Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Assignment: A Night With The Boss

On the last emotional episode of The New Adventures of Austino Galaxia...

'I'm back...me friend..'

"Oh, it's you."

'Calls him.'

"Ok.  Here goes..."

'I've created something that's so much bigger than ourself.  You feel like you should be done paying the dues needed for success, and you sometimes just get fed up with having to wait...'

"...In life you have to pay the ultimate price for the ultimate prize."

'I don't believe I'm hearing this right now.  Not from this Brazilian girl who...'

"The thing this guy doesn't know is that I know him better than he knows himself..."

'You sounds like you's have...a plan.'

"You have no idea....and neither does he."

And now tonight's anticipated premiere episode...Enjoy!

And today was another hot and unseasonably humid day here in South Florida...


No, you're wrong.  Manny Pacquiao should not have even thought about fighting Marqu...


And you can catch Dicaprio in his new flick Django Unchained on this upcoming Christmas Day.


We caught up with DJ Khaled on his new jam, "Models and Bottles".


There just ain't nothing on TV nowadays, I tell ya.  You work hard all day, wanting to just come home and kick off your shoes so your puppies can relax, and there ain't...I remember the good ol' days when I used to come home to classic family TV shows and when the news was about something good.  Now all I can catch is sum booty action and who got shot, and which public officer got arrested for this and that...I think I need to cut my cable, it just ain't worth it anymore.  Other than watching the NBA League Pass, and my Cooking channel, ain't nothing going on in the boob tube.  It used to be a time where I didn't even have to pay for that but now I can't get Cinemax on the black box hookup that my friend's friend used to do.  So now I'm stuck like Chuck.  Oh well, all this talking to myself.  Maybe I need to get some work done.

You know what I'm gonna do some homework on this Galaxia guy, u can' never work too hard.  I'm sure Julia and Yammi are on the case down in Florida, well at least Julia.  As for Yammi, he just wants to party and see if he can bump into a Real Housewife of Miami cast member at a benefit party.  This guy...Love him or hate him, he never stops loving the ladies or having fun.  Reminds me a lot of myself back in the day.   I was always The Boss, but back in the day, my worse days were better than many folks' best years.  I RAN... things.  I partied all the time.  Had all the latest in cars, fashion....I once wore a fur coat down in Portugal during the Summer months just so people could see I had that cheese.  The babes I had.  Oh boy!  I left no expense in making sure that those dolls and myself had a grand time.  Steakhouses in New York, the finest Asian joints in San Francisco, I remember eating at The Forge down in Miami Beach in the 80's when u either was a star or a drug dealer just get inside the coat room.   I had my own table there with wine waiting.  It was the good old days of me just jetsetting and enjoying life.  That's what attracts me to this Galaxia fellow.  Seems like this world is missing something or someone to just help take it up a notch and really help and show people what fun and more importantly what dreams are made of.

Alright, let me cut on my computer.  Let me see...w-w-w...dot...a-u-s-t-i-n-o...glaxia....dotcom.   Boy I love these new computers.  You know what let me put on some music, and dig into this guy...Looking through my albums...how about some...Steely Dan.  Oh yeah!  Gimmie some 'Black Cow' and this party is gonna be happening.   (Phew!)  These turntables are dusty...now it's on..."I don't care anymore...how you run around", see this is real music.  Let me go to the fridge and get me a cold RC Cola, let me see do I have any more twinkies left.  I can't believe these guys are going outta business, I just may have to hit up the Piggly Wiggly down the street and just buy up every hostess product just to save them. (Pop!)  Ah....yeah, that RC is gravy, now let me take a seat and study this guy.


Was that the phone?


Boss speaking.

"Hey Boss, what's ah...going on?"

'Yammi!  I haven't heard from you since you returned from Paris, what's happening pal!'

"Well...ah Boss it was a fan-tas-stick trip.  No jail time for...ah me.  Now I'm back in la Miami.  And am about to go out tonight.  Zhat Art Basel wore me out...zhe exhibits...zhe parties...all zhe questions of ah, "Is Yammi yours reals name?"  WHY OF COURSE, I'M ZHE GREAT YAMMI!  ZHE CONQUISTADOR OF...."

'Have you been drinking again?  I told you about all this pre-game activity before you hit the town.'

"But ah...Boss, me no drink.  Just excited.  I met Bunny zhis ah...weekend.  Now she wants to hop on over and lay..."

'Too much.  What about this Galaxia guy....anything new?'

"Boss, he's been all over zhe ah...place.  I'll get into that in a mo-mento...ha ha!"

'What's so funny?'

"No Boss, it's just zhat zhis week...end, I met zhis beauty at ah...Nikki Beach...and we joked about my Spanish, and I told her zhat was all I knew...and she laughed and then she said she knew some french...and next thing I know it our tongues touched and..."

'Can we get back to Galaxia.'

"Oh.  But ah...Boss.  Julia and um...Galaxia had an argument zhe other day.  A big blowup.  Zhey reminded me of zhat show where zhey fight..."

'U talking about Jerry Springer?'

"No...Zhat show...where..."

'How about Cheaters?'


'Basketball Wives LA?"

"Ah...Who??  Anyways, now Julia is all upset, and she's all in with digging up, and telling everything she knows about Galaxia.  She's hot Boss... figuratively and literally.  Boss, is zhat Steely Dan in zhe background.  Are you expecting some..."

'I don't know what you're talking about.  So what's been up with this guy Austino?'

"He's been all over zhe place.  Likes he knows we're on to him.  He went up North to zhis Pembroke Pines, but he took zhis ah...weird route.  Kind of scary to take zhose back of a roads, but...Saw him buying zhis toy of zhe Riddler."

'From Batman?'

"Yeah, I don't know how he got it.  It's a rare figure and... ah...difficulty to find.  He also got some CDs that he's been looking for.  According to Julia, she thinks he really was just trying to get some music to ah...throw an 80s party.  She said he's always wanted to throw one, so we shall see."


"Hold on Boss...(Would you like more water Sir?)...Alright, where was I?"

'Exactly, where are you at?'

"On zhe pool relaxing before zhe night begins. Oh...Oh  Boss."

'What is it??'

"Remember when I zold you awhile ago about zhat ah...girl."

'Which one?'

"Ah...zhat Manu Ginobilli things..."


"Well, I saw her and Galaxia really ah...socializing on today.  It was really a nice vibe."


"Julia keeps telling me not to read anything into it.  But I thought zhey wouldn't talk again.  Now it's like...And he's also been talking to a few other girls zhat I have a feeling he might be writing about really soon.  At least I would."

'That's nothing new, he says that nobody has seen or been in contact with more beautiful and cool women than him.  So what's your next move?'

"Well...we thought he was going to this concert on Friday, but those plans have been cancelled.  Julia thinks zhat means he's going out and going to be doing something bigger and more fun.  Our angel says he's tough to reads cuz he goes with zhe day...it coulds be ah...washing zhe-car or a flick... Recently he decided to ah...stay in zhe moment."

'You guys dig up something...he's all over the place down there so...go back to his apartment.  I need a scoop.  Can u do that for me Yammi?!  Time is getting short before...'

"I knows Boss....we'll be on it."

'I gotta get back to my project here.  Stay outta trouble tonight, will you please?'

"Boss you have's my word.  I'll do anything zhat you..."


Now.  Getting back to this diary of Galaxia.  How about I start at the very beginning...April of last year is a long time ago...I know things have change, maybe I could find something that would...


Who can be calling me at...



"Boss...it's Julia."

Julia...Are you Ok?

"I'm about to spill some stuff about your subject that will help you with your investigations of sorts.  Is it ok, that I tell you everything..."


"Boss...Get ready...You have no idea what I'm about to tell you."

'Oh Really...'

'Really.  See...Pooh or Austino as you call him...he's....'


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