Saturday, February 22, 2014

Just Say Yes!

Anticipation is in tha air on this morning,
We've been through everythang and beyond these last few days.
Pickpockets, Bum tires on needed to be replace on our dream ride,
Then my Sony Vaio broke, it's like I'm living in this Purple Haze.

Haven't written in a bloody while,
Too much going on, apologize for giving tha impression of 'Abort'.
Freakin 'A, that was another crazy event of this past week,
Stacia Lolita Rositas still doesn't know how to get me outta this jam in Love's Court?!!


U know what I need to get loose about some stuff,
This dream life we have is only short of a Benz ride with tha Pope.
Let's speed this up, and show tha Galaxy one more time what we got,
Here's a first...U actually get tha title before we even began...2day's Post is titled...


(Huge Sigh...Please let this be magical.)

When u hear that word what comes to thought?
Is it Ali or Floyd, some of tha best boxers to have ever fought?
Or is it Cali-good or 80s Columbian the best 'Ooh Wee' that can be bought?
Is it Beyonce or Kate Upton, the best tha media claims to be tha most sought?

Very debatable to all those questions presented at hand.
I can add Roy Jones Jr. or Prince Nassem to those fighters which I think were tha best in tha land.
Though I don't smoke, I think Sex Weed, may be worth buying from tha Playboy Mansion clan.
Or how about all these sexy ladies I see in South Beach and Miami, some don't even have tans.

Tha opinion of others to who's tha greatest ever?
Who takes u home for tha night?...Tha hottest guy or tha one who's words are most cleaver.
Which gets tha job?  How come it always goes to tha one who has a tattoo saying, 'Brown Noser 4Ever'.
While how come the best is measure in 'Likes' and Followers...Really, does 2,000 clicks make u that much better?

Dope.  I'm starting to feel this thang on today Galaxy Fam.
Like this post might need to be shared throughout tha stars like some Outer Space Spam.
My butt is rocking, and my legs are moving in excitement, don't u wish I turned on my Skype Cam?!
Thinking about firing every bullet in my F.C. Arsenal, like a soccer version of Yosemite Sam.

Lately, well all my life, we've wanted to be considered...Tha Very Best.
Not knowing that u have to go through obstacle courses that constantly try ur endurance test.
U go around thinking, 'Is this 'ish even worth it? For real...I just want 2 be known as one name...with no 'X'.
Try to have fun, be a true gentleman...I mean, when that girl was leaning over, I didn't even Tweet a picture her breasts.

As I've said before, or like Jigga and JD say, 'Money Ain't a Thang.'
I mean that literally as my Burberry wallet is empty without a Benjamin or Lincoln to sing.
Mean that figuratively, cuz Mulah ain't a thang...cuz all it does is rent a supposed to be One Night Fling.
That is also Galaxian cuz I'm learning that u cannot define sexiness or greatness by a Jared Diamond Ring.

Money is good, but need not put all ur faith in it's all in all.
Yesterday I just bought some items like I got L.A money like Chris Paul.
Spending ducketts on Burberry Khakis, for this post Christopher Bailey should give me an endorsement call!
He's the Chief Designer of BBerry.  Just knowing that shows u I've spent too much time shopping at tha mall!

Gonna be honest, I've always dreamed of seeing our name is lights.
Going to tha Chicago Theatre or on Broadway...Galaxia with stars...What a sight.
Never could imagine that going through so much would make u put up tha ultimate UFC fight.
I used to pray for lifetime of 'Tha Life'...Now, like Luther Vandross I'm asking for 'Just One Night.'

Dope.  So many times I have said this when I've seen a gurl.
U thought that a French Kiss was good...Just think about where else my tongue can twirl.
A Good Bang is great...But how about somebody who can write a love poem that can make ur toes curl.
Or how about drinking up so much Love, that u wake up tha next day hungover thinking...'I wish I can replay that drunk hurl.'

See...this is how I do thangs...No more playing games for show.
Just like Dope...U either snort me up...Or u can choose 2 simply Blow.
If u choose to Blow Me, just remember...One time means ur hooked for a lifetime Mo'.
And just like Mariano, this Yankee is money...So much that my entrance to Love's game is Homer Simpson simply saying...'D'oh!'

I have had that song on tape, now I feel like it's about to be played.
Felt like I've been doped up, just because of how on tha bench I have swayed.
Looking at others, all tha while realizing "My High", even these words can't convey.
Waking up to Flowers on ur doorstep, and a giggle...Cuz u realize it ain't even tha month of May.

Tell u what, we about to let it all out, so think before u continue to read.
Remember we talking about Dope...Whether talent or drugs it begins with a small seed.
I'm starting to think about my dream gurl who 'G-A-L-A-X-I-A' I want 2 come out whenever she bleeds.
Or how she's thinking about me...Even when she's at a loud concert headlined by Kid Rock and Creed.

U can blame this on wishful thinking, or how my soul has become so loaded.
Like Potatoes at T.G.I. Friday's knowing that those Bacon Bits may leave u bloated.
But u come again with a date, cuz that appetizer u hear may lead to some late night striptease 'Decoding'.
I'm swagged out cuz I know that through struggle, I have been Remixed, Remastered, and...Remolded.

Oh...I gotta write this for real....Has anybody ever felt like this Dope dream is about to come true?
U knew it was gonna be tough to get to, but no long lines at tha airport, gave u, 'I think I knew.'
And inside u know that for 'Long Lines' is what u've risk ur life for, that's why u private jetted flew.
Knowing that u want it so bad...(Clap! Clap!)...that u don't even care about Tha Boys in Blue.

See, now ur in my Galaxy, how we live, and how This Dope can make u become an addict.
When ur down, and out, and that supposed dream life gives u tha thought, "I think I've just had it."
You realize that Fun and Love is ur attraction, and that u have now found that ultimate Mag-a-net.
Others can promise u tha world...But how do u deal with somebody who has in his hand, all Nine Planets?!

I'm thinking about this Dream Gurl, and we talking bout Dope, but she still don't believe.
How this Dope, can make u sell and/or even make u sweat out ur Weave.
Need to show how I do...I'll never cheat and come straight home after work...No Tricks under my sleeve.
Realizing that u don't care about tha loot, u just want somebody who at home u can simply cleave.

Somebody ain't feeling me about This Galaxy, that I now think "Dope" it should be named.
Everybody is getting their 'Toast'...but even in Fun and Love, u need to have a Pusha u can claim.
Somebody who's there for u when they hate on ur good looks...or when alcohol is tha only one to blame.
This is a once in a lifetime post, so get ready...This gurl has got me loose...Now u gonna see why this is so insane.

Usher said it best...I agree, any good Dope should make u feel a certain...burn.
U've chopped it up with all tha hustlers and Hollywood stars, but each time a new thang u....learn.
As I'm thinking about this Dream Life, especially this Dream Gurl...Can't put into words how I've...Adorn.
Tha only ring I want to put on u, as A.G. 2014 on tha inside....just like tha planet...Saturn.

Dope is what I've dreamed about...has nothing to do with tha fancy cars.
This is tha lifestyle that I want to keep u coming and a Lover trapped behind bars.
See I'm tha butterfly that's been locked up in ur cabinet...Sealed up in those old Grape Jelly Jars.
This Galaxy is as tasty as an Twix, M&M's, and Snickers...Ur My Dopeness, that's why I call u Mars.

Ever had a Drug Dealer who gives u something u wanted...and even plus.
Drives up while Life was pouring rain outside...Scoops u up, when u were drenched waiting for tha bus.
Then takes u for a bite to eat, for some new digs, and off course tha sharing of laughs is a plus.
Dope is this Galaxy...I do things from all angles, and with ur permission, I'll even go through Ur Anus.

Not done...Don't get scared now...See on Dope's streets...Tha Drug Lord is always tha Meanest.
He has his Thug ways, but in his heart, his only dream is that his neighborhood is tha Cleanest.
U now R at tha intersection of Love and More Luv...From bedrooms u hear being moaned, "Holy Jesus!"
Although u got pretty legs, its ur personality that makes u a Drug King's Princess...Simply knowns as Venus.

Freddie was tha best one, for he had swagger that any Queen could see.
In this Galaxy, tha song, 'We Are Tha Champions' is played over and over...333 times 3.
U never want to Flip This Type of Bird...Giving it to me, leads u in tha alley behind tha studios of Glee.
Good things come in small packages cuz ur tha closest to me...That's why I secretly nickname u Mercury.

Dope Dealers are also always tha most fly...Even in tha Summer they are found rockin' a fur.
Sweat never dripping from their face...Never tripping over tha Feds or how Girls can make lines so Blur.
Realizing that even though u got all tha junkies, u realize u would do anything possible to get...her.
Clouds is tha Dream, but Love and Fun always gets it's desire...Jupiter is one that Makes u know ur Dope is truly so Pure.

Told u earlier, with Dope it is so much more than just tha Dough.
It's tha feeling that U are on top, and tha baddest around...Inside ur veins prove's ur Ego's Flow.
U told Disney, that they got what u always wanted, u want tha finest, and no more dogs named ToTo.
Already Goofy, Mickey and Minnie are heavy donors...But what would this Galaxy be like without...Pluto.

Eye've had my eyes on This Dope Galaxy...Guess u can say since before Birth.
Love in my left hand...Fun in my right...Dreaming of signing checks, "LF" to prove my monetary worth.
I'm Scarface in this thang...Sue me 4 being Me?....I'll just hire Cupid and Bozo to represent me in court!
See A Dope Fiend talks big, and sees things u can't see....How Dope is my Galaxy that I don't even want Planet Earth?!!

Pharrell and Chad I've always respected, cuz their music has made me dance like I was on tha moon.
"I'm A Slave 4 U" is perfect for this Dope Life...Cuz seeing me can never be too soon.
Or how about how this King Pin can make u crave...."U Don't Have 2 Call" runners are former goons.
Have u ever lived in a Dope Galaxy where a whole planet is a party?  With tha DJ's being Neptunes?!!

Now are has tha point been made, are there any questions left?
See, just tha thought of this Dream Life and this particular Dream Gurl gives my soul so extra pep.
I don't eat no Salt, so that's enough...just remember a Dope Lord still has tha mindset of a theft.
But he doesn't take things by using his hands...he's smart like an Ex-Fugee...Hashtag that Wyclef.

Tha Sun, Tha Moon, and Tha Stars, without those things u may be able to cope.
I didn't even mention those elements on today, Cuz what tha ultimate drug gives is....Hope.
So now ur hooked to this Galaxy aren't u?  I didn't even have to use Juve's Rodeo Rope.
Whenever u think upon us and am getting tha ultimate high...Just lean back on and think...

'Oooooohhh....Ahhhhhh'...That's Galaxia Dope!

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