Monday, December 9, 2013

Glow Me!

I'm gonna write this thang as if its our last time,
Meaning I have to let it all on tha line.
So many good things have been happening in our life,
Yet tonight we're taking a backseat and let these words shine.

Doing something I never do, and u don't know it,
Just like understanding tha language of a Puppy's bark.
All of tha lights in our place, are on tha switch down,
Need to write this thang like never before...How about in tha dark.

(Whew!  Here we go...)

Tha light from tha screen glows a crisp white,
Hopefully this won't do any damage to my eyes.
Then again, my eyes were bugged out in Palm Beach yesterday,
Still remembering tha thought of this pretty gal, with tha sexiest vanilla latte thighs.

Had to go up North, just to clear my head,
What happens when u hit a glass ceiling of faith?
Do u keep on knocking or just give in to destiny's laugh?
Or do u put on some mascara and stockings hoping Love will take tha bait.

Galaxia a drag queen wouldn't that be something,
Wearing tha latest from Louboutin and Agent Provoc-a-tear.
Walking down Washington Avenue, looking for my next big score,
Showing my headlights to every guy who can pay in a six pack of Modelo Especial beer.

Right now, we feel like we are close but still not there,
Almost like getting a smile from Scarlett J., but not her digits.
It feels good, and it may be something to tell your homeboys,
But in tha end it gets old...Like all those never used cell phone widgets.

So tonight, might as well come clean on a few things, I mean why not?
Might as well, I mean, don't blame me, but blame it on tha black room.
Almost symbolic as I think about it...A star floating unnoticed in outer space,
Matter of fact I think there's a witch over my life...Splat!  See, she just dropped her broom!

Has anybody ever felt like no matter what they do, it don't add up,
Like how come this guy gets an 'A' in class, when he only shows up to class once.
While u busting ur arse, studying hard and still just making a 'C' passing grade,
This weekend I shoulda partied, I still woulda been rockin' tha cone hat as tha class dunce.

Or how about when u get all spruce up to go out, and u know u look good,
But it's all these gold diggers who are tha ones who catches every guys eye.
U thinking, just two weeks ago, I was tha toast at LIV, Mansion, and Cameo,
Now, I look even hotter, yet they are passing over this guaranteed '10' to get with a borderline '5'.

It makes u shake your head...or I mean 'SMH',
I forgot that we are in tha new age of initials, which sometimes left for debate.
Learned my lesson, never ask a girl out via text message,
"XOXO?" along with "CWF?" is never a good way to ask for a  first date.

Tha CW means 'Can We...', and u can fill in tha rest,
Getting back to tha point, u wonder is this tha price to strive 2 be ur best?
Never in my life have I heard so many people agree with what I'm saying,
I had to chuckle cuz DJ Khaled's titled his new album on this...Suffering From Success.

People are like, why is there so much hating going on, it's just stupid,
Everyday I feel like I'm getting hated on from people I don't even know.
And if another car tries to outrace me, or instantly suffocate their woman as I pass by walking,
I'm gonna pull a straight up Ke$ha...And Bloooow....oh...oh...oh!!

When u deal with all this stuff, u just wonder if its really worth it,
Is tha alienation for striving to be you, gonna pay off...someday.
Guess that's what tonight's post is all about, huh,
Might as well, chill, and hold on 2 ur seats...Matter of fact grab a Milky Way.

Ha ha!  Grab a Milky Way, that's freakin' hilarous, and u don't get it,
See this is our Galaxy and a Milky Way isn't just a candy bar, but...some stars who...
Never mind, I know I'm tha only one who watch 3-2-1 Contact as a kid,
For u youngsters it was half Duck Dynasty and half like an educated Mad Tv...Season Two.

So this is where we are in our life,
Wondering where do we really fit in tha grand scheme of Hova's Play.
Ain't talking about no Jigga man either, although I would play a mean lead role,
'Cough, Cough....Dust ur shoulders fool.  U betta gimme that Holy Grail, Son or else u gonna pay!"

Thank you, Thank you for all of ur applause,
But for real though, having an Empire State of Mind is not for tha weak of heart.
Dealing with hot models on every corner, money that makes Wall Street blue ties jealous,
Shuffling through Snow when its not winter, hoping that Jeter hooks u up with a condo on Avenue Park.

U get home and look in tha mirror, like why don't they just see,
Is this a Masquerade party that nobody told me about? I would dress for this.
Possibly a Shakespeare outfit, or maybe even dress like Andre 3000 with a Batman mask,
On tha outside looking in sort of...Guess this is why Mandela gave it all up with a balled fist.

All these words are coming from somebody who has it all to some,
But there are still a few things that drives me to levels that I can't describe.
I get chills when I think about being on a billboard or having my own TV show,
Words can't describe the tinkle I get thinking about this nose and belly ring gal as a possible bride.

So what happens when u feel like ur good enough for a Bravo Reality show,
Thinking all that junk is made up, but that's my life for real.
Shopping til u drop, seeing folks get drinks B-tossed in their face,
Riding around MIA top down, then having girls lifting tops up...Viacom where do I sign tha deal?!!

What I'm learning is that these are tha moments that define ur future?
Are u gonna leave tha chairs folded, and trip over the red cups of Haterade?
Has this party ended without even an air kiss Good-bye?
I thought it wasn't how many times u fall, but stand up....Thanks D. Wade.

Tonight was what we call in tha hood...'A real night.'
Like when u got to a shed a tear like Baby and Lil Wheezy.
Walking around ur place, wanting to punch a hole in tha wall,
Asking why have I been sipping outta Success's cup for so long, yet not got drunk dizzy.

Dropping to your knees for a conversation,
Yet it can almost feel like your a hostage to tha life that u've created.
For Rockin' Marc Jacobs on ur wrist, 4 drinking milk that's Four fitty a half a gal,
And I ain't even talked about Hey-Zeus...that will definitely make me Cyberspace's Most Hated.

That's why tonight we're writing with all tha lights off, gangsta style,
Closing off everythang outside of tha crafting of our art.
I like that, cuz perhaps everythang that we go through, is just tha process of that,
Mean, before u drop a hot one in tha toilet, u first have to....fart.

Gotta remain calm and patient, realizing that it's about to really jump,
Like a heartbeat, or a double-dutch or scaredy cat in a Haunted House.
Things have a funny way of working themselves out, this I definitely know,
Remember tha dunking booth at tha Fair...All that slick talk eventually leads to a unwanted douse.

I'm just about done, I think I've said too much already,
Sure somebody is jotting every word like this is a case on Court TV.
Well, if that's what's really going on, get ur pen and paper out for this,
I'm better than pen and paper, carve this in stone tablet, and put a colon after tha words 'Me'.

There are people all around tha Galaxy and literally tha globe who read this diary,
And I just want to give a shout out, cuz u are a person of luv and fun as well.
If u read this diary, then u are attracted to tha want to reach ur dreams,
Do thangs in ur own special way...Instead of using spoon, you use a chop sticks for ur Blue Bell.

All of us, and I use that in tha plural sense, cuz its a Galaxy thang,
Is about to put on a show like never before.
Much of tha reason we write is because we want somebody 2 know what its like,
Nobody has ever told 'this thang' real time, as they're looking through tha keyhole in tha door.

You knock, whether that's in terms of your Pesos account,
And you knock especially when it comes to that thang call Amor-ray.
That's tha thang though, no matter what u keep on thumping,
Never stopping until 25:15 is what wakes u up on ur alarm clock day.

'We Takin' Over'....Sooner or later, it's gonna come to pass,
This is tha attitude that u have to have, with or without a hook from Akon.
Gotta be open to every lesson learned and every opportunity given,
I mean, my life got better when I started to be open to more than tanned skinned blondes.

Sometimes in life, u are tested, even though u are ready,
If u are stretched a little more, can u show that ur arm is really strong?
Tha last chop on tha tree is that toughest one to swing through,
But its tha one that allows a voice within utter, "Eye Told u...U weren't wrong."

With that being said, it's time to have fun, and I guess write,
Thought I ran outta words, but gotta push this diary til the end.
Or at least until we have exactly what we want,
That Librarian who works part-time for Fredrick's of Hollywood...and sleeps in my den.

Get it...See tha den is where I'm gonna keep all of my books,
Photo albums, and diary posts, of our life before we hit it outta this grand ballpark.
Always remember, its cool 2 be urself, and unique, don't ever hate on that,
And accept who u I am....

Austino Galaxia aka Mr. Glow In Tha Dark.

"Tha Kid."

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