Sunday, February 24, 2013


(From our heart)

A day in our life.  Trying to keep away so much strife.  Enjoying each moment til...we eventually find a wife.

This Sunday should be fun.  Live like its that last one.  U never know what might can end before it even begun.

Lots on our mind, just relax.  Like do we go through life dressed up or simply lax.  Not as easy as u think u choosing between a phone call or a fax.

Whatever is said on today is between me and you.  That's the only way we know how to do.  And if u continue to read our diary....u'll see that this is tha takeoff before he flew.

Let's get right into things like the first time.  The anticipation like Jigga spitting his first rhyme.  Excitement not knowing what's to come a beauty undressing when u know she's fine.

Everytime we jot we want something never before seen.  Wanna be real, almost like a slate clean.  As u can see though...we talk about love a lot, every once in a while its out of pure spleen.

"To be tha man, you have to beat tha man." Those simple words from Ric Flair made me a fan.  Those words are so much deeper though...I thought I never find so much drama living five blocks from tha sand.

South Beach, the ultimate dream.  Where all the party lights always beam.  Yet u must be careful, check tha Adam's apple...Cuz u might get Laffy Taffy when u were expecting ice cream!

People can't imagine really living in this 'hood.  U have clubs constantly closing even though they did the best they could.  Then you have so many people from around tha globe....into my galaxy, boy I wish they would.

I'm fighting that feeling to talk about love.  Stay focus Austin and let tha words come from above.  But u know, and I know...we're gonna talk about that topic so...loved.

Such a beach day, tha temps are like 80 in tha low.  Be a good day to simply grab a book and just go.  Lay in tha sand, looking at tha planes flying showing tha next party...I better grab some binoculars, cuz near tha water a great sight u may find, u never know.

Speaking of which, other day, I almost got into an accident with our car.  I was on tha 395 and traffic abruptly stopped like it was being held by a bar.  No way my life can end, I thought, with me glazing at the Miami Herald building...I haven't even been at a gala thrown on tha Island of tha Star.

Then we look and saw this camera hooked on a car top.  I'm in tha middle of a commercial shoot, where's my camera so I can 'snap and pop'.  Yeah, cops where everywhere, playing tha roll of grown up hall monitors...all so these Audi cars can speed by and make a one perfect shot video, and they all were plastered with these Hollywood sensor dots.

I see so much, that is really beginning to get crazy.  Now we're on Instagram so I gotta make sure the wild photos we take are clear and no more hazy.  If u follow us, believe u me, u're gonna get a treat like never before...our pics can be from a crazy moment while hitting tha town or from tha simple beauty of a Bal Harbour yellow daisy.

The simple things in life are what matter tha most.  Even myself get all bent out of shape just deciding, "Should I live on the East or the West Coast?"  Its ok to have big dreams, for they give u something to shoot for...just don't get so lost in them that u need to get a bottle of reality and with a hit of a mega dose.

Starting to get warm y'all, u know what that can mean.  This post has tha potential to turn into something u've never heard or dreamed.  That's the ultimate effect we always want, ur in our galaxy now...and I truly want to be your fun fiend.

The other day I was just thinking about all our greatest hits.  The crazy experiences like even when people threw drinks and a fit.  Those were some classic moments, never to be duplicated...Those days and nights I felt like life's arcade was permanently on "Tilt"!

Our life is almost better than any movie can depict.  The fun, tha moments, and the beauty our eyes have beheld can make you so sick.  All sizes, all colors, all personalities...some were super slim, while others were ultra thick.

Throughout this diary, I've always wonder is we've said too much.  Consistent talk about relationships about girls who came near to us, going to parties with more than one like a game of sidewalk "double dutch".  What if tha girl who I really have a crush on, ever reads this...if she does would she want us to take some kind of test, or would she think about our lips if she shall even touch.

Is having a past something that is wrong?  Like if a guy is a virgin is that a sad song?  Then what about the girls who seemingly always get hit that hardest in that area...should I get mad if a girl is a pro at showing and taking off her thong?

In tha past, I was fill with so much conceit.  If a girl had even one boyfriend, I thought it she was like 'damaged goods' or like tainted meat.  U can laugh or snap ur finger like, "brotha please", but others once thought just like me...u being my girl can only have been mine while I could have driven so many of a luxury fleet.

Then I used to think what if somebody turned you down.  I used to be so hot, that I would be tha one walking around with a huge frown.  U wonder what u did wrong or how can they not want a person or lifestyle like this?...we then realize that just because a person looks good doesn't mean they're worthy of that Vera Wang wedding gown.

Sometimes the best things to happen are those u NEVER got.  See, I know that those experiences can have u boiling over like a steaming pot.  Throwing things, even cussing at God himself...then u soon realize that ur tha one that's happy, and its u that stays in their memory and they can never out blot.

While I was thinking, I was considering all the girls which it didn't work out.  I wish I had Missy to help work it, then I would have had a love shout.  The thing that got, and gets me though is that Dr. Dre aftermath after tha episodes...the looks they give us, and the now subtle smile given, let's me know they now wish they could have a mulligan on tha moment, they missed out, and I see it on their face without a doubt.

This is really getting personal, but that's how a diary should be.  I've said it from the beginning that this diary is special, one day all will truly see.  U get real stories from a truly unique guy...there is nobody, nobody like me.

Learning now that it's a difference between being the best and being tha first.  Just because ur the one with the hit of tha week, doesn't meant that person doesn't crave that initial thirst.  That can cover a whole lot from hug to kiss to sex...It's like enjoying these days of Maroon 5, but knowing in ur heart nothing can top those days rollin' with Limp Bizkit and Fred Durst!

My Grandpa used to ask three questions whenever he would "holla" at a gal.  Which is kind of wild, knowing that he was still in and talking about "tha game" like a 20 year old college pal.  He wasn't no pimp, but he always talked from a real tip with me in particular...perhaps he knew there will one day be a lot of beautiful stallions that would want to catch me, and simple "stra-dal".

First question, would be, "Are u seeing somebody?", which as I find can illuminate answers so simple.  People say it so quickly, that their pseudo smiles on their face outrun the timing of their dimples.  "Yes.", "Kinda", all answers given like, u gotta come stronger than that to be with me...that's alright, cuz nothing good comes easy, just like getting a hammer to go upon ur face, isn't it amazing what u do to remove a barely noticeable pimple.

So the second question, would be, "Are you happy?", now where getting somewhat close to the heart. The answer may come out a little slower, almost like a Thanksgiving Pepto Bismol fart.  The answer may be tha same, but a little more thought is now put into it...Now the heart begins to Harlem Shake because it feels the threat of a third dart.

The final question, is "Are you satisfied?, and that's the kick.  It begins get quiet, and mysterious while you wonder if u're with Warren Beatty or if u're with or getting Tracy Dick.  Now I probably shouldn't be using this language, but I can handle it if it gets tha point across ..if u gotta to hesitate then, that's somebody u shouldn't settle for, he has to be worth more than his hair being Pat Riley slick.

I'm feeling this, cuz I feel it's a special delivery from G. Dep and the Bad Boy crew.  No reason to fret, cuz I've never used these questions on anybody, and to my girl who reads this, nor will I ever use them on you.  But those questions have power, as they make u look within to what makes you happy, and if you are just being in something just for a title...u're only wasting ur time for real, and u never know the impact on somebody else's life just ur presence will do.

On the other side, as myself, from the angle of the single life dude.  Those questions help me to realize what I need to look for in friendships and relationships, by the way I despise the quality of being rude.  I'll say it forever and again, be with people that can enhance u're mind, body and soul...u're worth so much more than to be brought "down", I know I am, my ego is such I think that I'm worth more than Arabian oil that is crude.

I haven't mastered it all, but I've seen and heard things you wouldn't believe.  Right when I think I've got it down pat, somebody is pulling another canary out of their tuxedo sleeve.  U learn, and if you've learn, it's important to share...going through and not telling the lessons, not acceptable, just like Gwen Stefani going on stage and singing "Let Me Blow Ya Mind" without Eve.

Being led to end it all, right here.  This helped me more than whoever reads this, really,  like Bambi contributing to PETA for saving the fur of her homegirl deer.  As I'm seeing more, and doing more, I need to be super sure if I'm being satisfied in areas that are true and not just vanity...I rather live a lifetime of pure love than one night of lust associated with clinic week of fear.

As I think about today's post I smile cuz its deeper than what can be noticed by the eye.  I know that I have my moments, sometimes thinking I'm "God's gift to the world", while other times wondering if I will ever get tha chance to fly. But the makeup of today's post is super unique...just tha format, in and of itself, in our heart shall never die.

Cuz if u notice my favorite number is represented, that number is twenty-one.  U didn't even notice, shame on you, I understand, u got caught up in tha story hoping it will never be done.  Go back and u'll see we used the "two and one" never seen format of rhyming.  And even though one day I want you to say he was the best...

I'd rather have the ultimate compliment...

That guy is really, really fun!


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