Monday, May 12, 2014

How Do U Say, "Who Cares?" In Galaxian!!!

"You're Tha Sexiest Person Walking This Earth!"
Huh...I Feel like Those Words Have Been in My Soul Since Birth.
Implanted in Me When I Was In My Mommy's Belly...As I Surfed.
Can U Imagine Me On Fun and Luv's Waves...Coming Out Wet Like a Bill From Fort Worth.

Or Is It Fort Knox?  I don't Know...I don't recall tha Last Time I even looked at Money.
It's like I used My Debit Card So Much...Put I'll Pay Straight Cash if a Gurl wants 2 Give Up Tha Honey!
Not Sure If I Should even Got Down Tha Route 2day...Even Though Talking Freaky is Super Funny!
This ain't just Talk though...It's Real Dude...Sometimes I Wish I Could Run Into a Gurl Named Sunny.

Huh...Did Today Feel Boring To Anyone Else But Me?  Like In a "Let's Get It Over With" type of Way.
I'm like RIGHT Where I Want and Need 2 Be In our Life...I Can Hear Lil Jon Yell..."O-k-k-kaaaay!!"
But Tonight it isn't about Me...I feel a Vibe from One of Tha Stars in Our Galaxy...Like They've Been Having a Horrible Weekend...And Definitely a Bad Day.
So I'm just Gonna Talk Straight from My Shakira Hips...And We're Gonna Get Through This Together...On This 12th Day of May.

(This is Gonna Be Really Personal...But I Got 2 Say What We Got 2 Say.)

Doesn't It Make U Throw Up, When Somebody Talks about Something U Really Want.
Whether It's Relationships, or A New Job...C'Mon Galaxy...We're a Family Here, So There's No Need 2 Front.
Like I Overheard somebody Laughing or Talking about A Boyfriend...And I Began 2 Think....That Little Punk!
Wondering How Come This Pip Squeak is in a Relationship with Somebody...And I Got 2 Remain Patient like Evel Knievel Before His Grand Stage Stunt.

Or When Somebody is Like...I just Got Me a New Car or a New House...And U look around and are still in Ur 250 Square Foot Dorm.
U Smile like, "Oh, That's So Great !" or "That's Awesome!"  But Inside U Thinking...Just For One Day If I Could Live Like Everybody Else...Which is Norm.
How About When Somebody...Like Me (Yikes!) Talks About What They just bought...Or While Ur With Ur Friends They Dropping Dust like In Their Life They Have No Concern.
$200 On Jeans...Another Buck Fifty on Shoes...All Tha While Ur Thinking About Where Ur Next Meal Is Gonna Come From...Or How Many Unworn Items In Ur Closet U Got 2 Return.

Can I Be Real 2night?

Sometimes Having Friends or Family Share Good Times When Ur Going Through Tough Ones...At Times Can Really...I Mean Really Stink.
It's Like...Everybody and Their Mama is Having a Kid Right Now...And Ur Still Wondering If U Can Get a First Date Where They Don't Throw Tha Kitchen Sink!
Or Find Somebody Who Doesn't Have A Problem With Me Wearing...Or Singing Song after Song from Tha Crazy Homegurl...Pink.
Just Like a Gurl Who Would Rather Not Be Judged By Her Silhoutte or Her Booty...But For Once Be Judged By Her Words...And How She Thinks!

People Like 2 Brag...I Know...I Know...Tossing Out Phrases Just So Tha Entire World Can Hear What is Their Life Convo.
I Can't Stand Folks...Yeah, I Said it...Can't Stand When People Talk So Loud On Tha Phone...I Mean, Who Cares If Ur About 2 Close On a New Condo?!!
Bragging and Boasting So Tha Entire Doctor's Office Is Forced 2 Hear This Mumbo Jumbo...Why Don't U Meet Up With Drake and Take All That Jive Talk 2 Toronto?!
It's Wild What Folks Do For Attention...Bragging On How Their Boston Cat Has Nine Lives...So That's Why They Named Him Rondo.

That's a Hoops Joke!  But Anyway...When U Are Still Trying 2 Figure Thangs Out or Fine Ur Way In This World...U Really Don't Want 2 Hear About Somebody Else's Joy.
I'm Being Real...It's Hard 2 Comprehend A Couple Going Around Tha World on a Trip...When Ur At Home Wondering If This Gurl Looks at U as Another Boy Toy.
It's Hard To Remain Super Happy For a Promotion After Six Weeks on Tha Job...When U've been at It For 2 To 3 Years, and Tha Bosses Keep on Looking At U As This "Good Ol' Boy."
It's Hard 2 Remain Giddy, about Ur Friend's Quince Party at a CocoPlum Mansion...When You Had Ur's In Tha Backyard of Ur Granny's House...And U Only Got a CVS Gift Card...Yet, U still had 2 Look Coy.

And There's Nothing Worse...Than Hearing Or Seeing Somebody Walking...Or Talking With Tha Guy or Gurl Of Ur Dreams.
Beep It!  Somebody Got 2 Say This...I take it Personal...Like She Would Rather Pass on This Organic Gelato To Be With This Melted Piece of Ice Cream?!
Then U See Tha "Hand In Hand" and U Hear Tha "No!!  I Luv You's", and U Just Shout 2 Tha Heavens, "SCOTTIE!!! PLEASE SEND THA STARSHIP ENTERPRISE SO I CAN BEAM!"
Like I Feel Like I've Seen It All...To Tha Tounge Kisses...To Tha Grabbing and Rubbing of Buttocks To Tha All To Familiar Head on Shoulder Lean...


Ha ha!  And This is How Tha Great Shakespeare in Tha Sky Works...Life Would Show U All These Episodes...Right After U've Just Had a Bad One Go Down.
I Know I Hold Tha World Record in Seeing People Make Out Right Like Dead in Front of Me...Most of Tha Time It's Right After A Chick Has Left Me Speechless Without a Sound.
Here In South Beach...I Know, I'll Be Walking Thinking, "How Come This Gurl Was All On Me When She Has A Man?"...Sure Nuff...'Smooch!  Smooch!' With Tha Couple Not Even Looking Around.
On That Janet "Anytime, Anyplace" Tip...Which I Kinky Lik...I mean Kinda Like As Well...But Not When Ur Going Through Tha Upteenth Chick Who Can't Decide if I'm More Worthy of Her...Well, Going Down.

Miami is a Tricky City...Like Tha Run DMC song Back in Tha 80s, Where Everybody was All About Having Fun.
Down Here in Miami...There's a Lot of...Posing...Flamboasting...Stunning...Tricking...Mr. Me Too...Plastic Living Down Here...Like Their Money Burgers Already Got Tha Cheese added 2 Tha Buns.
We...Me Included..."Fake It Until You Make It"...Hoping Tha Rocking Hot Italian Brands and Living in Tha Best Neighborhoods Will Attract tha Best Thangs Life Has 2 Offer...Sometimes It Burns Us Like Tha Sun.
I'm A Strong Believer in "Living It Up" and Speaking Success and Gurls Into Ur Life...Let Me Try...'Chris...Chris....Chri...'...Did It Work?!!  But For Real...2 Be a True Star...U Have 2 Act Like One.

Meaning...One, A True Superstar Doesn't Have 2 Brag About Tha Thangs He Has Obtained Either By Hard Work, Brow Nosing, or By Straight Up Crook.
And Two, A True Star Has 2 Learn How To Deal With Tha Success of Others, Even When They are in Tha Process of Their Own World Getting Shook.
Life Can Be a Process...And Many Times U Have 2 Go Through Each Step...And On Each Step U Have To Hit Every Single Nook.
I've Been Forced to Go Through So Much in Regard To That...Let Me Explain....Consider This a Sneak Preview 2 My Upcoming...Book.

I've Been Blessed With a Pretty Awesome Life...But, I Make No Bones About It...Tha Only Thang Missing is A Princess and A Galaxy Changing Career.
Let's Save Tha Best For Last, and Talk about Tha Gig Thang First...Cuz This Has Been on Our Radar For A Number of Years.
Some People Through High School or College Know What They Want 2 Be...So When They Get 2 A Final Exam in College...Even Though Its Tough, Their Attitude is of, "I Need This" and Not of Fear.
Then U Got People Like Me...Who Wanted 2 Be Everythang from a Meteorologist To A Talk Show Host...I PROMISE U Last Week, I thought About Trying Out For Chippendales By The End of Tha Year!!

But I have this Attitude, as Well as U Cuz Ur Reading This Special Diary For Dreamers and Goal-Achievers...This Attitude of I Can Do Anythang, as Long as I Focus With My Mind.
So U Can Be in Certain Situations on Tha Job...And Even Within Ur Own Home or Family When U Feel Like Ur Being Taken For Granted...When Inside Ur Singing Lou Rawls' Tune of..."U'll...Never Find."
Inside Ur Thinking..."Dude or Dudette...I'm Doing This Duty or Task Without Saying a Mumbling Word...If This Was Somebody Else She'll Be Cussing U Out ...This Wasn't in Tha Job Description I Signed."
Then People Can Get Used 2 U...Taking Out Tha Trash or Leading a PowerPoint In Meetings...Not Realizing That If U Don't Recognize Hard Work, That That Person Would Quit on a Drop of a Dime.

That's Why I'm So Sensitive Towards Gurls...Not Women...But Gurls...Cuz There's No Way a Gurl Who's In A Relationship Should Be Doing Certain Thangs For a Gal When She's Still Only Like 22.
Why Should She Have 2 Wash ur Clothes or Cook Every Single Day Without Getting At Least One "I'll Wash Tha Dishes"...Those are Her Prime Years When She Should Be Doing Tha Do.
Instead...She's Sacrificing Going Out 2 Tha Club, Partying and Sometimes Her Body as In Having a Baby and 'Pleasing' Tha Guy...And Tha Guy Ain't Sacrificing Money, Complements or Jack like That Gurl Owes You.
Don't Get It...Then When Tha Gurl Wants a Nice Dinner Out or To At Least Get a One Rose on Her Birthday or Anniversary of Ur "First Kiss"...Tha Guy Gets Sick and Somehow Comes Up With Tha Flu.

I Don't Like 2 Talk Bout This Because This is "The Real Me"...But Even Though This Wasn't What We Were Gonna Say...Somebody...I Mean...Somebody Has Got 2 Say....Somethang.
So as I Earlier Spoke...It's Tough To Handle Somebody In a Relationship or a What Not, When U Wish U Had a Particular Person...See That Person Done Wrong, and Sit and Not Say A Thang.
Here in Miami, There are a Lot of Pretty Young Thangs...LOTS...Many are in a Relationship...And Many Are Putting Up With Stuff That Even Their Moms Didn't Have Go Through...Is It Luv or A Fling?
Cuz I've Been Taught That Luv is An Action Word...Don't Ever Forget That...I'm Thinking Bout This One Gurl Now...Her Man May Do Anythang "To" Her...But I'll Do Anythang "For" Her...That's Tha Song I Sing.

So Getting Back To Tha Aforementioned Point...When U Hear Somebody is Doing This or That and Ur Hearing How Somebody is Getting Not Mis But Under Treated...U Think Sometimes...If I Had That...
That's One Real Quality of a True Star...Can U Handle Other People's Lives...No Matter What It Is...And Still Be Focus on Who U Are Even When Things are Getting Outta Whack.

I Need A New Stanza.

I Recall a Few Weeks Ago, Me really Going Through It...Wondering Why Am I Trying So Hard 2 Be This Ultimate Guy, When Nobody Seemingly Wants 2 Have Fun or Luv Like I Do.
How Come I'm Working Out 2 Get This Bomb Body...When Somebody Else Who Doesn't Give a Hoot About What They Put In, Has a Gurlfriend and a Nursery Room Painted Blue?
Why Am I Writing From My Heart...Sacrificing Nights at Tha Club or Going 2 Coconut Grove To Look For Panties To Sniff, When Nobody Might Not Read This Anyway, And if So, They Don't Give Me a Clue.
Why Is It That...Tha More Money I Get...Tha Better Wardrobe I Have...And Tha More Confidence I Portray Actually Pushes People...Away...When In Tha Court Case of Fun v. Luv...U Should Never Sue.

When U Hear About All These "Good Times" Going Around You...And About People Getting Tha Picket Fence on Tha Hollywood Hills, U just Wonder...What Am I Missing Out On?!
I'm Following What Granny Told Me...Maybe I shoulda Got Me Teeth Fix Like That Shorty Suggested...Everybody else Curses Every other Word, and They got a Gal and Cash...I Feel like Life's Pawn.
Everybody Keeps Saying...Your Time Will Come...And Tha Job Had Your Name On It...And...You Got 2 Pay Some Dues...But No Matter How Patient I Remain...There's Still No Break of Dawn.
It Doesn't Make Sense That This Guy Outta Of College Has Married His High School Sweetheart and Are Expecting When I'm Still Wondering If I'll Get A Crib with a Crib inside...Surrounded by a Nice Lawn.

This is What I've Learned, and It Has Helped Me To Be Really Blessed in A LOT OF WAYS...Rule #1:  Jealousy Kills.
Tha Worse Thang...Well, One of...Tha Worse Thangs I HAD 2 GO THROUGH...Was Hearing Tha Gurl I Had a Mad Crush On, Tell Her Boyfriend, "I Luv You"...Like She Was Shouting It 2 Tha Hills.
Inside, I Got This Tingle of...Like Anger-Envy...Or It Coulda Been Some Bad food from Moe's SW Grill...But Anyway...I Borderlined Began 2 Cry...That Moment Gave Me Nada Thrills.
Cuz U Think...This Gurl Deserves Better Man...But For Some Reason God Chose This Dude as "Tha Lucky Guy"...Or Did He?  I feel Somethang Stirring Up Around This Galaxy's Mill.

Rule #2....Realize That NOT Getting A Want Could Be For Your Good...That's Why I Luv Chad and Pharrell's Song "Maybe"...So Much.
We Can Think...I Gotta Have That Car...Or Go To This Party Tonight...Not Realizing That Not Attending or Receiving That "Must Have" Keep Ur Soul Literally In Touch.
I've Missed Certain Parties, and Somebody would say, "Dude, Tha Cops Showed Up Last Night" or U might Not Get That Dream Guy, Then Later Hear How He Only Gives Bad Sex and Always Drinks Spiked Punch.
That's Why Miami is So Tricky Cuz Tha Outside Can Appear To Be Golden, but Once U Look Beyond Tha Facade U Think...I'd Been Better off If I Never Even Had This Wasted Lunch.

Rule #3...Understand That What's For You, Is For You...And You're Gonna Get It...No Matter How U Run From It Or Even Try.
I'm A huge...No...HUGE Sucker For Luv Stories and How People First Met...Tha Stories People and Strangers Have Told Me...My Heart Beats Just Begin 2 Multiply.
It's Like Destiny Found Those Two People...At Tha Right Place...At Tha Right Time...Right Now, Just Thinking About it Makes Me Want 2 Cry!
You Can't Get Caught Up in Other People, and Like..."They Met at a Heat Game, So That's Where All Tha Hotties Are!"...No...Perhaps You Dream Hotttie is in front of U at Walgreen's eating M&M's on Tha Sly.

When It Comes To Jobs and Definitely Luv...I'm Learning To Not Judge Other People's Lives, and Automatically Assume It's Gonna Be Tha Way For You As Well.
"Well, Galaxia...Sooner or Later You're Gonna Get Old, Just Watch and See..."....Like...NO!  That's You, I'm Gonna Be Young Forever...With My Mind, What I Eat, and The Upkeep of My Body...Every Cell.
"Well...Galaxia...Hispanic Gurls Look Mighty Fine When They Are Young, but as They Get Older They Let Go..."....Like...NO! Just because Who U knew Did...Doesn't Mean My Gal is Gonna Stop Being a Highlight Reel.
"Well...Galaxia...You Should Save Ur Money and Not Splurge on Those Jeans or Shirt..."  Perhaps...But Maybe, Those Jeans Make Me Working 45 Hours Last Week Worth It...This is Tha Treat To Close Tha Deal.

See...People are quick To Speak Upon Bad Experiences...I Mean...Look at Yelp!  A Bad Meal...A Bad Experience With a Gym Manager...Then We Automatically Think..."I'll Never Go There."
Not Knowing ALL Tha Details...Same With Relationships...U Hear One Party Cheated...Or One Party Screwed Everybody in Tha Science Club, Walking Out of The Boys Locker Room With Albert Einstein Hair.
But Let Me Get This Right...It's Wrong If A Gurl Has Banged Over 10 Guys...She's A Whore...But When One of My Boys Bangs 15...He's A Pimp?!  That Warrants an Ugly Face Stare.
Just Because U Had a Bad Experience Doesn't Mean That Person, That Restaurant, That Retail Store, or That Former Stripper is Horrible...Don't Let One Person's Misfortune...Ruin Your Fun Fair.

Rule #4...Use People's Outward Bragging as Inward Motivation...It's Amazing How Small Details Can Take U To A Level Unseen.
There's So Many Times That A Phone Conversation, or Diss By a Boss or Somebody Showing Me 2 My Face, Knowing I've Gone through Dating Purgatory, a Photo of Their Wifey...Has Been a Crutch That I've Leaned.
This is Really Personal...But I Use It Even As A Motivation From God...And Get Mad at God...."Okay, This guy is 18 Years Old, He Didn't Have 2 Go Through Amy...And Amy...And Stephanie...He's Better Than Me?"
Personally, I Think That's Why U Hear Good News Concerning Things Which U Are Having Trouble Dealing With...Either U Can Think of Them as "Why Do I See This Now?" or Use Them as...I'm Tha Best, and There Will Never Be Anyone Like Me.

Tha Last One...Cuz I'm Getting a Headache...Rule #5...Always Strive To Be "Tha First You" Instead of A Second....Any...And I Do Mean...Anybody!
This involves Families or Close Friends...U Think...Boy...I Wish I Had Tha Benzo!  Then a Year Later, U Hear Bout Their Struggles With Tha Payments...and U just think, I'm Happy with my 1982 Caddy.
Or Initially, U Can Think...Gurl...I Wish I Could Have a Baby and a Man Just Like You...Then When Tha Dude Walks away She quietly shares How tough it is to Be With a Guy Who doesn't want to take care of Tha Little Ones Potty.
You Never Know What's Going On Behind Tha Scenes...So It's Best 2 Be Content In Ur Lane...That Way U Won't Hurt Nobody!

There's No Blueprint For Being You...I used 2 Get Upset and Heated about My Life...Like Recently...Thinking I'm Doing Everythang I know...How Come It Still Hasn't Come.
U Think...I Know It Can't Be "This" Hard...And How Come My Peers Aren't Encouraging Me, Like I Encourage Them...All I Wanna Do Is Just Have Simple Fun?!!
I Always Say..."That Just Because a Beauty Queen Knows She's Pretty, Doesn't Mean She Doesn't Want 2 Hear It Every Once in A While!"  I Mean...Duh!!
But Tha More U Strive To Just Be You...Tha More Alienated It Can Feel...And People Who Have Clouds Surrounding Them, Wonder...How Come He or She is Always Getting Tha Sun?

Don't Get Caught Up To What Other People Say...Especially If It's Negative...Until That Person Does U Wrong Themselves...Take It with a Grain of Salt.
Many Times Folks Will Put Other People Under Tha Bus...This Person is An Alcoholic...Then U Walk Up 2 Them, and They Tell You, That That Particular Get-2gether Was Tha First Time They Drunk Liquor Malt.
I Just Want All of Us, And This Galaxy 2 Have and Open Mind....Cuz U Need One 2 Be Successful in This Life...Some Thangs U Can't Control, and U need 2 tell People, "Shut Up!  That Ain't My Fault!!"
Hey..."Did I Do That...It Ain't My Fault!"  That was Tha No Limit Song Back in Tha Day...Use Braggadocious Talk as Ur Motivation, and "Make 'Em Say Ugh!!" As Ur Success Pole Vaults!

Tonight I've Given U Too Much of My Soul and Heart...But Some Thangs U Got 2 Learn By Failure...Which is Good, Cuz That Give's Ur Life Tha Diamond Worth.
You Look Back and Wonder, How Am I Living This Ultimate Lifestyle...While Others are Complaining About Work, I'm Smiling With My Mate Deciding When High Tide is Coming In, So We Can Surf.
I'm A Weird Guy I Know...October 30th is My B-Day...Right Before Halloween, and I Think Nobody Can Have a Sexier Day of Birth.
We've Come Full Circle On Today...Don't Worry Bout Other Folks And Their "Thangs" Cuz U Got One Thang They Can't Say...

You're Part of This "Fun and Luv" Galaxy...And I Know Hands Down If U Read This...

That "You're Tha Sexiest Person Walking on Earth!"

Well...Maybe Number Two!! (Wink!!)

Luvs and Kisses.

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