Sunday, December 16, 2012

Assignment: A Surprised Guest Appearance.

Previously seen on last episode titled, "A Night With The Boss"....

And's episode...Enjoy!

'So you're absolutely sure about this?  I mean no joking around, this is true?'

"Listen, he told me himself.  One night when things were hot and heavy between us, he told me a lot of stuff that like boyfriends and girlfriends in a relationship would share.  This was one of them."

'Let's just keep this between ourself, until the time is right.  We may can use this information, for us, I think it'll be as useful as a broom sale on Halloween.'

"You're Tha Boss."

'Get some rest, Julia,  alright, it's gonna get real crazy down there in South Florida, and from what I'm hearing you and Yammi are gonna have ur hands full following this Galaxia fellow.  So get ur beauty sleep and I'll talk to you later.'

"Sure 'nuff.  And I just wanna than..."


(The Next Morning)

Man, this has been a wild last couple of days.  (Yawn!!)  Boy...just felt a little out of rhythm of sorts.  Our workout on yesterday was a fight just to get through.  Didn't feel like doing too much, yet was up to the wee hours of the night taking care of some stuff.  But hey, it's a new day, let's see what's going on?  Let me turn on the TV...I just can't watch any of this news coverage of that school shooting.  I just can't do it, I mean who would shoot innocent people for no real reason, just makes u so sick.  And of course the news is gonna really blow it up, almost just like tha shooter would want it...u can't live in fear so...just pray for those families and friends hits home for everyone, especially if u have kids.   

I was just thinking the other day, how my life is so different from so many people I know.  I wonder what have I become.  Not in a bad way, I hope (Gulp!), but just in's tough to explain.  When many of ur friends have their wives, and soon-to-be's, with a kid or two, maybe got their careers in order with their homes and such, we just wonder what about "The Kid" u know...The Heat beat the Wizards last night, I knew they were gonna blow them out, I really didn't even concern myself with the game cuz I knew.  It's different this year, not as much hype, this seems like a good article in today's Miami Herald from my guy Dan Le Batard, I guess he feels the same way.  It's like sometimes its more fun chasing the prize than the hype of actually getting it.  Not for everything, but in a lotta ways. 

Man, nothing on TV, I guess I'll settle on watching Pop's dude Guy Fieri as he cooks with my Pre-School crush Brooke Shields.  Having a crush when u're six years old, is that even legal?  I mean while other kids were thinking about playing with toys and crayons, I guess I had other things on my mind.  Some kids learned the alphabet A-B-C-D, etc...I guess I learned mine, L-O-V-E-K-I-S-S-I-N-G, etc., heck I didn't even know their wasn't two S's in tha thang until like 3 years ago.  It took me until last year to know that there aren't three X's in the alphabet!  That's funny, once again, u gotta be a freak to get that!  Maybe that's the whole problem, I see so much beauty in not only people, but in these girls.  It's insane, what I encounter on a daily basis.  I feel so's not a craving, but more of an appreciation of what sexiness is really all about.  A girl can look girl with short stature, tall stature, 32A cup, 44DD cup, pretty smile, arm full of tattoos, dresses like a fashion intern, has the freakyness of a political intern, loves God, loves to party, has a voice of an angel, weighs 195 pounds but carries herself like a queen, is over the age of 40...50....60...under the age of...well, I better not go there.  But it's like I have gone through EVERY single step in terms of love life.  Every one.  The lessons I have learned are so invaluable, I mean just within the last few days I've learned so much it's ridiculous.

Learning that sometimes u just have to 'Let Go', u know.  Ah, let's see, I learned that it's gonna take a really special person to be by my side.  The standards have be defined, and I'm seeing that it is more of the little things that I notice that will be the basis of my dating and love decisions.  Does this person or is this person really down to help others?  Are they always talking about people instead of ideas?  Do they really have an interest in changing the world, cuz if they don't have a feel for that how can they want to change a Galaxy?  I also want somebody who is as real around us, as they are when they 'aren't' around us.  Sometimes I think people act differently with us around, I don't want that dude.  Be you.  I've been thinking about all these dolls that I've been blessed to come around.  Some have boyfriends, which is a subject for another day...this one girl I recall asking her, "What type of music do you listen to?".  And her answer was so precise, it wasn't that standard, "1 in the morning" at the bar type answer, "I listen to everything." No this girl gave me precise genres, artists, the whole she-bangs...I mean sha-bang.  I guess u could tell what was running through my mind as she was telling us this.  It was awesome and refreshing.  I think when u have somebody like myself or other guys and girls who've seen "a lot", u reach a point where u want and need to see and hear something...innovative or different from the norm.  

U just do, like I always have said, if u've grown up all ur life in a field full of naked bunnies, u need to find out what differentiates each bunny from the next.  They're all naked with similar features, so does this one like to hop more, or does this one have to have grass to survive (Watch out for those, drugs can kill!), does one just want to make eggs all day....Which is cool, just know I like mine 'Sunny Side Up'!! If u catch my drift!!...I guess this is the route u have to go through, there aren't any shortcuts and u can't "Choke The Process" as Kobe said, that was a good interview.  I felt like I could relate so much to what he was talking about.  I have a special life, but now we starting to realize that much of everything that has happened has actually turned for our good.  Weird stuff dude...u can sometimes feel rejected, or wonder why do "I" have to go through all this mumbo-jumbo, when if life was really's part of the molding.  I can't be sitting here thinking about all this, cuz I got stuff to do, but it's been wild.  U change, and u adjust, but u wonder like "W-O-W!" did this just happen...again.  Sometimes u wonder the route, but as time moves on, u realize that it takes each and every "this stinks or this sucky ducky" moment to reach that "Ok, I can handle it" or that "I don't give a fudge" attitude.  That's real talk.

Now things have turned in some ways, indescribable.  Good things take time.  And it's taken us some time to realize that.  When things don't look so peachy and cream, u gotta or u're forced to look within urself.  How bad to u want it.  Do u wanna take it to the next level?  Are u in the right place or the wrong place at the wrong time?  I'm such a...dreamer.  Is believing that anything is possible really worth it, if others don't feel the same way you do?  If u gotta go alone can u handle it?  Are high expectations of being who u wanna be a bad thing? All these things go into ur heart and mind, but that's when the true you comes out.  And all of us are an original.  There's only one "me", so u learn it won't work if u try to be somebody u aren't or if u try to be like everybody else.  The combination of 'you' makes a huge difference in the winds of life.  I always talk about having fun, and I still believe that before all is said and done others will feel the same way.  I used to think that I was ahead of our time.  It's kind of funny cuz now I just think we aren't ahead of our time, but just live in a different time zone.  Some people like living in New York and the Eastern time zone, others prefer the late sunsets of the Pacific.  I prefer the Fun zone.  It's not for everybody, and there are adjustments, but while others may be doing their thang, I think it's suited for a select few.  I know it's suited for us.  Perfectly.  Come rain or shine, or the extended dark nights or hot days...I love it.  And wouldn't live in any other time...Huh...It's our time.

Boy, I kind of miss writing in our diary like we used to.  I remember those long diary entries where we poured out our heart to a computer.  People may have read our stuff, that we don't even know.  So many stories, I shouldn't have told, I'm thinking about this girl, Julia.  She represents so much.  Maybe she's a combination of all the girls of our past  and future.  Beauty outside, the arguments, which I shouldn't have gone off on her the other day.  I know right now she's on the beaches of Brazil, I can tell you right now, she eating an half a bagel, with Tropicana 50 Orange Juice with a small bowl of granola on the side.  I wouldn't be who I am without her.  I don't even know why I even talk to her, and vice versa.  When u break up in the manner we did, most wouldn't even wanna remain pseudo-friends.  For real.  Perhaps it's something in her that still motivates me....maybe in not having her, just the thought of her pushes me to the next level.  She always says I'm the ultra-competitor when it comes to life and love.  She knows me...and I know her.  Relax Austino.  It's over.  Move on.  I guess she represents so much of my past, that she now defines my future.  Let me say that again...she represents so much of my past, that she now defines my future. 


Well, enough of me just sitting around here thinking and talking to myself.  I got stuff to do.  I gotta hit up Target for some buns and trail mix and some wheat pasta.  Gotta wash the ride.  Also wanna go up to the Plantation and Fort Lauder...


This is what I'm talking about.  This girl...

"We need 2 talk. Ur Babe. Angelica."

I guess she can't let go.  But today is start of something new and the very first day that I've realized...

I have.


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