Monday, May 2, 2011

Pop goes the Weasel!!

Kinda new at this blog thing, but just gonna write it as we write in our diary/journal/movie script...been keeping a written form of our autobiographical movie, at least since 2001 (what a year that was)...and the volumes are filled with a lot of stuff and episodes which we may share, cuz what do we have to hide.  Mean, all of us are going through something that has to do with work, money, health, ...taking folks out for a time out on tha town and then not hearing from them for years on end!  "Chick u owe me $27.59 in gas money at least!!!  And u owe me ur half of that 2 for $20 at Applebees!  Seriously.  This ain't cheap!"  But, let me let by-gones be by-gones and calm down...but u all know its true!...But its all good.  Check this out here's a quick conversation at KFC the other day:

Customer:  "Can I have a number #1..ah..$5 meal...white meat?"
KFC Worker:  "We don't have any white meat."
Customer:  "Ok, long do I have to wait?"
KFC Worker:  "Naw...we don't have any white meat AT ALL!!"
Customer: (Silence and disbelief on his "lost my puppy" face)

Now how do u not have white meat!?! In the freezer or anywhere! That's like going to Dairy Queen and them saying they don't make blizzards anymore or going to your local zoo and saying that the monkeys don't want to come out and play because they are all business now (haha! get it) just don't make sense.  This is gonna be a silly blog today,so get urself prepared.  It'll be funny !