Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Poem Of Sight.

(Tonight, once again, is gonna be different.  If you've been reading throughout our diary, you'll see that I love to write some poems every now and then...Right now, I'm really...really...little emotional, to say the least.  So I hope that you can feel every single emotion within us as u read may be funny, it may be sad, it may just be the craziest thing u've ever read...or it might be the best.  We have no idea where it's gonna lead, just let The Author in the Sky direct us, and let's see what shall happen.  (Huge Blow)....Here we go...)

Our mind often wonders, like many,
Just how long it will take.
You've been on this road, for years,
Like the infinity sign for God's sake.

Now it's different, like never before,
And I can feel it in the air.
It used to be fun as roses,
Or even a trip to the County Fair.

Seemingly, we're at that special time in life,
One every one stops upon at one point.
The one where u have to make that decision,
Go hard, or simply quit and smoke a joint.

I'm starting to feel this thing y'all,
When I say that u better beware.
Just let me go, don't interrupt me,
A text or call, u betta not dare.

I'm mad.  Quite simple.
Just like my boy LL Cool J did shout.
We're determined to make a point,
And my Papa up above said go and knock urself out.

Am I the only one who simply feels, ready,
For a change of a lifetime.
Like they've been through it all now,
And now it's time for just a little sunshine?

Is that too much to ask for?
I mean, I know I'm kind of snobby.
But, that's who I am, who've I've become,
I've now taken up "Never Again" as my new hobby.

Some people who read this may wonder,
Why doesn't he just shut up, he has the life.
Got the money, Got the location,
Where are you coming with all this strife?

See, that's what I'm talking about,
Right here, now and clearer than ever.
Our life is so much more than meets the eye,
If u figured it out, u're so totally clever.

This is the problem with life,
We look so much at things through sight.
But it's what you can't see, those dreams,
Or nightmare days that keep one up at night.

Tonight, we're gonna just let loose,
Like we're back in circa 2K 11.
Back when life was a little more tame,
When I had a little taste of Heaven.

This is just the intro folks,
So get ur popcorn ready.
Call ur friends, Cancel that date,
Maybe pop in No Doubt's Rock Steady.

I'm gonna take you on a ride,
Perhaps the last one of it's kind.
So sit back, and clear you head,
The title of this one is...

Faith Blind.

We're a dreamer, like others,
Just we dream that things will become new.
Blame it on our childhood, or those Bible verses,
Heck, blame it on us eating glue.

Don't act like you've never done it,
Surprisingly not many have tried.
Don't folks know the coolest people do it,
Elmer's is easily in my last meal top five.

I just think anything is possible,
Even those things never seen.
I like those things even more,
Those get the honors most deservedly deemed.

I don't know, I just think life is cool,
And each day is so like dope.
It's better than any artificial high,
Well, better than sex, I don't know,
 I better not go down that slippery slope.

Maybe I want too much out of life,
The babes, the life, all that's South Beach.
The ride, The mansion,
Oh...and 2 Broke Girls to be interrupted,
For my Sexiest Man Alive Speech.

What I'm finding out though,
That's is sooo tough to find a mind alike.
Disappointed so many times,
It's like flying Virgin America from Miami on a flight.

U think, Does anybody care,
Or have we all just settled for something less.
Have we just thrown our hands up,
Is it now acceptable to Lance Armstrong on the test?

No pun intended, but it's true,
I'm tired of seeing...settle.
You can do better, I know it,
Ur boiling water in a stupid pan,
When in front of you is a golden tea kettle.

That's what's been on our mind, as of late,
Austino, u might have to lower ur level.
But why should I, I'm really pretty simple,
A face like an angel, who can suck like a dirt devil!

Now I'm just joking really,
And I'm not gonna talk about that love thing...yet.
U know that's later in this poem,
Almost like taking the Patriots in a Super Bowl bet.

I do feel that way though, like,
What has been created.
U try to just be urself,
The more u do, the more u wanna be sedated.

I may be the only who feels this way,
If so, I guess as the Beatles say, "Let It Be".
More and more, I think I'm like a blueprint,
One for the present and future to see.

It's like no matter what you do,
The script has already been done.
But u still wonder the what's the next turn,
Is Galaxia and Julia Angelica gonna go back to having fun?

That's an inside joke, from the last episode of our script,
Where those 2 are gonna me for a mini-date.
I don't even know what's gonna happen next,
So read it right here, right now, before it's too late.

I like the city of Miami,
It in many ways describes us to a tee.
A big town, small town feel,
I think I know the names of even every flea.

It's fun, it's beachy,
It's why people wanna come and joy.
It's sexy, It's artsy,
It's where u wanna catch that new boy toy.

Let me stop right here, and don't get offended,
But those last two words are personal to me.
Nothing I can do, or even say,
I just wonder is all that people in me see?

A boy toy, very interesting,
I wrote about that a long time ago.
It's like people think play with you, and gawk,
Or even eat you like some new play-doh.

Yeah, I ate that too as a kid,
No wonder I'm so crazy.
Jokes aside though...I shake our head,
Even strangers give an eye so doughnut glazy.

When u push and push,
U just wanna see some kind of change.
All this effort and no results,
U feel like an outcast, and ever so deranged.

Why does everybody get theirs?
And they work so less.
It's like a parade being thrown,
And u didn't even invite the band best.

I might just have to change, u know,
Just roll with all the punches.
I can do that with the best of them, believe me,
I should sit back, and stop doing all these crunches.

Yeah, yeah, that's it, be normal.
Isn't that the phrase of 20 one three?
The economy stinks, jobs are less,
And what's life is the Lakers can't win a straight three?

But freakin' A, No...not yet,
Yet it's temptation at its peak.
It's like being in the room with Pamela, Lil Kim,
And every other sexy little freak.

You look, see, and think,
Is it worth it anymore?
Feel like Hugh Grant in Love Actually,
When for his future queen, he knocked on every door.

Austin, perhaps that's the key, right there,
That you have to do whatever it takes.
For some it may take a dab of tha cup,
For others u may have to show the whole cake.

It's just when u've felt like u've done your best,
For so long, u want sumthing to show.
I know that's part of the game,
But we've worked like Paula Deen, so where's tha dough?

That's why I love to read so much,
Just to see others who've gone through this too.
Kicking rocks while walking,
Praying until your cheeks turn blue.

Simply to get some idea, to know,
Are we on the right track?
If not, I need to know right now,
I already have a ready backpack.

Be patient...Be patient.
So much easier said than done.
Funny how those who say that,
Are they who've already

I think that's why this who diary was created,
Something so unique and unscaled.
People can talk fine and dandy after the fact,
But what about when u're trapped in life's whale?

Real talk, and that's why we're writing right now,
Instead, of watching the ball game tonight.
It's being DVR'd, which is cool,
But my dreams are in danger of falling from their height.

I'm self-motivated beyond words,
But sometimes it can leave u spent.
U get past being told, "No", or being cut off in traffic,
But why did they have to hit tha ride and put a dent.

These are the times where u dig, and dig,
Hoping that something's there u can fend.
Just today, I just questioned myself,
When would this nightmare end?

Our life is cool, have the best of everything,
Shouldn't complain a bit.
U just want more, just to get u over the edge,
Like a girl with nice body but still want surgery on her ---s.

I'm not one for talking,
I can be as superficial as one can get.
I go all Gnarls Barkley over a pimple,
And this new haircut is still giving me a mental fit.

So believe you me, I can talk about these things,
Many days in a Modeling Agency I spent.
I guess that's why I talk about real beauty so much,
I'm not just a client...I'm the President.

Sure somebody might be yelling at the screen,
When are you gonna talk about love.
Well, here u go, I'll try to be like a Prince,
And not get a cry from a dove.

U know it's crazy when u see names,
Just pop up like a VH1 video.
This episode, that episode,
It's like a living Seinfeld show.

Sometimes u giggle,
While others make u laugh in a burst.
U wonder why u did what you did at the time,
Your name ain't Sprite, u coulda obeyed your thirst!

I was telling a girl story today,
One about us be stalked like silk.
She said, 'those things only happen to you.',
Now u know why I feel like a cow who can't give milk.

As crazy as this diary has been,
I STILL have stories untold.
Let's see, on the eve of this one New Year's Eve,
How I almost got involved with this attractive 36-year old.

Or Gabriella who was from Brazil,
And still might be the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Dress was trendy, smile was deadly,
And her cinnamon skin was so ProActive clean.

I told my boy JB, I'm going in next time I see here,
Here she comes, hair bouncing so free.
I literally ran out the dorm room, no lines only truth,
And we'll let Cupid be the decider of destiny.

I was like blah, blah, blah...What?,
Is it my game u future playboys u seek.
I can't tell you that, cuz I don't give game,
But that girl broke my heart when she said,
She was leaving in a week.

So much bro, here's another one,
And this is on me.
There was this girl with curly hair, slim build,
But her face was really incredible.

She had a boyfriend which was cool,
I always anticpate so much.
But that wasn't what got me,
My soul got tickled by another touch.

See the whole time me and this doll was talking,
It was like watching us two put on a show.
Cuz the Professor was standing up there,
Gawking at us,
And then looked away like we didn't know.

All these episodes, many lessons
I did not seek.
And I got a few more to one day share,
Which all just happened within the last week.

That wasn't the plan, to share that talk,
We should give a thought.
Some people catch love,
Others just happen to get caught.

As for us, we've already said enough,
About this and that and about who.
I'm at that point right now where,
There ain't nothing else I can do.

See once u've seen what u've seen,
U learn to let things happen.
Once u try to force things,
Or MAKE folk love ya,
Ur spirits become a dampen.

It can be different for single folk,
And it might be too real to even talk.
But if I'm gonna be who I am,
Then I better be one to walk tha walk.

I'm gonna take it another level,
Those who are the most beauty.
After all I've been through,
My need to talk is my sacred duty.

Sometimes u wonder,
Why God created me like this?
I'm so attracting on the eyes,
But it's my personality that people miss.

Then...when they finally begin to know you,
You seem too good to be true.
Wait, you look good, you're funny as can be,
No disrespect but I'm not good enough for you.

That's what makes you special,
And what makes you one of a kind.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again,
A mate should make love to your,
Soul...Body...and Mind.

As I started this poetic fiasco,
I'm here to say.
Don't lower your standards,
Just so that you can Friday night play.

Always date up, always...
And that ain't talking just about money.
We look on what a person does so much,
When we forget just about how they are so funny.

Just last night, I was thinking about this girl,
And wondering should I approach or leave it up to fate.
But the funky thing that was on my mind was,
Whether or not I should even think about her,
Just because of her weight.

My conclusion was, "beep it",
And how dare I even think a thing.
She's gives us an eye, she's a cutie,
And under all that could be an angel's wing.

These are real issues, especially in my life,
And I know others here in the island of fantasy.
U think about ur image, of even who's ur friend,
When it should be how u feel about them,
Not what others see.

I say that not because I've mastered that,
It's a daily grind of the mind.
I'm just learning that beauty comes in many shapes and colors,
And if others don't agree...that's fine.

Now it's about being around the best,
And those who want to elevate.
U'll be surprised who has similar views,
It might just take a courtroom interrogate.

Our love life is one of legend,
And it was supposed to be that way.
Now we've moved on,
With lessons in our pocket,
Like an IPhone after pay day.

Well, I don't know what's about to happen,
Maybe this was like a poem of 'Twas The Night Before.'
I have a funny feeling,
That there's a lot of fun upcoming in-store.

But our thoughts have been on our mind,
Like happy hour on Brickell Ave..
So much say, don't know if anybody would ever read this,
Hopefully a piece of my soul has crossed your path.

I've given my best y'all,
And I hope I've done alright.
Just want one day live in a Galaxy,
Out of sight.

One which it's nothing but fun,
And great times to share.
One where true love is appreciated,
And not this one night affair.

The time for us to stop writing is coming soon,
This poem may be the last of its day.
But at least I've shared who we are,
In a goofy, yet thoughtful way.

So that's it, thanks for your time,
The pleasure has been all on me.
Til next time, I'll guarantee,
You'll see a different me.

Good things are about to happen.
That's not just for me but also for you.
It took a long time, I understand,
But that's just so that you can grown.

Heartbreaks, tears,
Years felt wasted off your life.
They just act like it didn't happen,
But guess what now it's ur time to strike.

You're ready, I know I am,
Find anybody more ready, Not...
You'll never find.

That's the beauty of the journey,
U close your eyes and see the prize, get what you want,
You must have tha final ingredient,
And that's...
Simply why it's called...

Faith Blind.

Austino Galaxia.

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