Monday, February 11, 2013

Breakups to be Made up.

This is gonna be interesting on tonight.  I really, REALLY have a lot to write about concerning the last few days.  So so many stories from living it up celebrating a cool homegirl's birthday that lasted like for days it seemed to our new tradition of going to the game featuring our two favorite sports teams the Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat, which was an awesome game, as it always is to just too much to name.  And on top of all that I still feel the hand print on my left booty cheek from this guy feeling all up on me.  (Why are all these people want to feel  on my butt?!  I know girls but now I gotta deal with guys too...uggh!)  But for some strange reason, I am being led to talk about something else.  What I don't know.  Like I said, our life is turning into like a trailor for The Hangover 3.  With so much good stuff, I promise...But...what and where do we start tonight.  Fingers do tha magic, cuz we have no idea....

Boy, I usually don't say this, but that last post we wrote was really wild wasn't it?  We've been writing for some time, and have what like over 300 posts within this diary, but I think or know that was the first time that we felt like a large "part" of us was left on the page, u know.  Our diary is so personal, and I really don't know why we tell all these stories cuz they are so personal, and I don't feel like many, if anybody would fess up to some of tha drama u may read.  U never know what u gonna get with us.  But I think now, in our life, and hopefully in others, it's just time out for all the "mickey mouse" stuff, and just tell it like it is.  We all have been through something, and if u look upon it in a positive manner, u'll find that it was only a stepping stone to the next level in ur life.  Whoa, I'm bout to get good tonight.  But first, Duffy would u do me the honors.  I love this song.

Has anybody had the honor of passing or coming upon somebody who once did u wrong, or might have done u wrong unexpectedly,  but now see you, and u don't even have to say a word like, "I told you, u messed up".  Boy, if I wasn't in a child friendly mood right now,  I totally would have used the F-word right there!  But for real, u don't have to say a single word.  I've seen it so much dude...Things have happened, and u see that person, and inside ur already planning what to say...A)  Should I be calm....B)  Do I tear out a page out of Andrew Dice Clay's best selling dictionary..or C)  Act like nothing ever happened.   Huh.  Now that I think about it, alot goes down at the American Airlines Arena, it seems like I run into so many chicks I once...I guess the game is really happening off the court.  For real...But as those decisions run through ur mind, usually I just sit there like I'm watching Charlie Brown's Christmas for the uptenth time.  It's like as the person approaches you, ur almost mouthing out their lines as they're saying them!  Ha ha!  "Hi...Austin (Austin)"..."U still work at..."..."Living at the Beach (Still)...."Glad to see (you)..."  When in the back of ur mind ur like, This chick got tha nerve to walk in my face and act like everything's honky dorey.  Even though it is, still sometimes u want closure.  Most of the time u don't get it, cuz folks just don't...New paragraph.

Folks don't wanna talk it out, and end at least on a high, or maybe not on a Celine Dion vocal, but at least on a Christina Aguilera note, u dig. And don't-let-that-person u don't want to see, have another significant other with them son!  Oooh Wee!  I'm gonna be real tonight, if u ain't ready, stop not now, but RIGHT NOW!  Cuz I know somebody feels me, I feel it in the air that somebody feels me, and needs to hear what is gonna unfold, so this is for you.  When u see that person, and let's be honest the first thing u notice is the physical look of that 'newbie'.  And u be thinking, especially if they introduce them to you, "U tell me they left a all u can eat buffet at the Biltmore Hotel for a Hungry Man oven dinner?"  Then once they leave out the door or up the elevator, ur like giving urself  "ugly faces" and start to speak in reality TV show tongues and junk, uttering, "Really?...No, Really?!"...."U gotta be kidding me?"..."Seriously though?"..."Oh Naw..."  Folks see u talking out loud wondering what u are referencing about, and u say 'nothing', but then continue, "Aw, life is wild."..."This chick"....Am I lying or not?

I told somebody the other day that here in Miami, u gonna see familiar faces ALLLL over town in the craziest places.  That person looked at me cockeyed like I had a potato skin growing out of my ear, but evidently they must not get out that much.  But I I know u see folks.  Even though I live in the beach, I can be in Brickell, or South Miami, and see people I worked with, live near, partied with, that's just Miami!  So when things don't go right in work, in a relationship, this is like perfect training ground for how to react when u see these people again.  Cuz u will.  U move on, but still that initial sight of that person can bring ill feelings, and sometimes a want to make it work again.  Hummm....

Our life is upside down crazy.  If u haven't known already.  As I stated before, I've had a few friendships or whatever u wanna call them end on a kiss on my lips.  Then u compare that with, so many people feeling on my butt seemingly, as I said above, it's wild. I wonder if I have those people switch spots like feel me on my lips and kiss my donkey, how would my life turn out?!!  Ha ha!  But this is all true...I guess we talking about love, and getting over somebody.  Which isn't easy, all the time.

Sometimes u think that u missed out on ur best shot.  Which isn't always the case, either.  I know things didn't work out like I would have expected them too, and I'm sitting at home, not wanting to eat, trying to get full off of tap water cuz the fridge is empty and begin to cry when u see a commercial come on cuz u like that ---- don't work.  (That's another story)  When tha Yamma Jammas, ur all teary eyed like a highly trained professional actress whose been type-cast for funerals, are all on their way, doing their thang, u dig.  I remember hearing this one girl, supposedly tell a guy I knew, a popular guy too, after they broke up, she told during the breakup, "Ur young, u'll find somebody."  That's kind of wild to tell somebody to their face that.  But what we've learned is that sometimes breakups or what could have been's but are not's are the best thing that has happened to you....Well, maybe the second, the invention of the George Foreman grill was pretty cool as well!

There's really is a lot of fish in the sea.  I'm seeing that more and more each day.  Miami is loaded with lots of physical beauty.  Girls and guys included.  (I wrote that blowing and rubbing my knuckles on my bare chest. No shirt on in February, we are truly blessed in the MIA.)  Its just about finding the connection that goes deeper than physical makeup and the outside.  By the way, I don't care what anybody says a girl who wears UGG Boots with cut-off blue jean shorts is a hot look for me.  Just had to say that, cuz there's been some controversy down here in Miami about that.  I'll leave it at that.

But it's amazing how the Lord works.  Sometimes I just be thinking as I see somebody, and I be amazed at how just like two days ago, I wanted to be with this person, sign her off on my 401k, all the wile visualizing her in nothing but an eye-patch, a red throwback Lebron Heat jersey, and some Reebok pumps, I'm a little kinky just roll with it...and now on today, when I see her my solider doesn't even move at an attention like kid refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance the day after his family saw Roots. Its really amazing how one day u were chomping at the bit over somebody, and the next day u don't even say 'hi' or even talk anymore.

I remember...Uh oh, here we go...its getting real up-in-here.  U know what those words mean...

I remember, back in high school.  Now this is really getting personal and touchy cuz some folks I went to high school with may read this, Jigga said in the "Give it to me" remix, and as my homegirl Paula once said, yes Paula I did call you out..."I don't give a (Fudge)." So, I had a little crush on this one girl alright.  I really didn't know anything about her, and I think the first time I met her was in like, Freshman year, when like our city consolidated the two high schools together which was big.  It was like 'Pac and say Biggie doing a song together.  U didn't think u would ever be going to the same school as some of ur Summer friends or for some their worse enemies.  But even though we had like cops everywhere, and more volunteers than the United Way to watch over our lunch periods.  I know, my Uncle Mic (Mike) helped out, and since he was trained in the military, he had eyes everywhere.  If u even thought about throwing one of those ultra-cold french fries across the lunch room, just the thought, would have had you hugging the lunchroom tile with ur hands behind ur back.  All done in overcoat, suit, and Kangol hat, so u know my uncle was gangsta.

Our lockers were in like the other building, and this girl had like the same constant letter as me, so as the alphabet assignments of the lockers would go, she was a few lockers away from me.  Rachel, what's up!  So since she didn't go to the same junior high schools, this was the first interactions with her.  Now whenever, I tell these "love gone wrong, but really right" stories, I always try to give a physical description of that girl.  Not gonna lie, I'm severely nervous about giving a visual about this girl, cuz I don't really want my phone blowing up, but it's our diary, and we don't care...I should just call out her name, but I won't...Let's see, this girl reminded me of.....Mega cute smile...Full-figured build...Alright, she reminded me of Tiffany Amber-Thiessen, but not the Kelly, Saved By The Bell version, but like the Fastlane version, which in a way she was sexier, nother topic again...but that's a dead on description on how she looked.  For real...Now I'm really getting embarrassed. (Hands on my head)

So I would see her around and stuff.  Maybe a "hi" here or there.  We  didn't have that many classes together.  But as we moved up through the grades, let's just say we did.  I took a lot of AP classes, and she did as well.  We also had  like a general studies classes together like this one Film class or something like that, and when I wasn't looking at MTV videos that our teacher taped late night style from the night before (Not kidding!  We watched music videos, how cool was that!), I would "happen" to glance over her way.  I think what I was attracted to was that I always thought she was slept-on.  Like, she was part of the, I guess "cool" crowd, and many of her friends were I was ultra-cool with definitely.  Knew all her friends really, and they all knew me.  But, she was like the Miranda Hobbes character on the show Sex and The City.  Like even though she wasn't the head honcho of her group, and even though when u ask guys who out of those four girls you would like to date or get with or hit or whatever, her name rarely comes up...she's actually the one who may have had the wildest stories.  This girl was like hidden like that.

So as like 10th grade came and throughout the years, we would have more and more classes together.  And we would talk, more and more.  A lot really.  During passing periods we would laugh and talk about assignments.  I remember like us playing basketball in the gym during lunch period, and afterwards we got back to class, and my girl was like, "Austin, was out there hooping" and all this and that...I saw her up in tha stands and I immediately turned into Jordan against Boston circa 1986 when he scored 63!  As I would many times during my high school career.  And I'm gonna tell a secret from an athlete...We know who's in the crowd during a game.  Especially, in high school.  I'll see her with her other cute friends, and it was a positive reinforcement, as with my other homeboys, and lady friends, and parents, u do ur best when those who u care about are there to support you.  I had lots of love, and if u have fam or friends who play sports, support them and go to the games, cuz it does make a difference, for real.  Now...

I was more and more digging this girl, just on a friend tip.  Even though I could see, like if I asked her out, I wonder...But more flirtations or just cool gestures would come.  Now me and her were having even more classes together...Ain't it wild how like u can have classes with tha same 15 people all throughout High School??...Now though, we were sitting next to each other, either front to back, or side to side..."That's the way I like to..."...I'm getting in trouble tonight, but u old club heads remember that freaky song right!  So we would be close, and dude, we be in the middle of class, the teacher's talking, and she would turn around to write something in my notebook like, "Austin is cool" or any cute little sayings...and I would be like, "Man, she keeps on doing these little things."  Then, like I said, she would be in front of us, so all those high school hormones would creep up, so while homedude was talking about chemistry problems up on the dry-erase board, I would glance dead ahead of me, and see this super cute girl, with a curvy body, and thinking about our own science and math problems with adding u and me, subtracting clothes...yada yada.

So by Senior year, we were really cool.  Really cool.  But I never asked her out or anything.  Now that I think about it, I don't know why.  Another mystery, but u just don't approach every single person who u dig, or accept every person who digs on you.  For one, u'll be up all night...Secondly, you'd...did anybody get that but us?!!!...Secondly, just because u feel for somebody, doesn't mean they supposed to be ur lover.  It's ok for a girl and a guy, to just be friends, u know.  It is possible.  So me and this girl was mad confortable with each other, and I just keep this secret to myself, and the only people who knew were me and Madonna.  

Ok.  We graduated and stuff from High this one day during the Summer, I'm up at the Beach working my Summer job, and this homegirl rolls through.  I see her familiar ride, and I'm like, "Ok, here's da-da-da." she pulls up, and I say "What's up", and this scalawag, like said "hi" but in a like, "whatever guy" kind of way.  I immediately made a facial expression like I just smelled some smelly socks, and was like, "U gotta be kidding me right?"  For real, it messed me up...And it continued to mess me up, cuz she got out of the car, and of course all guys in the Midwest love the Summertime cuz that's when the girl's come out of Winter's closet, and believe u me, we guys are all gay because of it!  That's pretty good ain't it (Wink!).  So this girl, had on those short Ralph Lauren Polo khaki shorts, and her legs were of course thick in the thighs and had that borderline golden tanning salon look.  (I prefer the real thing, but sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do.)  As I see her walking around, I'm thinking to myself, how can u talk to somebody every single day...laugh and giggle...have this girl writing you notes...and u thinking she's one of the peeps u don't wanna forget and wanna keep in ur black book, to somebody who doesn't even acknowledge ur presence.  Does a diploma do all that?  Heck, if it does, I see why so many people back in the day dropped outta school.  If people trip off of a piece of paper, and when I say this I mean it, cuz this episode went down within days of our graduation, and I was left stunned.  That happened to me a lot, I guess they should nickname me the #1 stunna!

I saw her a time or two again, and still the brush off.  Crazy dude.  Why did we write all this, I don't know, I feel like MUD backwards really.  But, sometimes, well a lot of times u get tested in the areas u don't want to be tested in.  Now the second time I saw that chick, I coulda went off or something.  I didn't even say anything, but ur kind of hurt (At tha moment) wondering what did u do wrong?  What could u have said?  Should I have asked her to get some Dilly Bars at DQ?  U question urself, a gazillion times...which is Ok.  But when the dust settles, u have to realize that sometimes u really didn't do anything wrong.  U just lived life, and no matter what u would have done, he or she would have done or acted the same way.  So there's no reason to beat urself up, and think that u failed or anything.  As we've said before, when friendships or relationships break down, sometimes its simply that the other person may not be good enough for you.  Or to even be more real, as we've been tonight, sometimes the other person feels like they aren't good enough for you.  That's what we deal with, sometimes we see somebody who we think is cool or hot, and I get the sense that they don't feel like they are like our type or aren't as confident to be around us.  I don't care how u dress per se, or if you way like a buck 90 or something, believe u me, u're a hottie.  But its tough to tell somebody their a hottie, when they don't believe it themself.  Sooner or later, it comes down to you.  And as a man thinketh, so is he.  (Think that's in the Bible...Proverbs 23: 7...u get it all in our diary...ALL!)

I'm done.  The best is yet to come.  That's scary to even think about.  It's all about love and fun.  But in order to get the future, u gotta let go of the past.  Let bygones be bygones, and move on.  Nobody knows that more than us...we tell stories,  but we've let go.  And now, we're seeing the benefits of doing so.

And so will you.

Have a good night.
Austino Galaxia The 1st.

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