Sunday, December 30, 2012

Assignment: Tha Showroom

Previously on The New Adventures of Austino Galaxia...Click Here.

And now, the return episode...Please Enjoy:

Oh, it feels so good to be back home.  Just to be able to open up my showroom and just relax, you know.  Let me get my keys out, and pop this lock...

(Click, Click!)

What tha...?  The door is open...I know I left it locked when I left.  "He-llooo?!!  He-llooo?!!"  Seems like somebody's been in here.  What's that smell?  (Sniff, Sniff) It smells like this perfume that I love.  So baby powder-ish.  I only know one person who smells like that....Miss Julia Angelica Gutierrez.  I don't even wanna go there on today.  Seems like she always creeps back into my picture whenever I tell her it's over.  Oh well.  Let me just cut the TV on, I'm gonna just relax and watch this HBO Documentary titled 'About Face' which talks about supermodels after the fame, I love hearing from beautiful women who's been through life and how much wisdom they've obtained from living it up so to speak.  It's just so refreshing to see sexiness matured, I don't see it too often anymore, so...Let me use the bathroom first.

Boy, sometimes the most peaceful times in our busy life come when I'm just about booty naked on this toliet.  I might need to install a phone in here.  That way I can call up these...


Did I just hear a door slam?   That's kind of weird.  Somebody just leave?  But how could they if...never mind. It must've been from the apartment next door.  All these new people moving into the building.  This guy earlier today asking where to throw away the regular trash.  He sounded like he was from like Britain or somewhere with a Brooklyn Nets hat on.  Interesting.


Oh, the sound of victory.  Ha Ha!  Let me wash my hands.  Finally to sit down.  Man, look at this place.  Just to sit down.  Boy, I got a unique life.  Just thinking about all that has happened to me recently.  Or the craziness I have seen.  Huh.  I saw a Dr. Dre aftermath of a robbery off of Biscayne Blvd.  I say that because I was driving like on 90 something and Biscayne and all of a sudden this guy decided to play Frogger and run in between cars while the light was green.  He was running free like a pair of Nike kicks like he wasn't afraid to die.  I hadn't seen anything like that since well...I've never seen anything like that except on an episode of like World's Most Amazing Videos or something.  This other driver to my left stopped arruptly as well, and gave a look like "Are they filming a movie down here?"  I then looked to my right and this gentleman was trotting after the guy, and had that look of "Stop him!" on his face as this guy was running rampant through busy traffic.  Just wild.

I love how this Marisa Berenson woman is talking about life and her outlook on the modeling industry and stuff.  Just so...anyway.  She is attractive like RIGHT NOW at like 65.  Oh, if people could really know how I define beauty.  I think...didn't I write about that in our diary some time ago?  You're never too old to rock 'n' roll!  Believe u me on that...So much wild stuff...Great to see tha family over the Holidays.  Talking to everybody, chit chatting.  Coming back home I got stuck in Louisville, Kentucky.  That was like...wild.  There was some snow in the area, so the flights were all jacked up in this small airport.  I wish I was in a clear port that way I could have been in and out like the burger joint.  But instead of getting the White Castle treatment I got the Steak 'n Shake make it fresh delay.  I got all that I could ask for, and some extra mayo which could have been kept during this fiasco.  The only thing that kept me sane was listening to some great music on my headphones and admiring glasses on this wo....I won't go there either.

But through my headphones i could hear these two men and woman jibber jabbering like we was fishing on the Mississippi River.  Talking so loud dude...the whole airport could hear them talking about shooting at people in their front yards and junk.  I've seen a lot, but I promise you this was from one of those lost episodes of The Andy Griffith Show.  In that heavy southern accent that you only hear on the glory days of the Cops TV show.  Those shows from the 80s.  These folks were carrying on, and next thing I know the woman says in referencing her ex-boyfriend, "He's a Yankee."  Now at first I'm thinking she's talking about A-Rod or Jeter or by how she was dressed she might've been talking about heck, Babe Ruth!  But then it she said it so slick and Pina Colada smooth that she meant he was a Northerner.  Like in a Civil War sense.  I thought the war was over.  I mean IPhones are now on Verizon...T.I. and Jigga are on the same tracks...they sold FUBU down here in the Dirty South...Heck, they even let Lebron come down here to tha MIA, I wonder what Lincoln would've done if he hadda lived through "The Decision."...'A friend is somebody who has the same enemies as you have.'  Ha ha!  That's a good one...speaking of which, I gotta write down some of these quotes from these sexy ladies, let me see:

"You have 2 like who you are."

"Who knows one is living history, when one is just living it."

"The most beautiful thing is...Confidence."

"The key to beauty...Always educate yourself...Always learning something new...Always doing something new...Have something 2 talk about...that's how one ages beautifully."

That's some good stuff.  But yeah, it's been wild!  I look around our place, and all this stuff!  We've been blessed by no comparison.  I got like 20 more CD albums to listen to.  It's off the Bilboard charts...literally.  Then all these books, wow!  My boy big Carlos hooked me up with this book by Pharrell Williams, which I didn't even know was out.  Much luv to him, I love that Neptunes sound so much.  It's our personality, it's our style, it's so...Galaxia!  Out of space...I remember this song, 'Maybe', by N.E.R.D their alter-ego...describes so many of our "normal" love episode.  A girl rockin' Abercrombie...huh.  Anyways, we got to find a place to put everything.  NwO DVD's from our bro.  Those were the days of wrestling....LCD alarm clocks...been a crazy few days.

That was a cool girl that we walked with to her apartment building on today.  I just knew she couldn't carried all that by herself.  Getting ready for that birthday party for her daughter.  To be 8 years old again.  She lives like right behind us on Michigan Avenue.  She's a Julia Roberts.  People are probably tired of me talking about my life and all the meetings I have with people I don't know.  But it's such a movie...the other day I was driving down on Sunset, and as I was listening to Taylor Dayne or somebody, I don't remember who was in the CD player at the time.  But I was driving and this car came next to us on our right and it was a seemingly mother and her daughter asking for directions to the 'Sunset Mall' or The Shops at Sunset Place.  As we were talking via the wind in traffic I thought briefly "That's kind of hard to give considering the location".  Almost like asking somebody how to drive to the Eiffel Tower while you're in Mexico City!  But we just yelled over to them to 'follow me' like the leader in Simon Says and I'll show them where it is.  They agreed.  And we bob'd and weeve'd through the turns of the ghetto of South Miami, we made it onto US-1 and I threw my left hand out the window and pointed over to the mall on the left, and they both waved out the window several times and made the turn into it.  Just interesting who we pass...

I haven't written in our diary in awhile.  I'm different.  Life has changed in so many ways.  Should I continue to write?  I think now, I'm just going to write so straight up that it's going to blow people's minds.  So many good things are and are about to happen to us...I used to write and just say, "Hold on" like En Vogue, and everything will work itself out.  Now I'm at this point in our life where it's all about having fun.  Not too concerned about money.  Just fun.  FUN! Our social life is amazing...we're coming upon the most beautiful people around.  The other day I was thinking how boring some of these girls we've met seem.  I shouldn't be thinking about this right, I know I can't write anything like this, but it can be like who can really get my juices flowing.  It's sometimes like when u've tasted the best cake, it's so good, and addictive, that you want another one.  But u don't wanna go through the process of adding the flour and sugar and eggs.  Just let me get tha finished product with the white froasting and sprinkles on top.  Well, sometimes it's chocolate frosting or vanilla frosting depending on our mood for the week.  That's how we felt, we just want a taste, it doesn't matter how many candles are on top, just...

I know others have experienced the same things.  This is a big Packers/Vikings game today.  I shouldn't be talking so myself so, since I just came in not too long ago, but u wonder why u've seen so much.  Yeah, yeah...u like such and such...yawn!...u think that music is cool...yeah, whatever.  Now our thinking is, "I've seen it all, but I've haven't seen everything."  Now we feel like...once u've been through every step and haven't skipped anything, u feel...ready.  Ok, u don't wanna be with me, whatever.  I applied for this job, and they rejected me even after 4 interviews, so what.  Now I'm better than ever, and now what happens when u really see how we do things.  It's like a guy who's been hitting on his so called girl.  Beating her up and junk, and the girl goes and get's hi-karate lessons.  She's able to defend herself and all of a sudden it's like, 'What's up now?' I can't write all these thoughts down, but I gotta make it real u know.

Others have gone through a similar path, and many will soon as follows.   I'm feeling so good.  A new era has dawned, and it has nothing to do with this new year and resolutions and stuff.  No, I just feel right and primed for something big.  One thing about being forced to be patient or being forced to have to endure when u think u shouldn't is that the timing becomes so perfect in so many ways.  One thing I've learned about ourself is that we're a person who gets better as time goes on.  When people may get tired or stagnate, that's when we are actually just beginning.  That's probably why we aren't married yet.  If I had of met the one, say 5 years ago or during high school, I might have gotten tired or bored which isn't healthy for a relationship.  Now, that we've experienced things not too many can even dream or nightmare about, I can share the fun in so many different ways.  While some may fizzle out at this age, we're just getting rolling.  That's not cockiness, but just knowing that God works in mysterious ways, and to share that sometimes when u don't get what or WHO you want, those experiences are actually building toward something and someone better.

That documentary on those Supermodels just further reinforced our desire to be around people who get better with time.  And not stop developing as a person, or stop taking care of themselves physically just because they caught the "Big Fish" girl, or got the gig they've always wanted.  There's always another level of living.  Always...

I just wish, as I'm watching this game, that I could put all these feelings into some words.  But I now know that time for bragging and boasting is over.  Our life and lifestyle is gonna speak for us.  You just know it's going to be something never experienced or seen before.  We're gonna show 'em....we're gonna really show 'em...and hopefully our diary and entries of the past will show as an example that there are stages to fun and love, and u can't skip a one.  We haven't and now it's on.

This scent though is flowing all through this joint ...It reminds me so much of Julia.  I know she's in Brazil right now, I wonder if she still thinks about us.  She's so physically attractive that u wonder if u're gonna ever meet anybody as beautiful as she is.  I mean her middle name is Angelica.  She is an angel.  Will I ever get the feeling I had when I was with her.  Huh...I think I'm primed for something better.  Sometimes u just have to let tha past be.  And simply move on...move on.  But for some strange reason it feels like she was in here.  Her presence u know...Whatever...What's this though?  Is this a Chanel wallet?  I didn't notice this before...Purple?  I know u gotta special order that color, cuz I bought one for...and only one person I know has that col...


Wow. Am I even surprised?  But how did she get inside...?


Oops, all this stuff fell out...What does this business card say?

The Boss.  011-21-324-692-2413

Huh. Interesting...And all these's of me and Julia. Together.  Wha..? And a picture of me, like a few days ago.  What's really going on in here?  I need some

And we all know who I need to talk to.

I guess our life is turning into a movie huh?!!

Here we go...again.


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