up Alton Road and get one also.  I say all this, cuz I fall into that same category sometimes as well!  For real.  I've learned though, to be confortable within ourself, and not trying to prove ourself, every moment of the day.  Or at least, not have to be boastful or vocal about it.  Which goes back to the paragraphs up above, about who we are and perhaps who we should become.

I know we take consistent inventory of ourself.  I'm just gonna be honest, and if you happen to be single, u really take an inventory.  Especially this month, where u like, "I know this person hasn't been through what I've been through, why they get a boyfriend or a girlfriend."  Or u thinking, "Valentine's Day is like a week and an half away, what's gonna go down."  And it's not that u don't know people or have friends of the opposite sex, but believe u me, if u go through a lot of drama or silliness to be honest, u reach a point in ur life where u are just like, "It just may be nice, u know."  And u evaluate what changes u might need to do, or if u need to adjust how u laugh, or the shoes u where, or if u should  attempt a "one night stand" for the whale of it, and a Bucket List of fun.  That's one thing I actually haven't done, huh...But that's when u have to adjust when needed, but also not lose who u are as a person and lose ur edge.  By edge, I mean, what sets u apart from the rest.  I think all that stuff that we talked about above, and just in our life generally.  Sometimes people see you as not like them, or having things they wish they had cuz it's...different from the rest, and get flat out upset about it.

Boy, tonight is getting real.  I've been in some tough situations.  I wonder if I could really...really be close friends with a girl who has a "man".  It can be awkward, cuz sometimes when u get to really know us or the lifestyle of fun that we like to share, the other guy can sometimes...and the girl can begin to like us...and...Does anybody else have this problem?  U just being you, but being you can lead to some intriguing situations that u don't wanna be in.  U just wanna have fun, u know.  I'm not sure why we said that, but oh well.  It's not easy being green.

I'm just about done, I know folks are tired of hearing about this crazy talk, but it's how we feel.  And what's going on.  I think a lot of people don't get the credit they deserve for putting up with what they put up with.  In terms of being hated on, and still pushing on with a smile on their face...In terms of doing things to help their families without getting a "Ta-ta" for their efforts...Sacrificing (Wow!  How many times we've heard this word since we wrote about it a little bit ago.) for the team.  I think nowadays, a lot of things that are special have become an expectation instead of an act of excellence.  Lebron gets a triple-double...Kobe scores 40...Filming a movie here in Miami...Heck, throwing a great bash at a South Beach condo.  Just because u've done it before, just because u might be good at it, doesn't mean it still ain't tough to do.  It may look easy, but it for dag gone sure ain't.

Sometimes just picking out an outfit outta ur closet....just getting ready can be a chore.  It can take u two hours to get ready for something that is only gonna last for a quarter of that time.  Somebody feels me...Getting into the shower, getting ur hair right, brushing ur teeth, putting on deodorant, sometimes throwing in mouthwash, throwing on a pre-party playlist, picking out the right outfit, and trying to remember if the folks who might be there has seen u in a particular tie and shirt or dress and shoe combination, then wondering what underwear to pick out..of course, depending on what the evening may lead to.  If it's a quick ordeal, u might thrown on anything.  If u think it's a long night, u match 'em up tops and bottoms (Although I think a girl who mixes up different bra and panties is sexy as can be.  Really sexy matter of fact...)....And then u think about what lotion to use, after shave lotion, what cologne is acceptable for the evening...It can really take u two hours.  But what I'm saying is that just because things in this life looks easy, and just because acts of greatness can become routine doesn't mean it should be taken for granted.  A ticket to the South Beach Wine and Food festival, is still a ticket to the South Beach Wine and Food festival.  And just because u've might have been there before, doesn't mean that the act should be counted for granted.  And for the price of the tickets, u better eat up everything including the napkins!

I'm gonna leave with this.  I think having true faith in a goal or in urself is the belief that something is gonna come true when u have no proof of it actually happening.  That's true faith.  Can u believe when u think about nothing but rejections or that big number of zero staring u in your eyes.  I was watching the replay of the Lakers game against Minnesota from last night.  And Mullys was talking about this new way of playing with Bryant passing the ball to help his teammates, and how it seems to be working with them winning.  He was talking about how winning cures all, and if you don't win, even though u're playing well, u still question the system.  I thought about all the self-reflective moments we've had, where u know that ur playing well, u know u doing what u think is right, u know that u look ultra-hot, and yet things still don't go ur way.  And u feel like, "If I could get just one win."..."If that one person would just see...".  That's when u have to have true faith, that even though it hasn't happened yet, or it may seem possible, there's still a chance.  Just because u haven't dance with anybody at the party, doesn't mean that the entire night is gonna be like that.  That person might creep up right as the lights come on, for that last song.

I want things now, so bad to be perfect. I feel like I've earned that right, and have earned that "perfect beginning" to our story.  I get snobby like, "Why I have to deal with this situation?"  or "Is this what I get for following God?"  or "I should just be normal, and try to fit in with the norm."  But there is still time on the clock...still time.  And to still a line from Kells:

The depth of my struggle will determine the height of my success.

I know how it feels to be on the sideline while the parade goes by.  I also know what it feels like to be in the parade.  Now I wanna be the Grand Marshall of the thing.  Just maybe I'm crazy for saying all this...But just think about it, what if I'm right.  What if this diary or the thoughts of just having fun is part of this "era" we've dreamed about having on this world.  It could be crazy talk, it could also be pure genius.  And just because u  are the first doesn't mean that u are the best.  Sometimes it pays to be forced to be patient.  And even though we live in a new style way of thinking, some things don't change.  And there was a saying that used to be said a lot while growing up...

Saving the best for last.

Everybody's had their turn....Now it's ours.

And I hope everybody's ready...

Cuz u place a $100 bet in Vegas, that I am.

The odds on that is one to one.

U can bet ur arse that we're ready.

R U?

Austino Galaxia.

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