Friday, January 25, 2013

Miami's Word Game.

Today has been...different.  Flat out different.

The last 24 hours have been like, weird...To put things short, I got kinda sick.  I had a headache, that left me daggone walking around my place with sunglasses, just because I couldn't stand to see the glare of any kind of light.  Then our body was like wrecked in body aches and pain.  Laying down, getting back up, laying back down, cutting on a pot of pasta, laying back down, heating up some chicken, laying back was wild.  I had to call out of work on today, which is like borderline blasphemous in my book, but...just couldn't do it on today.  Needed rest, big time.  Been working some serious days and long nights here and there, and sometimes it all just catches up to you.  Even The Kid born in tha stars.  I've been inside all day on today, and I didn't even know one person could sleep so much...I need to go grocery shopping, like bad.  I'm a squirrel who's looking at a pantry without any nuts, literally, and I'm about to go crazy!  For dinner, I'm looking at which pasta I'm gonna eat, Spaghetti or Rotini, like I'm choosing which one of the Olsen twins is hotter.  It's crazy...No milk.  Ran outta Orange Julius.  This ain't the way for one of the Galaxia's most eligible Pompetters to be living is it?  It's a made up word, but just roll with me on this, alright.  I need 2 get some of our creative juices out, so we're gonna write a little bit, it's been a few days.  Been busy...Oh, how we've been busy.

Ok.  I gotta keep this real, so where do we start.  I don't even know where to start.  We go serious, go goofy, talk about that "L" word (In a little bit)...Hmmm....Living in Miami, can really mess ur mind up.  It's just so different down here.  It rains when the sun is plainly out. I mean, I don't know about anybody else, but that just blows my mind.  I mean, how many times can the devil beat his wife?  This guy must have some really major anger issues, he might need to see Dr. Phil or somebody for that.  But walking out with ur fresh new outfit, or if ur a girl, stepping out with your hair did, and with this weeks, "OMG! Bargain of the Year" dress on, only to have it begin to downpour like a glass of Grape Kool-Aid at a picnic, ain't cool.  But that comes with the territory   I was talking to my Pops and talking about how cold it's been down here. I mean, it's been in the 60s for like the last week, and I promise you I'm about to Ebay a heater to flown down here first class for me.  We take for granted that we can wear shorts or walk around in swimsuits in January.  I guess that's why we're so crazy down here.  We're not in the reality of the rest of the world.  Which is good in some ways, but in others....

I gotta write a whole post on our new phone the Samsung Galaxy S III....but not today.  It's...we'll talk on it later....

All yesterday, and don't laugh...all, and I mean ALL yesterday, the only thing that was on my mind was seeing if anybody knew where I could lay inside of an oxygen tank for an hour.  For real...I know that totally sounds South Beach, but I'm dead serious.  But that's the type of gibber gab that sounds so normal down here in "tha land of the beautiful people" that other places can be looked at as cray.  I be in the locker room getting ready to work out, and hear people just talking in terms of ..."It's worth 3.5 million."  I don't think they are talking about Fruit Loops although, they might be talking about De Beers.  Either way...

Ok...I've been down here in Miami since 2005, and I'm gonna list some of my all-time favorite phrases or lines that I've heard my fellow Miamians utter.  Some have been the sign of the times, but if u live in Miami aka Tha Magic City, I'm sure u've heard these words a time of too.  Ok..."Nano Nano", beam me up through MIA vernacular...this should be good:

"I look like a hot mess."


"I'm like...totally over it."

"In (Fill in the location)...we have a saying..."

"This is a GTL weekend."

"He (She) is a Realtor."

"I don't speak Spanish."

"He's cute."


" Espanol??"  (Followed by perfect English!  So funny!)

"My guy."  (Who is that anyway?)

"I need a drink."

"I'm trying this new diet where you..."


"If a guy wants to date me, he has to feed me."


"That's not my problem."

"3-0-5 for life!"

"I hate the Lakers."

"Like....Like....But Ok, but...Like..."  (I'm guilty on this one.)

"Your card is not going through."  (This has actually happened to me, but I get a kick when it happens to somebody who has like a $3,000 purse, and like $200 cash on them.  Classic.)

"I rather collect unemployment than do this."

"I'll be right back."  (Which is gender dependent...If you say this at a party and leave with someone of the opposite sex, that means you're gonna try to rehearse a few pole positions...If you're at a party, and leave with someone of the same sex, that means you are about to get your chief ur way to a narcotic if u leave with the same sex, that can also mean that you are gonna try a few pole positions!  Wink!)

"I do modelling."


"Dane Cook is funny as ----!"

"Teach me how to dougie."

"I'm from New York."

"U have a Facebook?"

"What are you gonna be for Halloween?"

"I was in an accident."

"That's so ghetto."

"Long hair...don't care."

"My friend is a promoter for them."

"Miami transit sucks."

"Are you going to Ultra this year?"

That's just a few of the things we've heard or heard, consistently....So...wait, this is supposed to be our diary right?...Right??  Alright, let's add some extra catch phrases and words that people have told me directly, or that was like something I say.  So here are a few more other word-sages that I still get tickeled about...

"It was a wig."

"Never date a retail girl."

"Do you believe in God?"  (Ah...I don't know if I can talk about this on the clock.  But since u ask...'In The Beginning...!')

"I like Madonna's old stuff."

"What do people say about me?"  'People say that you're a (Santa's favorite saying).'

"I have a boyfriend."  (Ur sure about that!)

"Ur not gonna find a girl in South Beach."  (Ah...I'm in trouble then!)

"U got that new Drake?"

"Don't date Miami girls."  (A sexy South American Mother told me this one.)

"I gotta try to hit that before she quit."

"It was like a Porno flick out there."

"You know what I call that?...A Sensual Seduction!"

"It's too hot for all that."

"God Bless You."  (To be said after every good deed done to you.)

"I'm a pig."  (Homegirl... ur a Size 4!??)

"My mom told me, 'You don't have to married to have a baby.'"


Or how about all the names we call each other down here.  (In a good way.)  And the funny thing is they can mean the same for both guys and girls...Like.



My boo.


That B---h.


My man.  (Everybody was saying this when American Gangster came out.)






And to end this thang, here are a few of my favorite nuggets that we've personally said or still say, if u haven't gotten enough of us already by reading our diary.  Here's a few classic stars from our Galaxy...Enjoy:

(On still getting freaky while being pregnant)...Just because there's a bun in the oven, doesn't mean you can't still cook on tha stove!

(On not being love's number one choice)....There's nothing wrong with leftovers if you know how to...reheat them.

(On dating somebody older than you)...Sometimes you get tired of grape juice, and want a little wine in ur life.

I don't think I'm better than anybody, but I do think that I'm the best.

"If I go out with somebody, and it didn't work out as planned, is it wrong for me to go back and ask for gas money?"

Life is really like high school.

They should put a Mistletoe on the top of the thong.  I bet you that'll sell!

I come from the Jordan age.  You're in like the Kobe era.  Then she's in the Lebron era...It's a lot of stuff that's happened in between Jordan and Lebron!

(On being single)...I'm a free agent looking for Pujols money.

Love is an action word.

Just because you have everything in common with somebody, doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna married them.

(On Money)...It's just a green piece of paper.

That's it.  I'm done. Hey, I tried to keep this as real as possible, I know the language can get wild, but if that's what was said...that's what was said.  It's a diary...of a life.  Huh.

Our life.


Austino Galaxia.

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