Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Assignment: An Angel Talks

Last seen on The New Adventures of Austino Galaxia:

"...Boss...I going to be straight as a lightning bolt with you's...I may be going to jail."

'...You know you're putting me in a tough situation, right...Yammi.'

"Oh, how I love me's Boss.  Galaxia.  Zhis Court Case.  Julia...Zhis is one of zhose nights..."

And now tonight's episode...Enjoy!

December 4th, 2012.

I have like, no idea what to do.  I don't know if I can even trust these guys.  The Boss is somebody who seems cool, but I've never seen his face.  He reminds me of Doctor Claw from Inspector Gadget, yet I haven't even seen his paws.  Then you got this Yammi fellow, who is nothing but a playboy and I know he wants to bean bag me and he's gonna make a move on me sooner or later, but I'm just gonna put on my Brazilian swag, and ignore him...Then again, it would be nice to get some attention, and he is kinda cute.  Oh, I can't fall for a guy like that, besides yesterday he had a court case all the way in Paris.  At least he's traveled...Oh, man, what should I do.

How did I end up in this situation, down here in Miami Beach?  I guess only two words come to mind...Austino Galaxia.  When I first met him at that party , I just knew it was just something different about him, but I didn't know what.  I shoulda known that when he dissed me over those gold and purple Louboutin shoes my Mom got me, that he was just trying to get to me.  But I guess it worked.  I recall so much and he told me so much.

I remember on our first date he told me that I wasn't his "type".  Which was alright, but he went on to tell me how at the time he was digging those blond, tan girls with, let me see how did he put it...with a 'Cali...fornia Personality'.  What in the friggin' Golden State is that supposed to mean?  And then on top of that he told me name after name, and I was like, "He's such a conceited creep."  If that wasn't enough, he continued to talk about how not only girls like him, but guys too.  So??  I mean who cares.  He acts like he's the only hot guy in the planet or excuse me, in tha galaxy or whatever.  Guys and girls hit on me all the time too.  The minute I tell somebody that I'm from Rio Day Jay, their eyes light up.  I probably can get anybody I want, but I'm not that type of person, and with people, or me being in the spotlight, and folks recognizing me I have to watch out.

Wow!  This is some type of view of the Atlantic Ocean from this hotel room.  I wonder if I could see myself living here...and if so, could me and that guy ever get back together again.  Rumor has it, that he's a free agent & on the market.  This afternoon, my girl Almond called me with all kinds of tidbits on his love life.  She told me how, him and this one girl were in the same room, and how just a few days ago they were cool, and feeling each other, to now, they barely had, or Pooh...I guess I'm the only one who calls him that still...Austino barely even spoke to him.  I told Almond, that's just like him...it's not that he holds grudges but it's just that he doesn't forget, when somebody has given the effect of 'rejection' towards him.  He knows he has the ultimate lifestyle so when somebody doesn't want to join in on the fun, it blows his mind like Eve and Gwen.  The guy has an ego the size of Antarctica, he just doesn't show it all the time.  But that's what I lov...I mean like about him.  He's confident.  And he wants things a certain way...it's almost a gift but sometimes it feels like his appetite for sharing fun can seem like a curse cuz others just don't understand.

That's my girl, Almond.  She keeps it so real with me all day, e-very day.  She was telling me how somebody like scratched Pooh's car the other day.  I don't know how she gets her info, maybe she should be on this case instead of me!!  But how Galaxia was a little hot but not like some times past.  I remember not too long ago, he called me in Brazil to tell me of this wacky incident that unfolded right before his eyes. He's seen and done so much.  No wonder he speaks on dating nothing but '10's', and only dealing with models and actresses and those girls who know both sides of being...different.  That's why we clicked so well.

Austino always tried to make me better.  Whenever we spent the night together we would just spend hours in bed, just talking.  He would tell me about the books he read.  Let me tell you, he has quite of a collection. I bought him a few...I know he loves autobiographies, so I got him some on Madonna, Willie Mays, The Rock, a bio on Elvis.  He only wants to read about people who either have reached or are going where he wants to be.  Which is the top.  I remember this one night, I had a video shoot here in Miami.  He took me to one of his secret love spots in Brickell.  I don't know how many other girls he's taken back there, off of Brickell Ave., and right behind the Four Seasons hotel, it has such a private walkway, and the view is so heavenly.  But he told me how, he didn't want a girl that he could look in her eyes all day.  He said his new focus is to find a "beautiful and cool" gal who not only looks in his eyes, but looks in the same direction as he does.  I later found out that he got that from the Ice-T book I let him use, but it fits.

I remember all those days of me coming to South Florida on a model shoot or magazine article.  Whenever I got off from work, he was waiting for me with 'Sasha' (His ride, don't ask!) and we would just drive, and laugh and put on some Pitbull or N.O.R.E or even some old jams from Sean Paul.  He just knew how "Get Busy" would get me all wound up!  I guess he had a hidden message in his musical choice.  We would just ride up outta of the city, he likes to get away from the wildness of South Beach where he lives, and I like to see new things as well.  We would go vintage shopping in Fort Lauderdale.  Out of The Closet has some of the coolest deals.  I gotta visit the one in Los Angeles next time I'm out there!  The one in Sobe is nice as well.  Our trips up to Boca Raton are also legendary.  He calls it, "My Hamptons South".  He loves it up there, and has told me that if he didn't live in Miami, he would live up there.  I remember going up to some Publix grocery store up there, except it was so different because it was nothing but healthy foods or a natural foods grocery store.  Pooh told me he hadn't seen one like it down in South Florida.  He's so...he goes too far really.  I mean, no butter...no sugar...I've seen him eat Eggo waffles with no Syrup.  Just plain...Now I'm a sexy nut when it comes to health, but I just didn't think I'll ever meet my equal.  Oh...he can't stand that sweetner either, just this Natrataste stuff.  He says that anything else makes him pimple out...how could I have ever fallen for this guy??

So many memories huh?  What to do?  Should I continue...c'mon Diary tell me something!  Don't just let me get all emotion writing all this stuff.  For some reason I think I'll continue, not for those guys like The Boss and Yammi, but for myself.  Maybe his diary online, and the stories he told weren't so far fetched after all.  Although the first time I read about him talking about this Columbian beauty, I had to put my hands over my eyes, cuz he's so up front about the whole ordeal.  I wonder if he's gonna write about what happened or is happening between me and him.  I told him I don't care if he does or not...but I'm not sure if he'll take me up on it.  Especially all the fun we had behind...

(Don't talk...Baby just move with me...Take a...)

See.  There he is now.  Should I pick up this call and talk to him.  It's late.  I'm just so....

(Don't talk...Baby just move with me...Take a...)

Sorry, Galaxia.  If it's important you'll leave a message.  Maybe this was my last chance though...Why do I let this guy drive me so crazy.  I've dated so many guys, athletes, rappers, actors, heck I even dated Dr. 90210, but this guy is the only one who...I don't know.  Anyway....I have to get some rest.  This is about to get real crazy in my life.  I'm just gonna ride the wings of uncertainty and hope that everything will work itself out.  And it real.  It has to.  Besides, I'm Julia Angelica Guiterrez.  If he or anybody wants me they're gonna have to chase me.  Whoever is willing to do that, will get the gem that I am.  And besides I expect a guy who  loves challenges like Pooh to do his best to win me back, even though he won't admit it.  I just know him.  Watch...if it's important he'll leave a message...and in 4....3...2....1....


Told ya.  I got him.  For now...I think I better cherish these moments though.... I just have a funny feeling it won't be long before the rest of the world will as well.

Love ya!!



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