Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tha Galaxia...Tha Whole Galaxia...And Nuthing But Tha Galaxia!

December The 19th, 2013...

What a day on today!  To be honest, it was full of a lot of emotions.  Some of which we are gonna get into here on tonight.  Feel a little tired, just because...I don't know.  We have given so much as of late to be "The Best" but lately our schedule has been really jacked up, so we haven't been able to do a lot of tha things that we would love to do at the level that we would like to do it.  But we'll get into that later on.

It has beyond any of amazement the frequency that we have talked about our Love Life or how we feel with relationships and this "dating" thang with other people.  You who have been in our Galaxy have read some of our insights from Day 1, but we are feeling tha need to talk more openly face to face it seems.  People ask is a myriad of questions about our thoughts on this or that type of scenario.  Which is mad cool because we've seen a lot.  And I don't think Tha Great Matchmaker up above took us through all these things just to keep them secret like a guest perfomance at tha VMA's ya dig.  Share what we've been through and learned.  Had a great convo with Miss Carla about life and love and marriages and stuff.  Awesome insight.  Then later on had a cool lunch "Pow Wow" with Big Chris aka 'Little Messi'...Miss Jeannette aka 'Hollywood' (Named after her super cool silver Toms kicks)  and later on Miss Christina joined in...aka ahh...let's nickname her, 'Tha Chosen One'.  Cool group to discuss this Miami thang when it comes to relationships and dating.

One question that we threw out was this..."Is it ok to take a girl out to McDonald's on a first date?"  There were different opinions thrown around.  All of which I respect to tha max.  We got sum time to write (For once right?!!)  so let me explain my stance:

Personally, I feel like it's totally unique and flat out awesome for a guy to even ask this question to a girl or future date because, and this is just our opinion, you may get a good feel to what a girl may expect from tha jump, or for some what kind of girl u might be laying tha pipe down with later on.  First dates, and dates or "Hang Outs" nowadays have so many high expectations.  What do I wear?  Where should we go?  Should we go traditional with a dinner and a movie or should a guy try to do something she's never done before and somewhat unconventional  like scuba diving or a night at Gameworks or to even playing tha game of  "Hospital" with tha lights on this time!!  Once again, only tha freaks got that last one.  But all these thangs go through a guys mind.  And it can be some pressure, for u know that a doll is gonna remember it for a lifetime blah-shay-blah...But for tha moment, let's be real, is it tha atmosphere that we are after or tha actual company of tha person?  Huh.

Now, I expose myself once again, but...somebody gots to say somethang.  For a guy who has tha ERE of ourself and other fellow vets in this luv thang...The traditional gets thrown out tha window.  U may ask what does ERE stand for.  It stands for somebody guy or girl who has outstanding amount of Experience (Meaning that you've been around a lot of sexy guys and girls in ur life)..Resources (That means more than Money, like hookups at tha club or at tha Oil Change down tha street.)....And Ego...Which I just consider to mean... And u can write this one down:  Elevated Confidence That Makes You Unique.  When u meet or are around somebody who has those things in there personality DNA, that person number one acts different.  And number two, when u do have their attention, there are little thangs that that person may do to see if u are after them for just superficial reasons.  Now I know somebody just hit tha "X" square in tha top right hand corner after I said that!  But for those who hung around, let me continue...

If u are a girl, all girls are "Hot" in their own way, let me get that out the way first.  But if u are a girl who has a lot of attention from other guys, tell if I'm lying that ur not checking a guy out to see if a guy is JUST looking at ur body or boobs or pussy (No other way to put it.) as he's talking to you.  If he is, u cross him off, right??  Then girls ask questions all tha time when a guy first approaches them, especially here in Miami.  Guys after u finally break through tha Fifty Shades of Grey to get some eye contact and a 'Hi'.  Tha majority of girls ask....What do you do?...Where do you live?  (So since I reside in South Beach, which I do, should that automatically makes me better than someone who lives in Hialeah or the western part of Grand Ave. in Coconut Grove?)...Then here in tha 305, a lot, not all, but a lot of girls then ask...What do you drive? This is real talk.  All BS to tha side tonight.  So from those three questions Gals are trying to decipher if this guy is just good for a few Patron shots with a few Red Bull's and Vodka's thrown in there...Or if he might be a good lay and become a future Baby Daddy.

I think society always deems that sexy girls hold all tha power in relationships.  With tha sex, with tha joy of having something pretty on your arm at a Christmas party, when both of you didn't even speak a word in tha car on ur way there, or just with tha attention that comes with having a doll or a cool doll on ur arm.  But it's like taboo for a guy to speak on ways that he tries not to get taken advantage of, when he has some Mo-jo of his own.  And I'm not talking about this fake, pseudo "Playa" stuff either.  I'm talking about guys who are PLAYERS in this world and Galaxy (Insert knuckles being rubbed on my chest right there)...

A 'Playa' has to lie to a girl about who he's with, where he's going, how much money he has on him, and all this jive talk..

A 'PLAYER' is somebody who is straight up with every girl, and let's her make tha decision if she can handle his lifestyle or not.  'Homegirl, I travel a lot is that gonna be a problem.'...'I'm not really looking for a relationship, I just want to date around to find tha right mate.' (Something all of our foreparents did, isn't that what dating is about??!)  Being straight up, and seeing if a girl wants to be a part of his life and lifestyle.  Guys don't do this, because as some guys are, they are so possessive that they feel like if they be real with tha girl, then tha girl is free to do what she wants to do with other guys.  Which is free to date or 'Bang' another guy like Diamond Dallas Page.  A PLAYER in some ways cares, but in other ways doesn't care either way because they are confident to know that if this girl isn't down or wrong terminology...If this girl isn't a good match just on that intial level, then that's great because he figures a) That saves a lot of time and money on somebody who doesn't keep it one hun-it from tha jump...b) That is just part of tha weeding out process...I mean remember...

Just because somebody doesn't want you, doesn't make u any less of a guy or gal.  Heck, it may make u better of one, because u want somebody who when tha Ferrari is in tha shop, she can pick u up, and not be concerned about missing her appointment at tha Bliss Spa...U want somebody who when when the jobs aren't coming in at Ford Models, and ur in between jobs, that person can look out for u, and give u an uplifting confidence spiritually and perhaps even financially with NO strings attached...U want somebody who isn't afraid to hold ur hand, after ur face has been plastered all over tha news or on tha job for gossip that is untrue, u want somebody who can hold ur hand and say, "I'm with you...(Boop!) all this Bull (Boop!)...I luv you til tha end." And if that means that you got to go through 100 short-term No's to get that one long-time Yes...No matter if everybody is with somebody, or is having babies...U have to be true to urself.  And not try to change urself, just so that u can fit in with somebody who is gonna leave u anyway.

Another question that we talked about briefly on today, was, how would a gal respond if a guy, more specifically, Austino Galaxia Tha 21st, would to ask you not to wear makeup on tha first date?  "Hollywood" and "Tha Chosen One", appreciate ur honesty about not having a problem about it.  And both of u do look "appealing" with ur natural looks.  (#Conceitedness...That's an inside joke!)  But I know for one...I want to see a girl in her natural glow, from tha start.  Not in a Judging Amy type of way like,  "I'm gonna get this girl a lifetime supply of "Maybe It's Maybelline" for Christmas...I hope she spots me tha money, so I can buy it for her!"  No, not like that, Homie...Personally, I think that certain people act differently whether they are dressed up to tha Nines compared to when they are low key in jeans.  Sometimes its just natural to do so, especially if u don't do it so often.  But if we are in a relationship, I want that person to be just...her.  Some girls would rather be spruced up from tha get, because they want to put tha best product out there.  Which is fine, but for me...And from tha girls that I've come across, I want both of us, to be just us.  I mean, if u have trouble looking natural when we first met, what happens later on in tha delivery room, or when we're married to u have to take 45 minutes to get ready to have "relations" when I want you there and now as we're sitting in tha middle of tha Arby's parking lot listening to tha new cut from Luis Miguel featuring 2 Chainz!!  Sometimes Love or attraction just happens spontaneously, that's tha best kind matter of fact.    I want a girl who's like this is who I am, take it or leave it!  By tha way, that's tha official life slogan of my future girlfriend whoever and wherever she may be.  Just Sayin'.

I know this is getting as long as a remix from DJ Khaled but since I waking up thinking "We Tha Best" we have to 'Make It Rain' as long as possible tonight.  Real talk though, I respect girls and women and females from all different levels, colors, sizes and geeky to club chicks to tha athletic dolls, whoever.  But sometimes we think that a girl is tha one who has all the experience, and all tha quote unquote power in a relationship.  It should be a partnership, in my opinion.  U want somebody who doesn't look in ur eyes 24 hours a day, but somebody who's looking in tha same direction as u are looking, in terms of life, 24 hours a day and night.

Here in Miami, and especially down here in my 'hood of South Beach, guys can think that just because a good looks good in a bikini or while walking down Washington Avenue going to tha discoteca that she's either a golddigger or that she's out of ur league because she's so, I guess "Hot".  When there's a lot of guys who have been exposed to more of tha luv game than her.  You might be tha one guy who she's looking for to show her what it means to be treated like a Queen.  On tha flip side also, just because a girl has dated Ballers or Movie Stars or Owners of Clubs, doesn't mean that she was treated right when she was with them.  U might say, "Dang!  She dated Julius Lopez, and he owns 3 joints on Ocean Drive, I know she's seen it all."  U never know, perhaps J-Lo (I should win a Cyberspace Website of the Year award just on that J-Lo reference alone!)...But perhaps J-Lo didn't treat his Dime as she should have.  Us guys judge by looks waaaaaayyy too much.  Her boobs are fake, she's a tramp.  She wears 1960's black eyeglasses, so she's  smart, and trustworthy.  She likes to dress up and wear a dress during tha day, so she's a "Church girl" who won't get down and even share a kiss until u meet her parents.  All these stereotypes, that can be so outta whack....

Same for guys too....He drives a Bentley, so he has some big money.  He likes to go to tha joint down near Mary Brickell Village to get his Medi/Pedi done on his nails, so he must be a conceited Metrosexual.  He slept with every girl u can name in high school, so he's nothing but trouble, not knowing that those experiences may have taught him lessons that has allowed him to get things outta his system, and be faithful to that special one.   I've been judged in certain ways from both ends of the spectrum.  From people that I freakin' don't even know.  One guy went to tha Internet, check this, I don't even know this guy and his name was like "Anonymous" so that's a whatever...So he stated that I think I'm all that or something like that...Ok, I'm upset that I'm missing tha Season Finale of The Real Husbands of Hollywood cuz u brought 12 items to tha 10 items or less line, and I give a simple, "Huff!" blow, and that automatically makes me have tha arrogance of somebody who can control a crowd of 100,000 by tha simple blow of a Kazoo?!!  What tha Heazzy?!!

I'm done.  But somebody gots to say sumthing, Son.  Getting back to that earlier Mickey D's question.  In my opinion, my favorite response to if u would like to go 2 McDonald's for a First Date Dinner would be:

"I prefer that we pick something a little more memorable and out of tha ordinary, but if you want kick it there, then I'm down....Just don't take me back there again!!"

Besides its not where u go on ur first date that matters...Sometimes it's where u go on ur last!

Much Love Galaxy Stars!
Austino Galaxia...Tha Opinionated One.

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