Thursday, May 22, 2014

"I Luv Big Face Bozo's and Cupid's!!"

Austino Galaxia...Huh.  What Happens When U Hear Tha Name?
Do U Soak in Haterade?  Considering How My Heart I Cannot Tame.
Or Do U Giggle Thinking That This Guy Really And Truly is Insane.
Is Their A Part of You Who Thinks That All This Talk of "Luv and Fun" Ain't Nothing but an Atari Game?!

Gonna Be Honest I Wasn't Gonna Write on Tonight...And There's a Good Reason Behind Us Waiting.
Seemingly This Entire Diary of Ours Has Gone From Fun To Tha Trials and Tribulations of Me Dating.
I'm Spilling Everythang I know...And Who I Want 2 Know and Take Out for a Friday Night of Arcade Gaming.
Leaving No Stone Unturned...Hoping a Nugget of Knowledge...Or a Spoken Appreciation Can Show Where My Soul is Aiming.

(Wait...Hold On...I Got 2 Write This 2nite...Like a Diary...I'm Sorry, But I Have To....)

I'm Closer 2 Ever, And I Do Mean Ever...To Having Tha Life That Once Was Only in My Night Night.
Things are Happening in Ways I Could Never Imagine...Like Moving From Last Row Reserved To First Class...On This Galaxy Flight.
Recently I've Been Talking About My Life, As A Diary Should...Without a Care in Tha World...Like Letting Go of a Summer Breeze Kite.
If My Diary Would Be Private...This Is What I'd Be Writing About...Having Fun...Showing Luv...And Who's Booty Looks Enticing in Jeans So Tight.

Not Sure if I Should Go Here...But Perhaps Somebody is Wondering...If Showing How U Feel About Something or Someone...Worth Losing a Friendship.
Like If Showing That U Like Somebody...Or Admire Them as a Gurl or Guy...Worth Having Ur Stock in Communication Suddenly Dip.
With Both of U Walking in Tha Dark, Feeling Each Other's Presence...But Somehow Neither One of You Wants To Hit "On" on Tha "We Cool?" Switch.
I'm About 2 Get Loose 2nite...Cuz One This is On My Mind, No Matter How I Ignore It...And Two Because...Cover Ur Ears Little Avery...I Really Don't Give a S#@%!

Creating This Diary and Tha Life I Live...In Many Ways Coincides To Tha Full.
Austin Williams Is Actually Austino Galaxia...Within My Soul There Isn't A Old School Fencing Dual.
When I Tell Stories, I'm Honest Dude...So Much So That I'm Willing 2 Embrass Myself About Tha Dolls That I Didn't...Not Couldn't...But Didn't Pull.
Talking About How Tough Tha Journey is To Be..."Tha Best Ever" While Also Talking About Having So Much Stress That My Only Quiet Time is On Tha Bathroom Toilet Stool.

The Reason We Wanted To Create This Diary, is Because....Jokes Aside...I Felt Like There Has Never Been ANYBODY Talk About The Rise 2 Tha Top...As They Are Going Through Tha Chase.
People Do Movies...Cats Write Books...All After They are Rich and Infamous...Or Famous...But I Want 2 Know About How U Felt When U Went to 7-11 with Ur Homies For a Black 'N Mild and a Miller Case.
It's Easy To Talk When U Got Tha Money...Got Tha Honey...Got Tha Fame...But What Did U feel like When U Were So Frustrated That U Didn't Want 2 Wake Outta Bed, and Look at Tha World Face2Face.
Those Are Tha Times That Can Inspire Others, As We All Are Reaching Our Dreams...Sometimes We Need a Blueprint To Just See How These Limited Edition Kicks of Success...Should Be Laced.

For Some Reason I've Been Used as a Shouting Voice...For This Galaxy and Diary is For Those Who are Super Sexy and Who Have Dreams To Be Reached.
That's It!!  I Don't Even Want Nobody Else To Read This 'Ish, Because It's Top Secret Information...Shared Stories...Shared Pain...That In Schools They Don't Teach.
We Keep It Super Real in This Diary...Discussing How Money Really Isn't Everythang...To How I Need To Stop Judging Chicks By Tha Size of Their J-Lo Peach.
It May Be For One Person Living In Asia...Or A Million Eyes Here Stateside...But I Sacrifice 2 and Sometimes 3 Hours a Post, because I Want Somebody Swagger Level 2 Hit Circa 1995 South Beach.

A Diary is Supposed 2 Be Super Personal...Never 2 Be Read...But For Some Reason I Feel Tha Need To Go Kayne and Tell Tha Galaxy Where I Want To Live Next?  LA.  And Who I Think Is Hot.
Usually Diaries Are To Be Shared With No One...But Ours Happens To Be Public Information, Article X at tha Miami Beach City Council Meetings...So I Spill My Life From My Heart...As U Can See...It's a Lot.
My Life is Really like a MTV Reality Show...With Gurls Coming In and Out...The Trials of Having Money...To Wondering When My Dreams of Success From Tha Hills are Gonna Shout.
Oh...Heidi From The Hills...Uh-Uh-Uh!...Anyways We Want To Be "Authentic" Because That's Lacking Nowadays...Some Days We're World-Beaters...Others All We Want is Silence So We Can Pout.

So At Tha Moment, I See Things Coming Together In Ways Never Known...Yet There's a Feeling For Me 2 Write About Life...Especially In South Beach...As An Eligible Bachelor on Tha Market.
I'm Not Thirsty...I'm Not Looking Per Se...But My Lifestyle Would Be Even More Interesting If I Had That All-Galaxy Baby Gurl, Who's Not Afraid To Put Somebody in Their Place By Saying, "Shut Up!  And Park It!"
I've Run Into So Many Gurls Throughout My Life, and Definitely Here in Miami...Shhh! Don't Tell Nobody But a Hot Spot To See Sexy Mamacitas off of Bird Road, Across From Tropical Park Inside of Target.
While I Guess If Ur Looking To Toss Up a Few Hun-It's....U Never Know U Can Find Ur Darling Twisting On Tha Pole in Hallandale Beach...At Tha Strip Club Named Scarlett's.

One Thang That I'm Still Having a Tough Time Dealing With is My Career and Definitely My Luv Life Being Presented 2 Me...In Steps.
Like I Feel Like Every Job That I've Had Is Leading Me Up...Tha Long Hours...Tha Long Drive...Tha Rejected Promotions...Almost To Increase My Drive and To Add To My Steak Some Pep.
Then All Tha Jack Cheese That I've Gone Through In My Luv Life is Tha Same...Gurl Who's Cool...Gurl Who's Hot...Super Hot Chick, Bad Attitude...Geeky Gal...Step By Step Process Like a Beat I Wish Timbaland Coulda Kept.
I Say That Cuz Who Wants 2 Go Through Tha Struggle?  Let's Just Keep it Real...If I Had a Choice I Woulda Been Married With Me Only Thinking About How I Can Make My Solider Dig in Tha Rose Bush With More Depth!

For Real...That's Why I Talk About If U Have A Gurl or a Wife, Then Treat Her With Respect...That Don't Mean Chump Up...Cuz in Many Ways...ALL Gurls Want a Thug.
That Might Mean Just Being Yourself, and Telling a Doll, That U Just Want To Be Friends, With No Title of a Relationship...Just Because U know a Lot of Hotties...And Sometimes All They Want is a Good Plug.
That Also Might Mean Running To Tha Grocery Store in Tha Pouring Rain, To Get Tha DVD That Would Make Ur Babe Happy...It's Amazing How A Gurl Gets Turned on by Season One of Nickelodeon's Doug!
What I'm Seeing is That Every Relationship is Different, and Unique To Those Two People...Whether It's Long Distance or Tha Allowance of Making Out With Other People...It's Up 2 Those 2 People How They Want Their Bath Bubbles of Luv 2 Sud.

What Has Tripped Me Out, and Has Almost Ran Me To Eat Tostino's Pizza Rolls after They Have Fell Behind Tha Oven, is I've Known So Many Beautiful Gurls...But I Keep On Running into Tha One Percent.
I Luv For Gurls To Feel Free Around Me...Cuz I Know They Go Through a Lot in Their Lives...And They Are!  So Much That It's Scary...A Married Gal Gets Comfy With U, and U Wonder is This Heaven Sent?
Or U Get 2 Know Somebody and They Like U...But Stop For Some Reason...Because They Feel Themselves Getting 2 Close...I Mean How Can This Guy Be Sorta Hot, Unique, and Not Care or Not if We Do or Don't Make a Luv Sofa Dent?!
Funny Thang is That I've Got a Record of Gurls....Getting 2 Know Us...Then Not Wanting 2 Take That Next Step...Then Coming Back 2 Me Almost in Regret...Like I Say, We're a Once in a Generation Dude...Missed Opportunity...Off It Went.

And I Believe That...And U Should Have Tha Upmost Confidence in Urself As Well...Sometimes It's Not You...And U Have 2 Realize That Somebody May Not Have Paid Their Dues To Earn Tha "In A Relationship" Status.
I Guess Tha Funny Thang For Me...Is To Remain Patient and Really Get To Know Who's Mad Cool No Matter What...And I Guess It Don't Hurt If She Takes Care of Herself Like A Trish Stratus.
U Have To Believe, Not in a Cocky Way, But Super Confident Way, That Ur Tha Ultimate Catch...Like An Oil Drill Spilling Over Right Outside of Dallas.
For Tha Right Person U know That U'd Be Willing To Do Whatever 2 Make Her Happy...Whether That's Shopping on Rodeo Drive on a Weekend Fling...Or Rubbing Her Feet Until Ur Hand Get a Callus.

We're Probably Tha Most Romantic...Playboy U'll Ever Meet....Which Brings Me To How So Many Gurls Are Telling Me That I Need a "Good Gurl" and Leave These I Guess "Plastic" Chicks Alone.
So Does a Gurl's Past Reputation Really Matter?  Is That A Turn On Or Turn Off When This "Bad Gurl" Doesn't Return a Text or Answer a Morning Phone Call?
Like I Told My Homie Kev Tha Other Day...What Up Big Pimpin'!  Keep Doing Ur Thang!!...But We Know Tha Game Too...A PlayGurl Think She's All That Cuz She Owns a Small Kiosk...But When It Comes To This Luv Thang...I Own Tha Luv Galaxy's Mall!!
And Just To Make This Stanza Rhyme Let It Be known....We Live For Fun on A Whole Nother Stratosphere..My Version is Us Two Being in Tha Ride and Flipping a Coin...Who Should I Lick First...You or This Ice Cream Cone?!!

All Of Us Guys...Me Included...Have 2 Step It Up A Notch...Gurls Nowadays Have Sex Like Dudes Back in '98, Meaning They Separate Love From a One Night Stand...Like Moses and Tha Red Sea!
Nowadays Tha Chick Would Try To Kick U Out Tha Bed...Or Give U Good Brain, and Then Not Call U For A Week...Messing With Ur Head, Turning U Into A "Jump Off" Wondering...What Happened 2 Me?!
I'm Not Calling For Galaxia's Rebellion To Be Led By Al Bundy's "No Ma'am" Committee...I'm Just Saying That If Ur Not Ready To Step Up To a Dime Piece...Then Don't...Don't Ruin a Sexy Gurl's Mindset For The Rest of The Sea.
Cuz If U Not Up 2 Par....Either How U Handle Her in Public...How U Dress...How U "Bang"...Then She's Gonna Tell Her Gurlfriends...And She Won't Date Anybody For Another 6 Months...Meaning She's Missing Out on Guy's Like...(Smile Inserted.)...Like Me!

So What I've Used These Lessons With a Gurl Every Week and Bloody Close To Everyday, Is To Make Sure That I'm On Top of My Game...We Can Say We Want Tha Hot Guy or Gurl, but Are U Ready?
I Look Back on Chicks I Thought I Should Have Had...But I Perhaps Wasn't Ready For That...I Hadn't Seen Enough For Me To Settle Down Or Even To Go Steady.
One Thang About Being "Free" at This Level, Is That U Can See Tha Lay of Tha Land...And What Type of Guy is Needed...U Used To Want a Wilma, but After Some Time U Find Urself Attracted To Betty.
And U Can Get Urself Ready Physically, Financially and Spiritually For Tha Type of Relationship U Want And Ones U Don't...I'm Still Turned on By A Hot Gurl Who Sleeps in PJ's Hugging Her Big Old Teddy.

For Example...Today I Was at Publix, and Went Shopping...My Eating Habits Have Changed Tremendously Over The Last 10 years...Heck...Even Since Last November or So.
Now I Run To Get Organic Valley Milk, Tropicana OJ That's Groovestand With Pulp with Added Vitamin D and Calcium...But Don't Trip I'm Still a Flintstone Kid...Using Tha Completes, Vit C and Iron Added So I Can Grow.
Plus, I Don't Really Eat Red Meat...It Takes Like 3 Days To Leave Ur System, Plus It Can Make U Feel Heavy...Along With Me Wanting My Abs To Be Washboard...The Menu of Beef I Had To Throw.
This is Just My Diet BTW...So I Eat Exclusively Chicken, Turkey, All Whole Wheat Products...Veggies With No Salt Added...No Fried Foods, and Organic Oatmeal Wrapped as a gift  in with a Sexy Bow.

This is Just An Example...Now...If I Hadda Met My Wifey Like in 2007, I Probably Wouldn't Be At Tha Level of My Habits...And I Might Be Settling on Tha Food I Once Ate.
Not Knocking Anybody For What They Eat...But Even in Relationships It Does Make a Difference...One Can Be a Vegan, Or Lactose-Intolerant...Tha Sex is Good, but U Two Argue on Where U Should Go On Tha Next Date.
That's Why I Say...Reluctantly...But Tha Person U DON'T End Up With Could Be Tha Best Thang To Happen To You...Like an Unseen Mulligan Shot on Tha Green By Fate.
Just Because a Person Looks Good in a Bikini or a Fireman's Uniform, Doesn't Mean They are A Good Match For You...And I REFUSE To Date a Cutey Who Always Says, 'She's Tired and Not In Tha Mood'...Life is Too Short 2 Waste...Period.

Getting Real Tonight Huh?!  But It's Just Real Talk...Cuz Us Guys Especially Get Caught Up With A Gurls Physical...While Gurls Get Caught Up With a Guy's "Stats".
We See Tha Curves and Heart Shape Booty's And Automatically Feel Like We'v Met Tha One...So...Ur Allergic To Pets, but are Willing To Sacrifice That For Some Na Na Na, Although She Owns 10 Cats?!!
Or A Gurl Tells Her Friends..."He Makes $70,000, I'm Alone All Tha Time, I'll Do Whatever He Wants Since He Lives in Brickell Key"...Even Though He Cheats on Every Gurl, and His Black Book is Super Stacked.
We Can Sometimes Sacrifice Ourselves...Just To Be With Somebody...Or With an Anybody...We Look at Our Friends or How Society Says We Should Be...And Go For Tha First Thang That Comes Along With Their Teeth Half Way in Tack.

I Say That Cuz I Fight It All Tha Time...U Think I Can Screw This Gurl Easy If I Wanted 2...We Have Absolutely Nothing in Common, but I've Never seen 32B Breasts Like Hers, and When I Don't Have My Contacts In...She Looks Somewhat Cute.
I Know She's Looking For a Guy Like Me...Since I'm "A Poor Woman's Fantasy and a Rich Woman's Dream", So I Can Probably Play Her like Kenny G on a Saxophone shaped Flute.
But Ur Just Doing An Injustice To Not Only Yourself, but More Importantly Her...Then U Make Her Upset Bout Being Played, and Of Course She's Tha Crazy One Who Pours Sugar in Ur Gas Tank, and Goes Through Ur Burberry Wallet Loot!
And This Entire Maury Povich Episode Unfolded Before Ur Very Eyes Because U Just Wanted...Pussy, and Not To Know This Gurl For Who She is...A Patient Wait is A Whole Lot Betta Than a Paternity Suit.

Yes!!  I Think I just Killed Tha Mosquito That Has Given Me H-E-Double Hockey Sticks For tha Last Few Days...I'm Celebrating Like I Won American Idol!!
This is Just How I Feel About Life....U Have 2 Be Urself, and Live With Tha Results...If U Don't Mix With Tha Person of Ur Dreams...Keep Living It Up!  Poppin' Condoms is Nice, but It May Be Cheaper To Pop Bottles.
That Might Be Bottles of Champagne or Bottles of My Favorite Kind...Apple Sparkler...Ask My Guys...I Can Make a Bottle of Apple Sparkler Look Like Big Balla Status....Still Attracting All Tha Models.
See...And Gurls Know this Better Than Guys...Swagger Isn't Valued By A Number of Zero's...Swagger is Valued on Whether U Have Tha Confidence To Live Life Timid or With Tha Knob on Full Throttle!

Alright...It's Crazy...This Life We Have...Now We're About To Hit A Whole Nother Level...But I'm Determined To Share My Lessons And Daily Trials...Cuz All Of Us Want Mo'.
If U Read This Diary, U Can Tell That I Like The Simpsons...So It's Only Right 2 Say That I've Had More Than My Share of Moments Coming Home To Tha Showroom Slapping My Head Like Homer, Saying 'D'Oh'...Living Life like a Fox Primetime Show.
Just Hope Tha U See That We're A Goofy Kid Who Lives Life at Tha Highest Level, Appreciative of His Blessings, and Looks at His Wealth In a "Fun and Luv" Flow.
They Say Tha Luv of Money is Tha Root of All Evil...But My Bank Holds Bills With Big Faces of Bozo and Cupid...

And I Never Thought I'll Say This But Since My Mulah is Measured in Fun and Luv....

Just Like Jigga and Biggie...I Too Can Proudly Say...

"I Love The Dough!!"


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