Monday, May 2, 2011

Pop goes the Weasel!!

Kinda new at this blog thing, but just gonna write it as we write in our diary/journal/movie script...been keeping a written form of our autobiographical movie, at least since 2001 (what a year that was)...and the volumes are filled with a lot of stuff and episodes which we may share, cuz what do we have to hide.  Mean, all of us are going through something that has to do with work, money, health, ...taking folks out for a time out on tha town and then not hearing from them for years on end!  "Chick u owe me $27.59 in gas money at least!!!  And u owe me ur half of that 2 for $20 at Applebees!  Seriously.  This ain't cheap!"  But, let me let by-gones be by-gones and calm down...but u all know its true!...But its all good.  Check this out here's a quick conversation at KFC the other day:

Customer:  "Can I have a number #1..ah..$5 meal...white meat?"
KFC Worker:  "We don't have any white meat."
Customer:  "Ok, long do I have to wait?"
KFC Worker:  "Naw...we don't have any white meat AT ALL!!"
Customer: (Silence and disbelief on his "lost my puppy" face)

Now how do u not have white meat!?! In the freezer or anywhere! That's like going to Dairy Queen and them saying they don't make blizzards anymore or going to your local zoo and saying that the monkeys don't want to come out and play because they are all business now (haha! get it) just don't make sense.  This is gonna be a silly blog today,so get urself prepared.  It'll be funny !

Gonna try to share as many pictures of our wild life (has nothing to do with animals) as much as possible, so u get an inside view of what we see on a daily basis.  So yesterday, eye was at the American Airlines Arena for the playoffs.  Here are a few exclusive pics at the Heat's house for Game 1 of the Heat/Celtics Playoff Basketball series:

Don't You Love the M-I-A

Heat's Home

Boston's Locker Room - Think Big Baby will notice if I take his jersey


White Hot!
 A crazed atomsphere at the game, and a few stories to relay...Folks down here in Miami love t-shirts, I'm talking Prince Williams "Love", especially if they're free. These "White Hot" Haven't seen a buzz over tees like this since Karl Lagerfeld had is 1st design for H &M!  Real Talk. (Fashionistas remember this tee) ...also, as if I already didn't know playoff time is serious man, I got basically cussed out twice from a Boston fan discussing the referees cheating with their calls.  We almost told him cheating happens in all walks of life, bro:  in Love, in Monopoly, in Uno in which people pull a Draw 4 but when u ain't looking only Draw 2 cards,  or in Operation where u try to pick a bone from this tore up guy, which I feel sorry for him really to have so many amateurs operating on his accident ridden body constantly, but that's another story, anyhow, everyone around hears the "buzz" sound when u try to pick the bone, but u keep going like nothing happens and nobody says anything cuz its ur game and if anyone dares say anything, game night is over!  It happens!  So just get over it!! Of course, I didn't Charlie Sheen him but...Interesting note though ..the guy was calling me from a 949 area code ,which is super-weird because a) that's an Orange County, California area code , b) isn't that LA Lakers country , c) even if u live in Boston and u from Cali, knowing the few Northeasterners that I do, u might get your hat brought to the hospital!  Heck I personally don't think they even pick up the phone this time of the year from anyone with 949, 424, or 310 area codes!! Speaking-of-which...

The other day I literally got a call from Snoop Dogg aka tha Snoop Dizzle himself.  No lie!  I pick up the phone, say "hello", and its freaking Snoop!  He sounded like he was talking to me on speakerphone far away like he was "dropping it like its hot" at the same time! For I'm getting Beauty and the Geeked up ready  to ask him about topics like: his old  E! channel reality show, u know...does he still drink gin and juice off camera?...ask him what really happened between him and the Girls Gone Wild producers cuz I really wanna know...that kinda stuff we begin to speak...but dee oh double gee ain't stopping to hear me out, we thinking  "Snoop wait...Snoop, listen!" evidently it was a recording of some sort, of him plugging something.  Don't even remember.  But if anyone else out here got that recording seriously let me know because it sounded real.

We take those things serious, and  we ain't the only one..I mean I call the numbers if artists shout them out, or if they sing them in songs or just say call them, sometimes I do it just on basic gp! (i.e. - Chingy, Mike Jones)  I woulda called  the ol' singing group Morris Day and The Time when they sung "777-ninty-three eleven", but that's too many area codes to try to find them out!  Radio stations, dj's, once a dj said he was bored in the studio so he gave his # on the air and said text him! It was a Friday, I was at my place, the females were on another tip, got to loooking around at the walls and I mean Full House, Perfect Strangers, Step by Step and Family Matters got canceled all long time so... Jimmy the Crickets I figured I got nothing to do either!  Text him, he hit me back.. from cross-country saying he wish he was at where I was at! Enjoy life folks that's all we want to convey!  And always call because you never know they just may answer.  ( Is that a line from the book The Secret?)

Also, real quick, up at the Triple A for the game and one of the workers at the arena came by and was like  "he bought my hat for $100!." Like on the spot! I noticed the worker didn't have the Heat hat he had on when I saw him earlier, but he said this guy , let's just call him Mr. Sexy Love-One In A Million-Champagne Life-Ms. Independent pulled that ol' school kingpin move and bought him...I mean ,the hat, right off dudes' head. Then they showed my guy on the big screen wearing the newly bought hat!  So hilarious and can only happen here in the land of tha beautiful people.

Few other weasel comments before I hang em up for tha day...Lady Gaga's 1st album, The Fame, is a grand classic! Listened to it the other day again, and boy u wonder how someone who dresses in raw meat can be so talented.  I mean...really? I saw Lady Gaga dressed in raw...meat.  Let that marinate (or maybe u shouldn't if you are hungry right now!).  But I mean I've "hea...rd", with an emphasis on "heard",  of girls dressed in honey, whip cream, and maybe even some tabasco sauce, but raw meat?! Wow. She is a beautiful dame for real though...

Them boys, the Lakers play the Mavs tonight which brings us to the LA crowd at the Staples Center and, of course, I love the scene with the stars like Beckham, George Lopez, Spielberg, Dyan Cannon, "It's Bieber", the Kardashians (that sounds like a future blog ) and of course Jack Nicholson, it can't help but get u hype to play.  Shoot, in high school, I was excited when my guy from Little Ceasar's showed up to the game!  So I know how they feel.  In Los Angeles, the guys look beachy laid back in t-shirts and ripped jeans.  While the girls are walking around looking like a remixed Katy Perry "California Gurls" lyric.  One queston though, what  is up wit the sunglasses inside look?  And I'm talking about the dark black sunglasses where u can't see jack (literally!! u literally can't see Jack sitting in tha front row!!)!  They are jet black like a roll of developed film coming back from Walgreens!  And then to top it off, folks still recognize and know who u are!  So u ain't hiding!  Even myself, sometimes try to go low key down here in our neighborhood aka South Beach and call myself going low key for the whale of it , throwing on Kayne circa 2006 sunglasses on,  feeling like my swag is at an "all-time high" and u still see somebody who'll wave or yell "Hey, Austin!" and we be like how did they know it was us. Its a Kool Moe Dee style that's come back trendy.  If it's ur thing do it til ur satisfied, but a lil advice....(in our whisper voice) Girls like to look at u're eyes when u talk. That's a little for the guys to know, although it could be for the girls too (wink!)... let me stop.

Check out our playlist on the side, some summertime jams to get all of us going and ready for those beach days.  Also check out our Throwback Artist of the Week:  Mr. Craig David.

Hope u likes this thang...if u do spread the word via Twitter, Facebook, one of Mike Tyson's pigions, I don't care,  whatever! Let folk know!

Remember he or she that laughs...does lasts.  And no matter what ANYONE says is about having fun, things may happen, but still enjoy this life cuz it can disappear in an instant.  I know it can.

Til next time.
Much Luv,

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