Sunday, December 29, 2013

Invitation Only.

Well, thanks Liz and Starla,
That was quite an introduction that you gave.
Making me blush with all tha adjectives and adverbs,
Didn't know there was a Sexiest News lady Award...that trophy I will save.

I know you Mommys back in tha studio are jealous,
Wishing that you were in my Jimmy Choo's at this moment.
Getting paid to party, and bring tha entire Galaxy tha scoop live,
Who says that being a flawlessly beautiful doesn't pay off...this is why I don't eat donuts.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


(Curtain Goes Up)

Tha Fifth Season is well under way in my life,
The one in tha middle of Fall and Winter Snow.
One in which everyday seems to feel like Christmas,
And also one where there's no regard for tha dough.

Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall,
Those four seasons are great without any doubt.
But living here in Miami, brings a whole 'nother element,
The 5th season has hit us, where its all smiles and no pout.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tha Galaxia...Tha Whole Galaxia...And Nuthing But Tha Galaxia!

December The 19th, 2013...

What a day on today!  To be honest, it was full of a lot of emotions.  Some of which we are gonna get into here on tonight.  Feel a little tired, just because...I don't know.  We have given so much as of late to be "The Best" but lately our schedule has been really jacked up, so we haven't been able to do a lot of tha things that we would love to do at the level that we would like to do it.  But we'll get into that later on.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hate Mail.

Can you hear me now?...Hello...Hello...Yeah, I gotcha.  I'm inside the building.  But for real dude, we have to somehow and someway get into that party this weekend.  It's a free invite, and there are gonna be some of tha hottest girls in Miami there...Huh?!!  Bro, I know it's your time to babysit, but forget that just...

(Click.  Mailbox opening.)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Finally...Some Screen Time!"

Complicated:  consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate 

Let's try another one....

Flirt:  behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.


Interesting.  Either one or both of these words have been associated with so much Miami drama tha last few weeks and months that it hasn't even been funny.  Boy, I feel like it might be one of those nights where I need to get me some Cog-"Yac" and sum Orange Juice and have a little sit down talk on this evening.  Cuz we have some wild things that has been going on in our Galaxy worthy of a few minutes of our time.  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Glow Me!

I'm gonna write this thang as if its our last time,
Meaning I have to let it all on tha line.
So many good things have been happening in our life,
Yet tonight we're taking a backseat and let these words shine.

Doing something I never do, and u don't know it,
Just like understanding tha language of a Puppy's bark.
All of tha lights in our place, are on tha switch down,
Need to write this thang like never before...How about in tha dark.

(Whew!  Here we go...)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tha Missing Piece...A Holiday Novel.

Tonight...Something for tha holidays!....Enjoy!

I hope I got everythang packed in my bag,
Having to work before taking a flight has got me all in a rush.
Got my pants, got my D&G bag, shoot I knew I forgot something,
Stupid me, how can I bring my hair gel, and forget my lucky brush.

Oh, well, no time to go back and pick that thang up,
My flight is about to leave in about 45 minutes flat.
Art Basel has got tha entire Beach area in a complete stand still,
I mean is there a discount on "Luv u long time's"...Or even 1984 crack?