Sunday, May 18, 2014

Knocking Over Tha Champagne Life Door!

For Some Reason I Bloody Hate Tha Last Post I Wrote...
But We Must Keep It Because It's a Part of Our Journey...Where I've Felt Soaked.
In Tha Middle of a Prayer When I Just Had 2 Get Up Cuz of what My Heart Has Tote.
This Feeling...It's Eating Me Up...So I Must Write This Note.

I Don't Have My Glasses On...Nor Contacts...So This is With a Squint.
This Might Not Be Perfect...Like a Armani Suit with Reminiscence of Lint.
My Life is One like a Superhero...Yet Today I Feel More like Bruce, Tony or Clark Kent.
Tired of Having to Keep On Being Patient...Wondering How Come Tha Chance Card 2 My Monopoly Hasn't Been Sent.

I'm on My Knees Thinking...How Come I Got It All...Yet...Their's a Small Void.
Like If I Could Go Back 2 Tha Future...Please Help Me Christopher Lloyd.
No Matter What Goes Down...There's a "What If", that I Can No Longer Avoid.
It's Like I'm Tha MVP Every Single Year...But Tha Championship Trophy is My Long Sought After Toy.

It's Like There's a Closed Door To What I Really Want...How Come It Won't Open at a Command?
I Hit Every Combination on Tha Pad Key...Wondering Why is This Bolted Shut...For tha Fairest of Tha Land.
Does Tha Security Guard Need a Bribe or Something?  I Mean I Can Get a Bikini Laced Babe Straight off Tha South Beach Sands.
You just Wonder Why is It Playing With Me Like This?  Have I Maxed Out?...Do I Have Too Mucho Pesos?  Is This a Curse For My Skin Being Too Tan?

Everyday I'm Getting Ready To Open Up This Door...Looking Tha Part With a Hopeful Smile on My Face.
Knowing That Struggle Is Part of Tha Playoff Run...We'll See That Later 2day When Tha Heat Play Tha Indy Team of Pace.
But When U Pull and Pull....And Then Somebody from Nowhere Comes and it Opens...U just Wonder if Everythang Has Been a Big Waste.
Like I've Tried Everythang, Have Even Gotten a Hammer To Knock out Tha Emergency Glass...I Can't Even Get To That AX, That's 2 Be Used Just In Case.

So Now I'm Running Outta Options...Wondering If This Door Is Really For Me...Or For Others Better.
Maybe I shoulda Been Born at a Different Time...In a Different City...Where 24/7 They Wear Leather.
Perhaps I Should Of Been Apple and Thrown Away Android...Not Caring If My Phone and Computer Will Constantly Be With Me Via a Wireless Tether.
No Matter How Much I Hold My Hand out 2 Tha Possibility...My Hand Keeps On Missing This Long Awaited Drop...Of This Feather.

I Always Thought Being Tha Best...After a Few Years Would Garner Tha Life Of Ur Dreams.
According To Varsity Blues...U Work Hard To Be Tha Quarterback of Ur Star Squad...And Next Thang U Know it, That "It" Gurl Lets U Lick off Her Boobies and Kitty Some Whip Cream!
Never Could Anybody Imagine How Difficult It Is...And Tha Thang Is...I'm Hidden Except Still Seen.
Like I Get Tha Attention of a Rock Star...Like Van Halen or Steven Tyler...Tha Preparation I've Got, but Tha Spoils Have Yet To Motley Crue Beam.

We Just Want To Be Known As One Of Tha Best...And Along Tha Way Have Fun and Simply Share.
We Wonder If Anybody Else Has That Thought In Mind...To Shop on Lincoln Road During Tha Day...And at Night Share a Corn Dog at Tha Galaxy Fair.
Then On Top of It...I Know What and Who's Waiting Behind That Door...And No Matter How I Ignore Tha Fact...I Really Do Care.
It's Like Behind Door #1, Everythang I've been Wanting All My Life It Holds....U Can't Tell Me It Doesn't Cuz I Somehow Know Who's In There.

Then This Gurl Thang...(Huge Sigh...)...I'm in a Situation Where I know Who I Want...But I Can't Get Her.
She's Like tha Ultimate Representation of My Life...See It...Get Close...Become Close...Then Like This Poem...It Becomes a Blur.
Can U Want Somebody and Have This Feeling Like They Should Be With You...And Remain Quiet and Polite about it like, "No, Ma'am" or 'Yessir".
When Deep Within U KNOW That This Person Should Be With U...There's Somethang in Tha Air When U Two are Around...And U're Left 2 Play Luv's Version of Truth or Dare.

I Heard Skateboard P...aka Pharrell Talk About When He First Met His Wife...How She was in a Relationship, and How He Felt Entitled To Her.
Like He Knew He Could Get Any Gurl in Tha Galaxy, He Got Money, Fame or What Have You...So She Should Just Automatically Leave Her Man, and Go wit "P" to lay on His Living Room Fur.
But "P" was talking about How Difficult It Was, and How She Taught Him Tha Humble Game...Ignoring His Text Messages, Acting Like He Didn't Exist...Even Though She Heard of Him Before.
That Experience Taught Him So Much...That Just Because Ur This or That, Doesn't Mean U Can Make People Break Up or Come 2 You...Even Though They're With an Album...And U Own Tha Entire Store.

Funny Thang is...Now They're Married!!  And To See Tha Look in His Eyes as Oprah asked Him about Her...He just Had This Outer Space Glaze.
Realizing That She Was Worth All Tha Trouble, All Tha One Night Stands...and She Was Tha Velveeta At Tha End of Tha Maze.
U Could Just See Such Happiness in His Eyes...Almost Like He Was Looking Back on Having Tha Crush on That Straight "A" Student Slash Beauty During His Spike Lee High School Daze.
Being a Mars Blackmon Who's Finally Found Tha Perfect Pair of Jordan's To Be By His Side...But Now Realize Tha Short Failure Led 2 a Long Term Luv Ticker Taped Parade.

So That's Where I'm At With This Door...Is Tha Gurl Behind It Somebody I Should Really Go After...Or Is She Just Tha Closest To Date...With Another Behind...Another Door.
Yesterday I Was Thinking About All Tha Gurls That I Know Here In Miami and Abroad...From Co-Students To Co-Workers From So Many Chicks At Tha Gyms I Worked Out in...A Large Score.
But What Got Me Was...I Was Cool With Like Tha Cleaning Ladies...Dime Pieces Behind Front Desks...Females Have Shown Us Luv All Tha Time...But Galaxia's Leading Lady I'm Still Looking For.
That's Why I'm Bent on What 2 Do...Is It True That Good Thangs Come 2 Those Who Wait? Or Should I Stop Pulling on This Bolted One, and Go Easy For an Open Door.

Then If I Really...I Mean Really Say How I Feel...Would That Just Open Up a Can Of Worms With Me and This Lady of Choice.
I'm Cool...But It Just Bugs Me like Bunny...Cuz Right Now, I'm Really And Truly tired of Being Calm and Not Using My Voice.
I feel like We Really Need to Explain Where We are At...But I'm Being Led 2 Shut Up, It's Not My Battle...So I Have No Choice.
Which is Another Example of  How Come I Gotta Remain Cool and Calm Year after Year...Knowing That Her Beauty Speaks So Loud...And For Once Galaxia Ain't Allowed Respond To a Dame's Voice.

So This Morning I Remain Wondering...What Else Can I Do To Get This Door To Come Down?
Or Open...Or What Have You...So Much Energy Has Been Spent That My Face it Beginning To Show a Frown.
My Homegurl Jeannette Asked Me Tha Other day, Why I Walk Around with Balled Fists?...I Hadn't Really Noticed...But Then Again, U'd Be Hopping Mad To If U've Yet To Receive Ur Crown.
Time Is Moving By So Fast...It'll Just Be Nice For Once My Fam to See Us Bloom With Our Career...And 2 See Who's Been Picked To Wear This "In Tha Closet" Wedding Gown.

When I Talk Like This or About Life...I Really Don't Like...Cuz It Can Leave U Vulnerable...Just Wondering When Enough is Enough.
I know James Bond Wanted Tha World, and Wasn't Satisfied...So I Guess Me Wanting Tha Galaxy is Gonna Take a Few More Huff and Puffs.
Speaking of Which, Does Anybody Have Tha Number To Tha Big Bad Wolf?  Maybe He Has Tha Strength To Blow this Door Down...All I Can Give Him is an Unworn Marc Jacob Bracelet Cuff.
Hopefully He Can Come and Help Me Just Because He Wants To See Me Succeed...I'm Gonna Be One of Tha Best Ever...I Know...But This Sealed Door is Making Me Feel like I'm Not So Tough.

Now That I'm Outta Answers...Let Me Pull Out This Coin...Giving To Me By Two-Face, and It Would Decide Tha Fate of Me and My Plan.
If It Lands Heads, with tha Sonic Tha Hedgehog Face, I'll Walk Away From This Door, and Charge These Days To Tha Game, and The Uneven Lay of Tha Land.
Should It Land Tails, With ...Well Tails' Face as Tha Symbol...Although tha Playboy Symbol Would Be More Accurate...Then I'll Got One More Utensil...Hidden In Tha Tool Belt of This Man.
"There's Something About U Baby...That Makes Me Want To Give It 2 You..."...That's Tha Song By Mike There...Ok...And We Flip...

And It Lands....

Huh.  Guess That Leaves Us With No Other Choice...Let Me Walk Back Inside My Place and Get Out My Bag.
(Click-Click.)  There...Now We're Inside...See I Already Had This Packed Up...Emporio Hip Briefs Folded...Tolietries Zip Locked Packed...All  inside My Blue and Camoflouge Herchel Duffy Bag.
I Just Need My Headphones and my HTC M8...They Can Have My Flat Screen and My Hot Wheels Collection...Although I Just Got Scooby's Mystery Machine...Almost Kept It Inside That Target Bag.
They Can Keep My Yoga Kit As Well, Given To Me By Nike...I Could use Tha Strap and Tha Foam Block, but Who Cares Anymore...Looking Good is Overrated...I shoulda Kept That Too in Tha Bag.

I'm Freaking Up!!...Not Even Gonna Lock Tha Door...How Symbolic is That...Huh...Now...How Far of a Walk is It From South Beach To Tha City of Angels?
Got About $50 On my Isis Wallet...Tha Tri-Rail is Five Dollars on Today, That  Can Get Me To West Palm Beach...From There I Can Go to Worth Ave., and Hook Up With a Sugar Mama With Diamond Bangles.
Tha Only Thang Better Than a Young Freak is a 60 Year Young Freak..For They Not Only Know Tha Benefits of AARP, but Also of Tha Morning After...With Ur Feet, Arms and Souls Tangled.
Yep...I'm Gonna Hang Out Right Outside Tha Gucci Store, With My Shirt Open...How Can They Resist?  If They ask What I Do...I'll Either Say...I Dabble in Modeling or That I Play for tha Cincinnati Bengals.

Now Let Me Walk to Catch This Bus...But...Hold On!  That Door...Maybe I Should Give It...One...One More Try.
I've Done Everythang I Could, But I'm No Quitter...One More Try Doesn't Hurt, If It Don't Open Then I'd Just Walk Away With A Tearful Cry.
Over Tha Years I've Shared More Than a Few of Those...That's Why I Tell Anybody Who Will Listen That Tha Best Song Beyonce Ever Made Was..."Me...Myself...And I".
Ok...Here We Are Again in Front Of This Door...I Don't Want To Get My Herchel Bag Dirty...So If It Would To Get One Grass Stain on It, I'd Think I Die.

Alright, Yeah...You Do Hear Tha Music Pumping...I'm Telling You That Behind This Thang is Nothing Short of a Big Party.
I Can't Pick Tha Lock on This Thang or Go New Jersey Drive on It, and Try to Jimmy Tha Lock, That Would Look Mysterious, and Bring in tha Boys Named Hardy.
Already Tried To Blow Torch This Thang Down....(Huff!) I'm Just Outta Answers...I Once Called Up My Boys, but they showed Up 2 Late...Blaming Naked Modelo Especial Senoritas For Them Being So Tardy.
Yes, They are Hottest Spokeswomen In Tha World But I'm Ur Boy, and 2 Stand Me Up 4 Them? And...It Cost Them a Huge Bar Bill..Told Them 2 Be With Sexy Chicas U'll Either Pay for tha Kitty or Tha Barley.

(Honk!  Honk!)  "GALAXIA, DON'T U WISH U HAD MY GURL!!"  (Honk! Honk!)

See What I Got 2 Deal With...Almost Like This Has Become a Joke...Typical South Beach Guy...Thinks He Has His Gurl Tame Cuz He Tricks a Few Dinners on Ocean Drive.
Thinking That Money is What Is Gonna Make Her Happy in This End...When It's Not Tha Money, but How With Tha Relationship How Hard He Strives.
That Guy's a Creep, Anyway...That's Where I Question God, like How Come He Gets This Former UM Dance Team Member, When I Got to Continue 2 Play Tha Fittest Winner Is Tha One Who Survives?
Don't Make Sense...Just Like This Keypad in Front of Me...Said Earlier That I Don't even Have My Glasses or Contacts on...So I'm Looking at this Thang Kinda Blind.

(Beep!-Beep!-Beep!)  that's Funny, That Last Time I Was at this Keyboard is Was Numbers...Now it's Letters...That Might Open Up Tha Possibilities...No More Punching "1-4-3".
One Time I Was Hitting "69" Repeatedly, and a Bunch of Drag Queens From Tha Palace on Ocean Drove By, with a Blond Wigged One Yelling..."Honey...Anytime U Want U Can Push Those Buttons On Me!"
I'm a Freak...And Have Had My Share of Blonds...But I Don't Go Down Like That...Now I'm So Particular That A Chick's Menopause Records I'll Have 2 See.
Once Again...U Must Think I'm Dilly Bar Silly To Think That I'm Gonna Fall In Luv With a Gurl, and Have Her Take Saturn, Mars and Pluto from Me?  Knowing These Miami Gurls a Divorce Would Lead 2 Her taking My Entire Galaxy!

Oh...Can't Live With 'Em...Can't Live Without 'Em...But Ii Gotta Get Inside This Door...Or Else I'm Gonna Miss Tha MetroBus...and We Know it only Comes on Tha Weekends Once and Hour.
I Was in Such a Rush, That I didn't Put on Any Deodorant, so My Arm Pits are Beginning To Smell a Little Sour.
That's Tha European Hostel Way To Live, but I Got an Image To Maintain...I Wonder If I Can Rub My Pits With Some Baking Flour?
Alright I need to Concentrate...WHAT IS THA CODE 2 OPEN UP THIS DOOR?  Can I Scream This Any Louder?!

Ok...Think...Names...Names...What Would Be Tha Magic Name to Get Me Everythang I've Could Ask and Them Some.
Hum...Tha Heck With It...Who's Tha First Gurl U Really Wanted...She was a Mexicana Beauty Named...K-R-I-S-T-I-N-A...And Enter...(Bizz! Bizz!)...Whyyy?? Come On....
Whatever...F-It...Who's Tha Last Mexicana Gurl That I've Kinda Wanted...It's...C-H-R-I-S-T-I-N-A...And (Bizz! Bizz!)...Huh...Thought for sure Her Beauty Would Be Tha Key to Make Me say, "I'm Done."
Who's Tha Celeb I Want To Get With...Ok...K-A-T-V-O-N-D...(Bizz!  Bizz!)  Shucks...How About...Tha Gurl from 2 Broke Girls...K-A-T-D...D....I forgot Her Name...This is Taking Waaay Too Long.

How About Tha Guy I Want To Sleep With...L-E-B-R-....Snap Out of It!  Snap Out of It!  This Keypad is Making Me Delirious!  Come On...What's Tha Phrase or Name?
Think...Think...If This Door Was Especially Shut For...Muah...What Would Be Tha Name or Keyword To Open It Up...I'm Tired of This Game.
Come On Galaxia...Ah Ha!  Perhaps This is it....And If So...I Would Be Put To Some Shame.
My Excitement is Building So High...that I don't think I Can Almost Myself Contain.

(Honk!  Honk!)  "Hey Galaxia...Don't U Wish U Had My....

"BLOODY A'!  WOULD U SHUT UP!!"  Who Cares...Now I'm About 2 Get Mine.
Let Me See..."Boop!-Boop!...Boop!...Boop!"...(Click.)  I Don't Believe It...Tha Door is Opening!...It's Opening!  This Even feels better tha Watching an old Episode of Party of Five!
Oh...Just Tha Smell is Like...So Successful...I'm About To Get Buck Wild Up In Here...Just Imagine if I Hadn't Gave it Another Try....I Wouldn't Seen This Shine.
Finally I Feel Chosen After Years and Years of Rejection...I Was Tha Best Qualified But For Some Reason I Got Tha Typical...In Two Months...Re-Apply.

Perhaps I Was Overthinking Thangs...Thinking That I Had To Go Rambo or it was as Complex as Marc Ecko for This Door To Open...At Least For Me.
Now I See How It Goes...Now I Got To Share Tha Code With Whoever Else Wants 2 See.
I need To Jump Inside This Joint...Real Fast...Not Just Because Mrs. Galaxia is in Here...but Because I Really, and Really Do Have To Pee!
I Can't Help But Wait To See What's About To Jump Off Up In Here...It Looks So Upscale...I Got To Tell Somebody How It Was All Worth Tha Wait...Now I'm Smiling With So Much Glee.

What I Think Happened With This Bolted Door Was I've Been Talking So Much Negative Thoughts...How Come I Don't Have Her...Or That.
You Can Speak Negative Into Ur Life...And That Can Cancel Out Tha Positive u Do Think or Say...When That Occurs Ur Glass Of Tha Champagne Life Tastes So Flat.
U Already Have Tha Dream Lifestyle...But Ur Caught Up On What U Don't Have...What U Really Want Doesn't Come 2 U Until U Go Through Tha Process of Appreciating What U Do Have and Not Lack.
I'm So Ambitious that I Can Lose Sight of Those Thangs...Yeah, I May Not Have Tha World, But I My Goal is Tha Galaxy...May not Have Tha Gurl...But How Many Hot Gurls Read Ur Diary...And Give U a Fun Booty Smack!

Every Diary Post It Seems I Trying To Speak Success and Real Love Into My Life...Cuz It Feels like Somethiing Bigger is Happening With My Life...And I Think This Post is Where We Begin...
No More Feeling Sorry For Who or What We Don't Have...I Consider Myself Tha Freakin' Best...Somebody Who is About Fun and Luv...Who Also Knows His Way Around a Little Bedroom Sin.
I Shoulda Never Thought That Opening This Door Would Be Easy...Stop Looking at What Other People Have and Who's On TV...Khaled Wrote That Song For You...Tha One Tha Says..."All I Do Is Win!!".

Now I Can Tell Tha Rest of Tha Galaxy To Open This Door...U Got To Be Resilient...U Got 2 Believe Ur Tha Best...And Be Willing To Try Any and Everythang 2 Get What U Want...

And U Also Need Tha Simple Password Where U SPEAK Ur Dreams Into Reality...

Who Knew My Dreams Could Come True From Keying In This Plain Four Letter Word...


"It's All About Them...Fast Car Nights...And Them Big Boat Days...Living This Champagne Life Where Everythang's Ok...Let's Toast It Up!...Let's Toast It Up!...Said We Play All Night...And We Play All Day...Living This Champagne Life Where Everythang's Ok...Let's Toast It Up....Champagne Life!!"

Show Tha World Why There Will Never Be Another You!
Austino Galaxia!

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