Saturday, December 8, 2012

Assignment: Love and War

Previously on The New Adventures of Austino Galaxia...Click Here...

And now tonight's latest installment...Enjoy!




(Door Opens)

'I'm friend..'

"Oh, it's you."

'Ah...Yes...Zhe Great Yammi at yours ser-vi...cio.  How have's you been since we've last...ah...chatted.'

"Been alright...(Yawn!)...just been trying to clear our mind a little bit.  So what happened with your court thingy over in Paris?"

'Ha...zhe Judge ah...threw zhe case out of zhe courts.  He said that zhe girl was ah...I guess zhere wasn't enough evidence against me.  I a tolds him that I didn't force anythings zhat 4th of July night, but...zhese girls can't resist zhe..'

"I know...I know...The Great Yammi, right?!"

'Yes.  I have what ah...zhe rap-per Nelly says...ah...zhat Pimp Juice.'

" a lot of stuff has gone on since you've been away in regards to my boo..."


"I mean Sir Galaxia.  Sorry...I did a little research on Galaxia's website.  He hasn't written in a few days, and I know that when that happens, just from knowing him that means that he's not only been busy, but has had a lot of things on his mind."

'U mean like in Who's gonna win zhe Heisman?'

"The What?...No...So I know that whenever he has things on his mind he only goes to one place..."

'A Snow Party at ah...Alexander's house?  Tell him to ah...use zhe back door when zhe coppers show.'

"Where do u come up with this stuff?  No, stupid, he goes to a music store to clear his mind.  So the other day, I sent one of my friends, to scope out this Spec's Music place, that's going outta business.  Music for cheap, will guarantee a cameo appearance by Austino."

'Ah...Go on...'

"So the subject did show up, my girl was hanging out by the record area while watching him do some shopping.  But according to her, he really didn't go into his usual 'buy the bar' routine, only settling on two items and left.  Kind of strange."

'Huh.  It is, just by me sneaking around his place before I left, I could tell  zhat he's a recovering shopaholic.  He should be on zhat show MTV ah...True...True....'

"MTV's True Life."


"Well, he claims he's a funaholic now but I know it's still in him.  Something's wrong, I just sense it."

'Why don't you just call him?  Ask him what's up...ask him is he ok...ask him if I can get a visitior's parking pass for zhis South Beach.  Me tired of parking in zhe Parking Garage at zhis Fresh Market, and walking 2 miles.'

"I just don't think it'll be too much.  I know he's about to be out and about, so...."

'Calls him.'

"Ok.  Here goes..."

(You're Like My Favorite song...Just Wanna Turn You On and Rock You all Night Long...Cuz I....I...Just Wanna Be Your Man...You're Like My...)


"What's up, Babe!"

'Oh, I'm so glad to here from you doll.  It's been one of those days.'

"What's up?"

'It seemed like nothing went right on today. I tried to do this video thing for my website via YouTube and...'

"Wait!  You're back on YouTube?!!  Pooh it's been like ages since that's happened.  Like the whole world has changed.  I think the last time you did that we were togeth...yeah...continue."

'Yeah, girl.  But we were doing that for like 3 hours messing around with our computer that's been acting up. While dealing with that, I didn't even go shopping like I wanted to.  I had plans to..'

"Told You."  (Whisper Voice)

'Huh?  Did you say something?'


'But in doing that I couldn't even go shopping for music or get up North to Fort Lauderdale like I wanted to. That got me heated...Then I began to think about all the complexities of life, and why this and this is happening...or why does it just have to be so hard.'

"Babe.  I told you that sometimes it just doesn't happen as fast as you like it too.  I was watching the Lakers/Thunder game last night and the commentator Jeff Van Gundy said that as well.  You just have to remain patient and everything will work itself out."

'You always said that, but when does enough become enough.  Sometimes I just feel like everything is on me, you know.  Like perhaps I've created something that's so much bigger than ourself.  You feel like you should be done paying the dues needed for success, and you sometimes just get fed up with having to wait or having to bite your tougue when you feel like u should be doin' the fool...'

"Or at least The Dougie."

'Julia...I'm not joking.  It's serious.  Sometimes I think people get bored with excellence or with the same old same old, maybe I should just change everything about me and just fit in like everybody else instead of talking about having fun and showing love.  It's not easy...It's not fuc...'

"Watch ur mouth, Babe.  Listen....u recall all those tough times I had when we were together, and how you kept me motivated when I didn't get the gig or the cover of a magazine or when they didn't like me just because I was what they said, "too curvy"...u remember what u told me."


"Well, you told me that sometimes in life you have to pay the ultimate price for the ultimate prize.  I had a hard time understanding that.  It does seem like it's never gonna end and that there's no Lucky Charms at the end of the rainbow, but if u hang in there, there is."

'But when is enough...enough.  I've been through, I feel like everything...Like...sometimes I just feel like I've done all that I can do, and that it's not fair that I have to go through this route when I feel like others are doing whatever they want to do, and getting their's.  Isn't it time, Julia, for us to get ours??'

"First off, relax.  I know you've been working trying to do the right things and stuff, just believe that all the hard work, and the attitude of having fun and being different will pay off.  I think u told me that being different is sexy...right?"

'If it's so sexy, then why did you break up with me?'


'See this is tha thing...actions speak so much louder than words.  I was thinking the other day about how many girls I have had episodes with.  And all the complexities that have surrounded those relationships.  Whether it was folks who just got divorced...Religion being played.  I'm not bitter or anything, even by how you left me, but sometimes when u have a day like we've had on today or as crazy of a week we've had, u just wonder has anything, and I do mean anything been worth it?  Everything's blind faith right now...I get tired of thinking about "tomorrow", I want it right now.  And I think I deserve that.'

"That's the problem with you, and when we were together."

'Wait...Wait...I treated you like a queen.  EVERYTIME we were together, so don't you dare begin to say any trouble when we were dating... Cuz all those trips...all those Louis bags, the same brown and tan things, how many did you buy?  Huh...that's what I figu...'

"What u have to understand is that this world or galaxy or whatever doesn't revolve around you all the time.  U don't realize what's going have it good.  U do basically whatever you wanna do.  You live in South Beach, one of the ultimate and hottest zip codes on Earth, I mean, so what if this happened or some girls did you wrong.  You have to move on, and not get so down, just because everybody...Everybody isn't gonna like you.  Your time will come.  In regards to our relationship...I got tired of all the stories I heard about your past love life.  I know you had to tell them, but I felt like you didn't give me any respect.  You never mentioned me in any of your diary posts, it was all this Argentinean girl or this woman who was married...a girlfriend can only be put up with so much of being disrespected."

'I don't believe I'm hearing this right now.  Not from this Brazilian girl who...'

"I think you need to watch yourself before you say something you might regret..."

'I know I'm not hearing this from somebody who messed with every photographer who shot her.'


'I know I'm not hearing this from a girl...and I do mean... girl, who once went over to a well-known actor's house with his wife inside.'

"You know what...."

'I know I'm not hearing from a girl who slept with...'


''s it go?'

"I can't stand him...I CAN'T STAND HIM!!"


"He thinks he's the only one who's going through something.  He thinks he's the only one who had their heart broken.  It's like he's owed something.  (Huge Blow)  This is what you have to understand when dealing with people like this.  When you've seen as much as he has, it's almost as if these people of success thrive on challenges.  They embrace this sort of 'underdog' role when they are really the chased and not the chaser."

'I don'ts zhis some kind of Dr. Phil talk?'

"No, Yammi.  It's just that, when you have gone through the struggles, u realize that the challenges have made you better."

'Yeah, but I don't underst...'

"So, once you reach a certain success you make up all these things to put you back in the mindset of what go you to the moutain in the first place. It's like you've won the Powerball, got the winning ticket in your hand, but you are still waiting at the gas station wanting to buy 20 tickets."

'Zhat's ah...true.'

"I've dated so many men like him, but he just continues to think that the world is against him.  Or that the laws of life have him in a corner when he's really in a better place than he thinks.  I think that if he really got the bank account or if he were to meet the girl he wanted to in the past, we wouldn't see the man we see right now.  It's like he wouldn't have survived cuz that feeling of being cursed was actually the feeling of being gifted.  Many of us have that go on within us...but when u deal with Galaxia, it's a whole nother level."

'And you look good too.  There is a God!'

"Shut up, Yammi!  The thing this guy doesn't know is that I know him better than he knows himself.  I know what turns him on...what makes him tick...what to wear and say...and now I'm gonna make him pay for treating me like he did on today.  He's created something he can't handle, and I'm gonna exposed him for who he truly is, and not what he thinks he is."

'So what do you have in mind?'

" me downstairs in the lobby, we're gonna go get some breakfast"

'You sounds like you's have...a plan.'

"You have no idea....and neither does he."


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