Wednesday, February 27, 2013


(Flick!  A cigarette lights up...Puff!)

So kid...(COUGH!  COUGH!)....I have no idea what they put in these things nowadays.  I remember being the good old days being with Sinatra, Sammie Davis Jr., when u could puff away, but now with all these organic things or whatever....U can't even..  (Cough, Cough!)...enjoy the scenery anymore.  (Cough! Cough!)  Boy...Now where was I...

Aw yes, I've been waiting to speak to you.  I was waiting here in South Beach, outside here...I've been wanting to visit down here for quite some time.  So much so, that I actually came two days before I was schedule to come, just in hopes of finding you.  Now that I got you, we gotta talk.  I don't want you to say anything, but u just let me explain about what that what u kids call it nowadays, anyways, what tha deal is.  Cuz of a few of these chicks I was cool with last year, June and May, told me that I should keep a strong eye on you.  They told me about all that you would have to go through, until you met me.  Now the time has come, so let's chat a little bit.  Let me just ask, do all these broads down here in Miami Beach walk around here with floss as swimsuits?  They are fiesty and ain't afraid to show it...First let me tell you a little bit about myself....

Alright, I guess I should introduce myself, my name is MM.  Literally, that's not a nickname, that's my real name.  And whatever u say, don't tell me that I'm named after those stupid candies.  Those fellows owe me sumthing for stealing my name.  Then they got all these pretty boys like William Levy romancing my name around...just the other day I was watching TV, and did u see that commercial with those thingys singing about how they wouldn't do this or that for love.  Paah-leasse! I'm willing to bet a million that after those cameras stopped rolling, that little fellow was getting it in with all those pretty young things.  I know I would have, wigs, playing tha piano, they forgot that "pony head on that stick" though, that's always a winner!  I learned that from my sister Decee.  Yeah, she said that her guy friend she calls, "NYE", always brings that out once a year, and its tha talk of the once a year party. 

Yep, I am one of twelve siblings.  Twelve siblings...we are all different.  Some of us are longer than others.  While others are completely shorter.  Most of us are conceited though, I mean who celebrates their birthday for an entire month.  I mean, just because you're adapted and are Hispanic or Black doesn't mean you can celebrate your birthday for weeks on end.  They get all these elaborate celebrations, while on the other hand I get the same gift every year, matter of fact my only gift.  It comes from my friend Mickey D.  Every year I open up the box delivered to my address in Ireland, I open it up, and its a cold Shamrock Shake.  I like it, but tha same thing for 20 some odd years....(Puff!  Puff!) gets old after awhile.  

I'm initially named after this Basketball thing u guys have over here in tha States.  They show it on CBS every year.  It fits perfectly because I guess I am kind of crazy, or let's be real, many of my friends say I'm flat out "mad" when it comes to my personality.  I can't help it though.  I mean, I got all these celebrities that just wanna be associated with me.  I mean, I got Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Fergie, Quentin Tarentino, Adam Levine, all these people want there name to be in headlights with me and party with me.  Since there are so many, I decided to give them a special day where they can have me all to themselves.  But so many of them wanna party like, for an entire month.  No!  I'm busy, u get one day with me a year, and that's it.  

There's so much I can say but that will take a lifetime. favorite color is green.  Does that help?  I guess I'm not used to all the small talk, and fourplay, so let's get right into why I'm here...Cigarette?

(Huge Puff!  With a deadly stare...)

So I've heard that my sister has been screwing you over or is it vice versa?  I've been reading your stuff, sounds like you've been having some wild times with her.  U know people talk, and I saw the pictures on Instagram...Partying til 5am in the morning....Partying til 4 in tha morning...She's so enticing,  I know. She gives you Wine and Food down here in South Beach.  Gives you tickets to see your favorite teams the Lakers and Heat, and then Bada-Boom!  Bada Bing!  But tha word on tha street is that you are livid about how's she's treated you lately.  Kid, let me let you in on a secret...

She's done this to every guy one time or another.  

I mean, she's even disassociated herself from our family.  She thinks she's so pretty.  Always wanting roses, and chocolate.  I've never seen somebody who won't even give a guy a chance unless he brings her chocolate hearts. Its gotten ridiculous.  The cards, the love notes, and on top of that, she has this guy, who's straight out of some lost reality show.  Her so called "BFF".  This small guy walks around with arrows, dude!  FREAKING ARROWS!  A real man needs not an arrow to get tha ladies to love him, but this guy...shooting and missing, I mean, when's tha last time that he's actually hit somebody down here in Miami?  Yet all these folks are hyping him up like a Beyonce concert, when he hasn't been successful since Sonny and Cher!  I know he's missed you, didn't you write about that?     

But yeah dude, my Big Sis, has gotten out of control.  It didn't help that now the Super Bowl wants to be associated with her, so now she's all out of her ego.  To top it all off, she recently changed her name to Fevrier.  It's some kind of French name or something.  I went off on her, I just told her point blank, "B---- you ain't French!!"  I guess tha Irish side of me came out, but somebody got to stop her. And now its seemed like she had her eyes solely on you.  Like she had some kind of 27 day plan to mess with your head, and have you wondering what's going on?  She only does this to the hot guys, u do know that right.  I mean Beckham moved with her, Kobe's had an up and down time just hearing her name, but you my friend, you she's had her eyes on for some time.

Now, I know you hate this chick right now, and I ain't gonna lie, I do to.  I mean, this chick is only 28 days older than me, if it's a good day and she leaps its 29, and she thinks that her 11 brothers and sisters should arrange our year around her.  And she's even tricked so many couples around the globe to revolve one day around her being.  Wild dude!

Yet...(Puff!  Puff!  A-brew ha ha...A-brew ha ha!)  U would think I've never had one of these before, but...Yet and still, I've heard through tha grapevine...that she introduced you to a special lady about two weeks ago.  Uh-huh!  Lady J.  You know who I'm talking about.  Somebody said that you still are in awe of her.  Interesting.  I know that happens all the time, but THAT doesn't happen all the time.  U remind me of myself.  I saw you and that lady earlier today on Michigan Ave.  Yeah, she was beautiful dude, a real wo-man.  Her eyes lit up as she passed you, while you were holding two bags of toliet paper dude.  U got that look from holding toliet paper!  Then she smiled so wide, and u two exchange pleasantries.  Didn't u once say u thought you were gonna married a tan, beach, blonde beauty?  This is from experience...Don't ever limit yourself.  Beauty comes in all packages and shapes.  I know u know this, like I've said, I've been following you, so I've seen your...ah...inventory.  (Wink! )  Very top shelf I must say!

And then u must also think about what my Sis has done for your brotha.  He's had a wild last few weeks, but it's been a blessings for him.  Wouldn't u say?  So sometimes just because Febbie, that's what I called her growing up, just because she's been a nightmare in ur side recently, doesn't mean she's still not somebody's else dream.  I know her, and she's just playing these games...I know...U and her got into a fight today, and she cut you.  Right below your thumb, which somebody told you is the most torturous spot.  U bled and bled profusely.  This other girl asked you if u wanted to file a report, and you declined.  Then its been like everything has been off.  Like, she promised you that u'll go on a shopping spree, or that things would happen socially that u expected to, but didn't.  Matter of fact, before us two talked, u had a nap dream didn't you.  With a guy in it, telling you, basically how close you are to  U wanted.  Its been tough. 

But that's why she wanted to come into ur life.  U've been talking about how u want tha best,  And how not to settle for nothing less than that.  In her mind, she thinks she's tha sexiest one, at least out of tha children.  Wearing red everywhere she goes, got Babyface and John Mayer in her Ipod constantly.  So in her mind, she figures that if you can handle her, u can handle anything.  She's been the ultimate test really.  Can u survive someone who knows what potential you have, and who's goal has been to make it as crazy as possible.  Dude, she's messed with your head so much, she's got u writing poems and stuff!  I'm telling u, she's something else, but now...

U get me.

Now, I'm not trying to screw or bang or whatever.  I'm not into that.  I used to date this girl named April.  She was born just a little bit after I was.  I'm telling you when they said that "her thang" smelled like a garden, it actually did....I'm done with this bogey.  (Squish!  On cement.)  But dude u don't hear me, she actually had the scent of flowers attached to her, it followed her all the time.  The thing that I didn't like about her was that she was always down.  I mean always...She thought it was raining in her life all the time.

Now knowing me, I'm the ultimate party guy.  I mean, who do u think invented the slogan, "Kiss me, I'm Irish".  Huh?  So since I know people, I took her to all the hot parties.  Got tickets to Ultra Music Fest...I was down here for all the rooftop parties during tha Winter Music Conference...I hear you might be coming too, its gonna be wild down here, so I got a hotel room for like 32 days, including tonight.  I think I might take her to that Alicia Keys concert too.  A. Keys told my guy, who I call Triple A, once again, not that "triple a", that she'll only come see him if I would come along.  So I might take April for that. 

I told her that u can't be down all the time, and that sometimes things happen so that u can get prepared for what lays ahead.  U, Galaxia, right? U're always talking about relationships, and breakups, well this ain't no different.  As much as u like my sister, and have been in love with her for so long from afar.  I think it's time for you two to break up.  I know, u thought this time would be different, and how she was tha one.  Or how u lived it up so well...But dude, u gotta wake up.  While u've been sweating her, and wanting her to love you, inside she's just...she's one of those girls who likes all the attention.  That's all.

She plays games dude, and like I said earlier, she's been having you on her radar for some time.  The ultimate bachelor, u consider yourself, right?  So u take the hard lessons, all those times u were dissed, all the times u felt like she was pressuring only you to bring tha energy every day...and night.  U wondered when is she gonna do something for you.  Wondering how come you are a victim of scheduling?  How come ur constantly sacrificing time and time again, and not getting anything back in return from her.  U don't want those type of girls in ur life anyway.  U want a lifestyle where u can live it up.  And guess what...

I'm just tha man for that.

U say ur "The Zen Master of Fun."  Well, brotha get ready...As I told you above of all those events above.  Now you are about to have the most fun in ur life.  And I'm gonna lead tha way.  We're gonna "March" our way through every boundary.  See, here's a blessing in disguise.  U complained how u didn't spend money on my Sis, like u wanted to.  But tha blessing out of that is now, u have an unlimited spending limit.  And what u thought was holding u back, was actually a way for you to live free and have so much fun without even thinking about it.

I just have two rules.

1.  Don't get so egotistical of all the great things that are about to happen to you.  This is super important, cuz "the life" of fame, and money, and pretty girls can get you out of whack.  It's gonna be a wild ride, and the goal is to share tha fun with others and not downgrade other people.  U got it. 

And number two, is don't hit on my other sister, who a lot of guys find hot.  See, she won Ms. July not too long ago, and whenever guys even think about her, fireworks go off in their head about the possibility of hooking up with her.  She looks hot.  And I promise, she's waiting for you, cuz she's told me so. 

But I want you stay in tha moment.  Cuz the fun that is about to jump off is gonna be amazing.  I suggest you write about it.  Let others see ur level of fun, and how just because it seems dark one moment, tha next one could be the best thing that will ever happen to you.  U got it.

Alright.  I gotta go pick up Fish Sandwich at the Brickell Irish Pub.  It's like they got them on sale everywhere I go.  I got that lucky touch I guess.  By the way, do u know where I can pick up a D. Wade jersey.  I love him cuz he wears my favorite number, the number three.  That stands for so much...

And soon that will also be a number u won't forget!

I'm heading out...remember it's really about to be on.  Move on!  And let me guide u!  U got it?

I got it.

(Walking away.)

When I get back I' got more to tell you...Like about this other girl that can't live without me. A beautiful Cuban girl.... Her name is Calle Ocho....And man,  could she could dance...and

Austino Galaxia. (Wink!)

Sunday, February 24, 2013


(From our heart)

A day in our life.  Trying to keep away so much strife.  Enjoying each moment til...we eventually find a wife.

This Sunday should be fun.  Live like its that last one.  U never know what might can end before it even begun.

Lots on our mind, just relax.  Like do we go through life dressed up or simply lax.  Not as easy as u think u choosing between a phone call or a fax.

Whatever is said on today is between me and you.  That's the only way we know how to do.  And if u continue to read our diary....u'll see that this is tha takeoff before he flew.

Let's get right into things like the first time.  The anticipation like Jigga spitting his first rhyme.  Excitement not knowing what's to come a beauty undressing when u know she's fine.

Everytime we jot we want something never before seen.  Wanna be real, almost like a slate clean.  As u can see though...we talk about love a lot, every once in a while its out of pure spleen.

"To be tha man, you have to beat tha man." Those simple words from Ric Flair made me a fan.  Those words are so much deeper though...I thought I never find so much drama living five blocks from tha sand.

South Beach, the ultimate dream.  Where all the party lights always beam.  Yet u must be careful, check tha Adam's apple...Cuz u might get Laffy Taffy when u were expecting ice cream!

People can't imagine really living in this 'hood.  U have clubs constantly closing even though they did the best they could.  Then you have so many people from around tha globe....into my galaxy, boy I wish they would.

I'm fighting that feeling to talk about love.  Stay focus Austin and let tha words come from above.  But u know, and I know...we're gonna talk about that topic so...loved.

Such a beach day, tha temps are like 80 in tha low.  Be a good day to simply grab a book and just go.  Lay in tha sand, looking at tha planes flying showing tha next party...I better grab some binoculars, cuz near tha water a great sight u may find, u never know.

Speaking of which, other day, I almost got into an accident with our car.  I was on tha 395 and traffic abruptly stopped like it was being held by a bar.  No way my life can end, I thought, with me glazing at the Miami Herald building...I haven't even been at a gala thrown on tha Island of tha Star.

Then we look and saw this camera hooked on a car top.  I'm in tha middle of a commercial shoot, where's my camera so I can 'snap and pop'.  Yeah, cops where everywhere, playing tha roll of grown up hall monitors...all so these Audi cars can speed by and make a one perfect shot video, and they all were plastered with these Hollywood sensor dots.

I see so much, that is really beginning to get crazy.  Now we're on Instagram so I gotta make sure the wild photos we take are clear and no more hazy.  If u follow us, believe u me, u're gonna get a treat like never before...our pics can be from a crazy moment while hitting tha town or from tha simple beauty of a Bal Harbour yellow daisy.

The simple things in life are what matter tha most.  Even myself get all bent out of shape just deciding, "Should I live on the East or the West Coast?"  Its ok to have big dreams, for they give u something to shoot for...just don't get so lost in them that u need to get a bottle of reality and with a hit of a mega dose.

Starting to get warm y'all, u know what that can mean.  This post has tha potential to turn into something u've never heard or dreamed.  That's the ultimate effect we always want, ur in our galaxy now...and I truly want to be your fun fiend.

The other day I was just thinking about all our greatest hits.  The crazy experiences like even when people threw drinks and a fit.  Those were some classic moments, never to be duplicated...Those days and nights I felt like life's arcade was permanently on "Tilt"!

Our life is almost better than any movie can depict.  The fun, tha moments, and the beauty our eyes have beheld can make you so sick.  All sizes, all colors, all personalities...some were super slim, while others were ultra thick.

Throughout this diary, I've always wonder is we've said too much.  Consistent talk about relationships about girls who came near to us, going to parties with more than one like a game of sidewalk "double dutch".  What if tha girl who I really have a crush on, ever reads this...if she does would she want us to take some kind of test, or would she think about our lips if she shall even touch.

Is having a past something that is wrong?  Like if a guy is a virgin is that a sad song?  Then what about the girls who seemingly always get hit that hardest in that area...should I get mad if a girl is a pro at showing and taking off her thong?

In tha past, I was fill with so much conceit.  If a girl had even one boyfriend, I thought it she was like 'damaged goods' or like tainted meat.  U can laugh or snap ur finger like, "brotha please", but others once thought just like me...u being my girl can only have been mine while I could have driven so many of a luxury fleet.

Then I used to think what if somebody turned you down.  I used to be so hot, that I would be tha one walking around with a huge frown.  U wonder what u did wrong or how can they not want a person or lifestyle like this?...we then realize that just because a person looks good doesn't mean they're worthy of that Vera Wang wedding gown.

Sometimes the best things to happen are those u NEVER got.  See, I know that those experiences can have u boiling over like a steaming pot.  Throwing things, even cussing at God himself...then u soon realize that ur tha one that's happy, and its u that stays in their memory and they can never out blot.

While I was thinking, I was considering all the girls which it didn't work out.  I wish I had Missy to help work it, then I would have had a love shout.  The thing that got, and gets me though is that Dr. Dre aftermath after tha episodes...the looks they give us, and the now subtle smile given, let's me know they now wish they could have a mulligan on tha moment, they missed out, and I see it on their face without a doubt.

This is really getting personal, but that's how a diary should be.  I've said it from the beginning that this diary is special, one day all will truly see.  U get real stories from a truly unique guy...there is nobody, nobody like me.

Learning now that it's a difference between being the best and being tha first.  Just because ur the one with the hit of tha week, doesn't meant that person doesn't crave that initial thirst.  That can cover a whole lot from hug to kiss to sex...It's like enjoying these days of Maroon 5, but knowing in ur heart nothing can top those days rollin' with Limp Bizkit and Fred Durst!

My Grandpa used to ask three questions whenever he would "holla" at a gal.  Which is kind of wild, knowing that he was still in and talking about "tha game" like a 20 year old college pal.  He wasn't no pimp, but he always talked from a real tip with me in particular...perhaps he knew there will one day be a lot of beautiful stallions that would want to catch me, and simple "stra-dal".

First question, would be, "Are u seeing somebody?", which as I find can illuminate answers so simple.  People say it so quickly, that their pseudo smiles on their face outrun the timing of their dimples.  "Yes.", "Kinda", all answers given like, u gotta come stronger than that to be with me...that's alright, cuz nothing good comes easy, just like getting a hammer to go upon ur face, isn't it amazing what u do to remove a barely noticeable pimple.

So the second question, would be, "Are you happy?", now where getting somewhat close to the heart. The answer may come out a little slower, almost like a Thanksgiving Pepto Bismol fart.  The answer may be tha same, but a little more thought is now put into it...Now the heart begins to Harlem Shake because it feels the threat of a third dart.

The final question, is "Are you satisfied?, and that's the kick.  It begins get quiet, and mysterious while you wonder if u're with Warren Beatty or if u're with or getting Tracy Dick.  Now I probably shouldn't be using this language, but I can handle it if it gets tha point across ..if u gotta to hesitate then, that's somebody u shouldn't settle for, he has to be worth more than his hair being Pat Riley slick.

I'm feeling this, cuz I feel it's a special delivery from G. Dep and the Bad Boy crew.  No reason to fret, cuz I've never used these questions on anybody, and to my girl who reads this, nor will I ever use them on you.  But those questions have power, as they make u look within to what makes you happy, and if you are just being in something just for a title...u're only wasting ur time for real, and u never know the impact on somebody else's life just ur presence will do.

On the other side, as myself, from the angle of the single life dude.  Those questions help me to realize what I need to look for in friendships and relationships, by the way I despise the quality of being rude.  I'll say it forever and again, be with people that can enhance u're mind, body and soul...u're worth so much more than to be brought "down", I know I am, my ego is such I think that I'm worth more than Arabian oil that is crude.

I haven't mastered it all, but I've seen and heard things you wouldn't believe.  Right when I think I've got it down pat, somebody is pulling another canary out of their tuxedo sleeve.  U learn, and if you've learn, it's important to share...going through and not telling the lessons, not acceptable, just like Gwen Stefani going on stage and singing "Let Me Blow Ya Mind" without Eve.

Being led to end it all, right here.  This helped me more than whoever reads this, really,  like Bambi contributing to PETA for saving the fur of her homegirl deer.  As I'm seeing more, and doing more, I need to be super sure if I'm being satisfied in areas that are true and not just vanity...I rather live a lifetime of pure love than one night of lust associated with clinic week of fear.

As I think about today's post I smile cuz its deeper than what can be noticed by the eye.  I know that I have my moments, sometimes thinking I'm "God's gift to the world", while other times wondering if I will ever get tha chance to fly. But the makeup of today's post is super unique...just tha format, in and of itself, in our heart shall never die.

Cuz if u notice my favorite number is represented, that number is twenty-one.  U didn't even notice, shame on you, I understand, u got caught up in tha story hoping it will never be done.  Go back and u'll see we used the "two and one" never seen format of rhyming.  And even though one day I want you to say he was the best...

I'd rather have the ultimate compliment...

That guy is really, really fun!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Galaxian Nights.

Write from your heart...Write from your heart...Write from your...

Alright.  It's a Friday night and I'm...getting some well needed rest.  No hitting tha town...No partying...Not even gonna watch any hoops late night style, nope just rest.  Rest our mind.  Rest our body.  Rest our soul.  That sounds like a great way to begin a book doesn't it?!!  But, I totally feel like I haven't got any sleep in tha last two weeks.  I didn't say days, I said...weeks!  Its been wild as we've documented in our diary, but life is all about living life up to tha fullest, and that we have.  Just wanted to jot a few things down here cuz its been crazy.  Crazy!  Crazy!  Cra-zee!  And of course, I have a lot of stories to share, don't we always?  So let me see if I can actually remember what happened tha last few hours and days living here in Miami, and more specifically "Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People" here in the hood of South Beach.  Which is like, off tha charts right now with people for this South Beach Food and Wine Festival.  There are so many people from across the

For instance.  I step out of my showroom early in tha morning, to get ready to go 2 tha great chalupa making factory i.e. "tha gig".  Now its early, I make that left turn around the block off of Jefferson Ave., and walk straight on 8th street here in the Beach area.  I can hear all this noise in tha background, and its some people walking giggling it up.  Of course, this isn't nothing new in SoBe because, usually there are people stumbling around, or bed springs a squeaking all hours of the night.  And usually at this time of night, folks are just coming out of tha club and wondering where tha next stop is going to be.  So I'm just chilling, letting our motor in our car get to a purring, when this group of peeps walk closer.  I could hear there accent, which from my experience watching The Benny Hill Show, back in tha day, indicated they were from Europe.  Man...that show still had the most beautiful women on a sitcom slash comedy power hour slash whatever.  I guess girls like to laugh right...hummm (Index finger touching our mouth as we write this!), I never knew!  So these Garbage Pail Kids circa 2K one three walked our way, and they were all cool, except for this one. 

 It was this girl, and no she wasn't dress up like a Spice Girl...and no she wasn't a dress with headlights all over it with the two in the middle lit up, but this chick was dress up like a freakin' penguin!  Yes, tha same as in "Chilly Willy".  Tha same as that dance made famous in tha 70's.  Heck, tha same as the villain in Batman who spewed gas out of an umbrella.  Whic is wild too, since other people passed out after sniffing it, and home dude, without a mask, just kept going with a long stick cigarette in his mouth.  Amazing....But this girl had on a penguin suit, with her face out, but the beck...I mean Beek...What tha...does anybody know how to spell "be-eek".  So that thing was on top of her head.  Priceless.  And it wasn't even an Halloween party...I don't think, that they attended.  Wild sight for 5am in tha morning.  I should asked her penguins actually get wet, but that would have been...let's all say it together now..."Awwkward"  Yeah man....

"Sex, Drugs, and Real Estate", a very smart man once told me this.  Ok, I don't know if he was smart or not, cuz he was a Realtor here in Miami (Isn't everybody?!), but he was mad cool.  And as I was looking for showrooms down here in South Beach, more specifically the South Of Fifth area off of Washington Ave., he told me two things I haven't forgotten from that 2005 day. One, he told me that you're gonna hit what "all people here in South Beach hit in which they party for 7 straight days".  Although, I haven't reached seven...wait a minute, it hurts for me to even think back on the most I've been out "straight".  Just tha thought I guess brings back old memories...I should discuss the first time I went to a club down here in South Beach, maybe in a few...So that quote is classic, as is the "S, D and R.E." one we just quoted.  Let me tell you, folks down here in South Beach, and Miami in general, don't give a 'darn' (Censors are u now happy.  I know my Mom and Pops are! Lol!) about how can I put this...exhibiting the pluses and minuses of narcotic use.  Let me explain...

U can walk anywhere down here in South Beach, and smell the scent of weed.  And being a smelltologist-in-training I know wee...or from what people tell me (Wink!), tha scent matches what I consider to be tha drug known on tha West Coast as Snoop D Oh Double G.  I was walking past Lincoln Road, yes that Lincoln Road, the Rodeo Drive of the South, where one moment ur looking at models passing by, and on tha next folks are passed out in tha grass smoking a cigarette without hands...with there face point to tha sky.  Folks are talented down here for real.  So I'm walking, and I put this on cast of How High, that the whole block smelled like, ok I'm gonna give this a smelled like paraphnelia.  Almost.  I'm like, what's going on...And then I look at this guy who was walking like 15 steps ahead of me, and no joke, he was walking with a roach in his hand, not tha dancing one, but he was chiefing away, right in tha open.  People in Miami don't care.  Folks be in cars, with tha windows down, riding dag gone past cops like, "I dare you, or I'm telling on you too."  And then...

The Afroman about this whole thing, I was walking home, and I looked to my left and noticed this woman in her apartment.  For once, I wasn't looking on purpose, I just happened to turn my head, and she was in tha kitchen it looked like, and what got me was she was wearing this mask on her face that resembled something Michael Jackson had on back in 2004 before he hopped on top of that SUV outside of the Los Angeles courtroom.  Now, from...please Lord, don't let any cops be reading this, pleaseee...from what I've "heard" and from what I've seen on movies that come on at 1am on Showtime, is that while people are cooking up batches of their goods, they wear those Dr. 90210 masks as they are baking and shaking.  That's what I've...heard.  So now I'm like, they cooking up batches with tha windows open, in tha middle of tha evening here in tha 305.  Just telling y'all what I saw.  That's all...

Another crazy sight.  I was at the ultimate spot to see it all here in South Beach.  The corner of 6th and Meridian.  Remember I wrote about this spot back in 2011.  So funny how time flies when u're having fun.  It was at nighttime, and I was at tha spot washing my clothes, and dag gone fighting for machines for it was like the whole neighborhood was trying to get there Snuggles on.  I hugging tha block to check out tha scenery, and this car pulls up like ultra-illegal into this spot laced with diagonal stripes.  If it were any more stripes added u would have thought the spot was reserved for Foot Locker employees only! So I...nobody got that joke...Anyway, I turned to my right, and then next thing I know it, I turned back to my left, and there was 6 people standing outside the ride, and my jaw dropped, like how could six full grown people, step out of a Ford Focus.  Simply Amazing!  There were 5 dudes, and a girl, speaking French.  I'm telling u it's very international down here in tha MIA right now.  I just thought, am I tha only one who can recognize all tha languages but can't speak nothing but English, some pieced together Spanish, and if tha moment calls for it...i.e. standing in line at Pollo Tropical, some broken Creole?  And once again, to top it all off, this boy band and lead singer all parked illegally to go into the dollar store.  U can't tell me that they flew a red eye, to come to South Beach with all the sights and sounds just to go to this neighborhood dollar store.  I tell ya...Yelp is a mutha!

I should stop cuz I really need some rest, big time.  But...u never know when it may be tha last time, so we're gonna push through it, and reveal some more craziness going on in our life...

Here in Miami we have some legit professional Party People.  Like that's their profession.  I mean its truly an art form.  On today, well, the other night as well, we were thinking about some of our memorable nights here in Miami.  And there have been a few.  Let's see what can I reveal here in tha diary that won't get me into too much trouble....

U got this one night eating dinner at tha Cheesecake factory, and one of the guys in our party showing up wearing nothing but a bed sheet.  Not kidding, my bro walked in, on a Friday Night, to tha CC factory at Aventura Mall, wearing nothing but a bed sheet.  And u got all these people staring at him like he's a King or Prince from a yet to be discovered island off of Malaysia.   Wild.

Riding in a car hearing stories about someone's former life as a peeping Tom in windows was borderline...too much.  Silly...

The first club I went to down here wasn't Mansion, or Cameo...LIV wasn't around just yet, it was actually The Fifth right where Club Play is now.  Somehow had a "hookup" and I was ready to go...and I went solo. I had this old, oh, what's tha name of that phone company, they...Oh...shoot!  I'm going back tonight...How many of y'all had "Helio" as a cell phone carrier.  That company was cool!  They had live TV, so I would watch the NBA playoffs (Lebron when he was still on Cleveland) on tha cloc....I mean during some free time at tha job.  On this night, I was fitted out like, "I'm in Miami Bia Bia".  Swagged up, and as I was walking, I had my favorite song at the time blasting on my phone.  Ne-Yo's...well u just have to click here to find out what song it was. I was ret-ta-go son!  I didn't even need any breath spray cuz my swag was so fresh!  (I gotta use that one.)  So I walk up to tha joint, dropped my name like I was Tha Last Don, and off course, I heard that click, and tha red rope came off, and I was about to get it in Vegas style.  But....

It wasn't jumping!  I just was like, all this hype, off all the days of hookups, they gave me the wrong night.  Maybe they did it on purpose, and gave me tha weakest night!  Almost like Black History Month only having 28 days instead of the full...that's another story.  But I liked tha lay out and all, but it wasn't a good night.  Evidently they had a few more bad nights since it closed down not too long after.  But, an experience is an experience.

The Hard Rock up north was wild, and me and my boy happened to be in tha house tha day that brought Poker down to South Florida.  It looked like a old wild west saloon with people in Cowboy hats, wearing sunglasses inside, they had an upstairs which I didn't know if it lead to the VIP room or Aunt Bethel's Brothel, it was just a wild night.  

A wild night slash morning occurred when tha Tom Joyner Morning Show had their free telecast down here in South Beach at the Jackie Gleason.  It was free, but I really didn't feel like waking up early to go.  So I went to bed...but while I was in bed, I had a dream like MLK, that I ended up getting in.  And something or Someone told me to wake up, put on u knickers and walk down to tha show.  So we did.  Walking though South Beach during the wee hours of the night is an adventure.  I thought it would be a small wait, but dude, there were HUNDREDS of people waiting in line to get in, many of which came...once again....straight from the club to this show.  I was there early like 4am I think.  It was packed and I didn't think I was gonna get in.

So as the line wound around, u could hear rumors that it was getting packed inside.  Once again, it was a free, first come, first serve show.  I'm standing in line, getting close to the front of tha Jackie Gleason, when all of a sudden I hear, "THE DOOR IS OPEN...THE DOOR IS OPEN!"  I looked, and then bolted like Usain through these doors, and I'll be Charlie Brown if I ended up RIGHT next to the stage.  I ran to the back, so I wouldn't get caught by anyone.  And acted like I've been there all the time looking at a Shakespearean pre show or something.  That was fun.  I got so see Stevie Wonder, India. Arie, and the singer Kem, for free.  Plus laughs and just a great time.  And then when we got out around 10am, I had to go to class in two hours.  Typical Miami life...Party and have a good time FIRST, then go to work!  Ha ha!

Kind of rambling, hope this ain't boring...I remember, and I think I wrote about this, me getting into the shower here in tha showroom, only to realize that I didn't have any soap.  I was butt naked.  I put clothes on, and walked to Walgreen's only to find my dream girl at tha time Vanessa Williams up in there as well.  That was crazy.

What else?  There was this time these two girls needed some help here in tha apartment building.  Evidently somebody broke into their apartment, and somehow, someway, I ended up going over to their place.  I'm always around these beautiful girls, interesting but true.  So I'm in there place for like hours til the police came.  They talking about where they were from, and tha South Beach life, and I'm inside wondering, "How in God's green Earth did I not realize that these two beauties were feet away from me!"  Crazy night dude...

One night, I actually got sick.  I did a wrong exercise at tha gym or something...I later found out that it was the underwear I was wearing, that's why I borderline swear by Emporio Armani cuz they are the only ones who give me...well, support.  This is getting too personal, ain't it...Whatever, I-Don't-Care!...I think I called the crib first and talked to my Pops and basically told him that my, how to put this as nuts were swollen.  Can't put it any other way.  I tried everything from pain pills to...I don't believe I'm saying this to the Galaxian nation, but...

When u have limited resources, and ur half rich boy, half ghetto-fied as I am, u...Kieno, this is for you..."You gotta do, what u gotta dooo!!"  So a brotha didn't have no ice cubes, and since I was living this South Beach eat out every day lifestyle, all I had was some white rice in the cupboard, and in tha fridge a 32 ounce of Gatorade.  If I had a partner, me and her could have done some wild things with tha rice...but since I was alone, the only thing to take away tha pain, or at least I thought was too grab the 32 ounce of Gatorade, lay my e-po-nepa headed self down on the bed...pull down my pants...and go down a few centimeters lower than the guy on American Pie.  (This is so freakin' embrassing!  So much so!)  I don't think this is what Gatorade had in mind, but as I held this bottle to my cahoonas, all I could think about is, that for one, I'm glad I don't have Cinemax at this time of night (Then again, this might had been a good time that I wish I did!) and two, how long can this bottle stay on chill, and is it really working.  

After a minute or two (Ha ha!  I gotta laugh cuz that's funny in and of itself!) it began to dry out, and the bottle that began all cool with sensation, began to get boring, and began to feel like any other 32 ounce bottle.  Plus, my need still wasn't meet.  Does this sound familiar to anybody?!!  I'm getting in trouble right now aren't eye?!!  So I figured, for the first and only time, I had to call 911.  I had to first look in my contacts to get the number.....I need five minutes on Leno for real!!....then I called, told the woman my situation, or partially told her.  I didn't wanna get too detailed you know, just because they do tape record those calls, and the last thing I need is when I become really famous to have somebody release a tape of me saying, "that I think I've lost my marbles."

Next thing I know it, I see the sirens and flashing lights.  It was just like the freakin' movies man.  I ah came limping out, barely able to walk.  These fireman pulled me up to the back and laid me down.  I was hurting...bad y'all.  Dudes were asking me all these questions about insurance and stuff, if he asked about life insurance, I surely would have stop, drop, and rolled my behind back into the building that for sure!  So we pulled off, speeding through the grimey streets of South Beach.  I felt like a star!  I was going through all the same things that the old school Hollywood legends of old went through.  Your nobody until u ride in tha back of an ambulance! 

We get to Mount Sinai Hospital.  Their emergency room.  I limp out tha ride.  Then I go inside the joint, and late night in Miami hospitals is like a reality show for real.  People lying in leather coats on stretchers talking to themselves, people being whisked was a scene worthy of a PBS special.  They laid me down and I think I blanked out.  I remember being on a stretcher being ran through the hallways of tha hospital from one building to tha next, in and out of elevators like it was a game being ran in a hotel on a Saturday night.  Then I began to think about, "Is this tha end?"  No kids, no freek of tha week, nuthing....Through tha morning, they gave me tests, with this machine, rubbing like some kind of gel, that I wish I had of stolen a quart or two, cuz they put that gel on this thingy, and then rubbed this thingy, below my thingy, which gave an ultrasound of my thingy, and now I wish I had that thingy, to use on somebody else's thingy...but not somebody who has something that looks like my thingy! It was crazy dude...but we came out ok.  I got a prescription and a pat on tha back to get more Iron in my life. And I'm thinking, "Dude, I just got back into lifting, give me 3 more weeks and u'll see some real iron!"  

Got my medicine from CVS, and I felt like it was a night to forget and remember.  Also considering I caught the bus home from the hospital.  Trying to lay in a Zee formation on the Miami-Dade Transit is a tad difficult. And then u hear that same voice that reminds you how far u actually are from home over tha speakers...

"Forty...First Street....And...............Indian Creek Drive."

Fudge!  I got 30 more minutes on this thing, I should have walked.  Then u got tha bus driver pulling over getting sandwiches and slushes...not cool...Funny!  But not cool dudes and dudettes.

Alright.  I'm going to go and hide my face...once again, after another embrassing night in our diary.  I don't know why I tell all these stories, I guess we feel like we have nothing to hide.  About our life, our wild love life, our dreams....If ur gonna hear about it, might as well hear it from tha kid himself.  And if u've been reading our stuff, u'll see that we're one of a kind.   Truly one of a kind.

Now...I wonder if Ebay is selling that gel....

Austino Galaxia.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

D and F. (The Introduction)

Oh, how our soul has felt,
These last several days.
Felt like the highest of the high,
But at the same time stuck in our ways.

Its so weird, don't think u understand,
How much I feel like it's the finto.
All without tha mansion, tha wife,
And that purple waxed Enzo.

I've said that this is it,
Many times a more.
No more writing, no more poems,
No more laughs to hit tha floor.

But tonight, there's an air,
Like our life has hit tha mud.
Like no matter how bad I want it,
Our dreams are busting like a bubble sud.

Never in our life, have I felt like this,
I'm on my knees like how can this be.
Been prepared to change tha world,
Now I feel blinded, and cannot see.

Is this what the great ones go through?
MJ, Ruth, and even Elvis P.
Do u have to reach ur emotional valley,
As a precursor to the ultimate glee?

I'm different, I know,
And now realizing it is no great feat.
I've always felt like the odd ball out,
Yet still having that VIP seat.

I just wonder, just wonder,
Does anybody else feel like they are a weirdo?
Laugh at corny jokes, Eat items with no sugar,
And even dress like a star slash hobo?

Throughout this diary, we've tried,
Just to bring u into our Galaxian fold.
The stories are legend, the girls are a plenty,
It's just epic to consider some are still untold.

There's just this fire within,
One that can barely be put into ink.
Sometimes I just wonder when it will all just end,
U feel like u've seen it all, and tha kitchen sink.

So...that's just an introduction,
To what will be another one of those nights.
Tha kind where our heart dreams a dream,
Wondering when our takeoff will finally assume flight.

Assume, that's a wrong word,
For we know what that makes of you and me.
Perhaps that's my problem, just expecting success,
Almost like flinching before u actually get stung by a bee.

I just feel so close, and that's tough,
When ur inches away, what a taste.
The sense of urgency raises to ultra levels,
Cuz each moment u don't wanna waste.

So let's just speak from our heart,
And see where this all leads.
I'm gonna be honest, cuz I need this.
Tonight our soul and heart is gonna...bleed.

(Huge Breath)

I'm battling just within this diary,
How much to write, and what to say.
U wanna be as real as u can be,
U also want it to be read before a party,
Or after a church day.

People have told us so many things,
Especially from love ones following us from afar.
We still hear, may have been quiet,
Consider us the butterfly in the glass jar.

That's amazing those words came out,
For that's exactly how we feel.
Seems like everybody wants to look at us,
But nobody wants to open up tha seal.

I'm about to get loose tonight like Rick Rozay,
With nobody holding us back.
I wanna make a point or two,
Just to show who has the swagger of Morris Zack.

When u have an ego like ours,
Things can see twisted, and so easy.
He has it all, nothing bothers him.
True, but some things still get us queasy.

With more money, hotter looks,
The expectations become off the wall.
U ignore them, but no there are there,
Hoping that one bad step doesn't make you fall.

Tha thing, like others, I know,
That has us Off after the P.
Is why do I have to go through so much,
When can somebody finally see.

U feel like its like God has blinded the world,
And u walk around like ,"This ain't fair."
U have to break ur neck for certain attention,
When others get it like a zoo bear.

I thought "different is sexy",
And "the first shall be last."
But when the heat is hot in ur soul's kitchen,
U figure u'll never get to show ur fun of blast.

What's even worse, is having to trail blaze,
All with ur mouth shut.
Humility is now the name of tha game.
I feel like Scooby-Doo, not tha big one,
But the little Pup.

The confidence is there, faith still in tact,
So why aren't things moving at a better pace.
U feel like nobody can relate to you,
Feel like walking away from tha game like Brotha Mase.

I know, breathe, stretch, and shake,
And everything will be alright.
Those words echo in ur ear all the time,
Sooner or later I need to see it in sight.

The last few days have been super cool,
Who doesn't like hoops and a good party.
I've felt so hot to trot, just simply chillin',
Almost like 2006 sale featuring Ed Hardy.

Once u get a taste of the life,
It can hypnotize u into a frenzy.
Like nothing can throw u off ur cool,
Bottles, sexy girls, all just make u dizzy.

I'll get into tha girl thang in a minute,
Let me first pour out our soul.
Just tired of no one really seeing us,
Its like we've taken the route of a underground mole.

The kind where u know there there always,
Yet only see them when ur out for a backyard tan.
A simple look, has u saying, "That freakin' mole.",
Amazing the power in knocking over a trash can.

Maybe I just want too much,
Can u blame me,
I'm a kid 80s born, but made in the 90s.
Anna Nicole Smith, A Current Affair,
The allure of those red Baywatch tighties.

I always just dreamed of one day,
Being such a big star.
Believed it to tha max,
Didn't Disney say a wish would take you far.

People just don't understand,
How I feel like its more of a destiny.
To help people, and have the most fun,
Using the power of we, instead of...'me'.

I used to draw in our book,
Commercials with us starring in billboards high above.
Having our own shoe, being on the cover of a mag,
Nothing less than getting Hollywood love.

Recently though, we've been more outspoken,
Most of which of the route presented tough.
U get angry over this and that,
Why did that possible relationship have to be so rough.

And then to top it off, like a sundae cone,
Everybody telling u about their good life.
Expecting a kid here, got a new job there,
Then, of course, the, "I just got me a wife."

U become a little angry at God, like,
I'm doing the best, for this?
I gotta sacrifice, I gotta smile when I don't want to,
While I'm still waiting for my first Eskimo kiss?

It don't make no sense, and u just wonder,
Has all what we've been taught for waste.
I thought hard work pays off, or everybody gets 15 minutes of fame,
Now I gotta be on Bravo to get a taste?

This is as real as its gonna get,
Somebody is giving is screen a high-five.
So true, and I'm tired of this being calm stuff,
I want the finer things in life,
Without having to dumpster dive.

I know, I know, u saying, dude,
What more can you want?
South Beach livin', cash in tha wallet Burberry,
All these words are just a front.

Well, let me be real, are u ready,
Please hear me out with no fear.
Materialistically I do have it all and beyond,
Just our spiritually eyes are as big as a dear.

I know it's spelled "er" whatever, u get it,
Our heart knows that all things can be done.
While others have got their chance here and there,
Only one word can describe when we get ours...

Preparation plus Opportunity, they claim,
This is the formula for success.
It's such a given in tha game of life,
Like J Lo wearing a body revealing Oscar worthy dress.

Standards of life, is important u see,
Its what makes one go the extra mile.
While others look at u crazy for doing another pushup,
U secretly know that u gotta be ready for Opp's dial.

That's the real test, see,
What do u do when nothing is what u see.
Everywhere u are surrounded by the life u can only dream,
Yet it's dark in ur tunnel of dreams,
And u wonder when will it finally be.

As I write this it's starting to hit us,
That this stage had to come to pass.
It's like u must be rejected, or
Have u drink "B" tossed in ur face,
Before everybody is willing to give up tha ...

At times its felt like I've been cursed,
Sitting in bed wondering what brought this to upon me.
Did I steal a candy bar?  Did I diss a cool friend?
Should I have passed the ball more to my homeboy Doug Steinke?

When things don't go tha way you want them to go,
All these questions become fair game.
Tha analying never ends, although it did before it begins,
And after 3 hours u still feel tha same.

I'm holding on, though, don't get it twisted,
Even though this is tha weirdest period of my life.
When prayers don't get answered like u want them too,
The wonderment begins, "Is it even worth tha fight."

When u've been working hard for some time,
This is what begins to happen.
The journey looked back upon, and ahead,
Seems soooo long, and ur spirit kind of dampens.

U gotta hang in there, by any means,
Simply just somehow and someway.
Play games with ur mind, rewrite down ur goals,
Put in a marathon of Denzel ending with Training Day.

Something to get u motivated,
Just to realize it ain't over til tha fat lady sings.
And even though u hear her warming up her cords,
Until she's on stage, u still got a shot at tha thing.

Boy I haven't even talked about love have we,
I think I might save that for another time.
But what if it's our last time writing?
I guess I should elaborate on who I want to "Be Mine".

Somebody told me today like,
How being single can be fun.
I say this with a smile, cuz living in Miami,
It can be hard to settle just for one.

Now, now, don't let that scare a future prospects,
From knocking on our heart's door.
But let's be real up in here,
Living in Miami has taught me that,
Girls may have the highest nights of score.

That's one thing about our life,
And since its our diary its between u and me.
Every week, or everyday there is somebody different,
From the presence of cool and beautiful girls I cannot flee.

There's this one girl, dare I say,
That has caught Galaxia's eye.
Slender, and so sexy,
The other night all I could say was "My, My, My".

The next day, I texted one of my dudes,
Like what do you know about this girl.
I just couldn't take my eyes off of her for one night,
She hepo-jeebo'd "rock my world"!

I wish I could describe her in more detail,
But if I do, I know several would know.
I say this, she's so naturally beautiful, without makeup,
And so cool, I don't think she even knows or cares about tha dough.

She's a slept-on jewel,
Even though she shows one from the out set.
Just hearing her unique accent,
Makes me feel like she's tha one I must get.

Yet, my brotha and friend texted me back,
With some words from his heart.
He said, "Slow and steady wins tha race.",
I'm so excited over those words, where do I start?!!

As with love, and in life,
Being patient is can be the most overlooked key.
Don't rush things, get a good feel,
And then what will be will be.

I'm good, for I know tha deal,
If her cool, but I know that the choices are endless.
Now if somebody wants to be with us,
They gotta know we only get with tha best.

High expectations, perhaps,
But how can one go through a maze just for a toy?
I want more than that, and so shall we,
And her prize is the ultimate fun boy.

Not bragging, just reality,
We say that with no boast.
May have to go through a little crazy talk,
But after telling wild memories, u finally get to toast.

I'm done,  For tonight,
Maybe for the rest of the year.
Just know I wanna and gonna give u our best.
I want u to one day say,
"I wish u were there."

That would be the ulitmate compliment,
As I make a fool out of myself time and time again.
Talking crazy, sharing intimate details,
I'm like DJ Khaled, so forgive me...

So I throw my hands up,
Not knowing what the future may hold.
The faith that remains, we'll use,
Turning this into the greatest tale ever told.

One with a goofy kid,
Only wanting to have fun.
One who has experienced almost everything,
Except skinny dipping without the sun.

We gonna keep fighting, and so shall you.
That's the only way it's gonna happen.
I don't know how or where,
One day we'll go from unknown to infinite amount of clapping.

That's how life is,
And now I truly see with eyes of our own.
U keep planting, keep watching,
And u'll soon reap what u've sown.

Fun and love are our seeds of choice,
We've just had a little rain on the way.
That rain must come though,
If not, nothing will ever grow.

The darkest hour is right before daybreak.
And no doubt the last 48 has been a killa.
But its over now,and our sound is gonna sound oh so sweet,
Like a song produced by  J. Dilla.

Don't know who is he is,
That's on you to look him up to find.
I'm feeling better and can't wait now...
Perhaps going through tough times,
Is life's ultimate sign.

That ur on the right track,
Now ur ready for what truly awaits.
I've been wanting to say this for awhile...oh for so long...

"Hi, my name is Austin...
And it's a pleasure to finally meet you...
Mr. Destiny...and Ms. Fate."

Austino Galaxia.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tales From The Galaxia.

This might be very short...this might be very loooong.  I really don't have an idea, but what I do know is that our life is really, really, really getting juicy.  Like a Big Buford from Checker's or Rally's if u're up North! We're gonna let it all hang out and tell you about all these crazy experiences that's been going on in our life.  These are true stories, so don't think we made any of this up.  Let's all hold on as we get it in on tonight.  No bragging or boasting, we gonna let everything speak for itself.  Where do we start?  I need a song to get into the groove...C'mon Biggie, "I love it when u call me....".

Speaking of which, we're always talking about how we meet or women come to us in the wildest and craziest places.  So I'm at the Citgo gas station near Brickell, and its like 5am in the morning.  I get to the pump, step out and walk over to the bulletproof window where they have to slide out the drawer for you to give them their card or whatever.  I see homegirl through the window, and say, "Hi (In my psuedo-shy voice), Can you give me $18 on pump 12?"  This woman like almost jumped through the window, by putting her face up to the glass, and the Robocop speaker, and yells, "HUH?!!!"  I'm thinking this girl is talking way too loud, it's way too early to be talking that loud in the morning.  I repeat, almost with an attitude, "I want $18 dollars on pump 12."  All the while this was going on, I sense this woman coming near me from behind, like talking.  I assume she's on the phone, and I'm making sure this checkout lady don't add no Black and Mild's to my debit card, but this woman is getting closer, and I faintly hear, "Good Morning, Big Papi!"  I thought she was on the phone, so whatever...Next thing I notice, I turn and hear this woman snapping...ON ME! She's firing about, "I WAS JUST SAYING HI, I WASN'T EVEN ASKING YOU FOR MONEY."  And all this stuff....I'm thinking, "Ooops, my bad!"  Cuz I don't like to brush anybody off, no matter who they are.  But its too early in the morning for all this drama.  Seems like these girls like coming up on me, when I'm vulerable which is usually when I got a gas pump in my hand.  I already talked about me and this "lady of the night" who I ended up scooping up at the BP gas station off of Coral Way, taking to her place, she offered me her services, I thought about it, she told me whenever I needed "something", and I drove off wondering about how Arroz Con Pollo tastes for breakfast!  Now that I think about it, tomorrow is Valentine's Day...a perfect day for a little tit for tat.  That totally didn't come out right, but, u get the gist of it!!

So much...I love to have fun.  And these last few days have given me memories, to the point where I don't even know what's going on.  Saturday night, I was up...late....late....early.  Just having fun with some cool peeps.  Man, that Mary Brickell Village is jumping dude!  Saw a lot that night, and morning...A few nuggets of choice.  I've never seen a security guard give a patron a cold cup of water to sober up.  That was legendary!  I mean the cup even had ice in it and all! I'm bugging up laughing as he gave the look of, "Bro, u really need this right now!"  I just wonder who was watching the door as he was playing Bentley for tha moment.  Ah...hold up, I gotta get my grill warmed up, for these Turkey Burgers, I'm gonna make for the tommorrow's lunch, hold up....Alright, I'm back.  That was funny!  But yeah, just a lot of good times throughout the night, all in the name of Ms. J's birthday.  I usually am not a heavy drinker, but sometimes u just gotta enjoy life, and enjoy good food, and even a drink or two.  That's in the Bible as well, ain't it, I think I'm becoming a ghetto preacher or something!  Which we are...of Fun!!  That verse is Ecclesiastes 8:15.  I'm being real now, so don't be scared....So after a Menage a Trois of a Margarita  a  and a shot of a...Buttery Nipple?  We were good for the night, and maybe the year!  (Wink!)  And of course, we love to dance, so was a good time.

Which was kind of wild that I got back home like around Kevin Durant's Team USA jersey  time, cuz I had to go to sleep, and then wake up to squeeze in a Sunday School lesson, and then get ready for my favorite rivalry of them all.  The Lakers vs.  The Heat down here in Miami.  So, for this game which was on a Sunday afternoon, which are always the most fun to attend.  Definitely down here in Miami.  The sun is out, nobody's thinking about work, and that truly was the case for me.  Even though we work for the Heat, this is the one time during the season where I'm really neutral, and I get to just sit back and enjoy the show, and what a show it was.  Anytime u get Kobe, Lebron, D Howard, D Wade, Nash, Bosh, Metta World Peace, and others (I so miss Pau Gasol.) on tha same court, its always special.  This game is super special cuz its a new tradition for us down here, I'm at the Triple A like ALL THA TIME, but this is my Pops favorite team (Besides tha Bulls) and our fam used to go see the Lakers up north, when they played the Bulls with Jordan and Pippen during that 72 win season of '95-'96.  Seen the Lakers a lot.  In Indianapolis...I remember hooping in college and begin on the bench, no hobo here, being on the bench and as tha game was getting close, but we kept getting down by more points, I was literally thinking, "I really wanna win this game.  Like a lot....But....I got these tickets for next week for the Lakers and Bulls game, and I really wanna go see Kobe and Shaq play and Phil Jackson coach back in the Chi...So if we win cool....But if we lose...I'll holla!"  I'm being real.

But tha game was super awesome!  My homie Frankie Stacks and myself, lived it up big time.  I got pictures galore, and some videos (Shhh, I know its illegal, but...) that I may post here soon.  Atmosphere was hyped, Laker nation was thick as a video vixen that day, but some stuff off the court really got me wondering, "What is going on in our life."

So I wanted to truly enjoy the game as a fan.  So for the first time, I took the bus over from South Beach here to the arena.  No Vespa, no driving our car, we just wanted an authentic experience.   I took my Samsung headphones, which I don't like compared to the Coloud Color ones which I love, just to listen to some jams, not make it seem like I'm too high maintenance and live in my own galaxy, which I am and do sometimes...ok, a lot.  I cross over Alton Road to catch the S Bus on 8th and Alton.  The bus is running late, I'm taking so pics testing out the SG 3, and  checking out some sights and sounds of the day. The bus comes, and I have my headphones on, I get on and as I'm about to deposit my $2, this bus driver is like, "Take off your headphones", and I was about to snaaaapp!  I know Miami-Dade transit be trippin', but now a brotha can't even listen to some Jamiroquai while on tha bus?!!

The next like 20 minutes happened so fast, that I still don't know what happened.  The bus driver then, after I took off my headphones, asked me to help this gentleman up the bug step onto the bus.  So I grab his bags, he ordered me to place them in the bag compartment in the front.  Then the bus driver, who was a female, like...she began to hit on me.  Now I know somebody's like, "Austin, would u stop it, every woman ain't hitting on u brotha.  Chill with it."  But, contraire corn fritter, this woman begins to like really talk to me.  About taking my shirt off of me, and my laces, cuz they both were pink.  I'm in the front with her, as she's talking all this...She continues to talk about taking my sunglasses off of me, and stuff.  As I think back on it, she could chorograph one heck of a Vegas Burlesque show, I think! She kept on talking about Jungle Island, and the characters of South Beach, and on us passing this man that she said looked, like one of the Avatars!  U can't make this stuff up!  Talking about getting her 90s outfit together with pink leggings, a la Jane Fonda, and getting her sneakers.  It got OOC (Out of Control) dude...Then, on top of that, she flat out told me that the only thing on her mind, was let me quote this..."Getting Me a Burger".  She said that like 4 times.  So as a guy, u looking at this girl, and ur like, "she got some nice eyes"....talkative...should I pull out tha breath-o-fresh spray, and give two squirts into tha mouth, and see if everything I learned from watching How To Be a Player works!  But we had more things on our mind, and we knew we'd get our feel at the game...Little did I know, that somebody else had the same thing in mind.  Oh boy!

Hope I'm not boring u, I know I can jibber jabber.  But our life is getting more and more exciting... Back to the story.

Tha game was very exciting.  Had very awesome seats as well. So after seeing the game, The Donald do his Presidential tour around the court, after seeing a near brawl in the section we were sitting over Kobe and his acquitted rape charges of yesteryear, after seeing the girls go crazy over the sight of William Levy (1980 was the best year to be born wasn't it!), and more hilarious, after seeing Lil Weezy turn around, point his fingers to his eyes and point to indicate to somebody that he's "watching them" and then give a symbol of a "glock loaded" sign, I was absolutely hysterical in laughter!  It was a big thing after tha game, but I saw it, didn't hear what was said, but I told F Stacks, "Ain't that like a threatening charge or something?"  But I feel him....So after all that, we decided to go down to tha Heat store after the game.

This place was packed, man...I've never, even when I had season tickets to the Heat, I never went to the store after tha game.  First off, they had a line that was just as long as the line to Mansion circa 2007.  Then, u really couldn't move.  But it began to thin out some. So me and my dude were over looking at some of the throwback Heat Jackets, and then I let out a little, "Screech!" I turn and look and this Asian guy is walking away from me.  And I just yell out, "THIS GUY JUST FELT MY BUTT!" Frankie Stacks was just smiling about it, but dude, he like grabbed my whole entire left butt cheek, and just walked away.  No joke!  I was so stunned...kinda.  As we said, in our last post, and throughout this diary, we are very comfortable with our sexuality and level of sensuality.  We like girls as fish like dry land, so...maybe wrong example..But if some guys feel like they can make us become disenchanted over the high price of pudding, but telling us that lollipops are now on sale, so be it.  I've learned over our life, get used to it.  It comes with the territory.  I'm gonna stop right there on that.

Alright.  Here's a tip.  If u wanna make this a two parter, I suggest u stop reading now.  Cuz we STILL have some more crazy stories to tell.  If u stop, thanks for reading up 2 here, and I hope u enjoy the rest at ur convience.  If ur gonna continue on, then get ready...we have some more wild stuff.

South Beach.  Our home here in Miami Beach, is a wild stuff.  The absolutely things you see.  We have so many people from all over the world visiting us here in the city.  I don't think people can really grasp having so many people coming to ur neighborhood 2 just have a good time. A lot of Europeans are coming to "Tha land of the Beautiful People"...I was working out at DB Gym, and I'm not kidding you, I saw the loudest speaking dude, I've ever seen!  I'm on the bench press, trying to think about how crazy I am to be doing this Pro workout in tha first place, I hear this language that resembled something of Russian dialect being shouted across the workout floor, except one thing...He was talking to tha dude, right in front of him.  Like one foot away!!  If that...Now here in Miami, we have some loud talking people...I mean, I talk loud at times, just because I have 1/3rd ghetto in my blood anyway!  Then a lot of Cuban people and friends I know always joke around how family get-togethers can be a great setting for a demo on new earplugs as well.  So u get used to it here in tha Magic City!   But that was like a KISS concert on HGH!  Ridiculous...

So Monday night, I was still kind of recovering from the weekend.  I was in chill mode.  I had some "me" time.  And was laying in bed, lights off, and glasses off, and about to dream about tha day they bring the dance show Caliente back to Univision on Saturday mornings, what routine I'll used at my tryout, when all of a sudden I hear a "knock, knock , knock" on my door.  Everything's dark in our showroom, and I know that people don't usually knock on our door, especially this time of night.  So I immediately grab my eyeglasses on the bed headboard, and I click on my IKEA floor lamp, which I have to replace cuz the lamp shade has peeled some, but as we do at tha crib, when a piece is falling off, u just turned that bad boy to tha corner, over to the side where u can't see it, and nobody would notice a least they wouldn't til now!  So I hopped outta my bed, and went over to the door, and peak in the keyhole, and I see this ange...

"Hi!  ('Hi') name is A------- and we just moved in, but our toliet is ah... stopped.  Do you's have a...plun-ger?"  This girl had a serious European accent which was cool...kinda liked it.  So I told her to let me check, and I promise you she checked out place out, and dag gone near came in, which woulda been a whole hour post in and of itself...Y'all didn't catch that did you?!  Anyways, so I checked and no plumber in the bathroom, so she said she asked around, (Although, I didn't hear too many knocks after us) and we said 'Good Night' or 'Bye' and that was that.  But after I closed the door, I ai'nt gonna lie.  I've seen a lot of girls asleep (Cute), and we've seen a lot of girls as they are about to go to sleep (Cute...maybe), but I don't think I've seen anybody look as good in PJ's as she did standing in front of our door.  Boyfriend shorts, Blonde hair, sexy European face, and she was barefoot in the hallway, which shows either she don't care and she's a true beach gal or that she's crazy and loves to walk the asphalt in her feet, which if u live here in South Beach, I don't recommend that, even in tha rain.  No matter tha case, I just shook my head just thinking two things....That's a heck of a visual to end my day...And..."What time does Home Depot close again?!!"

Oh, this is fun, ain't it.  I'm probably getting cussed out for all this we're talking about, but...this is our diary.  If u've been reading about our life, we keep saying it's all about sharing tha fun, and our life is one worth watching.  For real, ain't nuthing like it really.  Then u throw in our crazy self, who really don't care about sharing embarrassing moments, or crazy sights, or what really goes through the minds of guys, especially ones who are single, then "Wah-Lah" u get this.  It'll never happen like this again, so we all need to cherish this special thang that's occurring.  It won't, dude....

What other crazy things...I saw this SUV driving near my block of 8th and Jefferson, with a bed mattress on top.  But what was crazy about it, was the guy in the passenger seat, had like his whole, not just his hand, but his whole body out the window, holding the mattress down with both hands.  All the while, the driver was holding it with both hands as well!  Just kidding, with only one, but if that wasn't enough, after they passed me, the driver had the nerve to honk his horn at a group of like 3 girls that were walking on the sidewalk!  Go figure!  I guess if u can't bring the girl to the bed, u might as well bring the bed to tha girl, huh!!  Only in Miami....

Another only in Miami...I saw this 4 year old kid tatted up.  I was looking as I was walking on Meridian Ave., that this shorty has a tat on the inside of his forearm.  I think it was fake, but it should did look like a  Kat Von D project possibly on his arm.  Could u imagine, a reality show like "School Bus Ink" debuting on the Disney channel late at night.  The storylines would be endless...A 5 yr. old wanting a Bugs Bunny tat, but due to copyright laws, the tattoo kid aka "A Plus" tells him "No", and next thing u know it, they get into a fight or what about a 3rd grade girl walking into the parlor wanting to have the tattoo of her perfect attendance certificate removed because she wants to miss a day of school to see Taylor Swift perform on Ellen.  That's real reality least I think so!

And lastly we come to today...Yeay, I actually talk about today, which had some wild stuff.  So I'm went to wash my car up on Biscayne Blvd., that's a long ride from Kendall...nother story on that.  So we're at the most...they gotta do a show on the K-Mart parking lot on like 107th and Biscayne Blvd.  Everything and everyone goes down there...literally.  See I saw a guy and a girl just sitting in a car today, and then I just saw the guy, and wondered what happened to tha girl, even though she didn't get out of the car...U be tha judge. But, after tha wash, I drove around the corner to park in tha lot.  I parked where it was some shade.  It was windy.  And no less than 5 minutes after I park, and am drying off the ride, this black freakin' Navigator comes like right next to my driver's side, crooked mind you, and parks.  I'm totally looking like,"ARE YOU SERIOUS!"  There's freakin' 150 spots empty at this place, u have tha choice of anyone even with shade, and the T-Pain microphone ain't on sale no more, so u don't have to worry about anybody mad rushing and smashing ur ride, and u wanna park right next to me.  So now we look like Beverly Hills couple that wants to sit alone at the down home country family picnic!  Crazy...

So I try my best to ignore this lady.  I look inside, and this lady was talking on the phone like she was the new Black Widow from the Cocaine War days of Miami, chomping at the mouth on her headphones and junk.  I'm just drying off my car, like she's trying to use us as a front, but what she don't know is that if Tubbs and Crockett comes for me and I go down, I'm spilling all tha baked, pinto, and in her case, black beans on everything from the disappearance of Bigfoot all the way to why they cancelled the show Playmakers back in tha day.  And as for tonight, I've spilled too much...

I gotta go 2 sleep now.
Bye Diary.
And be's gonna keep on getting better.

I promise.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Breakups to be Made up.

This is gonna be interesting on tonight.  I really, REALLY have a lot to write about concerning the last few days.  So so many stories from living it up celebrating a cool homegirl's birthday that lasted like for days it seemed to our new tradition of going to the game featuring our two favorite sports teams the Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat, which was an awesome game, as it always is to just too much to name.  And on top of all that I still feel the hand print on my left booty cheek from this guy feeling all up on me.  (Why are all these people want to feel  on my butt?!  I know girls but now I gotta deal with guys too...uggh!)  But for some strange reason, I am being led to talk about something else.  What I don't know.  Like I said, our life is turning into like a trailor for The Hangover 3.  With so much good stuff, I promise...But...what and where do we start tonight.  Fingers do tha magic, cuz we have no idea....

Boy, I usually don't say this, but that last post we wrote was really wild wasn't it?  We've been writing for some time, and have what like over 300 posts within this diary, but I think or know that was the first time that we felt like a large "part" of us was left on the page, u know.  Our diary is so personal, and I really don't know why we tell all these stories cuz they are so personal, and I don't feel like many, if anybody would fess up to some of tha drama u may read.  U never know what u gonna get with us.  But I think now, in our life, and hopefully in others, it's just time out for all the "mickey mouse" stuff, and just tell it like it is.  We all have been through something, and if u look upon it in a positive manner, u'll find that it was only a stepping stone to the next level in ur life.  Whoa, I'm bout to get good tonight.  But first, Duffy would u do me the honors.  I love this song.

Has anybody had the honor of passing or coming upon somebody who once did u wrong, or might have done u wrong unexpectedly,  but now see you, and u don't even have to say a word like, "I told you, u messed up".  Boy, if I wasn't in a child friendly mood right now,  I totally would have used the F-word right there!  But for real, u don't have to say a single word.  I've seen it so much dude...Things have happened, and u see that person, and inside ur already planning what to say...A)  Should I be calm....B)  Do I tear out a page out of Andrew Dice Clay's best selling dictionary..or C)  Act like nothing ever happened.   Huh.  Now that I think about it, alot goes down at the American Airlines Arena, it seems like I run into so many chicks I once...I guess the game is really happening off the court.  For real...But as those decisions run through ur mind, usually I just sit there like I'm watching Charlie Brown's Christmas for the uptenth time.  It's like as the person approaches you, ur almost mouthing out their lines as they're saying them!  Ha ha!  "Hi...Austin (Austin)"..."U still work at..."..."Living at the Beach (Still)...."Glad to see (you)..."  When in the back of ur mind ur like, This chick got tha nerve to walk in my face and act like everything's honky dorey.  Even though it is, still sometimes u want closure.  Most of the time u don't get it, cuz folks just don't...New paragraph.

Folks don't wanna talk it out, and end at least on a high, or maybe not on a Celine Dion vocal, but at least on a Christina Aguilera note, u dig. And don't-let-that-person u don't want to see, have another significant other with them son!  Oooh Wee!  I'm gonna be real tonight, if u ain't ready, stop not now, but RIGHT NOW!  Cuz I know somebody feels me, I feel it in the air that somebody feels me, and needs to hear what is gonna unfold, so this is for you.  When u see that person, and let's be honest the first thing u notice is the physical look of that 'newbie'.  And u be thinking, especially if they introduce them to you, "U tell me they left a all u can eat buffet at the Biltmore Hotel for a Hungry Man oven dinner?"  Then once they leave out the door or up the elevator, ur like giving urself  "ugly faces" and start to speak in reality TV show tongues and junk, uttering, "Really?...No, Really?!"...."U gotta be kidding me?"..."Seriously though?"..."Oh Naw..."  Folks see u talking out loud wondering what u are referencing about, and u say 'nothing', but then continue, "Aw, life is wild."..."This chick"....Am I lying or not?

I told somebody the other day that here in Miami, u gonna see familiar faces ALLLL over town in the craziest places.  That person looked at me cockeyed like I had a potato skin growing out of my ear, but evidently they must not get out that much.  But I I know u see folks.  Even though I live in the beach, I can be in Brickell, or South Miami, and see people I worked with, live near, partied with, that's just Miami!  So when things don't go right in work, in a relationship, this is like perfect training ground for how to react when u see these people again.  Cuz u will.  U move on, but still that initial sight of that person can bring ill feelings, and sometimes a want to make it work again.  Hummm....

Our life is upside down crazy.  If u haven't known already.  As I stated before, I've had a few friendships or whatever u wanna call them end on a kiss on my lips.  Then u compare that with, so many people feeling on my butt seemingly, as I said above, it's wild. I wonder if I have those people switch spots like feel me on my lips and kiss my donkey, how would my life turn out?!!  Ha ha!  But this is all true...I guess we talking about love, and getting over somebody.  Which isn't easy, all the time.

Sometimes u think that u missed out on ur best shot.  Which isn't always the case, either.  I know things didn't work out like I would have expected them too, and I'm sitting at home, not wanting to eat, trying to get full off of tap water cuz the fridge is empty and begin to cry when u see a commercial come on cuz u like that ---- don't work.  (That's another story)  When tha Yamma Jammas, ur all teary eyed like a highly trained professional actress whose been type-cast for funerals, are all on their way, doing their thang, u dig.  I remember hearing this one girl, supposedly tell a guy I knew, a popular guy too, after they broke up, she told during the breakup, "Ur young, u'll find somebody."  That's kind of wild to tell somebody to their face that.  But what we've learned is that sometimes breakups or what could have been's but are not's are the best thing that has happened to you....Well, maybe the second, the invention of the George Foreman grill was pretty cool as well!

There's really is a lot of fish in the sea.  I'm seeing that more and more each day.  Miami is loaded with lots of physical beauty.  Girls and guys included.  (I wrote that blowing and rubbing my knuckles on my bare chest. No shirt on in February, we are truly blessed in the MIA.)  Its just about finding the connection that goes deeper than physical makeup and the outside.  By the way, I don't care what anybody says a girl who wears UGG Boots with cut-off blue jean shorts is a hot look for me.  Just had to say that, cuz there's been some controversy down here in Miami about that.  I'll leave it at that.

But it's amazing how the Lord works.  Sometimes I just be thinking as I see somebody, and I be amazed at how just like two days ago, I wanted to be with this person, sign her off on my 401k, all the wile visualizing her in nothing but an eye-patch, a red throwback Lebron Heat jersey, and some Reebok pumps, I'm a little kinky just roll with it...and now on today, when I see her my solider doesn't even move at an attention like kid refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance the day after his family saw Roots. Its really amazing how one day u were chomping at the bit over somebody, and the next day u don't even say 'hi' or even talk anymore.

I remember...Uh oh, here we go...its getting real up-in-here.  U know what those words mean...

I remember, back in high school.  Now this is really getting personal and touchy cuz some folks I went to high school with may read this, Jigga said in the "Give it to me" remix, and as my homegirl Paula once said, yes Paula I did call you out..."I don't give a (Fudge)." So, I had a little crush on this one girl alright.  I really didn't know anything about her, and I think the first time I met her was in like, Freshman year, when like our city consolidated the two high schools together which was big.  It was like 'Pac and say Biggie doing a song together.  U didn't think u would ever be going to the same school as some of ur Summer friends or for some their worse enemies.  But even though we had like cops everywhere, and more volunteers than the United Way to watch over our lunch periods.  I know, my Uncle Mic (Mike) helped out, and since he was trained in the military, he had eyes everywhere.  If u even thought about throwing one of those ultra-cold french fries across the lunch room, just the thought, would have had you hugging the lunchroom tile with ur hands behind ur back.  All done in overcoat, suit, and Kangol hat, so u know my uncle was gangsta.

Our lockers were in like the other building, and this girl had like the same constant letter as me, so as the alphabet assignments of the lockers would go, she was a few lockers away from me.  Rachel, what's up!  So since she didn't go to the same junior high schools, this was the first interactions with her.  Now whenever, I tell these "love gone wrong, but really right" stories, I always try to give a physical description of that girl.  Not gonna lie, I'm severely nervous about giving a visual about this girl, cuz I don't really want my phone blowing up, but it's our diary, and we don't care...I should just call out her name, but I won't...Let's see, this girl reminded me of.....Mega cute smile...Full-figured build...Alright, she reminded me of Tiffany Amber-Thiessen, but not the Kelly, Saved By The Bell version, but like the Fastlane version, which in a way she was sexier, nother topic again...but that's a dead on description on how she looked.  For real...Now I'm really getting embarrassed. (Hands on my head)

So I would see her around and stuff.  Maybe a "hi" here or there.  We  didn't have that many classes together.  But as we moved up through the grades, let's just say we did.  I took a lot of AP classes, and she did as well.  We also had  like a general studies classes together like this one Film class or something like that, and when I wasn't looking at MTV videos that our teacher taped late night style from the night before (Not kidding!  We watched music videos, how cool was that!), I would "happen" to glance over her way.  I think what I was attracted to was that I always thought she was slept-on.  Like, she was part of the, I guess "cool" crowd, and many of her friends were I was ultra-cool with definitely.  Knew all her friends really, and they all knew me.  But, she was like the Miranda Hobbes character on the show Sex and The City.  Like even though she wasn't the head honcho of her group, and even though when u ask guys who out of those four girls you would like to date or get with or hit or whatever, her name rarely comes up...she's actually the one who may have had the wildest stories.  This girl was like hidden like that.

So as like 10th grade came and throughout the years, we would have more and more classes together.  And we would talk, more and more.  A lot really.  During passing periods we would laugh and talk about assignments.  I remember like us playing basketball in the gym during lunch period, and afterwards we got back to class, and my girl was like, "Austin, was out there hooping" and all this and that...I saw her up in tha stands and I immediately turned into Jordan against Boston circa 1986 when he scored 63!  As I would many times during my high school career.  And I'm gonna tell a secret from an athlete...We know who's in the crowd during a game.  Especially, in high school.  I'll see her with her other cute friends, and it was a positive reinforcement, as with my other homeboys, and lady friends, and parents, u do ur best when those who u care about are there to support you.  I had lots of love, and if u have fam or friends who play sports, support them and go to the games, cuz it does make a difference, for real.  Now...

I was more and more digging this girl, just on a friend tip.  Even though I could see, like if I asked her out, I wonder...But more flirtations or just cool gestures would come.  Now me and her were having even more classes together...Ain't it wild how like u can have classes with tha same 15 people all throughout High School??...Now though, we were sitting next to each other, either front to back, or side to side..."That's the way I like to..."...I'm getting in trouble tonight, but u old club heads remember that freaky song right!  So we would be close, and dude, we be in the middle of class, the teacher's talking, and she would turn around to write something in my notebook like, "Austin is cool" or any cute little sayings...and I would be like, "Man, she keeps on doing these little things."  Then, like I said, she would be in front of us, so all those high school hormones would creep up, so while homedude was talking about chemistry problems up on the dry-erase board, I would glance dead ahead of me, and see this super cute girl, with a curvy body, and thinking about our own science and math problems with adding u and me, subtracting clothes...yada yada.

So by Senior year, we were really cool.  Really cool.  But I never asked her out or anything.  Now that I think about it, I don't know why.  Another mystery, but u just don't approach every single person who u dig, or accept every person who digs on you.  For one, u'll be up all night...Secondly, you'd...did anybody get that but us?!!!...Secondly, just because u feel for somebody, doesn't mean they supposed to be ur lover.  It's ok for a girl and a guy, to just be friends, u know.  It is possible.  So me and this girl was mad confortable with each other, and I just keep this secret to myself, and the only people who knew were me and Madonna.  

Ok.  We graduated and stuff from High this one day during the Summer, I'm up at the Beach working my Summer job, and this homegirl rolls through.  I see her familiar ride, and I'm like, "Ok, here's da-da-da." she pulls up, and I say "What's up", and this scalawag, like said "hi" but in a like, "whatever guy" kind of way.  I immediately made a facial expression like I just smelled some smelly socks, and was like, "U gotta be kidding me right?"  For real, it messed me up...And it continued to mess me up, cuz she got out of the car, and of course all guys in the Midwest love the Summertime cuz that's when the girl's come out of Winter's closet, and believe u me, we guys are all gay because of it!  That's pretty good ain't it (Wink!).  So this girl, had on those short Ralph Lauren Polo khaki shorts, and her legs were of course thick in the thighs and had that borderline golden tanning salon look.  (I prefer the real thing, but sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do.)  As I see her walking around, I'm thinking to myself, how can u talk to somebody every single day...laugh and giggle...have this girl writing you notes...and u thinking she's one of the peeps u don't wanna forget and wanna keep in ur black book, to somebody who doesn't even acknowledge ur presence.  Does a diploma do all that?  Heck, if it does, I see why so many people back in the day dropped outta school.  If people trip off of a piece of paper, and when I say this I mean it, cuz this episode went down within days of our graduation, and I was left stunned.  That happened to me a lot, I guess they should nickname me the #1 stunna!

I saw her a time or two again, and still the brush off.  Crazy dude.  Why did we write all this, I don't know, I feel like MUD backwards really.  But, sometimes, well a lot of times u get tested in the areas u don't want to be tested in.  Now the second time I saw that chick, I coulda went off or something.  I didn't even say anything, but ur kind of hurt (At tha moment) wondering what did u do wrong?  What could u have said?  Should I have asked her to get some Dilly Bars at DQ?  U question urself, a gazillion times...which is Ok.  But when the dust settles, u have to realize that sometimes u really didn't do anything wrong.  U just lived life, and no matter what u would have done, he or she would have done or acted the same way.  So there's no reason to beat urself up, and think that u failed or anything.  As we've said before, when friendships or relationships break down, sometimes its simply that the other person may not be good enough for you.  Or to even be more real, as we've been tonight, sometimes the other person feels like they aren't good enough for you.  That's what we deal with, sometimes we see somebody who we think is cool or hot, and I get the sense that they don't feel like they are like our type or aren't as confident to be around us.  I don't care how u dress per se, or if you way like a buck 90 or something, believe u me, u're a hottie.  But its tough to tell somebody their a hottie, when they don't believe it themself.  Sooner or later, it comes down to you.  And as a man thinketh, so is he.  (Think that's in the Bible...Proverbs 23: 7...u get it all in our diary...ALL!)

I'm done.  The best is yet to come.  That's scary to even think about.  It's all about love and fun.  But in order to get the future, u gotta let go of the past.  Let bygones be bygones, and move on.  Nobody knows that more than us...we tell stories,  but we've let go.  And now, we're seeing the benefits of doing so.

And so will you.

Have a good night.
Austino Galaxia The 1st.